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No. 769553 a et He COURT OF APPEALS OF THE STATE OF WASHINGTON DIVISION 1 ————— Inre the Estate of Leanna R. Mickelson HEATHER J.E.L. BENEDICT, Appellant, v JAMES A. MICKELSON, Respondent. — ON APPEAL FROM THE KING COUNTY SUPERIOR COURT Case No.: 16-4-06644-2 The Honorable Barbara Linde 30 L102 BRIEF AND ADDENDUM OF APPELLANT HY 82 NOLONIHSWH 20 31Y1S 0 SW3dd¥ 40 1009 Tala sed HEATHER J.E.L, BENEDICP fk/a Heather J. Mickelson Daughter of Decedent, Pro Se PMB 7865 PO Box 257 Olympia, WA 98507-257 (253) 209-7434 TABLEOFCONTENTS Pages) TABLE OF AUTHORITIES... Poof wp m Was! RCW RCW RCW ST, TOF | “ASE... SUMMARY OF ARGUMENT.. ARGUMENT. CONCLUSION... ADDENDUM... TABLE OF AUTHORITIES Statutes n Ste 11.28.110 11.28.330 11.28.340 Rules Washington State: CR6O King County: LCR 60 A. ASSIGNMENTS OF ERROR ‘Whether the lower court did err in failing to follow the simple statutory scheme codified in RCW 11.28 and otherwise made available to the general public via a publication by Mucklestone! and held in the local law library for public use of forms and thus did err in failing to deliver the outcome expected of a judicial administration to simply process the statutory scheme provided by the Legislature? 2, Whether the lower court did err in vacating an order without complying with LCR60 which requires a show cause hearing ‘when it simply changed its mind and once again diverted from a prescribed scheme prescribed as influenced by an ettomey representing another heir thus making a playground of the legal process where the attorneys profit at the expense of the simple respect that is shown a citizen in making the determination of testacy or intestacy? ‘Whether the lower court did err in penalizing an heir during the administration of her mother's estate and allowing members of the ‘Washington State Bar Association to financially gain while the heir’s ‘Mr, Robert S. Mucklestone is a Washington State attorney with Perkins Cole LLP and. author of the Washington Probate and Procedure and Tax Manual with Forms (3d ed. 2009), an authoritative source endorsed by the Washington State Bar Association, On November 1, 2016, | met with Mr, Mucklestone whom confirmed | was following the correct procedure and forms to petition a Washington State Superior Court for an order of intestacy.

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