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Industry Canada
235 Queen Street
Industrie Canada
235. rue Queen

f!' Floor. West Tower fI' stage, Tour ouest

Ottawa. Ontario Ottawa (Ontario)


Tel: (613) 954-2754

Fax: (613) 941·3085


Your file Votre reference

Our file Notre reference

A-20 10-00219

September 27,2010

Mr. David McKie

CBC News: Investigative Unit
181 Queen Street, 3rd Floor
Ottawa, Ontario

Dear Mr. McKie:

This is in reply to your request submitted under the Access to Information (the "Act") for:

"Copy of A20 10-190: All documents detailing complaints and or

comments from Canadians with respect to the 2006 Census long form."

Enclosed, you will find a copy of the relevant records and the "Requester Report" which
identifies the results of our review. An examination of the records has revealed that they
contain some infonnation which is exempt from disclosure under subsection 19( 1) of the
Act (copy enclosed).

Please note that as the fees for processing your request amounted to less than our $25.00
guideline they have been waived by this department.

For your information, you are entitled to file a complaint with the Information
Commissioner within sixty days of the receipt of this notice. The notice of complaint should
be sent to: The Information Commissioner, 7th Floor, Tower B, Place de Ville, ]] 2 Kent
Street, Ottawa, Ontario, K IA 1H3.



Please do not hesitate to contact Suzanne Tremblay of our office at (613) 954-2754
regarding any questions you may have on this matter.


[,. Kimberly Eadie
f" Director
Infonnation & Privacy Rights Administration

Attachments: 118 pages

Subsection 19{1)
Requester Report

19. (1) Subject to subsection (2), the head of a government institution shall refuse to
disclose any record requested under this Act that contains personal information as defined in
section 3 of the Privacy Act.


SECTION 3 Definition of Personal Information (PRIVACY ACT)

"Personal information" means information about an identifiable individual that is recorded

in any form including, without restricting the generality of the foregoing,

(A) information relating to the race, national or ethnic origin, colour, religion, age or
marital status of the individual,

(B) information relating to the education or the medical, criminal or employment history
of the individual or information relating to financial transactions in which the individual has
been involved,

©) any identifYing number, symbol or other particular assigned to the individual,

(D) the address, fingerprints or blood type of the individual,

(E) the personal opinions or views of the individual except where they are about another
individual or about a proposal for a grant, an award or a prize to be made to another
Individual by a government institution or a part of a government institution specified in the

(F) correspondence sent to a government institution by the individual that is implicitly or

explicitly of a private or confidential nature, and replies to such correspondence that would
reveal the contents of the original correspondence,

(0) the views or opinions of another individual about the individual,

(H) the views or opinions of another individual about a proposal for a grant, an award or
a prize to be made to the individual by an institution or a part of an institution referred to in
paragraph (e), but excluding the name of the other individual where it appears with the
views or opinions of the other individual, and

(I) the name of the individual where it appears with other personal information relating
to the individual or where the disclosure of the name itself would reveal information about
the individual,

but, for the purposes of sections 7, 8 and 26 and section 19 of the Access to Information Act,
does not include

(J) information about an individual who is or was an officer or employee of a

government institution that relates to the position or functions of the individual including,
(I) the fact that the individual is or was an officer or employee of the government

(Ii) the title, business address and telephone number of the individual,

(Iii) the classification, salary range and responsibilities of the position held by the

(Iv) the name of the individual on a document prepared by the individual in the course
of employment, and

(V) the personal opinions or views of the individual given in the course of

(K) information about an individual who is or was performing services under contract
for a government institution that relates to the services performed, including the terms of the
contract, the name of the individual and the opinions or views of the individual given in the
course of the performance of those services,

(L) information relating to any discretionary benefit of a financial nature, including the
granting of a licence or permit, conferred on an individual, including the name of the
individual and the exact nature of the benefit, and

(M) information about an individual who has been dead for more than twenty years.
Requester Report
Rapport du demandeur

Request Number / Numero de la demande: A-2010-002J9

Total Documents / Nombre de documents: 12
Total Pages / Nombre de pages: 118

Pages Disclosure / Divulgation Exemptions - Exclusions

00000 I - 000001 Partial / Partielle s.19(1)
000002 - 000006 Release / Divulguee
000007 - 000007 Partial / Partielle s. I9(1)
000008 - 000008 Release / Divulguee
000009 - 000010 Partial / Partielle s.19(1)
000011 - 000014 Release / Divulguee
000015 - 000015 Partial / Partielle s.19(1 )
000016 - 000016 Release / Divulguee
000017 - 000017 Partial / Partielie s.19(1)
000018 - 000018 Consult-Partial/Consultation partielle s.19(1)
000019 - 000019 Consult-Release / Consultation divulguee
000020 - 000020 Partial / Partielle
000021 - 000022 Partial / Partielle s. I9( I)
000023 - 000024 Partial / Partielle s.19(1)
000025 - 000025 Partial / Partielle s.19(1)
000026 - 000026 Consult-Partial/Consultation partielle s.19(1)
000027 - 000027 Consult-Release / Consultation divulguee
000028 - 00003 I Partial / Partielle s. 19(1)
000032 - 000032 Consult-Partial/Consultation partielle s.19(1 )
000033 - 000033 Consult-Release / Consultation divulguee
000034 - 000034 Partial / Partielle s.19(1)
000035 - 000035 Partial / Partielle s.19(1)
000036 - 000042 Consult-Partial/Consultation partielie s.19(1)
000043 - 000043 Partial / Partielle s.19(1 )
000044 - 000046 Consult-Release / Consultation divulguee
000047 - 000048 Partial / Partie lie s.19(1)
000049 - 000049 Consult-Partial/Consultation partielle s.19(1 )
000050 - 000050 Consult-Release / Consultation divulguee
000051 - 000051 Partial / Partielie s.19(1)
000052 - 000053 Consult-Release / Consultation divulguee
000054 - 000054 Release / Divulguee
000055 - 000055 Consult-Release / Consultation divulguee
000056 - 000057 Partial / Partielle s.19(1 )
000058 - 000058 Release / Divulguee
000059 - 000060 Consult-Partial/Consultation partielle s.19(1)
000061 - 000061 Consult-Release / Consultation divulguee
000062 - 000062 Partial / Partielle s.19(1 )
000063 - 000063 Release / Divulguee
000064 - 000064 Consult-Partial/Consultation partielie s.19( I)
000065 - 000065 Release / Divulguee
000066 - 000066 Consult-Partial/Consultation partielle s.19(1)

Industry Canada ATIPimage
Industrie Canada
Requester Report
Rapport du demandeur
Request Number / Numero de la demande: A-2010-00219
Total Documents / Nombre de documents: 12
Total Pages / Nombre de pages: 118

Pages Disclosure / Divulgation Exemptions - Exclusions

000067 - 000067 Release / Divulguee
000068 - 000068 Consult-Release / Consultation divulguee
000069 - 000070 Partial / Partielle s.19(I)
000071 - 000072 Consult-Partial/Consultation partielle s.19(I)
000073 - 000074 Consult-Release / Consultation divulguee
000075 - 000075 Partial / Partielle s.19(1 )
000076 - 000076 Consult-Partial/Consultation partielie
000077 - 000078 Consult-Release / Consultation divulguee
000079 - 000079 Consult-Partial/Consultation partielle s.19(1)
000080 - 000080 Consult-Release / Consultation divulguee
000081 - 000082 Release / Divulguee
000083 - 000084 Consult-Release / Consultation divulguee
000085 - 000085 Consult-Partial/Consultation partielle s.19(I)
000086 - 000086 Consult-Release / Consultation divulguee
000087 - 000087 Release / Divulguee
000088 - 000088 Partial / Partielle s.19(I)
000089 - 000115 Release / Divulguee
0001 I6 - 000 I 18 Release / Divulguee


Industry Canada ATIPimage
Industrie Canada
, 1(


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Page 2 of3

- chid benefitI
• Old Age Securlty penIlon end Gul!l8/lt8eCllncome Supplement

- benetItI from C8nacla or Quebec PensIon PIen

- benetItI from Empklymenllnlurance

- olher Income from government tolft8I

• dividendi. In\efeIt on bOndI. depoIilIlUlCIlavlngl certlllcatel, and other IlW'Htment income

- reIRmenl penalons. ~tIon lUlCI ennulliel, including those from RRSPa lUlCI RRIFI

• oIlII' money lnc:ame.

Aller-tax Income of hoUHholdl - The .r-lu Income of a hollllehold II the IUrn of the Ifter-tax Inc:omeI of" memberl
of lhIt hoWehoId. AlIer-tu Income of household membenl refers lO lOtlllncome from aN lourceS mlnul fedenll.
provIncIIII end terrlorI8I . . . paid for 2005.

R8CIIIp1l not counted II Income • The Income concept eXcludelgambllng gaIna end 10_1. IoUery prlzel. money
InherIIlId durlng the year In I lump 1Um. caplt8lglln1 or 101181. rec:elpll from the llie of property, Income tax rerunds,
Ioen payment. received, lump lum HllIImenIl of InIUl8nce poIc:les. rebates receNed on property lues. refunds of
penllon contrtbutlons II __ .. II Income 'In kind: luch II fnle me'" and living acconmodallons. or agricultural
producIa produced and c:ontUII18d on the fann.

AV8nIII8Income 01 flmltlel (cer.ualeconomlc), perlOns 15 YlllIrs of a~ Ind over nolln famlliel. Ind households •
AVIflIQ8 Ineome of 18m1le1 (cenIUllIeconomlc) or personl 15 years of age and over not In fImIIIeI or houIeholdl refers
to the weighted meen \obII1ncome of famlllel (eensusleconomlc), persona 15 years of age Ind over not In faml/lel. or
houIehoIdIln 2005. Average Jnc:ome II calculated from unrounded ~I by dividing the aggregllle Income or a lpeclfled
group of famIIe. (for eumple. ~ famBleI IMth wortclng wIveI) or perIOnI not In famlliel or houIehoIdl (for
example. two person houaetlolds) by Ihe number of f8mIIIel. personl nolln famiIieI. or households In that respectlve
urvuP. whether or noltheY reported Income.

Medlin Income offamlllel (censlllleconomlc), persona 15 years of Ige and over not in famlliel. and houIeholds - The
medten Income or a apac:lfIed group or lamlBes (censUlieconolllic), persons 15 yeara or age and over nolln.famllies. or
houIehoIdl II that amount whIcn dlvldel their Income lIze dllblbuUon. nlnlced by lize of income, Into two haMlI. That
II. the Inc:ornn of the flrat h8If of the farnllel. persons 15 yura of age and over not In families. or hOUIehokls are below
the meclIan. whlIe IllOM of the aeconcI half are above the medlen. Medlin ncomel of familiel (cenlUlleconomlc).
persona 15 yeara of age lind over not In familiel. or houIehoIdI Ire normally calallaled for al units In the .pecIIied
group. whether or not theY reponed Income.

Standard error of average IncOme • Re" to the nllmated ltandard error or average Income for an Income sIZe
cllltrtbution. ,,1nterpreIed • shown below. It aervet al I rough Indicator or the predslon of the correspOnding ellim8le
of average Income. For about 8lnIo of . . IlmpIeI VIf1ICh could be lelected from the ..mpIe fnlme. the dllr8rence
belWftn Ihe IlIIllp/e eIIImaIe of lMtI'8lIe Income and the correlponding figure based on complete etUTl8rallon WOUld
be .... than one ltIndard error. For lIbout 95% of the pOSllbie lI8ITIplel. the d1trerenca would be IesI than two ltandard
arrors end. In eboulll9% of the aempIeI. the difference would be lesllhan IIppfOxIrnaleIy two and a half ltandard

The above concept Md procadurel 1110 apply In the calclAation or theIe llaI/lties on the after·tax Income or families
(c:ensuaIeconomI), JlIIf10llS 15 yeara of a~ and over not In famiha and houaehoIdl.

• ExdUde' cenalll dati for one or ",ore IncompIetaIy eownerlled indian reaerves or Indian aeUlemenll.
• Data quality Indell ahowIng. for the long can8US queallomalnl (20% sample data). a glObal non responae rate hlgher

http://wwwI2.statcan.caIcnglish/census06/data/topicsIPrint.cfm?PID=94S94&GI... 04/0112009


Page 3 of3

than or equello 5% bullower than 10'11t.

Source: SI8tIIlIcI Cenada. 2006 CenIuB of PopuIIIIIon.

How to en.: StllIItIcI Caneda. 2008. HouIehoId Income (7) and Household Size (4) for the Prtvlle HouseholdB of Caneda,

PI'llVInClII. TlIl'l1torte8. C8f1IUI 0IvII1on8 and CIIl1IUI SubdIvisions. 2005 • 20'l(, sample Data (table). Topic-based tabulaUon.

2008 Census of Population.

StatIB1Ics Canada catalogue no. 87-583-XCB2008052. Ottawa. Released May 01. 2008.


PIO-i4594&GID-773551&D1-o&D2-O&D3-0&D4-0&D5-0&D6-0 (ea:esBed January 04.2(09).

Back to rtferrlng Dage

Date modified: 04/01/2008 09:50:59 AM

http://wwwJ2.statcan.calenglish!census06/dataltopicsIPrint.cfm?PID=94594&GI. 000003
., t. I .......

Page 1 of3

••• :=- =- Canada

HouHhokllneome (7) and HouHhokl SIn (4) for the Private Household, of Canada. Provine... Territo"".
Cent.. DI*Ion8 and C..... Subdl*lonl, 2005 • 20% Sample Data

GeoaraDhv • Parry Sound &

HOUHhokl lID (4)

T_I • Prtvale ' One-pereon i One-family Allotller
HouHtIotd Income (7)
•• _ _ . _•••••• _ ' M ' "NW •• _.,_'" ••••••• •••••••,. _ _
tIoUHholda 1 hou••hola,
_L .• __ .
hoUHtlolda a ho~.hokl.

loti!- Prtvate I1ouIeholds ;1 17,195 4.250 11,660 1,280

MedI8n.2005 tlouaehold Income

S 46,180 22,020 55,019 54.763

Median 2005 after-tax tIousehold '

incomeS 41,079 20,535 48,364 52,392

Average 2005 I'louaetlo/d Income

S 60,267 30.985 70,470 64,605
Standard error of 8vet11ge
tlouaehoId Income S 3,460 1,025 5,096 2,474

Average 2005 lifter-tax

household Income S 50,458 26,458 58,499 56,945

Stendard enor of averlllle after­

I8x houHtloId Income S 2,264 682 3,328 1,805
Note(l) :

1. TOIIII· Prtv... hOUMholda

Houaetloklllze • Referlto . . number of persons In a private household.

PrtVlte houIehokI - ReferS '0 a person or I VI1lUP of persona (olher than foreign residents) who occupy • private
dw8IIIng and do not heve • uaueI piece of reaJdenc:e elsewhere In Canada.
2. OMofemIly houHholda
Refln 10 llouaetloldllh8l consllt IOIIIy of one cen&UI family without additional persons. In 2001, this category was
called 'One-fImIIy houaehoIcls' end eIao Included census families with additional persona.
3. T" • PrIvID hoUHholde
PrIVI1e I1ouIehold • Referllo a penon or 8 group of persons (other than foreign residents) who occupy a privete
dweIIng and do not h8ve • Ulual piece of residence eIsewtIere In Canada.

Household lotIllncome • The totlIIlncame of. houlIetloklla Ihe sum of the loti/incomes of .. members of that

'ToIIIlncome' refers 10 Ihe 10111/ money Inccme received from the following sources during calendar year 2005 by
perIOf18 15 yelrl of age and over:

- wegea and ...."" (toI8I)

- net farm Income
- net nm-farm Inc:ome from unincorponIted bUliness andlor professional practice

http://www12.statcan.calenglishicensus06/dataitopicslPrint.cfm?PID=94594&GI 000004

Page 2 of3

• dlIId benefitI
• Old • secur1ty penIlon II1d GUlII'8I1teed Income Supplement
• benelIlI frOm C8nacll or Quebec PentIon PlIn

- benellll ttom EmpIlIymelllINlUIl1CI

• other Income from government eoun:e.

•dIvIdenda. InIereIt on bondI. depoIlIIlI1d 'IvlllIJS certiflclltes. and other ItMstmenIIncome

- retnmenI penelona. supem1I1UlIIlon IIllI ennulllel. IncIUClIng IIlOIe frOm RRSPI Ind RRtF.

• other money Income.

AIler-IIX Income of hOUIehoIda • The Ifter·lalllncome of I household Is the eum of \he Ifter-tax Income. of IU plembera
of ItlII houIehold. AfIIer-llx InCOme of household membef'l refera to tolallncome from III .oun:es minus feder8l.
provInclIIlIlCIterrMOIfIIIlIlC.. pIIIcI for 2005.

Rec:eIpII nol counIId ulncome· The Income concept excludel glmbllng glnlnd 10Ile•• lollefY prtze•• money
inherited during the yetlr In I lump 111m. capllallJlln. or 10118•• receipts from the llle of property. Income till ....nd••
loin peymentl received. lump 111m IetlIement. of InlUrance poIIcle•• ralel received on property taxes. refund. of
penaIon conlrIbuIIonIu weill. II Income 'In kind: .uch IS free me'" Ind living acx:ommodatlons. or agrla*..a1
productI produced end COI1Iumed on the firm.

Allel'lg8lncome of fMIIIIe. (ceneUl/ecOnOmk:). pctrIOIlI15 yaara of age lind over nol in fllTlllies. and households •
A~ Income of fImII8. (cenlUlleconomlc) or peqons 15 yelra 01 age and over nolln fImIIin or household. referI
to the weighted ..., tllIII income of flmllles (eensutleconomk:). peraons 16 yaara of.age and over not In fImlIIeI. or
houIeholda In 2005. Aver898lncome II calculated from unroll'lded dala by dividtng the awregaw Income of a .pecIfied
group of fImIII. (for eumpIe. hulbll1d-wlfe famUle. with worl<lng wtw.) or peraona not In fImIII8s or households (for
eumpl8. two peraon 1'IoUIehoIdI) by . . number of IImllles. peraone not In famin. or houIeholdlln thaI retpeClIwt
group. whether or not they hIpOrtICIlncOme.

Median Income of,...... (C8J\IUIIeconomlc). persona 15 yelra of age and over not In f8ml1iel. end hou.ehoIdI - The
medlln Income of I apec:IIIad group of flmtIIn (census/economic). peraons 15 yen of age and oYer nolln flmIIlea. or
houIehoId. " thlllIrllMII whichdMde. their Income size dlalrlbutton. ranked by .Ize of Income. Into two halve•. Thll
II." Income. of the llrathlllfofthe flmule•• peraons 15 yelra of age end over not In flll'lllles. or houaehoId. Ire below
. . medlan, WhIle thole of the Hc:ond hIIf Ire lbOYe lhe median. Median Jncome. of flmlies (ceneulleconomlc).
pemII1I 15 yeera or • Ind eMIl' not In flmII8•• or households ere ncnnllly ceIcuIIIld for I. unlll In \he .pecIfied
group, whither or not they reportId Income.

Stlndlnf error or I " Income • Retere 10 the .tlndard error of average Income for In Income size
dlllrlbullon. If lnIarpre1ad u .hoWn below. It aerves .. a rough indicator of the precisIOn of the corresponding eNimata
Dr lverage Income. For IbouI 88'"
of the .ample. which COI*i be lelected from the sample frame. the difference
beIwlIen the aampIe edmaIe of _age Income end the corre.pondlng figure bued on complete enumernon would
be lell tllan one IIandIrd error. For about 95% of \he pCIIIibIe aampIn. the dIlference wouIcI be less than two slandard
erron Ind. In about "'" of the aampIes. the difference would be lell/hln ~ximltaIytwo and I half standard

The . " . concept end procIdU181 1110 apply In the calcuIlItIon Dr " - .tatlallcl on the IIIBI'·tax Income of families
(eeneutleconomlc), pel'IClnI15 yelre of ege Ind over not In tamMles lind houMhoIds.

• DIll queIIy Index Ihowlng. for the IhoI1 cenaus ~1Ionna1re (100'" datai. a global non re.ponse ralll higher than or
aquallo 5'" bUllower then 10"'.

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, ., I, , _... ' .....,

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• DeIa qUlllty lnclell 1howIng. for the long I;8I1IUS questionnaire (20% IampIe dIta)•• VIOb8I non response rate higher
IhIIn Ill' equal 10 5% bullower \hen 10'll..

Source: StallltICI Canecla. 2000 C....,. of PopuIalIOIl.

How to clt8: SIalIIIIcs C...... 2008. HOUIIhCIId Income (7) and Household SIze (4) for the PrIvlIte Households of Canada,

PI'OWlCH, TenIIorIH. Celli'" DlYlIionIInd Celllus Subdivisions, 2005 • 20% Sample 0... (table). Tople-beled IIIbulaUon.

2008 ClII1IUI of ~Ion.

St8IlstIca CIIl8CIa eataIogue no. 87·583-XCB2006062. 0Itew8. RIIleased May 01, 2008.

P/O-94594&GID-773802&D1-o&02-O&D3-o&04-o&05-0aoe-O (lICl:eSsed J8nuary 04, 2009).

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.. ~ .


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Rec'd Date:
Dater~ue: 2009·01·29' ~ 0 SECRET II 0 URGENT
Lead Office / Centre de responsabilite: Doc. & File Date I Date-doss;er et document:
OeS-PORTFOLIO 2009-01-29
Due Date / DGte d'ectJeance:

Issue/Sujet: STATS
File # / N" dossier: M - 5070.10
o Cross-reference: a Coordinate with: o Consultation with:
Renvoi: Coordonner avec: Consultation avec:

• Draft Reply / Projet de rep.
a Decision a Change of Action
a Interim Ack. / Acc. recept. Decision Changement d'actlon
a Final Ack. / Acc. Reception o Necessary Action o Recommendation
Action necessaire Recommendation
a Transfer / Transfert: a Nl.N. . . . a Other / Autre:
ucune reponse reqUlse

a Direct Reply/Reponse dlrecte a Meeting/Reunion 0 Invitation/ Invitation

a Interim Ack. / Acc. recept. Event Date / Date de I'evenement:

a Information / Information StJn~ by:

S,gne par:

c.c. to: • P. Halucha a Scheduling Ass't / Adj. aI 'agenda (MIN)

c.c. a: • OM / SM (Spurling) a Assoc. OM / SM delegue # of C.C.: 5
Nbre de c.c.:
a Min. FedNor • Colette Jubinville, CorporateSecretary
aMOS/Min. d'Etat (S&T) a MOS/Min. d'Etat (S8&T)
• Anle Legault • Margaret Meroni o Other / Autre:


c c.. rIO' .... ­ 'how1i'"~OZ J.ti

Analyst/AnalrIte: J.A.

DOCUMENT #/ N° du DOCUMENT:_ _--::=O~1~£ -i nl:~ 000008


Page 1 of2


Dorlon-5aumler, .....: CPO·BSGP


From: Halucha, Paul: IC-MIN

Bent: Thursday, January 29, 2009 16:20

To: Geyer, Louise: CPo-BSGP (NCR-RCN.>; Dorion-saumier, Lise: CPO-BSGP; Nizman,

Ginette: CPO-BSGP

SubJect: FW: Township of Seguin

Attachment8: 2008HouseholdlncomeSeguin.pcIf; 2006Householdlncomeontario.pdf;


For reply. Thanks, paul

From: Addington, zoe: IC-MIN

sent: Thursday, Jenuary 29, 2009 3:47 PM
To: Halucha, PlIul: IC-MIN
Subject: FW: Township of seguin

Can we please get an answer for- Minister Clement to reply with?


Sent: January-29-09 2:16 PM ­
~ ICIeIlmllellnt,fI"Tilony.-IRJdllng.2• •
Subject: Township fA seguin

Good afternoon, Ms. weeks

As per your telephone caU, the following Is the problem that we are having:
Stats Can's 2006 Census Data for the Township of seguin Indicates an average Household Income (for
permanent households) In 2005 fA $99,336 (with a standard error of $36,356 or 36.6%, compared to
standard errors In other munICIpalities of around 3%)i attached are the tables from the Statscan website
showfng segUin's, Pany Sound's, and the Province d Ontario's Incomes. One of the dissemination areas
within the Township apparently has an average household Income of $226,000, which we find very hard to
believe. FIrstly, we believe that our Average Household Income Is oompletely Incorrect, and does not reflect
the reality of the population In the Township. From there, this ftawed average has been used by the M1nstry
of Rnence In Ontario to determine the Income Threshold Component of our OMPF funding In 2009; the
effect fA this large average Is to 0Jt this portion of our 2009 grant by approXimatley $300,000. We have
asked StatsCan to review the data that was used to calculate this averagei the response, we have just been
Informed, Is that once the data Is released, Statsean does not make changes.
The Ministry of FInance has advised that they will not adjust our grant until Stascan provides more accurate
data. The conversations we have had with Stascan to date Indicate they are surplsed that the Province will
rely on Average Household Income to generate municipal grants. We were hoping thaI: Statscan could make
an adjustment to our eYer1lge Income, and therefore reduce the standard error, which would result In seguin
getting Ifs proper share of provincial funding.



... t...... ","

5.19(1) Page 2 of2

We feel there is an error and that our municipality should not be penalized to this degree. Just to give you
an Idea, the loss of $300,000 to our Township would result In a tax Increase of over 3 percent In 2009, just
for this one Issue. I am sure that Minister Cement understands the sensitivity of taX Increases at this time
and we need his help to resolve It.
• • • • •wouId like to meet WIth Minister Cement as soon as possible, as we have a budget
meeting scheduled for February 2/f19, and this is a huge Issue for our 2009 budget.
If you need any further information, please contact either me_ _


t, tw...

Household Income (7) and Household Size (4) for the Private Households of Can.,. Page I 00

••• =: &1:.:- Canada

c.DIJ.lS > 2006 censys: Dati Produs:.ts > I_-based tabylatlons >

HOUHhold Income (7) and Household Size (4) for the Private Hou.eholds of Canada,
Provlne_, T.rrIto...... CeMue Divisions and Census Subdivisions, 2005 • 20".4 Sample

Select another geGgrllphlc area for til. prodUGt:

• SeguIn, TP
[ Geog@phlc Index I Geographic Hierarchy Browgr J

Seguin, TP'&

HOUHhoId . . . (.)
.m·-----T*i-~-P;;,ht- ..... One-pe,.~l One-femlly' All other
Houeehold Inc:onN. (7)
------_._­ ..._
......._ _ . '. A ~ •••
~ ,~ •• "~ •• ~ .... , __ • ._._

ho...hoIdl 2
- . _ ~ ~ . ~ _ , __ ~
! "-eItoIdI
Tol8I- ~ IlouIehoIdI a 1.730 370 1.255 110

MIcIM 2005 houNhold ilcome • 53.008 26.877 59.378 44.064

Melian 2005 Iller-IP houHhoId

lncom•• 48.917 23.933 51.299 43.808

Average 2005 houllhold lncome • 99.336 37.875 120.990 58.964

SIIInderd error of lve. .

houMhoId Income • 36.356 2.959 51.014 7.938

Averege 2005 1Ifter-lax houHhold

lncome $ 76.173 32.072 91.197 52.644

SIenderd error of eve. . efter-lax

household Income • 23.644 2.189 33.187 8.771
" .
NoCII(I) :

1. Total- Pm.. hoUuhoIdI

HouIehoId IlZ8 • RftIrIlD . . number of peI'IODI in I privati houHhoId.

PrrMte houHhold • Refln lD I person or I group of pelIOOI (other then foreign nllidenll) who occupy I privete dMIling
end dO not '-Y8 I UIUII piece of ntIIdence eIIewhere In Ceneda.

2. One-lellllly houHholdl
RftIrIlD houIehoIdIlhlt COOIIIt IOIeIy fA one cenSUI f8mily without eddilionel JIlIl'IClN. In 2001. this ClIIIgoIy _ celled
'One-WniIY houeelloldl' end liiio Included cenSUI f8miIIel with lIddIlioneI peqons.
3. TotaI- Prtvete houIeIIoIde
PrIYIte houHhoId - Refln lD I peIIOD or I group of JIlIl'IClN (olher thlD foreign mIdents) who occupy I private dweling
~ do not heve I UIUIII piece of lWiclence eIIewherw in Canada.

HouHhoId lDleIlncome • n.1oWI1ncame of I houHhoId ilthe IUID of the IDl8Iln<:orna of ell members oIlhet houllhold.

'ToIIIlncome' r.r.rseo IIle Iat8l money Incame AIClIMKl from the following IOlmlIrI during Cllendlr yea, 2005 by peqonl 15
years of age and over.

http://wwwI2.statcan.calenglish!census06/dataltopicsIRetrieveProductTabJe,cfm 000011
, .....

Household Income (1) and Household Size (4) for the Private Households of Can... Page 2 of 3

• nelllClll4mllncome tom unInCOrpol'al8d bUliIlHl andIor profeIsionll pI'8Clic:e

- ctlIId bIr.tIII

• Old. 8eclriy p8l1Ilon IIld Guarwm-d IncomB Supplllment

• bInIIIta from Ceneda or QUIbec P811llion P1811
• b8ll8tItI from Employment InlUl8nC8

• oIhIr Income from gowmment IOURlII

• dlvid8ndI, Inler8It on bondI. deposblnd 18Yings C8I1ific:atBI. 8Ild other 1n~ltmBntil1COlll8

• mnment perlIIona, ~ 8Ild InnuitlBl, inclUdIng thole from RRSPI 8Ild RRlfl

• ottIIr IIIClIIIY Income.

AIIw... 1ncome of ~ - The Bfter-1iIX Income of I ttousehold II thl lum of the 1ft8r-IaX Incomee of'" rnemberl of
thIIt houIehokI. After... Income of houIBhold rnemberl re"l"Ilo lotal income from ell eoureel minus fBdBreI. provincial Ind
territorlII "'1 PlIId for 2005.
Rec:eiF* not countId a Income • The Income COIlCIP! exc:ludelg8ll1b1ing gena and 1oIIn, Iotl8Iy prizel. money inherited
duIi1lI the y_ In I lump lIUftl, CIIPi\lll gainI or loan, receipts fIom lhe ..Ie of prcperty: income IiIX refundl, lolIn Plymente
/VC8iYlId, lump lum Iet1IemenlI or inlll'8l'lOll poIlc1H. rebatBI received on PIOI*IY tIIXee. refunda of peneion oontributionl
.. MIa .. inoome 'in Wnd,'IUCh .. free IMBIa and IMng lcc0mm0d8t1ona, or 8lIliCUIlUr81 produetl produced IIIld
00MIIII1ed on the farm.

A-.Inoome or..... (cenIUIIec:anomI), peI"IOIlI15 ylllll'l of 1118 8Ild over not in flImi_. 8Ild houIllhoIdI· Awrege
lncoIIle of famllln (CllIlIU8feoonomIc) or peI'IOIII15 yeBl"I of age end OY8l' not In fBmlliel or hcMehoidl refel"l to the
Mighted mean tD\IIl income or fBmln (ClInIUIIlICOOOI11ic), peraonl 15 YHI"I of age IIIld owr nol in flImiliel. or householdl
In 2005. A - . n:omell calculated from unrounded dBlI bY dividing the 8lIlII'8lI8te Income of I specified group of
famlIleI (for uampIe, ~ fM1iIIeI with wortdng wives) or p8I"IOnI not In tilmiiBl or houIehoIds (for 8lClImple, two

pereon hoUl8llolda) by the number of JamIIies, pel"lOlll not In fam~iel, or houMhoIda In th8t I'8IP8Ctive group. whether or
not by reported inoome.

MIdIIn Income of f8mIIeI (ClnlUlleoonomiC), per&onl 15 yell"l of age Ind over not in femiliel. Ind houHholdl - The
III8diIIn incomB of I epecIIecI U"!UP or femIeI (cenlUlleoonomic). pel"lOlll 15 y8ll"l or age end over not in Jamiliel, or
houIeholdlts th8t lIII1OUl1I wt*:h dMdeI their n:ome Iize dlltrlbution, I"II1ked bY IIze of lnoorne. into two helYel. Thet is. the
incomeI of the Ilrat half of thB r.mIIIee. per&onl 15 reere of l1li1 8Ild 0* not In JemiIin, or houIehoIdl Ire below the
medIen. wllIIe thole or the I8ClInd hIIIf. . IIbove the median. Medilln inoomee or remiliel (cenIUll8COllOl1\ic). petIOIIl 15
~ of age end over not in f8mIIn. or houIlhoIda Ire normlily calculeled for I. units in the lpeci1ied group. whether or
not tMy reported n:ome.

Sl8ndlIrcl iImIr or..,... Income • RefIra 10 the IIIIlImBted IlIndlRl enor of IWI'8lII income for In income Iize distribulilln.
If Inlerpreted .. II--. below, • _ _ a I rough incIiclIlor of the prec:l1Ion of the comIeponding eelimall of lverege
Income. For lIbout H~ or thBlMlpIee wt*:h oouId be HIecIed tom thBllI/llPIe frame, the dilferenc:e between the I8II'lpie
ntImete or.-.Inoome IIld thB ClIlmIIpOllding figure baled on oompIete 8llumeretion woIAd be .... then on. 1l8nclerd
error. For lboUt '5~ of thB poIIIble e.nplee, the dlfferenc:e would be .... then two ......derd errors Incl, in ebout 99% or
the 1IllllJIIn. the cmr...nce would be .... then Ipprwdrnetely two 8Ild I hllf Itenderd errors.

The lIbove oonceplllld JlRlC*bn eIIo eppIy in the celculelion of the.. Itlltialicl on the after... income of fBmlliel
(ceneuaIeoonomIc), per&onl 15 ~ of lIgellld over not in flImiliee 8Ild houeeholdl.

£DeIa ~ noc.(l)
• Dell ~ Index 1howIng. for the IhoIt _ queelionnelre (100% dllte), I globeI non relponle rete higher thIn or eqIlel
to 10~ bullowr then 25%.
• Dell quality Index 1hoWIng, for the long 08IlIUI qunlionnllire (20% I8flIpie date), I glObal non relPOnte rete higher then or
equello 10% bulloWer then 25~.

http://www12.statean.calenglish!eensus06/dataltopicslRetrieveProduetTable.efm' 000012
-, .' I........ ..., ,.

Household Income (7) and Household Size (4) for the Private Households of Can... Page 3 of 3

10_: Statilllcl CenId8. 2008 c.... of PopuIItion. SlatiItica e-da cal8logue no. 97-683-XC82006052.

AIeIfMW form...

, . CSY1GmDD1I:HRI!'I~_y.J..!Ilft)Ji." ~ Prjllt·frie.od!Y. format

• PR.I'l..(1IIMIRI!'..I.~.Blvu11!tl @ Simlllll' 200JC,nlul tab"

Date modified: 06/12/2008 09:12:08 AM

http://www12.statcan.calenglish!census06/dataltopicsIRetrieveProductTable.cfm? 000013
Page 100

••• =- 51 • fq...
e.-Ia Canada

HouHhoId Income (7) 8Ild HouHhoId Size (4) for the PrlVI" Hou..hold. of C8n11de, ProvIne.., Territo,...,
CenIIua DlvlsIoM Ind C_ _ SubdlvlaloM, Z005 ·20% Simple Dim

Geo nil • Ontario&'

HoUHhokl ltat (4)

Total· Prlvl" One-pereon' One-flImlly AU other

HouIMokIlncome (7) houaeholdl , hOUHholdl' tlouIehola 2. hoUieholdi
,.. _... ··W··~·'~~·~····_~"·········_······'_··_·" .__,.._ .•... _« ,, _ _ •• .. ..,._ .....•
,'.~ ..... .-. _..._....

10111- Prlwle houaeholda ;, 4.555.025 1.104.865 2.975.590 474.565

MedlIn 2005 houHhoId Income
$ 60.455 30,025 72,122 76.998
Medlin 2005 1ft8r-tax houHhoId
incomeS 52.117 28.473 61.571 68.067
AWf898 2005 houHhoId Inc:ome
$ n.987 39.367 90.366 90.089
StlndlRf ellllr of lver&ge
houIehoid Income $ 123 125 175 266
AvtI'8ge 2005 Ifter-tax
household Inc:ome $ 63.441 32.338 72,888 76.627
V " ••• ' ........ , y. . . - . ~ , .

Stlnderd errvr of Iwrage Ifter·

tax household Income $ 80 91 112 182

1. ToWI· PrIYIte hoUMlloldtl

Household size - Reflrs to the number of persons In a prIvete household.

PrIvIte household - Rife... to a person or I group of persons (other Ihan foreign residents) who occupy a private
dweIHng end do not hIM • UlUII pIIce of l8lldence ebawhere In Clnada.
2. OnHImllyo houMIIoIcIs
Refers to houuholds thII CIlIIlIIst IOIIIy of one census flmily without Iddltlon8l pel1Iona. In 2001. this cale90lY was
caled 'One-flIml1y houaehoIdI' end aIIo Included census families with IIddIIIonal persona.
3. T*I. PrIv... ho....hoIdI
Prlvlte houHhold - ReflnlO • person or a group of persona (other than fonlIgn resIdenta) Who occupy a pr!vllte
cIwIIIng Ind do not hive • UIUlIl pIIce of fttIIdence ellewhenlln Canada.

Household tol8llncome - The totallncame of a household ia the sum of the total Incomes of aI membefl of that

70181 Income' rere... to the 10111 money Incame received from the following Sourtel during calendar yell 2005 by
PlI1Ol1I 15 yelra of age and over:

• wages end NIerIea (loIII)

- net farm Incame

- net noo-fIrm Income I\'om ur*ICorporeted bullne.. and/or professional prllCtice!cnglish!ccnsus06/dataltopicsIPrint.cfm?PID=94S94&GI. 000014

.j. ,Lw ..•


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AAigned T04 i]Taak: ~L ,"' . I'
D~I: ::!484'>, ,,·,;;"'·'~";'.·OI~S ". OCS.f'ORTFOUO· ~ 4 Routing(s)
.':, 200&08-15 "1...· D,:",· 2'))8·(:[18 DocD_ 2lJOIHl8.OO ., . - I
Due D...: 200&09-02 Duil TiM: EIIIendIId: N t/ 2101-08-18 MIN II
t/ 2lDl-OO-181PO (35) I
D~ ., 2008-11.130CS.PORTFOLIO 1,
'" ., LETTER t::"~\>PI'hWl "J'. ;\:.,: ... JP lIi 2 Altoc:'-"ls) Ii
, ',"- ORGANlZAlIONS...··,,!>:~; A6T1ON I' ActiDn:w..:.. It 20C&D8-180148462 I
". STATS b.,#;.!iU1O-10 8,FW: Nit ' II! 2008-10·22 0148462 DIRECT REPLY
·'H N '~:1;: ' "cP6H lc:Jt1ll::
)(Refl: . "S~;' . '. t-d·wak
., ' , . ~" E>IPFIESSING,q,Nti.~N$.aE~DIN6TH~AcciiRACf
WEU.AS'H~J;ENtlJ~~~S '.' .' .'
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Ntglnv D.-.: . , ' ,',. .Y;:~'!il,N1A. lMgU8ge: E
Rap. Date: 20-1tJ.Q6 ..., ~1)~ 2l$flHl6 Signed'll,: A BENDER
Added 8,: t~Ht~RlEBMAppnI¥ed: Maclifilld 8,: lH:\F{ E «..j
',.".MIg. Stetua:
Date Ree. Rec'ct

RIIlUJ.-d Dat« ":'\\" - •,­

ReIUmed T": ."."., "

AdulII: 0



· J ....1<10 ,.••

WiMi.iaMRlver County Council

August S, 2008 1008 AUG 15 A 10: 35

Minister of Industry
House of Commons, Parliament Buildings Lead:IPO Inptj: 2008-08-18
Action:ACT1ON B.F: 2QII8.48-02
OTIAWA,Ontario KIAOA6 Issue:STATS Filell: M 5010-10
[)ocA=j1e Date: ~
Document 11: 0 148412 Analyst: M.e
Dear Honourable Minister Prentice;

I am writing to express the Coamty of Vermilion River Council's coocem regarding the
accuracy of the 2006 Federal Census as well as the census process. I would also like to
offer some suggestions for improving the result thus overcoming some of the current
shortcomings and deficiencies.

In 2007 The County of Vermilion River, located in north eastern Alberta, received the
2006 federal census results &om Statistics Canada stating our municipality's population
was 7467 - a decline &om the 2001 Census figure of7524. Not satisfied that this was an
accurate reflection of our population the County of Vermilion River conducted 8
municipal census in the spring of 2008 and determined the population to be 7900, which
reflects an increase of 5.8%. We recognize that there is a two year time frame difference
but even with that we believe that the 2006 census understated the actual case. Since the
majority of our funding from the Federal and Provincial governments is per capita based
you can understand why a municipality is concerned when their census is not an actual
reflection of what exists. Another concern is the length of time (one year) from when the
Federal census is taken 1D1til the infonnation js released to the municipalities. If the
population numbers are illBCCW'ate how can a municipality have confidence in the other
statistical information that is collected? All levels of govenunent rely on the federal
census information to plan and base their programs and decisions oD, consequentially
municipalities are forced to do their own census in order to maximize funding dollars.

We are aware of a mnnber ofAlberta municipalities who have had the same concern and
have done their own census over the last two years. This results in duplication of costs
and effort whereas if a little more effort was taken on the part of the federal Census
process to improve the accuracy, everyone's confidence would be increased.

From our own experience, OW' census workers identified that it was very difficult to find
people at home. Extra effort was required to make contact with the residents to confinn
the nwnbers living in each home. Even with the extra effort there were a few who refused
to be enwnerated and other who were never contacted. We are much more cpnfident that
our workers were able to adUeve a high level ofBCCW'aCy.


80Il 69, KitIcoty, Alberta TOB 2PO Telephone: (780) 8046-224-4 Fax: (780) 846·2716 Website:

,.". ~I ..... ",. •' ,"" I

.... ~

Minister ofIndustry
AugustS, 2008
Page Two

Currently there can be duplication of the time and effort if municipalities find they must
conduct a c:ensus to obtain accurate infonnation. We would ask that consideration be
given to possible changes to improve the census process and to improve the accuracy,
possibly by:

1. CommittiDS the resources (financial and time) to achieve an accurate census which
will build confidence by all who usc the information - possibly by working with
municipalities to obtain enwnerators who know the region in which they are doing
their census and are diligent to insure an accurate oount.

2. Coordinating the census with municipalities, allowing each municipality to manage

the census process insuring an accurate enumeration for all leveb of governments'

Accurate census numben are I:ritical for all agencies of governments and those who rely
on census data to have confidence when using the statistics for their business planning,
projections and decision making.

Thank you for your consideration.

cc- Leon Benoit, M.P., Vegreville-Wainwright

Honourable Ray Danyluk, Minster ofAlberta Municipal Affairs
Honourable Lloyd Snelgrove, President of the Alberta Treasury Board
Alberta Association of Municipal Districts 81. Counties
Alberta Urban Municipalities Association

" • ",. 4. . . . ,'.' ,,' I


-~':N"; =:- . :=­

M, Sheikh
",,,ott J. Morin
A. Arora
<n;....s.-. 6 200'
~ . . B. Bender
D. Johnston
L. Roy

.....• -


e~l:ytlf¥' .
, JU~otY(A~) .
TOB 2P()

'. ~you fbr your iDqUfrydated Au8u9t S. 2008. regarding the 2QP6 Census counts
"foi~ Count)' ofV~~ver.

W~;.~~~~J'C\iiCw;()ftbe po~ation cn~Jor Vermilion River

.~~~~ identi!:t;~ evicbce tQ SUgge$t'~'1D unusual ~eof
.~~~ .d~rcounts exists. The cJecri;ase in the populatioDcounts fOT
';~Jl Ri'vei: CoUDlf~ ~ 2001 and 2006 Censuses Was S7penons, while
,.':, t'tI~FiluniberofdWellingsf~ed by20. This e:trisus count of7467 is lower than
.;. !~frOm·.lhe l~ m~ census of 7900.

.···~,co~~.'~ to otber Sour<:eS such as mWlicipaJ ~. there are

, .. ~ a;pijfubcr.J)i ~di«crences which must'be:takeJ1 into atcoUnl For .
".'I."r~~,sta1istict~~umctates the popQ1ation ac<:ordiDg1O the'cOnc~ of
~.~eofj-ti1d-exe1~ttmpOraryresidents' such as·students or People WorkinJ
·J~~:.ity in, _11'CI. 'Oitiiir
faCtors such as referencc period;. ,geogr8pbic boundaries
,.chU!t~ahe~l1!lundcr-tbycrage are also key. ,
' . ' ,'1,::;::':' ..... , ,,'
.. :i··,j..;,· .' :'.,
fo~pple.~cs Caatada~gnizes that despite best efforts during census.
eoUDtitioq,' thort alway; remain a .number of households that do not return. '
quimio~~or who do not acCount for everyone in the household. After each
~:~ CaMda, concluc:ts coverage studies to determine how many
iiv:I_viduals Mrc'Jilissed or counted more than oncC.
. ../2

, • otI .

"'~~, _.~~, ~., ',"

,1 ~'. '


- 2·

f:Qr~~i~~study results indicate that the 2006 Census

~~"eriiJCil'~A.IbeJ\i w.3.5%, up from 2.5% in 2001. While the SlUDple si2eis
•. ~'~Ito~:~dctai~:oerisus cowrtS, the Wldefcovi:ragc rates from.the study
·ar.JUsed to adjuSt ~ provirlC.i8J.-pppulation figures used for ~iningfiscallransfer
patmcntsto tbtpmVii1ces.

C_~UDIrn.~ldllO beeonsidered when looking at sUbprovincial census

··popdlation ~\11\iI. 'T9eDSUre co.istencywith provincia1pOJ)ulation estimates•
.statistiCs·C8.P.ada ~·U beldeasing in Ian\.l8tY 2009 its series ofsu\)provincial
popu'wipp~_juStcld fQr'CCtlSUS net undercoverage by applying provincial
"~itil? ~ge rate~. Applying the preliminary rates to Vermilion River
CowuYreSlJluip;1;ii jncrqse in,iIJ PQpul~onbetween 2001 8ud 2006, and a figure
tbatiilc:1oser to .;;'2008 m1lbicipal census figure for the county.

. Statistics c8i1ad& ha. already begun preparations for the 2011 Census 81 mandated by
the CimsrltJllton and iI! ~r~ with the Statistics Act. As with previous censuses.
we will continue to work with mWlicipalities from across Canada to ensure our
colleCtion maps and address registers are up to date. CJoser to 201 I. we will once
again be WorkiNg with a variety of org811izations to promote the census.

The formal review FOCCss for the 2006 Census ended March 31, 2008. Information

obtained from .enquiries. received sUbsequent to this date is taken into accoUl in

·plaAAisi& for·the 2011 CtmSUS. At this stage, it is not possible to conduct formal

iI1-dcpth forma) reviews of the administrative records received from communities.

I wo~dlik~ to thank you for your interest in the 2006 Census IUldlook forward to

woikirJg With you as Wc.:~ for the 2011 Census. If you have any further

quc;$tio~.ple8lCldonot_hes;itate to contaCt Laurent Roy 81 (613)951-4158.


'~osemary Bender
Director Gmeral

c.c. Lawent Aoy. Statistics Canada


···l.' .

.- ~:' '.


J ."HI!" •


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)CRett: Sec:urQ: e-d.\lma:

MlgIIWD...: . '. '. NJA LaRIIUlIlI8= ENGUSH
R..... Date: CIoIed Date: 2!XJ9.02.()2 Signed By.
Added 8r. (AFnF'!! .'" Apprond: Modified By. LEN'1'~ p-;

11W.1N1g. SMtua:
D... fI.. Rec'd:

. . ';'.' ,> .,F..2000.03.14 R......... Dele: ~'Jn.s·!E i4

: ,,- '; 1 :r.i5'~h Returned T _ ll'5ltSS

Red Set CNll: 3lH I ... :" ~

-~ri Up:.! NUM R"!ANOERSJ1 2010-07·30


· ~. ....... . ..


Corr!!PoncItnc! Mtnlet8rlCorrMpo.."d..a..".C8....MI.."_I...tre:..
..... OCS

From: Prentice, Jim - M.P. [Prentice.J@parl.gc.caJ
sent: WedneIday, August 13. 2008 15:08
To: Correspondence MlnllterlCorrespondance Mlnistre: OCS
Subject: FW: lockheed and census

From:~ __ ~~
", "
Sent: August 1, 0 1:
To: Prentice, Jim - H.P.
Subject: lockheed and census
Dear Hon. Jim Prentice
As a citizen of Canada, I was shocked to discover the connection
between Lockheed Hartin (one of the world's largest weapons
contractors) and the 2006 Census in Canada. Part of the multi-million
dollar bUdget for the Census was awarded in contracts to Lockheed
Martin for census data collection software and services. While some
Canadians protested the American company's involvement in the 2006
Census, most Canadians were unaware of how their tax dollars were
being spent. I find it unethical and unacceptable for Lockheed Martin
to have any involvement in the Canadian Census. This corporation '
directly profits financially from the misery, death and destruction
currently ongoing in Iraq and Afghanistan. By building and sellIng
weapons of war (such as cluster bombs and depleted uranium shells)
that maim, poison, and kill human beings, Lockheed Martin contributes,
to the escalating international violence in our world, and does so
while making billions of dollars.
The bidding for the 2011 Census contract 1s now open, and Lockheed
Martin will certainly be a contender.
I am personally greatly concerned about this issue. Therefore, if
Lockheed Hartin is involved in the 2011 Census, my conscience will not
allow me to participate in the Census. If this American weapons
manufacturer is awarded any contracts for the Census, I will protest
by minimal cooperation methods or by refusing to submit my census
As a Canadian citizen who is dedicated to peace, I request that you do
everything in your power to ensure that Lockheed Hartin receives
absolutely no part of the 2011 Census contract. I ask that the
contract for this census be awarded to companies that have no
connection to munitions, bombs, guns, missiles or any other weapons of
war. Please use your position and influence to ensure that our 2011
Census is not tainted with Lockheed Martin's technology of violence
and destruction.
In the past Canada has been known for Peacekeeping; let's continue to
strive for peace and non-violence in a world that needs it so
desperately, on all levels of business and government.
LeacUPO Input:2008-08-14
Issue:5TATS C.C:
DocIFile Date: 2008-08-13 File# M.S07o-10
Document # : 0148075 Analyst AL

· ,~ .•"HII" ·0'


I _ .­ x

Doc T... lETTER ~ EMAIL Ad*1..1. To: JP

~ ' ' ' ' *JENERAL PU8UC AaIaII: ACrION 'r
AotiaII: ~j '4
I. . . STATS
filii: !mO-l0
........ 0
FiIeI:: NN.

.. CaaldWlh:
tgIhw Lac:NIA .
....... hIk T.-= NIA ~ ENBUSH
R..... Dee.: a-.I Dee.: Signed.a,:
AddId~1J: lAFORTlJA .......y. CHAfilEBM
=;:;rfa:C !!I.fIORi!!!I!!I!!!1T!!!fl)~UO~----~~-"""-"""----~.1
..... D-.: ::l'J08.00·14 BFO"
..... TiM: i2:06:UB BFTiM:

...-....: SEE ENAIL

.y. ~DMc ..1
"-'Set Ccurt 1 af nCll'Dta .............' - '....... Prell tuIIan II Feb pic ~!NO LOCK ICAPS f NUt.! fiNS ID£NYEAS


.1. ,~ ....


-~.~.- '.: _._.­ _. "..,,-+:' ,,-... , . , ~.


FIB ~ Nevtgjitian Took ~. .'. .... . .. . ".

Jr.a 81"-· &III ",(~ •• ~';;:AI t4_~!:-:.~_~ . • ::~ L!-.~Jl·-jo~=·--DT=S=OCS=(D_=~S='OI=O=CS=U=~=~R=·~=·~=.:·"=-G=-i~--'~J
~"'I ilMlllllllYl T. . . .d Att~1 B.llnBlIIll J.c~~
AaIignectTo:l 1}TuIc ~ ee-ent(1) ,',
DOCUlllnll: oJ1 ~437iJ'" w· , . : , DCS ' . c, '. (PO
..". II. 3 RoutingllJ
" .}c,:2lJl9.07.()8 '''i's,' " ...•.. 21}(fl·O?,?2 Doc Delli: 2IX&ON18 . '" 4
D.. D.. D.. lille: EIltended: N '" 2008-07·22 MIN
'" 2008-07·22IPO
D~ ~ 1 Anact.enl(l)
['i'''. '.1':-. LETTER. '1h:1i\-,'w EMAlL;\<l:ili"·,'·"-' ; ,. JP Ii 2008-07·22 0144870
.\·~;.'-'l ;. "e': ·GENERAI.. PliBucY~ '. t,d"" , INFO"' . If. AcIiQn: 'UA
,;;,-,,,,; S T A T S ' ; " ' " ~~~~rai7O,;o B.FiJiiI: ~:l,t\
.;"C.':( N V i i a i l , : 2 CP6NTatlll:
)GIefI:. ..' ..•... s~ .. ::L"'.:::L>':~~
., "-'f"" COMMENTS
REGARDING . ' ". .
. ,.'_:. ....::,•. r· :" . . ", -,. . . •

·.,',,"i,;c. N/A
N~nvD" U~.E
Retp. D...:. S"I,:
Added Bi: CI-'N':LEBM .NodiIilIdly. r trJ(~IL

Inv,INIg.SUilu,-= ,
Dlihi Ree. RIIC"et:: :'.

'.~ .. ':' .... , .. (iSS

"",' N/o!..
200tl::7' :::, BFD. . RlIlumed Dele:: :Yi" '''::.
BF Tille: RlIlumed Tile: ";J.2:'.':'

~ B.r-AU ro,90i.,llE Aclual: '}

: '.0".­ ".. :
..,. " ..


,J .~HIi .. '.'


COrrespondence MlnlaterICorreepondance Ministnt: OCS

Sent: Tuesday, July 8. 2008 0:06
To: Correspondence MlnisterlCorrespondance Ministre: OCS; Prime Mlnlster/Premier ministre
Subject: lobjectll

a ers but now I wish I hadn't. ~

They are made of sterner stuff.
ey n t 1 ou t e r OrMS ecause they objected to Lockheed
Martin being outsourced by Statistics Canada to upgrade the software and
do a lot of the processing of the 2006 census.
Lockheed Hartin makes its prophets by killing people and I object having
s 'n to help them.
are getting a lot of favorable publicity. Next time
or the overnment that tries this stunt again.

Lead IPO Input: 2008-07-22

Action:INFORllATION FileI: M 5O~10
1S9Ue: STATS e.c
DociFile one: 2108-07. Analyst: M.e
Document ,,: 0 144870


FIle Edt ~T_ .H8Ip. ..'­

I-'-J._IiS_··-7.~I ."_··: &.• ~_._JJ··• • :·&r~-_~~_~~~}_~:-~r~_j~- ,_.-=]TfA'DT_:?~~~~~~~_~~.~'er'.~_e.~~GlO:J i

Qetai I :,.n,r.~,y' T~'l)r.i,'teo
I !&ehrr'~'''lll}(·~."'I;·1 1.-. B.~·~ I 1 ~.lICI('I. '"
Alaigned To:! :£ITaak: ~~
~,'.<;,. 5 RouIing(II
,:' _. :zoo8,(&26 OocD. 2008-04·25 "h &¥
Due D : 211BD7·10 EIIlended: N " 2008-06-26 MIN
D :
" 2lXJ8.06.26IPO (3)
" 2008-07·15 MIN
'.'" ;",,, REFt'RRED BV·PCOt'P._;:i,~;,""-'~·ENAlL "',.: '-", ,~ JP
" 2008-lIl-25IPO

.'",."'- ,fr, ORGANIZATION$-,.i '~"i"" DRAFT REP. Br Action: Ni~

4 "'laclllllent(ll
; ':..• 1;"

.J--<'i. N
STAT5,;: _ , f ;<;;;(: 'S07(),10
.~ i
Dr FiIIII:"u,t.
...cP&M:TCJW;,· :····1 2IDI-07·15
: 2008-06-26 0142432

)CHell: .• -"'0 .... 'COord Willi:

:. 2008-111-01 DiRIS LOAT
.. 2lK&08-25 0142432 REPlY
,,,,,..-;;:. AEFEARED:WPCOR~iAR£ -" <FoffsfAnsrlCS:tANAoATo REVIEW THE 2006
CENSUS IH THE NcMAAl$ON. .....- . . - -­
_ .. , .

L'.:. '" MIA

MlgImr D...: . _... .).r,¥:NtA: Unguage: E

Reep. Dale: ~'12. c...ed'iO'-=~22 SigMdBr- PRENtiCE

Added Dy.:. tHAALEHM' _<,V~- :.. :.' :.:_~Bjt-[:ENy~R~;i


BFD.a.: RIIlumed Dille: nQ~{':;·:-':

IFT_ Relumed T_ - ~ - 1 :~,

I ~lpfO'red By. Approval Dille:

Red Set Cocrt·5of 18r- .


,~,,"1<Il ...'

01/07/Z001 tt:as PAl 32 STATISTICS CANADA jJ002/003


••1 ........ c..dI


l.IllI-r. . . .
lIDO .Il1O Geof;Ia . . . .
~ ColumlIIII

May 18, 2008

Ae: ~ for RevilM af2GCl8 C4lnIua

, hIMI recelYed your IettiIr encouragllg StatlIlIoa C__"ID revIeW cen.ul 2008 pofMIBUan
numbers • they rea-d lie NCMA RegIon 8nd to review the cenIU8 t8k1ng pl'OCeSt In general.
Your 1 _ taucheI on few aoncems. the rJI'It n mOlt obYIouI ane being the concern ovar It1e
8CCUI'8OY vi c..u. 2001.
~ NJcuret;y II 01 course. matter« the hlgheet oonoem ID ~ cenada. lila beceUIe
of. thet concern It. we take • fU'IIb.- of .tape to eneure 8OCUI1ICY end quellty. One 8UCh step II
• ceneua tMt. and In :zoog we . . agaI" proceed1ng 10 lest our m8lhodO!ODy and proc:edurea 10
enelR we obbIIn lie meet canpIete .net accurate GOUI1t ~. Beyond wch • teat there . .
nurnerw. proe . . . . and quality checks In piece to ensure a s1gnlftC8f1t and lIabie count
Thela procMMI /noIUde ext1II'l8Iw fallow up on censUI quMIIonne'" thet a nat relUmed 10 c.neda. ThIs fo/lCIWooUp procen atarts about 10 dayt: after cenIUS day and Is conducted
by bOIl telephone encI by ptnanel visIts to ensurs e complMed questJonnlllre Is obtained fnlm all
houIeholda. ' ,

Even eo, deIpIe hl»at eJl'artI dUr1rlG census dll8 coIeetIon. there "ya rem. . e number of
houMhoIdIJ have not returned • questiOnnaire and, conMqU8I'ItIy• ....,. Ihet a rMIeed
by cenIU•• Far ~ . . . we number of IlUdleslh8t . . c:ondUCted to e 1118 most
eccunde populatlDn ..umeteI ~1bIe can be produced.

1heIe IlUdIae InClUle . . DweIIlng CIlllft:a1lun SUNay. al1Udy "at samples eescn... that
h8ve naI reIUmed ~ and conIIrms the oc:cup.ncy 8nd numbenlllUOCl8ted wMh
110M dwlRnp. Th.. atudy provIdee 8djualmenta fur the InItiII popuIetlon end cIweIIlng
I1lIteIe to IICCOUnl for " . people In 1holIe houMhOlda.

The" Is . . . R.-.. RecoRI a-:k Study which provldel88UInIItN of the people milled by
centUI. Th1II1UdY prcMdea clIIIa to IIIIoW for men ec:curaIe .tIm.... for 8IICh prov~ .net
tMIIOry end varto.. ~ of 1M papuIetIon. Whl. the ed!ustment deta, fl_ undercoYerage
p.-centlge. Is not pubUhed unIiI f8II 012008 . . preliminary u ~ percentege for Be is
3.13 % down I'rorn 4.' in 2001.
The results 01' . . . coverage ltucliea are used In combination with !he census population counls,
1O.mve at the popuIatlan . . . . . . . Stlltiatic8 C8nBdB publflhet. .

Following from th8l, • Ie spproprIale to poklt out thB1 WhIe the c:enIUS populetlon numbers relate
to trenafw paymente fnlm the BdIIIh Collmblll PnmncIBI Government to comrnunl"'; lhoM
payments . . not baNd IClIeIy on 1he I'IIW pop~ numbers from C _ 2008. R8lher,
popuIIIIIon . . . . . . . . . . produced which Incorporate C8naU. clata 810ng WIth oller edmlnlstretlve
recarda IMIllebt8 to the pnMnc:hII Govemrn.".


07/07/2001 0':33 PAl ' .......32 STATISTICS CANADA

• P8Qe2 .krle30,2008
Nto warth nuIIno. IIC:ClUrKY .. concerned, 18 tile ItatIc n8ture of cen~ versus the more
dynemlc n.ue oIl1drM1latn1Uve ~ such .. utIIIy hOOk ups or buldlng permits. Cenaus II. .
lNIPIhoi of the C. . . . . population on one GOmmon l'IIfInnoe day whent _ bulcllng pemll1s do
not ,..eeA11UetI • anapehOl 01 MD.'.erIIy indicate. growth In population {aomeone In the
community coutd be .... undertake the buDding Of • new .-Idenc8 whIe they reside In their old
hoUM over the ".., montha for ...,.>.
Funtw to .... WhIle. . . t-.. t.n CQrr1lWiIOI_ 01 census wMh oIher 8OUla.1UC:h •
ClUIII tam 8C. . . II "lea c..I8 warkI cIoIeIywllt1 Be InCIJICCOrdIng 10 Mr. Dan
UclRIIe. Director d 8C",.... t.v. U canlIdenoe In Itle rneIhodoIofWlnt quality control ........
IPPIted by . . . . CInIciIIIn" canduct of. . 2008 e-., It.e repreeent 118 goJd IIBndard In
.uneraIIcI.. end ~ IhouId nGtdlNc:ly CCfYII*Il '*"
10 ..urn... fnlm at. 8QUA;88,­

In ......... to • POP&*llan nMew proc:esa"re ha been such. process since Mlrch, 2007 but

" . recently cIaHd liD new CIII8I. Prior to the doH though • number of communIti. wtlhIn )'OW
IIUOCIItIDn began"" of the een.u. 2008 popul8Uon numbers wfth
...,.~ c:ammuntty~ shortly.
t1neflll8Uhs for 1he

ConsIdering the core of your -.oGIatIon'8 resolullan to hew Ceneus dBte aligned with _
nICOf'ds there .... NWnII potnr. eo be 8W8,. of. the flnst being the issue of confidenti8ftty. Under
the pnIlIent feder8I AoIa ~ prIvIIcy StatIIttcs Canada ~ not use lax records • •
guide 10 population caunts • ." such UN would rwqulre Ihe c:ansent old respOf\dents.
The NCand conaldendJan wt81l10111ldertng ... linking of tax rocorde to cen",s popullltlan .
nun'!berl181he I8Ck or • common retIrence point. ,.. both Stelleb Canllde end ItJe C8neda
RtIYenW /tttr1MC'I "..,. eurrwent 1IWMJ.... 1hey do not operete with the deftnitIaM or pcmtl
of ...-.nee which . . - . . *'PIe lrMIfer or _ form. filed In • glvM yeer wuulcl not
neceeurtly m.-. • bleW popu\etIon count for any givvn community.

There may be fUrIw conceme or qUedana ttl. " e In ntg8fd. to C."sus 2006 that I would
~ the oppal1unIty to 8dd,..•. If ilia does OCCU'. pIeeIe feel he to contact me. ChrilI L.o8t. at

ChN_ ~ &0-----..

~ Mlnlgercena-. W..... RegJan

8aIIIIIIca c.n.Ie

pc: 8rIIIh CoUnbIa PJemIIr. Gardan C.-npbeI

Be S1 • _ Dan McRee


, ,~ .• ~1<Il ." •.


eornspondenc8 IIlnlatlrlCorreapondance Mlnlatre: OCS

sent Thursday. June 26. 2008 8:48
To: Corrapondence MinllterlCorrespondance Minlstre: OCS
Subject: FROM: Privy COUncil omee - Bureau du consell priv6 [Mall.: 13nS2 Folder. : 652694
Tracking' : 81230143E ]

RepIy.wpd; Image1.tif

FInlILI12301'OE.wwU2lXSHt.l1f (60
pd (I ICB) ICB)

Attention: Jim Prentice, P.C., M.P., Minister of Industry

The attached correspondence addressed to the Prime Minister is forwarded to your office
for action or information as appropriate.
La correspondance ci-jointe adress6e au Premier Ministre vous est transmise pour suite ~
donner ou pour information.
Correspondent I Correspondant :

en ra
Suite 206
155 George Street
Prince George (Colombie-Britannique)
Keywords I Mots-cl6s : Statistics Canada - Neutral
Folder Number I Num'ro de dossier: 652694
Tracking Number I Num6ro de suivi: 8l230143E
Date on Document I Date du document: 25 Apr 2008
Date Rec'vd ( by PCC ) I Date de r6cept.: 02 May 2008
For additional information, please call 941-6887
Pour de plus amples informations, veuillez composer le 941-6887
Date of this E-Mail I Date de la transmission: Thu 26 Jun 2008 8:48:18 AM




PID: ~-OI./....~

, .,u ...... " ...


June 20, 2008

North Central Municipal Association.

Suite 206
ISS George Stn:et
Prince George. British Columbia

On behalfoftbe Right Honourabl~ Stephen Harper. I would like to

You may be assured that your comments, offered on behalfof the North
Central Municipal Association, have been ~fully reviewed. As the matter you have
raised is ofparticular interest to the Honourable Jim Prentice, Minister of Industry, I have
taken the liberty of forwarding a copy ofyour correspondence to him. lam certain that the
Minister will appreciate being made aware ofyour views.

Thank you for writing to the Prime Minister.

Yours sincerely,

Executive Correspondence Officer

. I." ·1'
~,. Ito-


8 I 230 I q3

The Right HonourIIbIe SIephM H8rper, p.e., M.P.

0ftIcle tI the Prime MiniIter
0ItIM ON K1A 0A2

DMr PrIme MIniIIIr H81per,

On behalf of the North C8nInII MunIcII* AIIocidon, I am writing to requett yow . . . .nce In enconglng
8CIdIItIcI CInIcs. to nMM" 2008 CInIuIIn the NCMA RegIon, and .a.o to review 1M e-ua biking procesa
to ...,. the accurICY of the In8I C8I'IIUI fU71berIln future.
BIIICI on iItIIIIcI pn:MdIId btl the PnMnae d BrIIIIh CoUnbia, building "'IIlIb, utility connecIIonIlnd dhIr
InbmIIIan IIVIIIIlIbIIt to member mu....... and eIectInI ..... It II genemIIy felt that the 2008 CenIUI
8CCUftICY or the C8fIIU8"
runbIrI ... not NIIlf.llnIItMI ~ the true numbers throughout the north, 8I1d 8S • f'8IUIt we challenge the
far the NCMA·regIon.
I would Il1o like to rNIIat you . . . . lIMIt the fallowing r8IOIution will be goi~ forward for debBl8 at the NOMA
AGM &Convenllon to be heklin Prtnce George on May tI' a 9", 2008.
WHIRIAI It Ie felt that the maet I8CInt CIIIIU8 data • It pert8Ina to the North Central RegIon of 8rIIth
CClIumbiII doll nat IICCUf1dIIy f8ftect the aetu8I population;
AND WIBEA8 . . " tnencIIIlftlllt8rl.lUCh • tranerer payments end 8IIoc:atIcMw IS they ..... toll fDrmI of
IocII govemrMnt ... bIIIId on" C8IIUI popufeIIon ftguree;
'f1oERIFORE • IT RDOLVID IhIt NOMA requeIt the ·1IIIIItIInce 01 the UBCM end the PnMnclll
GcMJmmentID ~ lie F..... ~ t odtMtIop. meIhod of __ teIIq the conct CINUa popuIdan
___ by ClOIfIIIIq and II...,.""",,, popufeIIon baed on Inbm8IIan from Income lax Allums.

ThInk you toryour'~.



.. ,III 4. . . . . ." ..

' •
.... .

Minister Responsible for Ministre responsable de

Statistics Canada Statistique Canada

Ottawa, Canada K1A OT6


North Central Municipal Association

155 George Street, Suite 206


I understand that you also wrote dire ly to Statistics Canada. As part of its
fonnal review process, Statistics C da looked into the concerns raised in your
letter. Mr. Chris Loat provided you ·th a detailed response on May 16,2008.

Thank you for taking the time to te on this matter.


The Honourable Jim Prentic

Canada 000031
• • , ol• • • • • . • ,. ,I."

07/07/100. 08:33 FA~ 80~" ... az STATIS'1'ICS CAMo\DA IiII002/0oa

1+1 .."._c..IIt 5.19(1)


R« far R8\IIew of 2008 e-.a

I hIM received YN' ..... enoN'8Vlng StIItIab cen_1o revlew cen.u. 2008 PGP'*tIDn
numb-. .. they regIIRt 1M NCMA R8gIon end 10 revtew the ---1Ikk'!G p~ In gener'lll.
Your I8tI8r ~ on f8W oancei'M, "enm 8"d mwI CIbVIow one being ihII concern over !he
8CClUr8OY d cen.u. 2008.
cenaUa AcGuI'8GY II ~ courH. rutter of the ~ ooncem 10 StaUstIcs c.nedB.• II becauN
of. that concern tNt w. take 8 ~ of _tepa to enaure IIOClftOY end quelty. One .uGh step •
• CIMUa teat. and In 2008 we. . .1n pnlC80dIng to tnt CU' methodOlogy end ~tna 10
ereure we obtIIIn \he maea cal'''''
end ~ count poaI»Ie. Beyand ,UGh . . .'1I\ere are
numerou_ procl8• •' 8nd .,-Ny d1ecke In p111C8 to en,ure a IIgnIftc8nt and reliable count.
Thele proeM'" Include extInIIve follow up on ce..u. quesIIonne'" thBt are not returned to
S_tIeI C8nICUI. ThIs follow-up saroce-
SlllrtllIbOUt 10 days ..... cenau- dey .,..d .. c:onduc:ted
by both 'Mphone end by ..,.anal visits 10 .,su,. • compleled que&IJonn81r8 I. obtained from .11
houIehoidl. .

Even 10, detpKe the best etrcnt dIfttg cenIUS d818~,there . . remalnl 8 number of
houMhoIdlt th8t . . . . . . returned a questlOnnal,.. Md, coneequently, ~ that..,.. mlued
by ca,... For that.-an number fA lbJdIalNt ere candUc:t8d to .....,. !he most
MlQRte popullltlDn wtIi" poet!IbIe can be produced.
l'tlese ibid. . InClIUdlJ the 0'MIIIInD CIUIIIIc:8tlon SUrvey, a ItUdY thai umplee add,..• • !tiel
. . . not nttumed qI.-'IoIh end co,,,"''', the ocwpency end nwnbenlll8SOdBt8d wIIh
It-. dwtIlIInOI. thill 8tUdy 111ft prCtVlc* IIdjUllIMnta for the In/till population and dwIIlng
ret. . . to 8c:count IIDr .,. people In thoH hoUHhOteII.
There II aIIo. ~ ~ Check study which provld.. ~ fA the people milled by
cenIUI. ThlIItUCIy pnMd8e d8Ia to II1Iow for men 8CQII'1Ite . . . .IM for 8lIdl province and
terTIiory 8nd ,,8rIOUa IUbgroupe or the popuIelion. Whle the IIdjultment Ute. !he und8fCQY8rage
percent8g., II not publlhed until,.., 012008 the prellmlnery ~e percentage for Be II
'.13 " down from 4.1 In 2001.
The reauHI of thole GO'IWIIIJ8 RIdieI . . UNd In cornbInaIIon wtIh the c.naua popuIalion counts,
to entve at the poputaUan estImetes 8tIIliItIca cenade pubIlIhet. .

Following frDm thai. • II IIPPf'OPI1lIt8 to point ouIllat .... the census popuIetion numbers relate
to transfer peyrnenta frQm the 8IIIIh CoUnbl. PnMnciaI GcPIemment 10 COIIlnU1ItilM; 1haee
~. . . . not _ _ .aIeIy en 11. rIIW popuIMIDn nU111ber8 from
2008. ReIher,
popuIIiIIon . .1fmatM . . peoclK:ed which Incorporate cenIUI dela lIIong with other admlnlatnltlve
recorda IMtIleble to the provtnc:I8I gcwwnrnent.



07/07/2008 0':33 PAX .1488.4.,Z

• • , lit ~

. . . I" .• "


• Pege2
AIIo warIt naUna • ecancy II concerned, • the
dynamic _tu,.
_tic n8tunt of cer-.. w ....,. the more
of -*"InlafnltNe recorda such • utHlIy hook upS or building perml\ll. CIMUI is a .
8I'lIIPWIot of the C...edIen populaUon on one common reIIlnnee ~ Where .. bUIlding permits do
not ,.".ent IUCh • _pehot Of 1Iy IncIlc8te 8 growth In population (acmeone In 1M
oommunlly could btl twve ke the bulIdIng of • new resId8nce while they reside In lhetr old
hoUH fNe't the MXt 8 monh for eampIe).

FUlttwIo .... while t.n~ dc.nsua wllholher~.IUCh.

exJUr* fran Be se.. Clnldawarkl c:IoIeIywll1 Be StIIIs. ~ to Mr. Don
~ DINctor d Be
IPflIled by SbI1IIIIci-=-.,
"WI heM UCICftIdIlIC8In the rneIhodoIogy. .d quallly COI1\'UI fNI8I\AI
the cancb:C of. . 2008 cen.u..
U-,........m t1e gold IIIIl"ld8r"d In

~ Md ..... 1houId not dlNctycoillpiWe them Ie) edm. . . from oIher 1IOUA:eL-

In r.gerda to • popuIlIIIan review proceu there "- been IUCh • PfOCIlIS .~e Merch. 2007 but
h8a recently CIOHd to new caH:I. Prior 10 the doN though • number of commUl"1ftln wlllUn your
8UOCI8IIan bepn ,.,... of 1118 cen.u. 2008 popuIatlon numbeq wtth the tin.. AlMllII for 1he
I1IIYl8RtlG camonunIty farthcQmk1g lhortfy.
ConsIdering ttle core of)'OUI'
rvc:onIs h n
.UOdalIon" resoIutIan to haw CenIua dele aligned w1lh I8X
HYW8I polntI to be 8WlIre of. lhe first being the lAUe of confidenti8fity. Under
the peaent AG\a ~ prIvIIcy SIatIItlcI Cenada COUld not UN tax recorda • •
guide to population counts • any SUCh UN would ~ !he CQ(lsent of aIf rwpcJrldents.

The NCOnd ccntklllNtlon ~ COlWidertnG tM IInlel"" of tID ~ to cenaus population .

numbIr'I " the Ieck of • common nnr.nce poInL Aa baIh SIatidCa CenBda Md tile C8Mde
Revenue /toIIACY h. . diffInnt mand8IIIIlMy do not operate with h ..... deftnitlons or point.
of J'IlIerence whlch ....... NnpIe IrInfw d . . farm. filed In aglvwl ye.- would not
neceu&rlIy meen 8 betI8r popuIlItIon oount for en)' given community.

There rney be f\a1h« cancen. or quMtlonl that .... In regenls to Cenlua 2006 that I would
low the opporUtlly 110 add,.•. If this do. occur. pie. . feel free to contact me. Chrta LEJIIt. at

RegIoneI Menaget w.tIm RegIon

8tIlIIItIc=- Cen8d8
pc: IktIIh CoUnba PremIIr. Gardon c.mptleI
Be StatIICk:a. Don McRIIe


1161 ..... •11 • .-<1


Minister Responsible for Ministre responsable de

Statistics Canada Statistiqu$ Canada

Ottawa", Canada K1A OT6


North Central Municipal Association

ISS George Street, Suite 206

The Right Honourable Stephen Harper has forwarded to me a copy of your
correspondence of April 2S, 2008, concerning the results of the 2006 Census.

I understand that you also wrote directly to Statistics Canada. As part of its
formal review process, Statistics Canada looked into the concerns raised in your
letter. Mr. Chris Loat provided you with a detailed response on May 16, 2008.

Thank you for taking the time to write on this matter.


The Honourable Jim Prentice, P.C., Q.C., M.P.

c.c. The Right Honourable Stephen Harper, P.C., M.P.

.Canada 000034


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ActUlII: ,J


. J .......".. •. I


From: []

sent: Monday, May 26, 2008 4:05 PM
SUbjed;: 2006 census data from Smtlstlcs Canada

1. I am following up on your 8tnaU of May 7, 2008 to our Minister concerning the availability of information
from the 2006 Census.
I understand that Ms. Chel)'l Yaffe from our Central Regional Office has contacted you to confirm that the
Information you neeclls going to be available free of charge on the Statistics Canada website and that you
will be notified as soon as a release date is set.

We apologize for the confusion about the availability of these data and thank you for your interest In the


VICki Crompton

Vicki Crompton
Director General I Directrice gen6rale
Communications and Information services I Communications et services d'information
R.H. Coats Building 10A/lmmeuble R.-H.-Coats 10A
Statistics Canada I Statistique Canada
100 Tunney's Pasture Driveway 1100, promenade Tunney's Pasture
Ottawa ON K1A OT6
(613) 951-1365

! .
. ,~ ....,.&l '" .•• '" ~

• Message
[~-v,~ Page 1 of6

Lead:IPO Input:~
Co......pond.nce MlnlateriCorreapondance Mlntatre Action: DRAFT REPLY BF: 200145-23
Issue:STATS CC: MIN. mI, A"E
From: OocJFile Date: 2008-02-18 Filet: M 5070-10
Document 1#: 0136197 Analyst: M.e
lent: VVednelday. May 7, 200817:03
To: Correspondence MlnlsterlCorrespondance Ministl8: OCS
SUbject: FW: For The Ministers Attention, Complaint Re statistics Canada

Dear SirlM.dam,

Attacbed pleue fiDd my relevant e-maU correspondence with Statilties Cauda:

The followiDg table from the %001 ClIIHI is free and on tbe Static.. website:

Number aad Average Wapi and Salaria (%) in CODltaDt (1000) DoUan, sex (3), Work

Activity (3), Hiltorical HIghest Level of ScbooliDg (6), Age Groups (5) and Occupation - 1991

Studard Occupational C....iftcatioD (Biatorical) (706A) for Paid Worken 15 Yean and Over

With Wages and Salaries, for Canada, Provinca and Territories, 1995 and 1000 - ZO". Sample


The table wu not pubUsbed in 1006,

To replieate tbe table hm the 1006 Cemus, Statistics Canada now wantl 511,564 plus GST,

1biI is disgraceful, and wone tban iDOation in Zimbabwe.

Furtbennore, bow can It poulbly be a custom table wbeD it wu previously produced in ZOOI.

AI tile Minilter Rapomlble for Statbtics Canada it would be greatly appreciated if you would

please have IOmeoDe look Into the ..atter and respond.

Yours truly,

From: Greg.LeBlancostattan.cB (]

Sent: Wednesday, May 07, 2008 2:25 PM
SUbject: RE: Re 2006 Census data, Incune Inro


The cost for the cultom table for Ontario and the CMA'S in Ontario ( 15) is $11,594 plus GST, the cost for
Ontario only Is $2,176. 34 plus GST. The tum around time is 5-7 weeks after the contract is signed. Here is a
quick note regarding the 2006 dBta from our custom service consultant


, ., ~ •••<iII ." .•.

• Message Page 2 or6


Ifyour client wishes to go ahead, could you please infonn him that the "Highest Level of Schooling"
variable no longer exists. It bas been replaced with "Highest Cenificate. Diploma or Degree". The
"Occupation variable - 1991 Standard Occupational Classification (Historical)" has also been
replaced by the NOC-S. Caution should also be exercised ifyour client plans to compare the data.

Greg leBlanc
Account 0t'Iicer
StlltIs1Ic8 Canada
central Regional OffIce
Phone 416-973-9568
Fax 418-973-7475

--original Message
From::~.._.~ . . amam·mi1" ~r~
sent: May 1, 2008 5:37 PM


SUbject: RE: Re 2006 Census data, Income Info


I thlak oar pnvlou ......... eraued.

Yes t.1s Is the ODe.

N.mber aDd Av Emplo)'meDt (HOme (2) In CoutaDt (2000) DoIIan, Ses (J), Work Aetivity
(J), Historical H t Lev.1 ofSehoollq (6), Ale Groups (5) aDd Occupatioa -1991 Staadanl
OeeapaClOlUlI CIaulftatio. (Historical) (706) for Populadoa 15 Vean aDd OYer Wltb
Employmeut lacome, A»r Calida, ProvIDees aDd Territories, 1995 aDd 2000 - 20% Sample Data

Also woalclilke It brokea d01Vll by M.tropoiltaD Area tor ODtario.


... _---_._--_._-_._--------- _._---------------­

From: Greg.LeBIanc:Ostataln.CD [maIJto:Greg.LeBlanc@stlJtcan.CD]
SUbject: RE: Re 2006 census data, Income Info



----------------------- - - -

• , I" tIR..i ." .•. . I·~

• Message Page 3 of6


Is thla the table from last year?

Number aDd Averale Wapi .ad Salaries (1) in CODstaDt (1000) DoUan, Sex (3), Work

Activlty (3), Hlstorleal Highest Level of Scbooling (6), Age Groups (5) aDd Occupation.

1991 Studard Occupatio..) ClauifleatioD (Historical) (706A) for Paid Worken 15

Yean aDd Over With Waplaad Salaries, for Canada, ProviDe. and Territories, 1m

aDd 2000 • 10% Sample Data &.

Greg leBlanc

Account Offtcer

Statistics canada

Central Regional 0fIice

Phone 416-973-9658

Fax 418-973-7475


8t1Udcs Canada'...P....pecUV.. on Canada" Conference

Cana9'. Evolving Labour "a"'et: A Work In Progress

MIY 15, 2008, Toronto

Gain Insight from our experts on demographic issues and strategic HR solutions to prepare your

organization for succesal hUp:lIWWw.$tat,can,CJ/englishlconfefl.~pe~es2QQeJinotx~Jht1T!

Con8rence de 8tatlstlque Canada "Penpectlv.. Bur 18 Canada"

L"volutlon du march' du travail canadien continue

Le 15 mal 2008, Toronto

GrAce • nos experts, familiarilez-wus avec Ies enjeux d6mogrephiques et des solutions Strat6glqu8S

pour'lI RH. Pr6p8rez votre organisation au successl


sent: May 1, 2008 1:10 PM ­ A


SUbject: RE: Re 2006 Census data, Income Info

Also does not appear to have any average income data by occupation.

Please check.


• . 1,tI t"ul 'II .... -I ~

• Message Page 4 of6 5.19(1)

From: []

sent: ThUfSdBy, May 01, 2008 12:30 PM

. : ~
data, Income Info

2nd emaN, Income by occupation.

Greg leBlanc
Account 0IIicer
StatIstIca C8nad8
central Regional Office
Phone 416-973-9558
Fax 416-973-7475

sent: AprIl 30, 2008 4:49 PM
SUbject: RE: Re 2006 Census data, Income Info
Hi Greg.

Thanks for the advfc:e.

Can I contact you tomorrow for the 20120 versions?


FroIa: []


SUbject: RE: Re 2006 census data, Income Info

Income variable wtII be released tomorrow for higher levels of geography. Can/prav.



OffIcial Neutral statements Positive Negative Source

O. .nDeI ....tro Now, in indicating well, irs no longer mandatory, well, the bottom line is. The Current
Conservative MP as the chief statistician said, even though It was mandatory, there were CeCRadio
some that found it intrusive and didn't respond. So I would suggest we (Toronto)
could in fact get a much more accurate picture and I would also suggest July 14, 2010
that the information that is being collected in the mandatory census form
will in fact continue to provide the govemment with the information...and
all levets of government, with the information that it needs including
some of the infonnation that she's indicating that we wouldn't have for
Dean Del Mastro Statisticians also make the claim regUlarly that polls which are voluntary The Current
Conservative MP are accurate within two or three percentage points nineteen times out cec Radio
of twenty. (Toronto)
July 14, 2010

• 0000911


Dean Del Mastro I think the main point here, the main point is, why does the The CUlTBnt
Conservative MP government.. why under threat of prosecution is the government CBC Radio (Toronto)
requiring intrusive information about Canadians. I think thafs July 14, 2010
something that if Canadians chose to divulge it, they can and if
they don't want to disclose it. they shouldn't have to.
Dean Del Mastro I can't speak to the total numbers because I don't have that The Current
Conservative MP information but what I can say is we agree with those persons cac Radio (Toronto)
that have came forward and said under threat of prosecution, I'm July 14, 2010
being asked how many rooms are in my house. Under threat of
prosecution, I'm being asked, how long does it take me to drive to
work. Under threat of prosecution, I'm being asked how far am I
from mv iob.
Dean Del Mastro What we are doing is we are extending the short fonn census. It The Current
Conservative MP is mandatory to all Canadian households. Those eight questions cac Radio (Toronto)
on the short form census will be responded to in the same.. the July 14, 2010
same manner as they've always been. We're extending a
national housing survey. The long form census went out to a
much smaller group of Canadians. We're going to extend the
national housing survey to one out of three Canadians. It will be
MulmeBemler "Plene Elliott Trudeau avait dit que rEtat n'avait pas sa place Seulement trois plalntes en
D6put6 dans la chambre Acoucher des gens. LA on s'apef\1Oit que Ies dixans
conservateur lib6raux pensent Ie contraire de leur grand chef. Nous, pour une La Droit / La Preae
fois, on pense oomme M.Trudeau", a-t-i1lanc6. Canadien. .
(St6phan1e Marin)
15 iuHIet 2010
MaxIrne 88mler 'We want the Liberals to explain to Canadians why they want Tories call meeting to
Conservative MP Canadians to be obliged to answer a long-form census of 40 discuss census
pages with a lot of questions concerning their private lives," MP Uberals seeking evidence
Maxime Bernier said. of privacy concerns
Postmedia News
(Shannon Proudfoot)
Julv 19. 2010



Molme Bernier
Conservative MP
I As industry minister during the 2006 census, Bemier said he
was inundated with privacy complaints.
Tones call meeting to
discuss census
"I received an average of 1,000 Hnails a day during the census Uberals seeking evidence
to my MP office complaini ng about all that, so I know that of privacy concerns
Canadians who were obliged to answer that long-form census ­ Postmedla News
very intrusive in their personal lives - I know they were upset." he (Shannon Proudfoot)
said. July 19. 2010

Bemier also said that because only 20·per cent of households

received the long-form census every five years, many people
might not be aware of how intrusive the questions are and the
committee meeting would be an opportunity to explain that to the
"silent majority."

"I believe in Canadians being responsible and I want them to

have the freedom to choose to answer that long-form survey," he

said. "If they want to answer, they will. If not, they don't - I don't

want them to have to go to jail or pay a fine. Thafs only

resoectina Canadians."

MaxIma Bernier
Conservative MP
cAlors i1s ne savent pas de quoi ils parlenb, estime M. Bemier.
C'est pour cela que Ie gouvemement veut utiliser Ie comit6 de
Recensement - Les
dfJpuMs conservateurs
rlndusbie pour exposer son point de vue. .Si certains groupes veulent s'expliquer en
de pntSSlon veulent des donn6es sur les Canadiens, its p8Uvent comiM
Ie mire. lis peuvent payer et Ie falre. Mais nous ne sommes pas Le Devoir
au gouvemement pour falre plalsir aux gmupes de pression. (H616ne Buzzetti)
Nous 80mmes Ii pour la majorlt6 sllencieuse. Je suis oer1ain que Le 19 juillet 2010
Ia grande ~ des Canadiens comprennent et seront
d'accord avec notre d6cision_, a d6clar6 M. Bernier.

• 0000931


ltive MP
IThe long census only goes to 20 per cent of the population during
every census, so 80 per cent of Canadians don't realize how
TotieS call for immediate
hearings ID explain axing of
invasive it is, explained Conservative MP Maxime Bernier. Iongcsnsus
"So they don't know what we're talking about And so we have to The c:ancKflan Press
explain what we did and why we did It, and we'll use the (Heather SOOtrleld)
committee," Bemier said in a telephone interview Sunday.
The Tories also want to use the emergency committee hearings
to put the opposition Liberals on the spot, said Bernier.
July 18, 2010

"The opposition will have to explain to Canadians why they want

the state and the government of Canada to know lots of details
from their private lives. They will have to answer that question."

lamier Icensus
Bernier said that when he was indUstry minister during the last Tories call for Immediate

live MP period in 2006, he received an average of 1,000 e-mail hearings to explain axing of .;::. __ .__ . . _._ 4._"· -=
complaints a day while the survey was going on. long census
•'If some special interest group wants data on Canadians, they The canadian Press
~ .
, ..
can do that, they can pay for that and they can do It," Bernier (Heather SOOffleld)
.-:Ill':::""· ..·,c
., ~

said. July 18, 2010

.•But we're not there to please special interest groups. We're
there for the silent majority of Canadians. And I'm sure that the
big majority of Canadians understand that and they will agree
with our decision."
Bernier said he tried in 2006 to axe the long form, but he was too
late. The forms had already been published and the process was
well underway when he tried to make the change.
Now, the govemment has acted well in advance of the 2011, and
will not change its mind, Bernier added.
Four Conservative MPs plan to make an official request Monday
that the committee meet as soon as DOSSible, Bernier said:

• 000094


Marc Gameau Industry critic Marc Gameau said Wednesday he Tories call meeting to
Industry critic would ask for the committee to meet and insist that discuss census
Industry Minister Tony Clement, who oversees Uberals seeking
Statistics Canada, provide evidence of the privacy evidence ofprivacy
concerns the govemment says prompted what concerns
Garneau called a "secretive, manipulative move." Postmedia News
"This is a government that on a daily basis from 2006 (Shannon Proudfoot)
talked about transparency and accountability, and is July 19, 2010
completely hypocritical about the need to be
transparent and to be open with Canadians," Garneau
Marc "They're taking this really stupid approach, and Tories call for
Liberal critic making a really stupid decision as well. This really is Immediate hearings tD
saying we're going to dumb down this country explain axing oflong
because we don't want to intrude into the lives of 0!!f1SUS
people," said Liberal industry critic Marc Garneau. The Canadian Press
Instead of cancelling the mandatory long fonn, the (Heather SCofftekl)
govemment should put its efforts into showing July 18, 2010
respondents why their answers will remain strictly
confidential, but are also very important to
understanding changes afoot in Canada, Gameau
""Of course there are certain things that we don' really
like to do, but we also realize that we have a duty to
do certain things."
The committee hearings wli show that the Tory
decision places dogma over scientific research,
Garneau added.
""Ifs causing the Conservative government to frame
.Its ideoloav. It makes a clear choice for Canadians."



Marc Gameau ''The decision by this government concerning the Bacldash to census
Liberal MP critic census is truly a stupid decision". heats up
Ottawa's move to axe
"Mr. Clement has c1ear1y not understood the long form 'truly a stupid
importance of having clear, accurate data that allows decision, , critics say
us to take the right decisions for this country." Toronto Star
(Bruce Campion-5mith)
"Lefs be clear. This is ideological and it touches on July 15, 2010
the most vulnerable Canadians and the federal
governmenfs ability to deliver progressive programs
to helD them,"
Marc Gameau Garneau suggests the Conservatives are taking a cue Bacldash to census
Liberal MPcritic from right-wing groups in the United States, who see heats up
the census as government interference in private life. Ottawa's move to axe
"Interestingly, the extreme-right fringe in the United long form 'truly a stupid
States has opposed the census for decades, where it decision. ' critics say
is championed by the Tea Party movement today," Toronto Star
Garneau said. (Bruce Campion-5mith)
Julv 15.2010
Marc Gameau "By attacking the census, this government is throwing Privacy commissioner
Liberal MPcritlc us in the dart< on immlgration-related Issues. They're not consulted on
doing the same for aboriginals, visible minorities and decision to scrap
the disabled. and for those argUing for pay equity."' 'Intrusive' census
The canadian PreSs
(Jennlfw Dilchbum)
JulY 14. 2010



Marc Garneau Les Ii~raux veulent convoquer di!s eet ete une Formulaire dlJtailllJ du
liberal MP reunion du comite parlementaire de "industrie pour recensement: les
que Ie gouvemement explique sa decision d'abolir Ie IiblJraux veulent une
long questionnaire de recensement obligatoire, une rfJunion du comitfJ
decision qualifiee de "stupide" par Ie depute Marc Presse Canadienne
Gameau. JUly 14, 2010
En point de presse mercredi. Ie depute liberal a fait
valoir que Ie gouvemement a besoin des donnees du
recensement pour elaborer sas lois et roumir des
services aux Canadiens les plus vulnerables.
II denonee aussi que cette decision ait ete prise sans
consultation et annoncee peu apees que Ie Parlement
ait suspendu sas travaux pour I'ete. Une manoeuvre
faite pour que ceJa ne soit pas examine, estime-t-i1.
Les citoyens devront encore tous remplir une version

courte du questionnaire. Quant au formulaire de f;
recensement detail/e, il existera toujours, mais il sera
rempli sur une base volantaire et non plus obligatoire.
Ce qui va grandement diminuer la fiabilite des
donnees recueillies, a plaide M. Garneau.
Selon Ie gouvemement, les Canadiens s'opposent
Mrocement c!lla peine de prison prevue s'i1s ne
remplissent pas Ie questionnaire.
Mais personne n'a et6 en prison pour eela, a retorque
Marc Garneau. Selon ses donnHs qui remontent c!I
1981, il a souligne que seulement une cinquantaine
de personnes ont ete accuslles de ne pas avoir rempli
Ie formulaire et une dizaine seulement ont dO payer
des amendes.



Marc Gameau "Scrapping the long census is a thinly veiled attack on the most Uberal want Industry
Liberal MP vulnerable Canadians, and the federal government's ability to Committee to examine
deliver progressive programs that help them," said Liberal scrapping of long
Industry, Science and Technology Critic Marc Garneau. "We need census
to hear from Minister Clement and concerned organizations on an Liberal Press Release
urgent basis so we can take steps to keep the census intact.· July 14, 2010
"The Conservatives want to undermine the government's ability to
enforce legislation and deliver social programs aimed at our most
vulnerable,· said Mr. Garneau, citing pay equity, labour market
development, and immigration settlement programs as examples.
"Liberals object to the fact that this decision was made without
consultation, just after the House of Commons rose for the
summer," said Mr. Garneau. "This secretive, manipulative move
was made to avoid all scrutiny, and shows no respect to the
institution of Parliament. Well, Stephen Harper is not going to get
away with it.· i­
"Filling out the census is a civic duty, and our privacy is fully
protected,· concluded Mr. Garneau. "The information collected
suooorts orOQrarns that helD our fellow citizens."
Marc Garneau The Liberals' industry, science and technology critic, Marc Uberals demand
Liberal MP Garneau, said at a news conference Wednesday that he and his meeting on long-form
fellow Liberal MPs have never heard such complaints."And thafs census
why we want to speak to Tony Clement We want to hear about
these anecdotes that he's obViously referring to that people are JUly 14, 2010
telling him that it's intrusive, that ifs a breach of privacy, that ifs
coercive. we want to find out, what is the basis on which they
want to change things?" he said. Garneau argues Clement does
not understand how scientifIC data is gathered or used, the census
has to be mandatory to get responses from a wide variety of
people, and information from the long-form is essential for the
develoDment of sound Qovernment Dolicies.



Marc Garneau "Scrapping the long census is a thinly veiled attack on the most Liberal want Industry
Liberal MP vulnerable Canadians, and the federal government's ability to Committee to examine
deliver progressive programs that help them,· said Liberal scrapping of long
Industry, Science and Technology Critic Marc Garneau. "We need census
to hear from Minister Clement and concerned organizations on an Liberal Press Release
urgent basis so we can take steps to keep the census intact" July 14, 2010
"The Conservatives want to undermine the governmenfs ability to
enforce legislation and deliver social programs aimed at our most
vulnerable," said Mr. Garneau, citing pay equity, labour market
development, and immigration settlement programs as examples.
"Liberals object to the fact that this decision was made without
consultation, just after the House of Commons rose for the
summer,· said Mr. Garneau. "This secretive, manipulative move
was rnade to avoid all scrutiny, and shows no respect to the
institution of Parliament. Well, Stephen Harper is not going to get
away with it." i­
"Filling out the census is a civic duty, and our privacy is fully
protected,· concluded Mr. Garneau. "The information collected
SUDDorts DrOQramS that helD our fellow citizens.·
Liberal MP Marc The Liberals' industry, science and technology critic, Marc Liberals demand
Gameau Garneau, said at a news conference Wednesday that he and his meeting on long-form
fellow Liberal MPs have never heard such complaints. census
"And thars why we want to speak to Tony Clement. We want to
hear about these anecdotes that he's obViously refening to that July 14, 2010
people are telling him that it's intrusive, that irs a breach of
privacy, that irs coercive. We want to find out, what is the basis on
which they want to change things?" he said.
Garneau argues Clement does not understand how scientific data
is gathered or used, the census has to be mandatory to get
responses from a wide variety of people, and information from the
long-form is essential for the development of sound government




Senator Marjorie "Canadians, I believe, and we believe, will Behind the numbers:
LeBreton be very happy to fill in the long form," Taking Census: privacy
explained Conservative senator Marjory versus the public good
July 14, 2010

Senator Marjorie Marjory LeBreton, leader du gouvemement Recensement - L'Etat

LeBreton au Senat, a ajoute que Ie seul changement n'a rien a faire... dans
consistait A «ne plus jeter les gens en les salles de bain!
prison, les menacer d'amende et Ales Le Devoir
pourchasser A I'infini parce qu'ils n'ont pas July 14, 2010
complete Ie long formulaire».

La ministre et leader du gouvernement au r­

Senat. Marjory LeBreton, qui accompagnait
M. Baird, n'a pas semble touchee par ces
craintes. cNous n'avons aucune preuve et
aucune raison de croire, et c'est ce
qu'indiquent les avis que nous avons r~us.
que les donnees ne seront pas aussi
solides et fiables aue Dar Ie DBSSe.»


. 1061 ,.,. -II •

• Message Page 5 of6

Greg leBlanc
Account Officer
StaUItIc8 Cenada
central Regional Office
Phone 416-973·9558
Fax 416-973-7475

--ortgIna' Message-­


sent; April 30, 2008 12:35 PM


SUbject: RE: Re 2006 census data, Incane Info

Hi Greg,

Hope allis well.

Vllhen win the 2006 census income info be released?


Greg leBlanc
Account 0lIIcer

StatiStIcS Canada

Central Regional Office

Phone 416-973·9558

FIX 416-973--7475


--orfgInal Message-••
sent: February 18, 2008 8:05 PM
Subjed: FW: Re 2006 Census datzI, PALS QuestiOnalrre &. SPSS Program

Hi Greg,

I understand that the following will be published shortly:

(1)2006 cetI$U$ dtrttl ttJble,. UfItlIfIplDY'fIMt and

ptrficipatiDn rtJ1u by t1!Je, gendttr tJIId edut:atitJII


. , .. 4. . . . ,I' .'

- Message Page 6 of6

(2) A..... income by HOC Code per 2006 census,

ftJr OntrritJ tWCIYIIl tIIId by reg/DII, 0IId ftJr ConDdD,


(3)A~ IfICfJIM byoge, gender DlId tktDl/ed

educatltJl'l I.~/.

Please advise as to how I can proceed to order.

I also need a copy of the 2001 PALS questionnaire, and the

SPSS program used to score the results.

Please coli or e·mail should you require any additional

information or explanation.

As usual, we agree to pay your reasonable charges.


This email, and any fifes transmitted herewith, is confidential and may
contain prtvlleged Information. Any unauthorized use, dlSlemination or
copytng is striclly prohibited. If you have received this email In enor. please
delete and notify the sender immediately.


- J .".....,.•­


FleEca .~T~ .·.IoiIIP··'·'.
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R8Wrned D*'-L13·24
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201(H}7·~ .•.

· .. J ,....." •.

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Chief Statistician of Canada Statisticien en chef du Canada

1+1 Statistics Canada Statistlque Canada

Ottawa. canada



DATE: 51; 1 ~ 2007

TO: The Honourable Jim Prentice

Minister Responsible for Statistics Canada

FROM: Ivan P. FeJlegi

SUBJECT: 2006 Census· release of personal ansus information after 92


During the late 1990s, a number of genealogical associations,

researchers and other interested individuals started a campaign to express

dissatisfaction with their inability to access historical census records after 1901.

Following extensive consultation, the Government decided that there was a need to

amend the Statistics Act to eliminate any legal ambiguity concerning the

confidentiality status of historical census records.

The Statistics Act was amended in 2005. The amendment provides for

access to historical census records for the period 1911 to 2001 inclusive, 92 years

after each census. Starting in 2006, the consent of Canadians is required in order for

their census infonnation to be released 92 years after the census is taken. There is

also a provision for a parliamentary review of the administration of that requirement

after two censuses i.e., after the 2011 Census.

The amendment reflects a careful balance between three competing

needs: the desire of genealogists for access to individual census returns, the right of

Canadians to the privacy of their personal information, and the compelling need of

Statistics Canada to be able to reassure Canadians regarding the present and future

confidentiality of their census information without which neither the completeness

nor the accuracy of the reSUlting information can be assured.

2006 Census

The 2006 Census included, for the first time, a question that gave

Canadians the option of choosing to have their census information transferred to

Library and Archives Canada and made publicly available in 92 years. The response

to this question shows that, nationally, 56% of Canadians replied "yes", 32% said

"no" and 12% left the box blank. The question was explicit that a non-response would

be treated as a denial of consent to release census information in 92 years.

... 2

.. , ..I ~ .... 'to '., . , ..

. .

- 2­

In preparation for the 2006 Census. Statistics Canada agreed to

undertake a number of activities to ensure that Canadians were adequately infonned
about the 92-year consent question. and what their choice of response would mean 10
fuime generations. With nearly 90% of the population providing a clear response. it
is my belief that Statistics Canada lived up to and succeeded in its commitment of
informing Canadians about the importance of answering this question. There is no
evidence to support an argument that Canadians made their choice to either provide
or deny consent other than with sufficient knowledge of the impact of their response
to this question

Current situation

Genealogists are unhappy that only 56% of respondents indicated

"yes" to release of their personal information in 92 years. They partially attribute this
to Statistics Canada not having encouraged Canadians to answer "yes". and to the
wording of the question itself. The British Columbia Genealogical Society has asked
to have the parliamentary review of the administration of the question now instead of
waiting until after the 2011 Census as intended by the legislation. They want the
review now because they feel "the integrity. completeness and future research value
of the 2011 and later Censuses will be compromised" unless the consent provision is
removed. It is expected that other genealogical societies and historical associations
will support this direction. The explicit objective of the requested review is to remove
the right of Canadians to indicate their choice about the future confidentiality of their
census returns.

Statistics Canada has provision for and procedures in place to pennit

people to change the response they put on their 2006 Census fonn to this question.
Forms and instructions are available on the Statistics Canada website. Changes can be
made up to the time of the release of the information in 92 years. To date. 160
individuals have submitted a mJuest to change their original answer. 64% of requests
changed a no answer to a yes. 11% changed a yes answer to a no and the remaining
25% provided the same answer or provided an answer for a question left blank.
Genealogists and historians are free to promote the use of these mechanisms.
Furthermore. Statistics Canada can and has offered to work with genealogists and
historians on the fonnulation of the consent question on the 2011 census form.

1. We find no substantive argument that compels an immediate parliamentary
review at this time. 32% of the population explicitly denied consent, with a
further 12% not having provided explicit consent. Their choice, implicitly or
explicitJy cannot be ignored or discounted. Provisions are in place to allow a
change in response should Canadians feel a need to do so.

... 3

.. J .~<Il ..,•.•.

, - . . .
- 3­

2. Statistics Canada continues to work constructively with historians and

genealogists on the wording, instructions, promotional materials and
background information for the 2011 Census. As with any content, this will
be done in the context of maintaining the integrity, data quality, and utility of
the entire Census questionnaire for current and future needs. This does not
require a review and should provide opportunities to further reduce the
number of responses which were left blank.

I have an enclosed a draft letter to the British Columbia Genealogical

Society for your approval and signature that reflects this approach. I have also
enclosed my response for your information.

I would be pleased to provide further information.

" Ivan P. Fellegi

Contact: Jacques Morin, Departmental Secretary, (613) 951-9864


· ., ..... ..
~'" '


[, 'jr,:,1
.,yJI.(- 't' P.O. BOX 88054, LANSDOWNE MALL
1001 JUt 2S P 2: 51.,j~\~ RICHMOND, B.C. CANADA

The Honourable Maxime Bemier, p.e., M.P.

Minister of Industry,
House of Commons
Ottawa, Ontario K1A OM

Dear Minister:

The Board of Directors of the British Columbia Genealogical Society urges you to support an
early review of the effect of the 'Informed consent' clause in the 2006 Canadian census.

Statistics Canada initially promised that their publicity campaign would encourage Canadians to
answer ·yes" to the "informed consenr question, thus agreeing that the census information they
provide can be available to public access after 92 years. This encouragement did not occur, and
the result for future genealogists will be devastating. They will have access to less than 56% of
the 2006 canadian census, based on the tally of ·yes· responses released by Statistics Canada.

12% of canadians did not answer the question at all. Non-responses have been counted as
negatives. An enumerator visited many respondents. Those enumerators might have advised
respondents of the fulUle research value of Historic Census records and encouraged a positive
response to the 'informed consent' question. It will be a tragic blow to Canadian history if the
2011 census yields the same result We must see a review now!

The census provides a rich and comprehensive picture of Canada's population, and its value to
historians and genealogists is immeasurable. Its integrity is in its completeness.

Bin 5-18, passed in 2005,lmposed an 'informed consent' question for future Censuses.
Historians and genealogists across canada agreed not to oppose inclusion of this clause in order
to expedite access to post-1901 censuses. Also incfuded was a provision for a review of the
clause's administration and effect not later than two years before the third Census taken after the
coming into force of Bill 5-18. We ask that this review be undertaken nCYN, before the integrity,
completeness and future research value of the 2011 and later Censuses is compromised.

Please support our request for a review of this clause and its impact on the information to be
released in future.

Yours sincerely,

Betty Allen Frances Ingram Kenneth liVingstone

George Caldwell Lorraine Irving Unda MaiUand
Bill Clayton Jean Ust Douglas O9g
Harvey Hudson


, 11610 t.... 01'.. ., i



Docket 1#: Classification: Receipt Date: Departure Date: Due Date: OcT Y {b
\'").0 a \1 zol~ lC:l.':t- 7. 'fI <:t I() 1­ [\/,..-­
"'" -.:::


Originator: (Partner/Drg.) Referred to: Necessary Action:

~~~C~ To~ C:;~c;;;.. NPI~R.':;

Subject: .s~,'S c.--fl'\~ - ........ ~ \b M\ ~\ -:>"C e1L c.'b~ c:.e(L.fV\ tv~

~o'-o C~S.uS - Q.-.~E"~E: o~ c:~sc)s \r-::.~o ~-n:-rL- C\~

...,.~~_ ~\-~ --.--j> l.-t::--t"\'"I=.~ ~ ~ '""

Priority: (ifurgent slate reason/deadline) Sedors Consulted: (if necessary}

Any questions regarding the attached please call:

I Date Ref. to Remarks Full Name

( - \ .~I 0.-­

,,4 .... ,II ,.' ••. .,j

. IlII
• .Ii • 5.19(1)

Minister Responsible for Ministre responsable de

Statistics Canada • Statistique Canada
Ottawa, Canada K1A 016

Board of Directors
The British Columbia Genealogical Society
P.O. Box 88054, Lansdowne Mall
Richmond BC V6X 3T6

I am writing in response to your letter of July 1,2007, addressed to my

predecessor, the Honourable Maxime Bernier, concerning the informed consent
question on the 2006 Census questionnaire.

The Statistics Act requires the consent of Canadians in order for their census
information to be released 92 years after the census is taken. As you are aware,
Statistics Canada released results of this question on March 13lh, 2007.
Nationally, 88% provided a clear response to the question, with 56% of
respondents replying "yes" and 32% replying "no". Only 12% left the question
blank even though the question clearly stated that a blank response meant "no".

In preparation for the 2006 Census, Statistics Canada agreed to undertake a

number of activities to ensure that Canadians were adequately informed about the
92-year consent question, and what their choice of response would mean to future
generations. With nearly 90% of the population providing a clear response, it is
my belief that Statistics Canada lived up to and succeeded in its commitment of
informing Canadians about the importance of answering this question. I have
asked Dr. Ivan P. Fellegi, Chief Statistician of Canada, to provide you with
additional information on Statistics Canada's activities.




,,,. ~~ . . . ., . . . . . . ,.J


While the legislation stipulates that a parliamentary review be undertaken after

two censuses, I understand that the British Columbia Genealogical Society is
requesting that this review be undertaken now. This request is based on concerns
that the low positive response rate in the 2006 Census will be devastating for
future genealogists and that the integrity, completeness and future research value
of the 2011 and later censuses will be compromised.

Although I understand the importance of historical and genealogical research, an

immediate review of the legislation would not appear warranted, given that 32%
of the population explicitly denied consent, with a further 12% not having
provided explicit consent Their choice, implicitly or explicitly cannot be ignored
or discounted.

Statistics Canada has provisions for and procedures in place to permit people to
change the response they put on their 2006 Census form to this question at
Genealogists and historians are free to promote the use of these mechanisms.

Your comments have been provided to Statistics Canada staff working on the
content and planning for the 2011 Census. I would suggest that the British
Columbia Genealogical Society join with other interested historians and
genealogists in working with Statistics Canada on the 2011 Census.

I thank you for writing on this important matter.



' • • • •, . . 0: •


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NtglnvD* r I:··~t;· ~~)A ~:ENbUo;K

R"D...: '. tIo.iido:.i~14 Signed BJ: _ _
Added By. rlDAl\iEF; '-'A#wiWea::' 'N~8,: ~~i:;'",11£8 St.tiIIl,. -
D.... R_ ReG'e- ... > ••••••••• ;.

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.. • " , ..... ttl ,If 101



When Statistics Canada releases population and dwelling counts from the census,
data users sometimes question the validity ofthe coUIits for a particular
geographic area such as a municipality (census subdivision) or sub-municipal area
(designated place).


1. Statistics Canada will investigate each request for fonnal review.

2. In cases Where no significant errors in the population and dwelling counts are
detected, S~cs Canada will confirm the published census counts with a
written explanation.

3. In cases where errors in the population and dwelling counts are confirmed,

Statistics Canada will provide the results ofthe research and the revised

counts. Statistics Canada will also notify the appropriate province or

territory, and any other municipalities or places a:ffeeted,ofthe revised


4. Statistics Canada Will document the error detected and provide errata
statements for the affected areas. However. Statistics Canada will not correct
the census database and data products if errors are found. Errata statements
will be published on the Statistics Canada website. .

5. Stat,istics Canada will not n>eIlUUlerate a community In order to resolve

formal review. The.census is a major 'lmdertaking tha. is uniquely valuable
because it records dwelling counts and population characteristics for every
municipality in Canada at a single point in time (Census Day) using standard
definitions and procedures.

SupportiDg ~UJDeDtatiOD

When ~ the request for a review ofpopulation and/or dwelling census

counts, Statistics Canada requires supporting documentaJion which substantiates a
potential error. Supporting doCl:lD1e.ntation could be in the form of: .


.. ," ~ ..... ", ..... . ..


.• administrative records (for example, assessment records, utilities customer

addresses, b¢lding permits, election lists);

• recent ~ocal census counts, including details ofthe methodology and

concepts used to assess their comparability to those used by Statistics

Canada to ensure coherent results on a nationa1 basis..


Requests for infonnation or for a review ofpopulation and/or dwelling census

counts should b.c made by contacting the nearest Statistics Canada office:
. .
Newfoundland and Labrador, Prince Edward Island, Nova Scotia, and New
Bnmswick to IDam,

Quebec to

Ontario to

Saskatchewan, Manitoba, Alberta, British Columbia, Yukon, Northwest

Territories, and Nunavut to

British Columbia and the Yukpn

Inquiries concerning this policY should be directed to the Assistant Director,

Census Subject Matter Program, alain.belanger@statcan:ca, tel. 613.951.0722,
fax. 6I3.951.~918. .



Docket#: Claulftcatloll: Reeelpt Date: Departure Date: Due Date:
_ AA.­
'1I:a-1-ol.,.D! 2NIJ. ­ ClI- () I AuKI()1.
Originator: (partner/Org.) Referred to: Necessary Action:
S , G-If/" rvl4--

;j(1t1t:' CtFNSCl~ - ...... ' -.. 1 Am "'..... 1 • ,. Jbr(. t-(/I\J- Q~ fF LA;"~ ... .0':
Priority: (if urgent state reason/deadline) Seeton Consulted: (ifnecessary)
f" .1.' ~"". ~ .....
.L ~ ~~.-r~.
Auy quesUoDI regardJol the attaeled p1Use call:

Date Ref. to Remarks FuUName

"to,:;:: I "AI.. I
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Au.do1 P\" \O}O
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StatistIcs StatistIq
I• I Canada Canadaue



DATE: July 25,2007

TO/A: Paul Halucha

FROM/DE: Johanne Beckstead



TRACKING No.1 9031


KEYWORDS I 2006 Census .



APPROuvE PAR: Jacques Morin 'P.~11
Deparlmental Secretary I Secretaire du Bure~


· I" .11.1••• " .••

" ..
' " .~

""__ :ill
to the Minister ofTnmsport, Infrastructure and Communities •

du ministre des Transports. de I'Inftastr!Jeture et des ColIcctiviu:s




Honourable Maxime Bernier

Minister of Industry
507 Confederation Building
House of Commons
Ottawa. Ontario

Dear Hon. Bernier:

I recently received correspondence fro for the Municipal District

of Lesser Slave River No. 124, wishing to to my attention his displeasure with how
the 2006 Federal Census had been conducted. _ a l s o stated this should be of
great concem to the federal govemm.ent as his view is shared by multiple municipalities
in the Province ofAlberta.

The Federal number for his oommunity is exactly the same as the previous 2001 number
of2820. _ _ finds this rather odd &IJd there is no means to appeal this number.
Implications of faulty numbers mean reduced grants to the Municipal District and faulty
figures for statistical, developmental and economic purposes. Other municipalities have
forthwith engaged individuals to conduct a municipal census following Alberta
Municipal Affairs process, such as the Town of Sla",e Lake. The cost to conduct a census
is cost the M.D. hoped not to have to expend but is now considering.

concern is that the methodology to do the census was such that multiple

CitizenS were missed. While, some of this is anecdotal, enough of this form ofevidence

has accumulated, which makes a reasonable penon skeptical of the obtained result.

_ _ respectfully IeqUests that considemtion be given 10 allow municipalities to be

engaged in the planning and impJementation of future federal census. Each municipality
knows its geography where its ci1izeDs are located, and how to locate them. This would
ensurethe principle of complctmcss is satisfactorily pursued; something.;}
was remiss in the 2006 census.
.. "4~t~eels
" .,Asttf~~~'

Fort McMa..ray 0tIIce Atbabuca ornee

102-9912 franltlin Avenue SIOS· SOth Avenue
Suite 324. Welt Block
Fort McMurray AS T9H 2KS Athabasca AB T9S 1n
House of Commons
Tel: (780) 743-2201 Tel: (780) 675-8100
Ottawa ON KIA OA6
PIX: (780) 743·2287 Pax: (780) 67S-4017
Tel: (613) 992-1154
Toll Free: 1-877-532-6272 (in AS) Toll Free: 1-877-710-8100 (in AB)
Fax: (613) 992-4603

E-mail: 000056

• ., .. 4. . . . . . ". '... • ~


Thank you for taking the time to consi~request. I look forward to

receiving your response.


i~~a"M. P.
c urray - AthabMca
Seeretary to the Minister of Transport, Infrastructure and Communities

cc: Municipal District ofLesser Slave River No. 124


,,,- . • • • • . • ,• • ' ., I


Docket#: CJusUicaUon: Receipt Dllte: Departure Date: Doe Date:

----3 tp/:)1·DI·~1 Ut:ti- "I· (J I AuJj()1.

d I

OrigiDator: (partner/Org.) Referred to: Necessary Action:

c;;n;I& .­ HiN $ t (;./fI" rv,u.­


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Priority: (jfurgcnt state reason/deadline) Seeton Consulted: (ifnecessary)
If,.".· ~.. c: --I. "~~.If"~.
Any questions regardiJlg the attacled phe call:

Date Ref. to Remarks FuDName

,,,,a f no/" I :J!~O p~ tI/.e;uJ Il/

~d'1/n L.tell
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·' ,.,.. ...... ·,.1 ••.


MInister Responsible for

StatIstics Canada

Ottawa, Canada K1A OT6
Ministre responsable de

Statistique Canada

A~u~ t ,. 2007

Mr. Brian Jean. M.P.

Room 323, West Block
House of Commons
Ottawa, Ontario KIA OA6

Dear Colleague:

Thank you for your letter of June 4, 2007, regarding the validity of
the 2006 Census population and dwelling counts for the Municipal District of
Lesser Slave River No. 124.

I have asked the Chief Statistician of Canada, Dr. Ivan P. Fellegi,

to provide you with information on this issue, therefore, enabling you to convey a
detailed response t~


ChIef Stati$tidan of Canada Statisticien en chef du Canada
1+1 StatIstics C8nada Statistique Canada
Ottawa, C8nade

Mr. Brian Jean, M.P.

Room 323, West'Block

House of Commons

Ottawa, Ontario KIA OA6

Dear Mr. Jean:

The Honourable Maxime Bernier, Minister Responsible for Statistics

Canada, has asked me to respond to your letter of June 4, 2007, in which you brought

to his attention your CO)1cems about the validity ofthe 2006 Census population and

dwelling counts for the Municipal District of Lesser Slave River No. 124.

I would like to assure you that Statistics Canada's primary objective is

to ensure every municipality in Canada has the best lX>ssible count of its lX>pulation

and dwellings so th8l they serve a number ofimportant functions.

Statistics Canada has a process in place to review the lX>puIation and

dwelling couuts in those cases where a commWlity may have serious concerns with

the census results. This process requires a formal request with substantiating

information from the concerned community. I have enclosed a copy ofthe policy for

your information.

I have asked Mr. Mike Griffin, Assistant Director tions for the

Western Region of Statistics Canada to coma the Municipal

District of Lesser Slave River No. 12 Once we have those

details, Statistics Canada will be able to look. into the matter. We will communicate

our findings, including any revisions should they be warranted, to both the Municipal

District of Lesser Slave River No. 124 as well as the Province ofAlberta as soon as

they are available. .


,. ~ 1.1 I..... '1, .•.. .04


With respect to the concerns expressed in your letter that multiple'

citizens were mi;ssed, I would like tc? outline the process followed in conducting the
Census. A3 a first step, Statistics Canada physically verified each address once and
in some cases twice where there was high-growth to ensure that We had a complete
list of addresses in areas where Canada Post delivered the questionnaires.
Households which were not in a mai1~ut area received a questionnaire from a
Statistics Canada field enumerator. .Asl.y Qousehold not responding within a
reasonable time was repeatedly visited by a Statistics Canada enumerator until a
completed questionnaire was obtained, thus ensuring a good count of the usual
number ofresidents in the dwelling.

A number of additional measures were taIcen in the 2006 Census to

ensure good quality results. These included extending the collection period ,and our
public communications program, as well as reassigning staff from other areas to '
ensure a good quality' enumeration to compensate for the recruitment and staffing
challenges. ' ,

Statistics Canada also conducts a series of studies to estimate how

many persons may have been missed in the Census. The results of these studies,
which will be available in September 2008, are reflected in Statistics Canada's
population estimates. It is these population estimates that include adjustments for the
estimated number ofpersons mj.ssed in the Census that are used in determining
transfer payments to provinces and territories.

Thank you for writing on this important matter. Please be assured

that we take this matter seriously and have devoted e¥ertise and resources

Yours sincerely,

Ivan P. Fellegi




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0/13506 - Cla••lDcatlon: Reee1pt Date:
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Originator: (partDer/Org.) Referred to: Necessary Adion:

0ft:J-5~ 1'1;,.) ~~

Priority: (ifurgent state reason/dead1ine) Seeton Consulted: (if necessary)

Any querionl regarding the attached please call:

Date Ref. to Remarks Fun Name

() , -­


Minister Responsible for Ministre responsable de

Statistics Canada Statistique Canada

Ottawa, Canada K1A OT6

Mrs. Betty Hinton, M.P.

Kamloops - Thompson - Cariboo
Room 401, Justice Building
House of Commons
Ottawa, Ontario K1A OA6

Dear Colleague:

Thank you for your letter of April 4, 2007 regarding the concerns
ofthe Village of Clinton. As you mention in your letter:
also wrote to me on March 19, 2007 about the 2006 Census
population figures for the Village of Clinton. I asked Statistics Canada, which is
responsible for carrying out the Census, to address_concerns.

Statistics Canada is always willing to review these types of

situations with municipalities and, as you will see from the attached letter,
discussions are underway between Statistics Canada and the Village ofClinton.


Maxime Bernier


Canada 000064
,,",.J, ,"ul "" '.. . ...l


011 350t> - OaHme.don: RKelpt Date:
lY>ab 10) ~ (JOt
Departure Date:
rrta:J III a.oo;
Due Date:
fY1a~ ().5) a 007
Orilinator: (partner/Org.) Referred to: Necessary Action:
steJ-5~ H;~ ~~

Priority: (if urgent 9tate reason/deadline) Seeton Consulted: (if necessary)

Any questions regarding the attached please call:

Date Ref. to Remarks FoJl Name

." _ .... ,~l ,,,.. 1·-4



Minister Responsible for Ministre responsable de

Statistics Canada Statistique Canada

Ottawa, Canada K1A aT6

J~l~ 1 8 lD07

Mrs. Betty Hinto~ M.P.

Kamloops - Thompson - Cariboo
Room 401, Justice Building
House ofCommons
Ottawa, Ontario K1A OA6

Dear Colleague:

u for your letter ofApril 4, 2007 regarding the concerns

fthe Village of Clinton. As you mention in your letter,
so wrote to me on March 19,2007 about the 2006 Census
population figures for the Village ofClinton. I asked Statistics Canada, which is
responsible for carrying out the Census, to address_concerns.

Statistics Canada is always willing to review these types of

situations with municipalities and, as you will see from the attached letter,
discussions are underway between Statistics Canada and the Village of Clinton.



·~ ..... ..


0//3500 - Clullflcatioll:

Originator: (partner/Org.)
Reeeipt Date:

Referred to:
Departure Date:
fY)an )I) B.oo'1

Necessary Action:
lY1a~ d.5) a 001

s+cJ-.s~ H;,0 ~~
a. 00G. rc'~~ -
~ V.i91k. cr cst
Priority: (ifurgcot state reason/deadline) Seeton CODsulted: (ifnecessary)

Any questiODS regardiDg the attached please call:

Date Ref. to Remarks Fall Name

:u\l111 _ CPo Rib" :.. rI/J)

7£ZQ ,
::.N 11 2001 ff1J'l1 r'\/-rrw"t:: II J ~~ ?/j~-,'10.;


.111 .... .116 I· .",.



DATE: May 9, 2007

TO/A: Paul Halucha

FROM/DE: Johanne Beckste"",,",,~~ .}

CORRESPONDENT I Mrs. Betty Hinton, M.P.


TRACKING No.1 8970


KEYWORDS/ 2006 Census population - Village of Clinton



APPRO'lJVt PAR : Jacques Morin ".<:Il,A.
Departmental Secretary / Secretaire du Bur~ y

. 1" ,.... II' ..... ,.4


l*tawa CoMtituenaJ
J..a IluIlIInr. R.oom 40 I 101-1150 Hllslde Dr:
0aMa. Ontllio Karnloops, British CoIurrblll
Tel: (613) 99506931 Tel: (250) 851-4991
Falc(613) 99$.9897 Fax: (2SO) 851 ...."..
E-mllt~ fBdbJ 9linlDn" .M9 Toll Frw: 1-«77-619-3332
Kamloops - ThompIon - Cariboo Toaedter WI can


Hon. M. Bernier
Minister of IndustIy
House ofCommons
Ottawa ON KIA OA6

Dear Minister Bemier:

Recently you received a letter from ofthe Village of Clinton, in

my riding, regarding the results of Census 2006. SpecificallY.~~I'lis
questioning the accuracy of the census as it applies to this vilI8:geaJidfue miPact it will
have on funding from the federal government.

~lIIII!iIhas given valid reasons for the inacclQcies and bas requested that for
funding PUIpOses the village be allowed to use the figures from the British Columbia
government's statistics. I would like to support this request.

I look forward to an early and favourable response to this request.


Betty Hinton, MP



• !

, '141 1. . . . . 'I' '!t' " ~

03/26/2007 14:05 FAX 250 851 4894 .. OTI'AWA OFFICE raJ 022

t'$0RP6RA110~ OF ~

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1423 CARl8CO HIGHMY' . . ' TELEPHONE:~O)45~2261

.P.O. BOX 309, CUNTON, B.C. VOK 1KO'

. . . F~ (250) 459-2227

2.007·03-19 . File No. 430-01 \

~ ~~o~loMPimo Berni8r:~ o~.ind~~,·

HousccifGoimnonB' .. ' . . . .,
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... ~~~~ :.. ":" : ~ .. : : ,'.. : : '.' ' '.

'.. llE: 1006 CINSUS toPQU'llON - VU,T'AGE Q1I' S;LINTON:.· . '.' '.
.~~ tIle.~~ ~elltiDa, Or'V_ .of ~~liiatoD ~~ ~:,W~~ ~ 1~ ~Qo7.,Co~·~~ '. .- .
· . 'wit1J. coDaidcrabl~' dismi.y the ~tfy released ~ ~ populati,on f'igurcs, wilh ~gard to, .the .
." : . Village of CHritoo. . ' . ' ; '. .. .' '. . . . '. .::. '. . . .. .. ' :.

· ,. ~~iln~"~~Bri~'~~_~'~~~e~,:~'"
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· . 'iD~ aVer 20.05) while'S. Cauadi..figurOIi'show !l8:4% decreise aDd a.papolafiOD· of S78.. G~ . , ".
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.... beeD ..~ .. ·1rezile~ilcl!l"'..-.utI..
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jIM" of years. , it is:. B" ~.. ' ..
·.'. comm~, 'ViD em lita:al1y comtt thD iiuin'bBrs ourselves 8,Qd IiDO'W ~ 1h,e 'BC lItJitisties J.iWch cl~' .. '. .'.. . ' . ate:
. to 1'eIIIi1;Y1Iian 1be fedenl"comrt.: ' . , , ' . .' . . . ... :" .. " :', . . " ' ,.
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... " .. ', C~ We'do know 1bat many residei¢s did not ~M ~ pacb8irs. were. Dot ~ Py -Stab; '" ..... ' .
.' ".Canada ~.ind·WereDot ~lc.tO ..~ 1ho.:on.amc
'aervic;e tot Woi a .coinpu&i.:Ri:sidcuts " ".:'
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: : ,Purtber;'~ ~ tilt!~.ror ~~~ tti~.d&ia Collected by.srats GaJiada·.wU awlrdcd to" '" ,:.: . : '.
• an Aineric.a ~ 'and lome- ftIsideiJts were' uuwJUing to· have their .iofanDatioo ··ffIlt to 1tie Untted
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:An ahCurato =sUs is vitaJ·t6.1tio YiUIp's economy as manyfeder8I-~4 ~ traDma- p,.ymants are '" .
· .'. popUlatiqn ~ ..Wo ut'ibD the viDriP of·Clltlion· be- allowed io 'uSe the provinc!al statistics' fOr the· ...
next ~ yem
When apj,iyms tot ~ '1iom' tho f~ go~ClUt we believe' that 1he federal .
CC?~t is . ' . .,.. -:. . .. . .,: .. .:-.' '.' ~. • o .:

'" .'. ....." • • ..: ' ... i

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. .' ' .

cc: Betty HiDt:on. MP. Thompson-Kamloops-Cariboo;

~lie 'Wyse, MLA, Cariboo South; .

Peter Milobar. Clair, ~ Board ofI}Uectms

• ,01 ,10,,11 ." •.


Minister Responsible for

Statistics Canada

Ottawa. Canada K1A OT6
Ministre responsable de

Statistique Canada

Mrs. Betty Hinton, M.P.

Kamloops - Thompson - Cariboo
Room 401, Justice Building
House ofCommons
Ottawa, Ontario KIA OA6

Dear Colleague:

u for your letter of Apri14, 2007 regarding the concerns

fthe Village of Clinton. AB you mention in your letter,
wrote to me on March 19,2007 about the 2006 Census
pop ation gures for the Village of Clinton. I asked Statistics Canada who is
responsible for carrying out thc Census to address _ c o n c e r n s .

Statistics Canada is always willing to review these types of

situations with municipalities and, as you will see from the attached letter,

discussions arc underway between Statistics Canada and the Village ofClinton.


Maximc Bernier


Statistics Statlstique
1+1 Canada Canada
0tt8wa, Canada

April 16> 2007

I ageo C' ton

1423 Cariboo Highway
P.O. Box 309
Clinton, British Columbia


I have been asked to respond to your letter of March 19, 2007, to the Honourable
Maximc Bernier, Minister Responsible for Statistics Canada, concerning the
recently released population figures for the Village of Clinton.

I would like to assure you that the me1hodology used by Statistics Canada in the
conduct ofthe Census is applied consistently across the country, is subjected to
numerous quality con1ro) processes, and provides the best count of the resident
population in May 2006. The same rigor, support mechanisms, and ultimately
door to door enumeration for anyone that did not complete their questionnaires
on-time was applied in 2006 as in previous Censuses.

Statistics Canada worked closely with BC Stats in the certification of the 2006
Census results, taking into account differences between various sources of
information in the definitions and methodology used to determine the population
of a community. According to Mr. Don McRae, Director of Be Stats, "Be Stats
has full confidence in the methodology and quality control measmes applied by
Statistics Canada in the conduct of the 2006 Census. Census data represent the
gold standard in enumeration, and users should not directly compare them to
estimates' from other sources."

Canada 000072

It is important to note that the Census uses a de jure method to count people, that
is at their usual place ofresidence, and does not include people in the community
on a temporary basis-such as students, transient workers, or those staying for
shortoodurations in seasonal dwellings. This method ensures that people are
counted once and only once at their usual place ofresidence, in a consistent
manner across the country.

Statistics Canada conducts a series of coverage measurement studies after each

Census to estiniate the number of people missed in the Census. The current BC
Stats numbers are based on.the 2001 Census data adjusted for persons missed in
2001, and for population change obtained from administrative records (hydro
connections) since 2001. Statistics Canada has been informed that Be Stats will
align its 2006 community population estimates with the 2006 Census once
estimates ofnct census undercount are released by Statistics Canada in fall 2008.

In fact, the Department of Finance uses the population estimates which are
derived from the census population cOunts and the results of the coverage studies
to calculate federal tninsfer and equalization payments to the Provinces and

In those cases where a community continues to have serious concerns with the
census results, even after factoring the definition (usual resident population) and
potential adjustments for missed persons, Statistics Canada is willing to review
the situation with the commlmity. In this specific case, discussions" are underway
with Mr. Chris Loat from our Western Regional Office who has been provided
with your boundary expansion map prepared for the BC Government and passed
by order on March 27, 2006. I also \Dlde.rstand that he has been provided some
addresses to confum enumeration. Please be assured that we take this matter
seriously and have devoted expertise and resoU1'CCS appropri~ly.

I would also like to assure y()u that Statistics Canada, and not any private
contractor, was directly responsible tor the coJ1ection, processing and handling of
any confidential data collected during the census. All questionnaires and data
were handled by Statistics Canada staff exclusively at secure Statistics Canada
sites within Canada. The" work that Statistics Canada contl'aCted-out to the private
sector for the 2006 Census was strictly limited to the provision of hardware,
software, printing and support services. As such, no private sector contractor was
ever in possession of completed census questionnaires at any time. The security


· . I" .IIH ,. I -.l

measures and processes in place using contmetor furnished systems were

independently assessed by a Task Force on ITSecurity Verification headed by
the former Auditor General of Canada, Mr. Denis Desautels. The Task Force
concluded that "Canadians can trust that the information gathered during the 2006
Census will be secure."

I trust that this explanation provides you with additional information to assist you
in analyzing the resultS ofthe 2006 Census for your community.

Yours truly,

original Signed by
Original sign6 par

Director General
Census Program Branch


~." •••• ,I, .•. . I


Mtglnv Del« , ~,,' N/A Languege: ENGUSH
Reap. Dele: 2OO6-(Xl-21 aa-t D-.: :za5OO.22 Signed By. BERNIER
Added By. L/·Ro.,RritT .' Appnwect Modified B,; (":',,; ',FF,

Inv./Ntg. ShIuI:

D,". Ree. Aec'd;

.. :.'W'-; ~e.. ~i' ~~'~,:!.~~~-. ~e:··07-li .MH mMl<£ TlHlE c.C ON Cf1!\.FT REPLY W l;o~
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"';', ,y; ~;~.' lAtlAf\C.U'

OnB..... Of:

...•••.•• i._, . • .

=,..... '


, . oil t ......... ,It·, I"

Statistics Slalistique
1+1 Canada canada



DATE: August 4, 2006

TO/A: Brian Spurlipg

FROM/DE: Johanne Beck.steu.u.-~


TRACKING No.1 8728


KEY WORDS I Length and detail of Census questions



APPROVED BY: Jacques Morin

Departmental Secretary / Secretaire du Bureau

"," ...... '•.,
~ I"

Minister Responsible for

Statistics Canada

• Ministre responsable de

Statistique Canada

Ottawa, Canada K1A OT6

The Honourable Bryon Wilfert, P.C., M.P.

Room 313, Justice Building
House ofCommons
Ottawa, Ontario KIA OA6

Dear Colleague:

Thank you for your letters of June 3, 2006, infonning me of the

concerns of your constituents regarding the length and detail of the 2006 Census.

Although I understand the concerns of yoor constituents about

supplying what they view as personal information, I can assure you that all ofthe
information collected by the census is needed and is used only for statistical
purposes. Statistics Canada takes very seriously its legal obligation to protect the
privacy and confidentiality ofevery census respondent. In fact, all census databases,
facilities, and networks containing confidential data are physically isolated from any
networks outside Statistics Canada. In addition, names, addresses and telephone
numbers are not included in the census dissemination database to protect the privacy
ofcensus respondents.

Detennining the questions to be asked in the census is a delicate

balancing act that takes into account the diversity of interests and views that exist
among our population. AU ofthe questions are designed to meet important
information requirements that would be extremely difficult to satisfy efficiently from
other sources. In fact, every question goes through a rigorous consultation, testing,
review and approval process, including that by Cabinet.

Most ofthe questions that appeared on the 2006 Census long fonn
have appeared on many censuses. These questions continue to be essential for
.providing the infonnation needed by governments, businesses, researchers and
individual Canadians to shed light on issues of concern to all of us - employment,
education, training, transportation, housing, immigration, income support, pensions
for seniors, transfer payments, aboriginal issues and many more.

Canada 000077

A census questionnaire is seen only by those who have been sworn to

secrecy under the Statistics Act and who actually need to see it This represents a
very limited number of employees. Absolutely no one except authorized Statistics
Canada staff has access to individual questionnaires or information that would permit
identification ofany individual or family. Contractors never have access to census
data. Therefore, even if a request were ever to be made by an external authority to
any contractor for confidential data, it would be physically impossible for a
contractor to comply, given that they are never in possession of census responses.

Thank you for taking the time to bring this matter to my attention.


Maxime Bernier


~. D ~., .. 100M .....


Minister Responsible for Ministre responsable de

Statistics Canada

Ottawa. Canada K1A OT6
Statistique Canada

The Honourable Bryon Wilfert, P.C., M.P., has brought to my
attention your concerns regarding the 2006 Census so that I may respond on this
important matter.

Although I understand your concerns about supplying what you view

as personal infonnation, I can assure you that all ofthe infonnation collected by the
census is needed and is used only for statistical purposes. Statistics Canada takes
very seriously its legal obligation to protect the privacy and confidentiality of every
census respondent. In fact, all census databases, facilities, and networks containing
confidential data are physically isolated from any networks outside Statistics Canada.
In addition, names, addresses and telephone numbers are not included in the census
dissemination database to protect the privacy of census respondents.

Determining the questions to be asked in the census is a delicate

balancing act that takes into account the diversity of interests and views that exist
among our population. All of the questions are designed to meet important
infonnation requirements that would be extremely difficult to satisfy efficiently from
other sources. In fact, every question goes through a rigorous consultation, testing,
review and approval process, including that by Cabinet.

Most ofthe questions that appeared on the 2006 Census long form
have appeared on many censuses. These questions continue to be essential for
providing the information needed by governments, businesses, researchers and
individual Canadians to shed light on issues of concern to all of us - employment,
education, training, transportation, housing, immigration, income support, pensions
for seniors, transfer payments, aboriginal issues and many more.


·I" ,.... '.. ,". loj


A census questionnaire is seen only by those who have been sworn to

secrecy under the Statistics Act and who actually need to see it. This represents a
very limited number of employ.ees. Absolutely no one except authorized Statistics
Canada staffhas access to individual questionnaires or information that would permit
identification of any individual or family. Contractors never have access to census
data. Therefore, even if a request were ever to be made by an external authority to
any contractor for confidential data, it would be physically impossible for a
contractor to comply, given that they are never in possession ofcensus responses.

Thank you for your interest in the 2006 Census.


Maxime Bernier


. ..
. ,~ ~a.,. .... . I ~

••• InduI"y Canada


Indus".. Canad. Due in DeS - DO au SSG


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". ,n ~..... ... •• ••

Minister Responsible for Ministre responsable de

Statistics Canada Statistique Canada

Ollawa. Canada KlA OT6

A~u~ 2 1 2D06

The Honourable Bryon Wilfert, P.c., M.P.

Room 313, Justice Building
House of Commons
Ottawa, Ontario KIA OA6

Dear CoJleague:

Thank you for your letters of June 3, 2006, informing me of the

concerns of your constituents regarding the length and detail of the 2006 Census.

Although I understand the concerns of your constituents about

supplying what they view as personal infonnation, I can assure you that all of the
infonnation collected by the census is needed and is used only for statistical
purposes. Statistics Canada takes very seriously its legal obligation to protect the
privacy and confidentiality of every census respondent. In fact, all census databases,
facilities, and networks containing confidential data are physically isolated from any
networks outside Statistics Canada. In addition, names, addresses and telephone
numbers are not included in the census dissemination database to protect the privacy
of census respondents.

Determining the questions to be asked in the census is a delicate

balancing act that takes into account the diversity of interests and views that exist
among our population. All of the questions are designed to meet important
infonnation requirements that would be extremely difficult to satisfy efficiently from
other sources. In fact, every question goes through a rigorous consultation, testing,
review and approval process, including that by Cabinet.

Most of the questions that appeared on the 2006 Census long form
have appeared on many censuses. These questions continue to be essential for
providing the infonnation needed by govenunents. businesses, researchers and
individual Canadians to shed light on issues of concern to all of us - employment,
education, training. transportation, housing, immigration. income support. pensions
for seniors. transfer payments. aboriginal issues and many more.

Canada 000083

.I" ••• ,. . . . .
~ 4

- 2­

A census questionnaire is seen only by those who have been sworn to

secrecy under the SU't;stics Act and who actually need to see it. This represents a
very limited number of employees. Absolutely no one except authorized Statistics
Canada staff has access to individual questionnaires or information that would permit
identification of any individual or family. Contractors never have access to census
data. Therefore, even if a request were ever to be made by an external authority to
any contractor for confidential data, it would be physically impossible for a
contractor to comply, given that they are never in possession of census responses.

Thank you for taking the time to bring this matter to my attention.


Maxime Bernier


~' . . I"'•.,.. , ,. . I"


Minister Responsible for Ministre responsable de

Statistics Canada Statistique Canada

Ottawa. Canada KIA OT6

A~u~ 2 1 2006


The Honourable Bryon Wilfert, P.c., M.P., has brought to my

attention your concerns regarding the 2006 Census so that I may respond on this
important matter.

Although I understand your concerns about supplying what you view

as personal information, I can assure you that all of the information collected by the
census is needed and is used only for statistical purposes. Statistics Canada takes
very seriously its legal obligation to protect the privacy and confidentiality of every
census respondent. In fact. all census databases, facilities, and networks containing
confidential data are physically isolated from any networks outside Statistics Canada.
In addition, names, addresses and telephone numbers are not included in the census
dissemination database to protect the privacy of census respondents.

Determining the questions to be asked in the census is a delicate

balancing act that takes into account the diversity of interests and views that exist
among our population. All of the questions are designed to meet important
information requirements that would be extremely difficult to satisfy efficiently from
other sources. In fact, every question goes through a rigorous consultation, testing,
review and approval process, including that by Cabinet.

Most of the questions that appeared on the 2006 Census long form
have appeared on many censuses. These questions continue to be essential for
providing the infonnation needed by governments, businesses, researchers and
individual Canadians to shed Jight on issues of concern to all of us - employment,
education, training, transportation, housing, immigration. income support, pensions
for seniors, transfer payments, aboriginal issues and many more.


• ,.... 41111" ,t•••. , , ..

- 2­

A census questionnaire is seen only by those who have been sworn to

secrecy under the Statistics Act and who actually need to see it. This represents a
very limited number of employees. Absolutely no one except authorized Statistics
Canada staff has access to individual questionnaires or information that would permit
identification of any individual or family. Contractors never have access to census
data. Therefore, even if a request were ever to be made by an external authority to
any contractor for confidential data, it would be physically impossible for a
contractor to comply. given that they are never in possession of census responses.

Thank you for your interest in the 2006 Census.


Maxime Bernier


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"Date =D=!B=te...._
_ 'J-...J_-~=7=-::r::.2==,==1~ ! 0 SECRET I(] URGEHT

Lead Office I Centre de responsflbilite: Doc. & File Date I Date-dossier et document:
{PO :J<:Jde,-og-03
Due Date' Date d'ecMance: Issue'Sujet: .:i('ArS
<900(, -o~ -of File 11 , ,.,. dossier: .M -5 a70 - 10
a Cross-reference: o Coordinate with: a Consultation with:
Renvoi: Coordonner avec: Consultation avec:
- . ­

)( Draft Reply' ProJet de rep.
a Decision o Change of Action
.. o interim Ack. , Ace. recept. Decision Changement d'octlon
o Final Ack. I Au:. Reception o Necessary Action o Recommehdation
Action necessoire Recommendotlon
a Transfer' Transfert: ON R.N a Other' Autre:
Aucune reponse requlse

a Direct Reply' Reponse dlrecte o Meeting' Reunion o Invitation I Invitation

o Interim Ack. I Acc. n!cept. Event Date I Date de "evenement:

o Information "~nformation Si;gn~ by:
Signe por: HB
C.c. to: KB. Spurting o Scheduling Ass't I Adj. iJ l'agenda (MIN)
c.c. a: a OM ISM Q Assoc. OM I SM del~uee /I of C.C.: 3
Hbre de C.C.:
o MOS/Min. d'teat (Fednor) )(Other I Autre: f:Jp



IAnalystJAIIQ/YSle: F.L. I
DOCUMENT #/ N° du DOCUMENT: 00 Cf537<t
., .. , ..... *, ...

Riding "D
Suite 313 Juslice Building
225 FMt Baver Creek Roed
Suile231 H_ of Commons
Richmond Hill, Ontario
UBlP4 \'C.V(·, ~{rrrS oaawa. Onllrio
Telephone: (905) 109-5905 Telephone: (613) 992·3802

ttOU.t: or co o... Fax: (613) 996-1954
Fax: (90S) 709·5908 CMlUlt••• Ot:_ co ".
E·llllil: wilfebJ@parI.gc:.C8 ~ E·mail: wilfeb@pwl.J!..C11
Website: Weblite: It'
Hon. Bryon Wilfert, P.c.. M.P. m', . 'l:~ 21 /J..
Member of Parliament C'J: 30
Richmond Hill
omall Opposition Critic to Foreign Main (Asia Pacific)

June 3rd. 2006

Hon. Maxime BemicrP.C.• M.P.

Ministry ofIndustry
C.D, Howe building. East Tow4:r. 11 th Floor
235 QueenSt
Ottawa, ON

Dear Minister Bernier P.C.• M.P.

I have received a few letters of complaint from constituents concerning the length and
detail ofthe 2006 census.

They are primarily concerned with the great detail ofpersonal information they are
required to fill out and therefore potential invasion ofprivacy,

I share this constituents concern and would appreciate an explanation as to why these
details are needed and how secure this personal information is.

Could you please reply to myself and to my constituent directly.

Thank you for looking into this matter.


&~'C. M~.
Official Opposi . Critic to Foreign Affairs (Asia Pacific)



Dimitri Soudas «21 000 Canadiens ont declare, a la question portant sur leur religion, Recensement ­
Porte-parole du 6tre des Jedis au recensement de 2001 •. Les~puttJs
premier ministre Selon Dimitri Soudas, «Ies Canadiens ne veulent pas que Ie conservateurs
gouvemement sonne a leur porte a 22 heures pendant qu'/Is sont veulent
occupes dans leur chambre llllire, par exemple, parce que celui-ci veut s'expliquer en
savoir combien de chambres leur maison compte. comit~
Le Devoir
(H616ne Buzzetti)
Le 19 iuillet 2010
Erik Waddell 'We are looking at all options to see if additional legislation or regulation Ottawa may
Director of is necessary" revamp restrictive
Communications census rules
for Minister 'We are still in the early stages of the setup of (the) 2011 census." The Star
Clement Phonelxl
JulY 2, 201Q
Erik Waddell "This change was made to reasonably limit what many Canadians felt census
Director of was an intrusion of their personal privacy" restrictions hurt
Communications historians. Feds
for Minister -nMt decision to change the census came from the federal govemment cite privacy.
Clement and not from the ministry or Statistics Canada· Genealogists
slams new rules
protecting data
Gazelle I
June 30, 2010

000089 :


Erik Waddell "Our feeling was that the change was to make a reasonable limit on Tories scrap
Director of what most Canadians felt was an intrusion Into their personal privacy in censusfonn
Communications terms of answering the longer form". Critics say move
for Minister to drop long
Clement census fonn will
curtail analysis
lbe Record I CP
June30 2010
Chuck Strahl 'We all need information, we all need good information, but we don't Anti-census
Indian Affairs want to I)e heavy-handed about it," crusader not
Minister 'This is a balance, we're hoping this is a balance that will wortt." satisfied with
federal axing of
long fonn
Winnipeg Free
P..... /CP
July 7 2010
Dean Del ....tro You know, these types of questions, if you wish to respond to them, you The Current
Conservative MP can but I don't think we should be saying, you know, you need to tell us CBCRadlo
how many rooms are in your house or else. We don't need 10 know that (Toronto)
and if they chose to divulge it, if they want to voluntarily divulge that July 14, 2010
information, we will receive a sample size large enough, more than
large enough to be able to compile a picture that is statistically sound.
Dean Del Mastro Voluntary questionnaires have never been demonstrated 10 be any less The Current
Conservative MP accurate thall mandatory questionnaires. That's the first thing and CBCRadio
secondly, I think that when we send out the national housing survey, (Toronto)
we're going 10 send it out to a broader cross section of Canadians. As I July 14, 2010
said ear1ier, we're going to send it out 10 one In three households Instead
of, I believe previously it was one in ten. So it would have been very
easy 10 get a more skewed number of responses or potentially, as she's
concerned, a more skewed picture when you're only sending 10 one in
ten than when you're sending 10 one in three.

. 000090:


Marjory LeBreton, leader du gouvemement Recensement - L'ctat

au Sanat, a ajoute que Ie seul changement n'a rien a faire... dans
consistait acne plus jeter les gens en les salles de bain!
prison, les menacer d'amende et ales Le Devoir
pourchasser a \'infini parce qu'ils n'ont pas July 14, 2010
complete Ie long formulaire».

La ministre et leader du gouvemement au

Senat, Marjory LeBreton, qui accompagnait
M. Baird, n'a pas semble touchee par ces
craintes. cNous n'avons aucune preuve et
aucune raison de croire, et c'est ce
qu'indiquent les avis que nous avons ~us,
que les donnees ne seront pas aussi
solides et fiables Que Dar Ie passe.»
Senator Marjorie "Canadians, I believe, and we believe, will Behind the numbers: i­
LeBreton be very happy to fill in the long form," Taking Census: privacy
explained Conservative senator Marjory versus the public good
July 14, 2010

sen. Marjorie I Sen. Marjorie LeBreton, who leads the Ottawa says census
LeBreton Tories in the Senate, suggested nothing will long form gone for good
be lost by moving to a voluntary long as opposition grows
census. louder
"'There's still going to be a long form," she CP
said in Ottawa. ""The only difference is, this July 13, 2010
is voluntary. Canadians, I believe and we
believe, will be very happy to fill in the long
forms," she said.



Marjory LeBreton La senatrice LeBreton a indique que tous les La question de la

Senatrice Canadiens seront obliges de repondre au questionnaire langue effleul'tJe
conservatrice abrege de huit questions qui seront posees lors du Le Droit
prochain recensement, en 2011. (Paul Gadoury)
Le 9 juillet 2010
Elle a indique que Ie gouvemernent conservateur avait
pris cette decision parce qu'il s'etait fait dire que de
nombreux Canadiens en avaient contre Ie formulaire
long. De nombreux citoyens y voyaient une intrusion
dans leur vie privee du fait qu'il etait obligatoire.

Ella a de plus ajoute les Canadiens seront invites a

repondre a un long questionnaire lors de l'Enqullte
aupres des menages, rnais que ce questionnaire sera
alors facultatif, c'est-a-dire qu'ils serent alors libres de
ne pas Ie remplir si tel est leur souhait. i­
Puis elle a ajoute qu'elle n'etait pas au courant des
changements qui concernent les questions au sujet des
francophones, des anglophones et des langues.

senator Marjorie French towns could

LeBreton lose some support
The Daily Gle.ner/CP
(Jennifer Ditchburn)
July 8, 2010

.. 000102


Transport Minister "(The) government threatening to put people in jail if they don't Behind the numbers:
John Baird tell how many bathrooms they have is a bit heavy handed and a Taking Census: privacy
bit ridiculous. We will respect peoples' right to privacy. At the versus the public good
same time the important information that's needed in the census
will be gathered." July 14, 2010

"I just think a lot of Canadians find it really offensive that big
government steps in their lives, asking how many bathrooms
thev have in their house. I think ifs ridiculous."
Transport Minister "(The) government threatening to put people in jail if they don't Behind the numbers:
John Baird tell how many bathrooms they have is a bit heavy handed and a Taking Census: privacy
bit ridiculous. We will respect peoples' right to privacy. At the versus the pUblic good
same time the important information that's needed in the census
will be gathered." JUly 14, 2010

'" just think a lot of Canadians find it really offensive that big
government steps in their lives, asking how many bathrooms
thev have in their house. I think it's ridiculous."
Transport Minister I «Menacer les gens d'une peine de prison parce qu'ils refusent Recensement - L'Etat
John Baird de reveler combien de salles de bain ils ont ~ la maison est un n'a rien ~ 'aire... dans
peu repressif et franchement ridicule. Nous respectons Ie droit ~ les salles de bain!
la vie privee des gens», a lache hier Ie ministre des Transports, Le Devoir
John Baird, au cours d'un point de presse portant sur un autre July 14, 2010
cPlusieurs Canadiens trouvent choquant Ie fait que Ie
gouvemement s'immisce ainsi dans leur vie at leur demeure.»
Encore une fois, invite 6 foumir des preuves de telles plaintes, Ie
ministre est p1utOt passe 6 I'attaque en invitant Ie journaliste ~
remplir lui-mtlme ce formulaire long et ~ lui en donner des
nouvelles oar la suite.


Robert Bouchard Le Bloc Quebecois

Ottawa, jeudi 8 juillet 201 0 « Le Bloc Queb~is
Le porte-parole du rejette les modifications proposees par Ie denonceles
Bloc Quebecois en gouvemement conservateur au formulaire de modifications au
matiere d'industrie, de recensement parce que ces modifications sent formulaire de
petite entreprise et de fondees sur des criteres strictement ideologiques recensernent de
tourisme et depute de qUi nuiront ~ la capacite du Quebec et a celie des Statistique Canada
Chicoutimi-Le Fjord municipalites de mettre de I'avant des politiques Communiqu6 du Bloc
ciblees et efficaces. Nous deplorons egalement
Le 8 juillet 2010
que, en reduisant la qualite de I'information
disponible, Ie gouvemement tente de museler les
critiques legitimes qUi sont souvent apportees a
leurs politiques », a dl!clare aujourd'hui Ie depute
de Chicoutimi-Le Fjord.
« Nous observons egalement que, encore une
fois, Ie gouvemement conservateur cherche ~
imposer ses changements idoologiques sans tenir i.
compte des avis des principaux concemes. Dej~,
des organismes comme La Federation
canadienne des municipalites, l'Association
canadienne des professeurs d'universite, I'lnstitut
canadien des urbanistes, la Canadian Association
for Business Economics, Ie Conseil consultatlf sur
la condition de la femme du Nouveau-Brunswick
ou encore Ie statisticien en chef de Statistique
canada, Ivan Felligi, ont vertement ~non~ ees
changements. La plupart deplorent egalement
I'absenee de toute consultation. Cette fac;on de
falre les choses, la fac;on de Stephen Harper, est
clairement antidemocratique et c'ast pourquoi
nous nous y opposens It, a conclu Robert

• 000104


La decision du gouvemement de limiter Ie nombre

La question de la
de questions lors du prochain recensement 2011
langue effleure6
Le Droit
risque d'avoir des cons6quences importantes pour
(Paul Gadoury)
les francophones vivant en situation minoritaire
Le 9 juillet 2010
puisque les statistiques seront alors incompl~tes
et desequilibrees.
"N'est-i1 pas important de savoir. de fa~n precise,
combien de Canadiens peuvent communiquer en

"Sans cette information, de queUe fa~n Ie

gouvernement federal entend-il mettre en oeuvre
ses obligations en vertu de la Loi sur les langues
Brian Masse "It's outrageous that the Industry Minister would
NDPdemands .
NDP Industry Critic scrap the census - an elemental tool used by all immediate restoration
governments in favour of a voluntary customer
of census long form
service response card"
NOP News release
July 8, 2010
"The Harper Conservatives' action to degrade the
national census exposes their disregard for the
importance of facts in decision making,"
"This needs to be reversed immediately or else
fact-free policy making will be imposed on every
government across the country."

.. 000105


Marlene Jennings ~One of the ways you become more innovative and productive is
Census revamp
Liberal MP and prompts debate over
to have reliable data that allows you then to develop new services
Government ethics the right to reliable data
and to develop new products"
and democratic reform Globe and Mail
critic ~Irs not a mistake that we're having business organizations in (Tim Kiladze and Sara
different sectors who are also upset. ~ Boesveld)
Julv 8, 2010
Marlene Jennings It appears that evidence-based policy-making is the latest victim of Liberal Party Press
Liberal MP and Harper Conservative ideological-based cuts. At a recent secret Conference
Government ethics cabinet meeting, the Conservatives cancelled the mandatory long July 7, 2010
and democratic reform form census survey that provided information on a broad range of
critic topics such as ethnicity, education, employment, income, housing
and disability. The decision is dangerous and must be reversed.
By making the survey voluntary, its findings will likely be skewed
and rendered irrelevant. Municipalities, provincial governments,
community groups, business and other organizations that depend .
on the data for developing sound policy will be negatively
impacted. Given this government's record of ideological and not
evidence-based decisions, it's clear that having up-to-date
information about Canadians is not a priority for the Harper r
Criticism has been near universal. Amongst those who have
spoken out are: the former head of Stats Canada; the Federation
of Canadian Municipalities; Canadian and Toronto Association of
Business Economists; the Chief Economist at the TO Bank; the
canadian Association of University Teachers representing over
65,000 researchers and academic staff at 122 universities and
colleges across Canada, the Canadian Institute of Planners; and
newspaper editorials from coast to coast are against the change.
Even Stephen Harper's hometown newspaper called it, and I
uote, "outraaeous."


Marlene Jennings The implications cannot be overstated. Every federal Liberal Party Press
Liberal MP and department relies on comprehensive census data. For Conference
Govemment ethics example, it shapes electoral district boundaries and July 7, 2010
and democratic reform Tony Clement has yet to explain if the change that he
critic had his govemment carry out in secret will affect the
next redrawing of riding boundaries which will be based
on the 2011 census data.

There is no doubt that the Tories hoped this decision

would be ignored. It was taken in secret with no
consultation and it was leaked on the eve of national
holidays last week. They can't get away with it that easy.
We won't let them get away with it that easy. We
Liberals are calling on the Minister not only to reverse
the ill-formed decision, we're stating that if he won't
we're prepared to explore the introduction of an

amendment to the Statistics Act that would ensure a
comDrehensive mandatory lona form.
Marlene Jennings We're also encouraging researchers, businesses and all Liberal Party Press
Liberal MP and Canadians to continue speaking out as they have Conference
Govemment ethics already been doing. Write to Stephen Harper. Write to July 7, 2010
and democratic reform Tony Clement. Write to each and every Conservative
critic MP and express your dismay and your opposition to this

At the very least, the Minister owes an explanation to all



Marlene Jennings Pour plaire a sa base electorale conservatrice. M. Liberal Party Press
Liberal MP and Harper coupe fe financement de tous ceux qui ne Conference
Government ethics comptent pas pour lui et son gouvemement ­ les July 7,2010
and democratic reform groupes de femmes. les manifestations de la
critic fierte gaie, les arts et la culture, Ie developpement
international et maintenant I'elaboration de
politiques fondees sur des donnees de recherche

Encore une fois, nous y perdons tous lorsque

Stephen Harper demontre son atroit esprit ­ son
etroitesse d'esprit en faisant passer sea inten~ts
partisans avec tous ceux - avant ceux de tous les
Marlene Jennings This is simply unacceptable and we're calling on LIberal Party Preis ..
Liberal MP and the Hafller government and Tony Clement to Conference
Govemment ethics reverse the decision. July 7, 2010
and democratic reform
critic Canadians don't have to be concerned that their
personal information that allows them to be
personally identified is of concern. It's not And
that's another failing of this govemment, the
Harper government, in not explaining that to
Canadians, in not doing that work of educating
and informina Canadians.


Marlene Jennings The reason why it's mandatory is because by Liberal Party Press
Liberal MP and ensuring that it's mandatory it ensures that every Conference
Government ethics single one of the 20 percent of Canadians Who July 7,2010
and democratic reform receive it fill it out completely. As a result of that,
critic the data then allows Stats Canada to weight the
rest of the short form data and it guarantees that
the assumptions that can be made are sound
based on sound information. If it's voluntary, you
have no way to properly weight the data that
comes out because the weighting comes from
Stats Canada data, something that Mr. Clement
seemed not to understand when he was Tweeting
yesterday. So I suggest he might want to go and
take a stats course.
Marlene Jennings I think most Canadians were assured that there LIberal Party Press
Liberal MP and was not access to the data by any foreign entity or
any unauthorized individuals. So I don't think
July 7,2010
Govemment ethics
and democratic reform that's an issue. And, let's face it, if it was an issue,
critic why doesn't the govemment just say so? Why
haven't they come clean? Why are they taking this
decision in private, in secret. and then releasing it
on the eve of a national holiday where they hope
anyone will not notice. It's standard Harper modus
operandi. He prorogues the House on the eve of
the new year, hoping no one will notice. hoping
Canadians will not notice. He does this time after
time after time and it's unacceptable. And this is
too·important, this information. It's too important
for our businesses. It's too important for our local
and provincial governments. They use this in
developing their policies to ensure that the
services are getting out to the people who need


Marlene Jennings To my knowledge the form is mandatory and there are sound liberal Party Pre..
Liberal MP and policy and scientific reasons Why it needs to be mandatory Conference
Government ethics because it's only through gaining that data that we can ­ that July 7, 2010
and democratic reform Stats Canada can then properly weight all of the data that
critic comes in and ensure that that information is sound. So any
policy based on it has that level, level of comfort based on
science, based on evidence.

I've been a Member of Parliament for 13 years now. I'm now

going into my -I'm now in my fourteenth year. In that time,
there's been the 2001 census. Just before I came in, there was
the 1996 census based on which the first demographic study by
the McGill Consortium was done for the Black communities of
Canada. There was a second one done on 2001 and then this
last one which came out in March on the 2006. In that time. one,
I have not received any complaints from any of my constituents
or from any other Canadian about the fact that they received the
long form and that it was mandatory. That's the first point

Secondly. I have not heard of any Canadian being charged. My

understanding of the process is that notwithstanding that irs
mandatory, Stats Canada makes every effort to contact the
individuals, to send someone at the individual's convenience to
sit down with them, to assist them in filling out the forms. If
there's a reason why they don't want to fin, to explain to them
the importance of the information there, to assure them of the
privacy, that their personal individual identifiers that allowed
them to be personally identified are protected and that. as a
result of that, they Qet all of the forms back filled out.


Marlene Jennings Je commence a voir queUes sont les raisons possibles et Liberal Party Press
Liberal MP and evidemment j'ai fait reference all la question de la redistribution Conference
Govemment ethics des Iimites electorales, la prochaine redistribution. La Loi July 7, 2010
and democratic reform electorale exige que la redistribution des limites des comtes
critic electoral sont fondees sur Ie recensement de Statistique
Canada. Donc je me demande est-ce que ce changement aurait
un impact sur la rediStribution all la defaveur -- a defavoriser. Est­
ce qu'it y aurait un resultat qui pourrait defavoriser un pam
contre un autre, un comte contre un autre? Je ne sais pas parce
que Ie gouvernement et M. Clement n'ont pas explique leur
raison mais certainement toute decision gouvemementale, toute
politique gouvernementale qui est axee sur les donn~s de
Statistiaue Canada sur Ie recensement doit ~tre mise en doute.
Marlene Jennings M. Clement pretend que tous les deputes tederaux ont reyu des Liberal Party Press
Liberal MP and plaintes des citoyens sur la question de Ie questionnaire detaille Conference
Govemment ethics obligatoire. Je dois vous afftrmer aujourd'hui que ya fait 13 ans July 7, 2010 ;.'""
and democratic reform que je suis deputee ~erale et dans mes 13 ans j'ai jamais reyu
critic une lettre d'un e/ecteur de mon comte, de rna circonscription ou
d'un electeur ailleurs au Canada se plaignant de Ie
questionnaire detaille obligatoire. Jamais.


Marlene Jennings Chose est certaine, c'est Ie gouvemement Harper, c'est Ie Liberal Party Press
Liberal MP and ministre Clement qui decideront s'i1s vont renverser cette Conference
Government ethics decision pris comme, vous I'avez decrit, en catamini. Nous leur July 7, 2010
and democratic reform demandons de Ie faire et nous sommes pas les seuls. J'ai
critic enumere plusieurs organismes pan-canadiens qui demandent
egalement que la decision soit renversee. Et si jamais rendu a
I'automne a la reprise parlementaire que Ie gouvernement n'a
pas renverse /a decision, nous avons I'intention en tant que
Opposition officielle, de presenter un projet de loi qui rendrait Ie
questionnaire detaille obligatoire - obligatoire via la loi, un
amendement a la Loi sur les statistiQues, DOint final.
Marlene Jennings We will begin a process of public consultation to, one, determine Liberal Party Press
Liberal MP and Why is it necessary to have the long-term questionnaire? wny is Conference
Government ethics it necessary to have it mandatory? And if there are concerns of July 7, 2010
and democratic reform
privacy, are those concerns valid? He didn't do any of that. .

That's typical of this government. They take decisions based on
ideology. They do not base decisions on evidence. And part of
evidence is public consultation. And I say shame on Tony
Clement, shame on Harper, shame on the Conservative
government. Once again, they're showing that their narrow,
ideoloQical interests outweiah any evidence-based facts.


Marlene "If the Conservatives don't reverse their decision, Liberals are prepared to Liberals will
Jennings make long
explore the introduction of an amendment to the Statistics Act to ensure a
Liberal MP and comprehensive, mandatory long-form stays· census
Govemment mandatory
ethics and "This decision, made in secret, without any consultation, is dangerous because unless
democratic the information that will be lost is used to help Canadians in their daily lives ­ Conservatives
reform critic particularly our most vulnerable citizens." reverse
"We encourage researchers, business, and all Canadians to continue speaking decision to
out - write to Stephen Harper, Industry Minister Tony Clement, and Conservative scrap it
MPs. Minister Clement hasn't even offered Canadians an explanation as to why Liberal Party
this was done ­ and he owes us that at the very least.· Press Release
July 7, 2010
Marlene Mr. Clement also said, from what you just reported here, quoting him, that every Liberal Party
Jennings Member of Parliament has received complaints from Canadians about the Press
Liberal MP and intrusiveness of the long-term survey. I haven't. So Mr. Clement is already Conference ;.
Government saying something which is not factual. So when Mr. Clement says that the July 7, 2010 i
ethics and reason why they got rid of it is because it's intrusive. then I ask Mr. Clement if
democratic the government has received so much opposition to the intrusiveness, where is
reform critic the consultation? Where is the public consultation on the issue of the long-term
mandatory questionnaire? Where is it? Where was the consultation with the
researchers of Canada. their associations, with the 122 universities and colleges
in Canada? Where was the consultation with the Canadian Federation of
Canadian Municipalities? Where was the consultation with the provincial
governments that rely on the census data being evidence-based. being reliable
in order for those governments. those organizations. those entities. those
community groups to be able to develop policies that are sound and that can
actually deliver results that are needed? Where is that? That's the question for
Mr. Clement. He can say that it's because ifs intrusive but if those were
complaints that were brought directly to the government, then as a responsible
government his first reaction and that Harper's reaction should not have been
we're aoina to ban the mandatory and we'll simply make it voluntarv.



Marlene "There is no doubt the Tories hoped this decision would be ignored. It was Don't cut long
Jennings taken in secret, with no consultation, and it was leaked on the eve of census form:
Liberal MP and national holidays last week. They can't get away with it that easy. We Uberals
Government won't let them get away with it that easy' CBCNews
ethics and July 7,2010
reform critic
Marlene In her 13 years as an MP, Jennings said she's never heard a single Clement says
Jennings constituent or other citizen complain about the census as an invasion of census
Liberal MP and privacy, and she suggested privacy complaints cited by Clement were decision stands
Government overblown. despite data
ethics and concerns
democratic ''There are always going to be individuals who will raise bugaboos in order Canwest News
reform critic to raise fears among ordinary Canadians and won't necessarily properly Service
explain how things are, but there shouldn't be a concern of privacy" (Shannon
Julv 7, 2010


Jack Layton "If there were concerns about the intrusiveness of lhe Anti-census crusader
NDP Leader questions. the government should have consulted on not satisfied with
the issue and found a solution that would satisfy federal axing of long
everyone." form
Winnipeg Free Press I
"This is a reflection of the Harper Conservative CP
govemment's reticence to put a lot of faith in science (Jennifer Ditchbum)
and scientific investiaation" July 7, 2010


· '. ...... ...


Message Page 10f2

Halucha, Paul: IC-DM-IC-5M

-----_.. _._---_._--~-_._- -----~._---_. __._-_ _--_ _-_.
.. ..

Sent: Monday, July 19.20108:03
To: Halucha, Paul: IC-DM-IC-5M
Subject: RE:
Importance: High
Flag Status: Flagged
Attachments: 2006 correspondence by topic. xis
As requested Paul. Here is what we have in our correspondence tracking related to the 2006
Census. The numbers are broken out by type of complaint and how we received it (directly or
via MIND or an MP).

Connie Graziadei
Director GenerallDiectrice gen«ale
Human Resources Bronchi
Direction des ressources humaines
Statistics Canada/Statistique Canada

-----Original Message--­
From: [mallto:Paul,]

sent: July 18, 2010 12:05 PM


Subject: Fw:

Hi Connie - our internal survey ofcorrespondence did not show anything close to a thousand a day (we got a
standard 25-30 a year). Do you have numbers on your side?
------Original Message-­
From: Chris Fox
To: Paul: #SADM0-BSMDP Boothe
Cc: Paul Halucha
Cc: Annette Ryan
Cc: Diana D'Angelo
Sent: JullS, 201011:49 AM

Tories want immediate hearings on census

The Canadian Press
18 july 201009:36

OTTAWA - The federal Conservatives want to recall the federal industry committee right away so they can

better explain their decision to axe next year's mandatory, long census.

MP Maxime Bernier says that when he was industry minister during the last census, he received about 1,000

'. II... .¥ .,~ •

Message Page 2 of2

complaints per day during the census-taking Prieur Conservatives oppose the long census because they say it is too
intrusive and wrongly threatens people with jail if they don't answer all the questions Liberals are also calling for
immediate committee hearings, but for different reasonably say the census should be kept intact because it is a crucial
tool in the delivery of social programs at all levels of government.

The Tories have not held public consultations on the issue, but opposition to the late-June decision has heated up
quickly among statisticians, provincial and municipal governments, aboriginal leaders, business groups and those

= =.
concerned about protecting Canada's francophone minority.

I ••

2010-09-23 000117
I ......... ' I~ ,.

2006 Census Correspondence - letters and emails received by the Chief Statistician's office
Received Directly
Received via MP via Statistics Total (All
Topics or Minister Canada sources)
legislative change re: consent to release personal
information after 92 years 24 24
Contract with Lockheed Martin 323 323
Confidentiality/security (security online questionnaire,
sharing of data other govt departments/business, general
skepticism about
confidentiality) 10 18 28
Intrusiveness of the questions/census in general, collection
of personal information 17 5 22

Subject matter (required information on specific questions ­

same sex, ethnicitv, income, agricuture, etc) 116 116
Other (need a questionnaire, other operational problems.
employment, technical support, Census Help Line, etc.) 369 369
Total 27 I 855 882


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