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U nle a shing Possibilit ie s

1. An 8 pole AC generator has a frequency of 60Hz. The speed of the generator is ___ rpm.
2. Find the number of electrical degrees made per revolution of the rotor of a 12 pole alternator.
3. An alternator has a fractional pitch of 3/4. What is the chording angle in electrical degrees?
4. The winding of a 4 pole alternator having 36 slots and coil span of from 1 to 9 slots is short
pitched by ___ electrical degrees.
5. A 60Hz, 6 pole, wye connected 3 phase alternator has 72 slots with 4 conductors per slot and
coil pitch of 10 slots. Find the pitch factor of the winding.
6. A 6 pole, 3 phase alternator has 54 armature slots and winding coils, each chorded by 1 slot.
Find the pitch factor.
7. Find the coil pitch in slots of a 10 poles, 60Hz, 3 phase alternator with 3 slots per pole per phase
and coil span of 160 electrical degrees.
8. A 4 pole, 60 Hz, wye connected 3 phase alternator has 60 slots with 4 conductors per slot. If the
phase spread per pole is 60 electrical degrees. Find the distribution factor.
9. A 60 Hz, 8 pole, wye connected 3 phase alternator has 72 slots and 10 conductors per slot. The
flux per pole is 24.8 mWb, sinusoidally distributed. Find the distribution factor.
10. The pitch factor for 3rd harmonic in an alternator having 18 slots per pole and coil span of 5/6 of
pole pitch is ___.
11. The harmonic which would be totally eliminated by using a fractional pitch of 4/5 is ___.
12. By eliminating the 7th harmonic from the emf wave of an alternator, the fractional pitch must be
13. The armature of a 4 pole, 3 phase alternator has 144 slots and double layer winding. How many
coils are there per phase?
14. The armature of a 6 pole, 3 phase alternator has 90 slots and double layer winding, each coil of
which spans from slot 1 to slot 14. Find the winding factor.
15. One polar group of an alternator winding has 4 coils in series, each coil has an rms induced emf
of 12 V in it. The coils are placed in successive slots and between each slots and the next, there
is an electrical displacement of 15 electrical degrees. The total emf of the 4 coil in series is ___
volts. Assume a full pitch coil.
16. Find the generated line to line emf in volts in the armature of a 4 pole 60 Hz, wye connected 3
phase generator having a flux per pole of 0.15Wb sinusoidally distributed, 4 slots per pole per
phase and 4 conductors per slot. The armature winding is double layer with a coil span of 150
electrical degrees.
17. A 6 pole, wye connected generator has 90 slots each with 8 conductors. The flux per pole is
78.6mWb and speed is 1200 rpm. Assuming sinusoidal flux distribution and a full pitched
armature winding, find the generated line to line voltage in volts.
18. An 8 pole, 60 Hz, wye connected 3 phase generator has 144 armature slots, 6 turns per coil,
double layer winding, coil pitch of 15 slots and flux per pole of 20mWb. Find the generated line
to line voltage.

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