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Hypotension, Nitroglycerin, and Acute Myocardiai

IT IS widely recognized that hypotension may nitroglycerin to patients with long-standing cardiac
lead to serious consequences in the patient decompensation consequent to myocardial infarc-
suffering an acute myocardial infarction. The tion.2 However, hemodynamic improvement is not
fear of hypotension is amply justified and origi- necessarily indicative of reduced ischemic injury
nates, in large part, from the poor outcome in since the peripheral or reflex effects of a vasodilator
patients who develop cardiogenic shock. Under could improve the net pumping performance of the
these circumstances hypotension is a result of pump heart at a time when the degree of ischemic injury
failure due to massive myocardial damage, but the of the involved portion of myocardium is un-
diminished arterial pressure itself undoubtedly changed or even increased.
plays a causal role in the usually lethal cycle To assess more directly the effects of nitroglycerin
characterized by diminished coronary perfusion on the actual degree of ischemic injury occurring
pressure, greater ischemic injury, more severe during acute myocardial infarction, the S-T segment
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hypotension, etc. In addition, any baroreceptor- changes recorded by intramyocardial electrodes

mediated increase in heart rate and myocardial were analyzed during occlusion of the left anterior
contractility (cauised by the reduction in arterial descending coronary artery of the conscious dog.3
pressure) would tend to raise myocardial oxygen The results indicated that nitroglycerin could
demand and thereby further augment the ischemic indeed cause an actual diminution of ischemic
insult. These considerations understandably have injury. Nitroglycerin also was found to minimize the
focused the physician's attention on the prompt decrease in ventricular fibrillation threshold caused
treatment of hvpotension and the avoidance of any by acute coronary occlusion.4 These effects were
drugs that may reduce blood pressure in patients demonstrated despite the associated hypotensive
with acute myocardial infarction. action of the drug.
An interesting paradox exists, however, insofar as It might be postulated from these results that
most of us accept the dogma that the decrease in nitroglycerin-induced hypotension contributes to
blood pressure produced by vasodilators (in the beneficial effects of the drug during acute
particular, nitroglycerin) is potentially lethal in the coronary occlusion by lowering myocardial oxygen
patient with acute myocardial infarction, but almost requirements secondary to decreased afterload, a
invariably benefits the patient with angina pectoris. mechanism commonly cited as contributing to the
The relief afforded by nitroglycerin to the patient salutary effects of nitroglycerin in relieving the pain
with angina pectoris has been well documented. of angina pectoris. Such an explanation presumes
The concept that nitroglycerin is deleterious during that this beneficial effect of hypotension counter-
acute myocardial infarction, however, has been balances the deleterious effects accruing from both
untested until very recently. Surprisingly enough, the decrease in coronary perfusion pressure and the
rather than supporting the clinical bias against the reflex increase in sympathetic stimulation to the
use of nitroglycerin during acute myocardial heart. However, some insight into the complexities
infarction, these recent studies suggest that, under of the interaction between blood pressure changes
certain circumstances, vasodilators may exert ben- and myocardial ischemia is afforded by the
eficial effects. For example, Franciosa and co- observation that when a reduction in blood pressure
workers showed hemodynamic improvement in equivalent to that produced by nitroglycerin is
some patients with depressed cardiac output during
acute myocardial infarction after administration of
produced by hemorrhage, the intensity of the
the vasodilator nitroprusside,' and Gold et al. ischemic insult during coronary occlusion tends to
reported similar results following administration of increase.5 More dramatically, when the reduction in
blood pressure caused by nitroglycerin is abolished
by simultaneous administration of either methoxa-
Address for reprints: Dr. Stephen E. Epstein, Chief, mine or phenylephrine, ischemic injury diminishes
Cardiology Branch, National Heart and Lung Institute, Bldg.
10, Room 7B-15, Bethesda, Maryland 20014. to an even greater extent than when nitroglycerin is
Circulation, Volume XLVII, February 1973 217
given alone and pressure allowed to f all.5 It Although the relation between hypotension and
therefore seems likely that the reduction of ischemia ischemic injury is complex, it is clear that the long-
produced by nitroglycerin does not depend upon a standing clinical admonition not to administer
diminution of systemic arterial pressure. Indeed, nitroglycerin or other hypotensive agents to patients
these results suggest that nitroglycerin-induced with acute myocardial infarction needs reevaluat-
hypotension actually augments the degree of ing. Moreover, if further clinical studies confirm a
ischemia during acute coronary occlusion; its wider role for vasodilators in acute myocardial
deleterious effects, however, seem to be overridden infarction, it would be reasonable to consider
by other actions that lead to a net reduction in whether patients should be advised to self-adminis-
ischemic injury. Whether the net benefit results ter nitroglycerin (in the supine position with legs
from actions of nitroglycerin that increase blood elevated to minimize the risk of excessive hypo-
flow to ischemic areas (by effects on coronary tension) during the prehospital phase of acute myo-
arterial or collateral flow), or from the capacity of cardial infarction; if the drug does improve hemo-
nitroglycerin to decrease myocardial wall tension dynamics, decrease ischemic injury, and increase
and, thereby, MVO2 (by causing venous pooling electrical stability of the ventricle, its use in this
and decreased ventricular volume) is unknown. It circumstance may decrease the incidence of ar-
also is unknown whether desirable effects will rhythmic death.
accrue to the patient with acute myocardial Regardless of the final answers that emerge
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infarction who has critical narrowing of more than relating to the specific questions raised in this
one major coronary artery, since, under these discussion, it is to be hoped that a greater
conditions, nitroglycerin theoretically could be understanding of the effects various pharmacologic
deleterious by predisposing to intracoronary pres- interventions have on the myocardial, electrophysio-
sure changes that would lead to a "coronary steal" logic, and arrhythmic changes induced by acute
situation. myocardial infarction will lead to new modes of
Definitive answers regarding the proper approach therapy capable of ameliorating ischemic injury and
of the physician toward hypotension occurring of reducing the morbidity and mortality of acute
spontaneously (in the absence of cardiogenic myocardial infarction.
shock) or induced pharmacologically during acute STEPHEN E. EPSTEIN
myocardial infarction do not as yet exist. It is References
apparent, however, that hypotension cannot be 1. FRANCIOSA JA, GUIHA NH, LIMAS CJ, RODRIGUERA E,
considered as an isolated, independent phenome- COHN JN: Improved left ventricular function during
non, but must be evaluated in the context of the nitroprusside infusion in acute myocardial infarction.
Lancet 1: 650, 1972
specific conditions in which it occurs; different 2. GOLD HK, LEINBACH RC, SANDERS CA: Use of
hemodynamic changes occur when hypotension is sublingual nitroglycerin in congestive failure follow-
produced by vasodilators than when it is the result ing acute myocardial infarction. Circulation 46: 839,
of hemorrhage or massive cardiac necrosis. There- 1972
fore an a priori estimate of net beneficial or 3. REDWOOD DR, SMITH ER, EPSTEIN SE: Coronary
artery occlusion in the conscious dog: Effects of
deleterious effect of vasodilators on the course of alterations in heart rate and arterial pressure on the
acute myocardial infarction cannot be inferred from degree of myocardial ischemia. Circulation 46: 323,
the risks associated with hypotension occurring 1972
secondary to pump failure. Similar considerations 4. KENT KM, SMITH ER, REDWOOD DR, EPSTEIN SE:
apply to the mild-to-moderate hypotension that not Beneficial effects of nitroglycerin on ventricular
infrequently accompanies the bradycardia present fibrillation threshold during experimental acute
myocardial infarction. (Abstr) Amer J Cardiol. In
in many patients during the early phases of acute press
myocardial infarction.6 7 Thus, it is not at all clear 5. SMITH ER, REDWOOD DR, MCCARRON WE, EPSTEIN
that the risk of such patients is increased; and, while SE: Coronary artery occlusion in the conscious dog:
administration of atropine in this situation may raise Effects of alterations in arterial pressure produced by
blood pressure, it would also evoke the potentially nitroglycerin, hemorrhage, and alpha-adrenergic ago-
nists on the degree of ischemia. Circulation. In
deleterious effects a faster heart rate has on the press
degree of myocardial ischemia3 and on the electri- 6. ADGEY AAJ, ALLEN JD, GEDDES JS: Acute phase of
cal stability of the ischemic ventricle.8 myocardial infarction. Lancet 2: 501, 1971
Ciculation, Volume XLVII, February 1973

Bradyeardia and its complications in the prehospital Electrical stability of acutely ischemic myocardium:
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Rosen MR, Gelband H, Hoffman BF: Circulation 47: 65,
1973. On page 69, line 10 should read: "No changes in phase
4 depolarization or spontaneous rate were seen in three
experiments." On page 70, line 12, "casually" should read,

Circulation, Volume XLVII, February 1973

Hypotension, Nitroglycerin, and Acute Myocardial Infarction

Circulation. 1973;47:217-219
doi: 10.1161/01.CIR.47.2.217
Circulation is published by the American Heart Association, 7272 Greenville Avenue, Dallas, TX 75231
Copyright © 1973 American Heart Association, Inc. All rights reserved.
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