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Texto descriptivo: Prevalecen las características de un objeto de forma estática,

sin transcurso de tiempo.


Descriptive text of a plant: The cactus.

Cactaceae are plants of the succulent family. They are native to America but
are also found in Africa and Madagascar. They are medium, large or small.
Inside, they contain a large amount of aloe vera as a liquid reserve since they
are plants that are found in desert (dry) climates.

These cacti present attractive, solitary and hermaphroditic flowers, that is,
unisexual. Its size varies according to each species. Thus, you can find large
cactus (more than 2 meters) as small (a few centimeters).

 Texto narrativo: En él que encontramos un relato de acontecimientos

desarrollados en un tiempo o lugar determinado, y llevados a cabo por
personajes reales o imaginarios, siguiendo un orden temporal o casual. Éste
se puede escribir en prosa o en verso.


"The old horse", by Aesop

An old horse was sold to spin the stone of a mill. Finding himself bound to the
stone, he exclaimed sobbing:

- After the laps of the races, here are the laps I have reduced!
Moral: Do not brag about the strength of youth.

For many, old age is a very painful job

 Texto argumentativo: Se presentan las razones a favor o en contra de
determinada “posición” o “tesis”, con el fin de convencer al interlocutor a
través de diferentes argumentos.


he use of the internet in teenagers

The Internet has now become an indispensable tool in the lives of people.
It would be difficult, especially for the youngest, to conceive a world in which "we are not connected"
Ingo Lackerbauer, in his book "Internet", points out that the importance of the Internet in the future
overflows everything that has happened up to now, it is becoming the "global communication
No need to explain in detail the benefits of this wonderful technological invention. It allows us to
educate ourselves, to know, to enjoy. That is, it is a multipurpose tool.
Precisely, it is this use that can become negative. We are talking about internet addiction. Many
young people spend a large part of the day navigating pages, posting on social networks, or
watching videos on youtube.
Using the internet for entertainment is not a bad thing in itself. The bad is to abuse. The world of
the web is full of very useful knowledge, the ideal would also be used in that facet, and not just as
a way of leisure.
What are the damages that can lead to Internet addiction ?. Because the adolescent spends
considerable time in front of the computer, one of the greatest consequences is the loss of an
active social life. It is likely that I lost contact with my closest friends, and spent more time with
friends "

 Texto expositivo: Es el texto en el que se presentan, de forma neutral y
objetiva, determinados hechos o realidades.


Excerpt from the biography of Napoleon Bonaparte

Born Napoleone di Buonaparte (Nabolione or Nabulione in Corsican), only a year
after France bought the island of Corsica from the Republic of Genoa. Napoleone,
years later, changed its name to the Frenchified Napoléon Bonaparte. The oldest
record of this name appears in an official report dated March 28, 1796.

His family was part of the local nobility. His father, Carlo Buonaparte, lawyer, was
appointed in 1778 representative of Corsica in the court of Louis XVI, where he
remained for several years, so it was his mother, Maria Letizia Ramolino, the
fundamental figure of his childhood

 Texto científico. Tal y como su nombre indica, la ciencia va a ser el tema

central del mismo y el lenguaje científico dará forma al texto.


The heart is the main organ of the circulatory system. Its function is to propel the
blood to the whole body. Located in the mediastinum, it is made up of four cavities -
two atria in the upper region and two ventricles in the lower one - the aorta and
pulmonary arteries, the inferior and superior venae cavae, the bicuspid, tricuspid,
aortic and pulmonary valves and three protective layers: the pericardium, the
myocardium and the endocardium.

A thick partition separating the right and left areas prevents blood from passing
directly from one side to the other. To arrive at the place from which it started, the
blood flow must travel the general circuit and the pulmonary circuit. In general, the
blood, rich in oxygen, is sent from the left ventricle to the aorta and from there it is
transported to the whole body by other arteries and capillaries. Go back through the
veins cavas with plenty of waste to the right atrium. In contrast, in the pulmonary
circuit, the blood, laden with impurities and carbon dioxide, is conducted from the left
ventricle to the pulmonary arteries through which it reaches the lungs, is oxygenated
by these organs and undertakes its return to the left atrium .

When it pushes the bloodstream it contracts, and when it receives it, it dilates. These
movements are systole and diastole and its set is called cardiac cycle or heartbeat.
The movements of the heart valves to allow or impede the passage of blood are
 Texto literario. El texto literario tiene un fin estético y sus formas de locución
variarán en función del tipo de género del mismo (lírico, dramático, narrativo).


"Poetry" by Eugenio Montejo (poem)

Poetry crosses the earth alone,

support your voice in the pain of the world
and nothing asks
-not even words.

It comes from far and without time, never warns;

He has the key to the door.
Entering always stop to watch us.
Then he opens his hand and hands us
a flower or a pebble, something secret,
but so intense that the heart beats
too fast. And we wake up.

 Texto humanístico. Este tipo de textos se diferencian por el contenido que

ofrecen, ligado al ser humano y al conocimiento sobre el mismo.


(It relates the actions that stand out in the life of man)
The French Revolution was a social movement that took place in the year 1792, and
was the beginning of a social change that continues to this day. It is considered that
this event marked the end of the modern age and gives way to the contemporary

 Texto periodístico. El texto periodístico no se puede encasillar únicamente
en su función informativa, puesto que ésta se suele asociar a la objetividad
de relatar un hecho tal y como ha sido. Hoy día, el texto periodístico también
puede tener matices de subjetividad a encontrarnos con artículos
directamente de opinión. A su vez, es importante incluir que dentro de estos
textos también podemos encontrar un fin de entretenimiento.


The north of Chile could be hit again by a mega-earthquake, similar or even greater
than the one happened on April 1, 2014 of magnitude 8.3, warned scientists from the
United States Geological Survey (USGS for its acronym in English) in an
investigation published by the journal Nature.

The report states that despite the April earthquake, the risk of a major earthquake in
that region remains extremely high. With the theory of the seismic gap, an area of
dangerous seismic risk had previously been located in northern Chile with sufficient
potential to generate mega-earthquakes (+8.0).

Experts from the USGS and its associated agencies revealed that the April
earthquake did not break the entire seismic gap in northern Chile, so there is still
great seismic potential to generate a movement of similar or even greater magnitude
than occurred at the beginning of that. month.

"Despite the magnitude of the April earthquake, the risk in the area remains the same
or even greater," said seismologist Gavin Hayes.

Source: Wikinews
When it pushes the bloodstream it contracts, and when it receives it, it dilates. These
movements are systole and diastole and its set is called cardiac cycle or heartbeat.
The movements of the heart valves to allow or impede the passage of blood are
fundamental. Under normal conditions, the heart rate of humans varies between
sixty-seven and seventy-four beats per minute. The beats can be perceived by
placing the hand on the left chest area, or by gently pressing other sectors such as
the fingertip or temple.


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