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Olympia College Assignment Diploma in Business Management






FINANCIAL REPORTING: Astro Malaysia Holdings


NO OF ASSIGNMENT TASK TO COMPLETE : Complete all the tasks



TERM (SEMESTER) : Term 3, 2018

SUBMISSION DEADLINE : 10th November 2018

Task Report Total: 80%

TOTAL MARK AWARDED : Presentation Total: 20%

Assignment Total: 100%


The assessor has Pass Merit Distinction

(Tick the relevant box)

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Olympia College Assignment Diploma in Business Management


When submitting evidence for assessment, each student must sign a declaration confirming
that the work is their own.

Student name: Assessor name:

Issue date: Submission date: Submitted on:



Assignment number and title:

FINANCIAL REPORTING: Astro Malaysia Holdings Berhad

Plagiarism is a particular form of cheating. Plagiarism must be avoided at all costs and students
who break the rules, however innocently, may be penalised. It is your responsibility to ensure
that you understand correct referencing practices. As a university level student, you are
expected to use appropriate references throughout and keep carefully detailed notes of all
your sources of materials for material you have used in your work, including any material
downloaded from the Internet. Please consult the relevant unit lecturer or your course tutor if
you need any further advice.

Student Declaration

Student declaration

I certify that the assignment submission is entirely my own work and I fully understand the
consequences of plagiarism. I understand that making a false declaration is a form of

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Student signature: Date:


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Students are required to observe the followings: -
1. Upon completion of each assignment task, students are required to prepare assignment
task report.
2. The general word count for each assignment task report should be limited to 1,000
words for Certificate students, 1,500 words for Diploma students and 3,500 words for
Degree students. (HND word count is 4000 words)
3. All task reports should be stapled together then submit as one.
4. Assignment format:
a) Front Cover
b) This assignment set
c) First marker feedback form with your information filled for marker to record any
feedbacks so a copy can be given back to you.
d) Table of content
e) Content following the Name of the assignment tasks and corresponding task number.
f) References and Appendix after each assignment task report.
5. Cut and paste work, plagiarism and undeclared sources will result in an automatic
6. All references and citation shall use Harvard Referencing Style.
7. The assignment should be typed using 1.5 spaces between lines in 12 Times New
Roman point-font.
8. Check carefully the submission date and the instructions given with the assignment. Late
assignments will not be accepted.
9. If you are unable to hand in your assignment on time and have valid reasons such as
illness, you may apply (in writing) for an extension. If the semester not ended, extension
is subject to final approval by the Principal, otherwise no extension request will be
10. After submission, the first marker (usually will be your center lecturer) shall provide
students feedback on work submitted so that future improvements can be made. If one
does not receive the feedback, please contact the center Principal or the Director of
Studies (
11. No appeal on the academic judgment will be entertained.
12. If there are presentations, the presentation will be on Week 10/11 (Duration at least 5
minutes /student depending on the lecturer’s allocation).
13. Presentation requirement including: communication skills, visual aids and personal
grooming are the criteria for obtaining the marks allocated.

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This is an individual report. You are to complete the tasks below depending on your
choice of grade.

Important note:

1. To achieve a PASS grade, you will need to do Task 1 (a & b), Task 2 (a & b), Task 3
(a & b) AND Task 4 (a), diligently.
2. To achieve a MERIT grade, you will need to do Task 1 (a, b & c), Task 2 (a, b & c),
Task 3 (a, b & c) AND Task 4 (a & b), diligently.
3. To achieve a DISTINCTION grade, you will need to do Task 1 (a, b, c & d), Task 2
(a, b, c & d), Task 3 (a, b, c & d) AND Task 4 (a, b & c), diligently.


Astro Malaysia Holdings Berhad (AMHB) is Malaysia’s leading content and consumer
company in the TV, OTT, radio, digital and commerce space with growing ASEAN

ASTRO a trusted brand to over 23 million individuals in 5.5 million Malaysian homes,
entertaining customers through both Pay-TV and NJOI, freemium proposition.

Astro GO and NJOI Now, OTT platforms, cater to each individual’s demand to access their
preferred content anytime, anywhere, and across multiple screens. Tribe, our regional OTT
service, continues to expand in ASEAN, and is in four countries with 3.1 million total
installs. The company aspire to provide personalised content and consumer offerings to each
individual to fulfil their lifestyle and aspirational needs.

Astro’s 11 radio brands include the highest rated stations across Malaysia’s four key
languages, engaging with 16.5 million weekly audience on-air and online, so consumers
now listen and watch radio. Their digital assets host 6.9 million average monthly unique
visitors, and includes Astro Gempak, the country’s No. 1 digital entertainment portal.
Astro’s multiplatform reach provides a unique and compelling integrated advertising
proposition to serve marketers’ needs.


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Download the latest Annual Report of Astro Malaysia Holdings Berhad for two (2)
consecutive years, and answer the below tasks.

LO1 Analyse the context and purpose of financial reporting:
A. Analyse the context of AMHB’s financial reports with reference to the financial
reporting frameworks and governance of financial reporting.
B. Identify and analyse the purpose of financial reporting for meeting AMHB’s
organizational objectives, development and growth.
C. Assess how the context and purpose of AMHB’s financial reporting meets its
stakeholder needs and expectations.
D. Critically analyse the different regulatory frameworks and governance of financial
reporting for AMHB stakeholders.

LO2 Interpret financial statements
A. Interpret AMHB’s Profit and Loss Statement, Statement of Cash flows and Balance
B. Calculate and present financial ratios for AMHB’s performance and investment for
two consecutive years (latest 2 years).
C. Interpret results of the financial ratios calculation on AMHB’s financial performance
and status, as well as investor ratios for users of financial statement for decision
making. Be able to show graphical interpretation as well.
D. Using appropriate theories and models suggest how AMHB can effectively respond
to existing and potential financial problems.

LO3 Evaluate financial reporting standards and theoretical models and concepts
A. Explain the benefits of International Accounting Standards (IAS) and International
Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) to service-oriented organizations like Astro.
B. Evaluate the models of financial reporting and auditing. The firm’s model should
also include identification of the following for AMHB.
a. What activities it undertakes within the firm and how these are organized.
b. What it buys and sells in market transactions? Which markets it operates in
(ex. Who it buys from and who it sells to), and the nature of its relationships
with these parties.
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Olympia College Assignment Diploma in Business Management
C. Critically evaluate AMHB’s financial reporting and auditing through the coherent
application of theories and models to support judgments and conclusions.
D. Critically evaluate the application of IFRS in Malaysia and the difference in
financial reporting based on models and theories. IFRS being a common global
language. How does it facilitate understanding of financial matters across
international boundaries


LO4 Evaluate international differences in financial reporting

A. Evaluate the differences and importance of financial reporting across different
B. Critically evaluate the factors that influence international differences in external
financial reporting.
C. Identify and evaluate international differences before the IFRS and how countries
have responded to the IFRS.

(End of tasks)

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Your written assignment will be assessed against the following criteria. You will find here the assessment rubrics, presentation rubrics, Higher National Diploma
Pass Grade Descriptors and Higher National Diploma Higher Grade Descriptors for various assessment purposes.
Written Assignment Rubrics
Evaluation/Marks Mark Achieved
0 – Nothing
No. Criteria 1 – Not Yet Meet 2 – Approaching 5 – Exceeding First Second
Presented/ 3 – Acceptable 4 – Good
Expectation Expectation Expectation Marker Marker
1. Accurate and Nothing submitted Parts of the assignment Problem briefly defined Problem adequately Problem is completely Problem is completely
relevant to the topics incomplete and/or and related questions defined. Related questions defined and answers to defined and answers to
of discussion. problem not identified briefly answered. Could adequately answered. related questions. related questions and
properly. be more complete. demonstrated extra effort.

2. Choice of methods Nothing submitted Method incomplete and/or The method was The method was The method was well thought The methods exceeded the
used in executing the not well thought out. appropriate and appropriate and very out and specifically focused expectations.
work. somewhat related to the closely tied to the on the identified goals.
identified goals. identified goals.

3. Assessment of Nothing submitted unclear, confusing, vague, generalized ambiguous claim, tentative identifiable claim, considered explicit, full developed
current business unspecified position, the claim, inconsistent, position, some positions, workable strategy claim, clear, informed
environment/situatio environments not made writing about the inconsistency. to achieve purpose. position, keeps purpose in
n. clear to reader. environments that focus.
affects the business.

4. Includes several Nothing submitted Did not adequately include Listed a few basic ideas. Tentative business strategy. Applicable business strategy. Sound business strategy.
ideas/strategies to ideas and/or idea/strategy Limited strategic Certain tactics were linked Most tactics flowed from Concise statement of
achieve goals. was confusing. thinking. Linkages to strategy, key tactics strategy and were integrated. objectives and strategy.
between strategies and weakly implemented. Some concern about its Tactics flowed from strategy
tactics are weak. ability to achieve the goal(s). and are well integrated.
Contingency plan included.

5. Include various Nothing submitted Did not adequately include Included a few basic Included some relevant Included all relevant Included all relevant
perspectives and viewpoints. viewpoints. viewpoints. viewpoints. viewpoints and
viewpoints. demonstrated extra effort
that exceeded the

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Evaluation/Marks Mark Achieved

0 – Nothing
No. Criteria 1 – Not Yet Meet 2 – Approaching 5 – Exceeding First Second
Presented/ 3 – Acceptable 4 – Good
Expectation Expectation Expectation Marker Marker
6. Arguments are Nothing submitted Did not recognize what Recognized some of the Recognized most of the Recognized all the critical All critical information had
supported with evidences were needed. evidences needed. critical information and information and evidences been included and
evidences. evidences needed to still needed to develop a demonstrated extra effort
develop the arguments. plan. that exceeded the

7. Clear argumentations Nothing submitted Argumentations were Argumentations were Argumentations were Argumentations were Arguments were justified
and inadequate, and not somewhat justifiable mostly justifiable and completely justifiable and and reasonable, exceeding
justifiable/supported justifiable. Introduction and reasonable. reasonable. Unfocused reasonable. Good Intro & the expectations. Good &
viewpoints. and conclusion are Unclear/unrelated intro intro & conclusion. conclusion. concise intro & conclusion.
missing. & conclusion.

8. Clear and logical Nothing submitted Ideas developed were Ideas do not easily flow Some ideas do not flow to Ideas flow from one Ideas flow smoothly from
development of irrelevant, and confusing. from one paragraph to the next paragraph. paragraph to another. There one paragraph to another.
viewpoints. another. There is no Occasionally lacks a logical is a logical sequence and Ideas are developed
logical sequence in the sentence sequence. explanations are clear. cogently, organized logically
placement of the and are connected with
paragraphs. effective transitions.

9. Raw data usage. Nothing submitted Assumptions made were Limited use of data to Some use of data but errors Good use of data to support Comprehensive use of data
incomplete and not support the strategies in data presented. More or analysis, plans, strategy. to support the plan.
related data was and tactics. better data is needed. Likely to reduce risks to Effortlessly incorporated
presented. successful implementation of hard data when making a
plan. point or supporting a

10. Assumptions made Nothing submitted The alternative selected The alternative selected A good alternative was The best alternative was Multiple alternatives were
were sound and (might not be the best that might not be the selected and the rationale selected and the rationale selected and these
comprehensive. one) but rationale faulty. best and the rationale was mostly related to the was directly related to the rationales were directly
was adequate but not facts, assumptions, and facts, assumptions, and related to the facts,
directly related to the identified or possible identified or possible causes. assumptions, and identified
facts, assumptions, and causes. or possible causes.
identified or possible

11. Assumptions made Nothing submitted Adverse consequences not The adverse The adverse consequences Adverse consequences were Adverse consequences were
were identifiable in listed or not appropriate. consequences were were well defined. complete and very clearly clearly defined, complete,
terms of similarities basically defined. defined. and exceeded the
and contradictions. expectations.

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Evaluation/Marks Mark Achieved

0 – Nothing
No. Criteria 1 – Not Yet Meet 2 – Approaching 5 – Exceeding First Second
Presented/ 3 – Acceptable 4 – Good
Expectation Expectation Expectation Marker Marker
12. Sources to be clearly Nothing submitted Works cited from non- References are Only some references are Most references are properly Each reference is properly
in-text cited and credible/fabricated improperly or incorrectly properly cited. Works cited cited. Works cited follows cited both within the text
efficiently used. resources. cited. follows some of the rules of most of the rules of Harvard and follows exactly the rules
Harvard Referencing Referencing format. of Harvard Referencing
format. format.

13. Reference list is Nothing submitted Reference incomplete and References are included References are included References are included, References are error free,
available and in incorrectly formatted. with lots of mistakes, with some mistakes, and/or properly formatted, and and exceeded the expected
correct format and Number of sources and/or a partial a partial references is proper number of different amount of resources.
structure. required not adhered to. reference is included but included and correctly resource types were used.
not correctly formatted. formatted. The proper
The proper amount of amount of resources were
resources were used. used.

14. Correct usage of Nothing submitted Spelling and Grammar A great deal of spelling Some grammar and spelling Final draft is clearly edited. Final draft is completely
sentence structure, mistakes impedes with the and grammar mistakes mistakes are made. All Grammar and Spelling is error free and exceeded the
grammar, spelling, reading and understanding distracts the reader. used correctly, few or no expectations.
and punctuations. of the paper. mistakes are made.

15. Correct usage of Nothing submitted Font, spacing and margin An attempt at correct Font size is correct. Title is Final draft is clearly edited. Final draft is completely
formatting – font sizes are consistently font and margin size was present but not in proper Font sizes are correct error free and exceeded the
size, spacing, margin, incorrect. Title is missing. made. format. throughout the paper. Title is expectations.
and title headings. present and in proper format.

16. Word Count. Out of the Plus or minus 25%. Plus or minus 20%. Plus or minus 15%. Plus or minus 10%. Plus or minus 5%.
stipulated word



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Presentation Rubrics

First Second
0 – Nothing 1 – Weak 2 – Developing 5 – Exceptional
No Criteria 3 - Satisfactory 4 - Very Good Marker Marker
Presented /Unsatisfactory /Needs Improvement /Excellent
(0-5) (0-5)

1. PERSONAL GROOMING Did not Shows up late. Did not dress Shows up late. Did not Shows up at time of Early for presentation. Early for presentation.
appear/attend in professional attire. have on complete business presentation. Business attire Dressed in business attire. Dressed in professional
How appropriate did the the Grooming is distracting attire. Poorly groomed. was semi-professional. Groomed and neatly attire and exceeded the
author dress up? presentation (make-up, hair, tattoos, Groomed, but clothing clothed with feel-good requirement. Well
piercing, etc). Clothing is seemed somewhat appearance. groomed (hair, make-up,
dirty or wrinkled. wrinkled. clothes cleaned and

2. CONTENTS Did not No clear statement offered. Incomplete or unfocused. Reasonably clear. Clear and concise. Good Clear, concise. Engaging,
appear/attend Scope too broad or too Scope too broad or too Reasonable scope and scope & depth without and thought provoking.
How well was the central the narrow; lacks depth; AND narrow OR lacks depth OR depth; lapses into detail losing the audience in Exceptional scope &
issue identified? How presentation uses too much technical uses too much technical that may not be accessible technical detail; a good depth; a true learning
accessible is the language/ jargon. No clear language/ jargon. Evidence to the audience. Ideas learning experience. experience; exceeds
presentation to educate information sequence; very of some organization but presented in logical Presented in logical expectations. Exceptional
viewers from a range of difficult to follow. not in an optimal order; sequence; reasonably easy &interesting ways; easy to organization in light of
background? How well difficult to follow. to follow. follow but not the fact that the topic is
organized was the oversimplified. complex.

3. VISUAL AIDS Did not Many unclear or Some unclear/ Mostly clear, with few Clear and coherent texts; Exceptionally logical and
(layout and graphics) appear/attend ungrammatical texts; many ungrammatical texts; some lapses; one or two errors/ error free. Well laid out; well written texts; error
the errors/typos. Slides are far errors/ typos. Too crowded typos. A bit too crowded; graphics add value; no free. Perfectly laid out;
How well did the author use presentation too crowded or much too or too sparse; graphics lack not all graphics add value; redundancies. graphics are professional
the space allocated, clear sparse; no graphics. clear value; several minor redundancies. quality; highly polished
and error-free text? redundancies. work

4. COMMUNICATION SKILLS Did not Student reads all of report Student occasionally uses Student maintains eye Student maintains eye Student was well-
appear/attend with no eye contact. eye contact, but still reads contact most of the time contact with audience, prepared and spoke with
How well did the author the Student mumbles, most of report. but frequently returns to seldom returning to notes confidence and hence,
show confidence, utilize presentation incorrectly pronounces Student's voice is low. notes to read. to read. maintains eye contact
his/her own words and did terms, and speaks too Student incorrectly Student's voice is clear. Student uses a clear voice and never returning to
not read from the materials? quietly for students in the pronounces terms. Student pronounces most and correct, precise notes.
back of class to hear. Audience members have words correctly. Most pronunciation of terms so Student exceptionally
difficulty hearing audience members can hear that all audience members spoke with appropriate
presentation. presentation. can hear presentation. eye contact, volume,
tone, use of pauses, and
gestures. All audience

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First Second
0 – Nothing 1 – Weak 2 – Developing 5 – Exceptional
No Criteria 3 - Satisfactory 4 - Very Good Marker Marker
Presented /Unsatisfactory /Needs Improvement /Excellent
(0-5) (0-5)
members appreciate and
interact with the



Mark Calculation

A. Assignment Rubrics (80%)

B. Presentation Rubrics (20%)

C. Assignment (80%) + Presentation (20%) = 100%


Second marker comments (if any):

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Higher Nationals
Summative Assignment Feedback Form

Student Name/ID


Assignment Number Assessor

Date Received
Submission Date
1st submission
Date Received 2nd
Re-submission Date
Assessor Feedback:
a) Strengths of performance (full guidance, against the learning outcomes and assessment criteria)
b) Limitations of performance (full guidance, against the learning outcomes and assessment criteria)
c) Any improvements needed in future assessments

Grade: Assessor Signature: Date:

Resubmission Feedback:

Grade: Assessor Signature: Date:

Internal Verifier’s Comments:

Signature & Date:

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* Please note that grade decisions are provisional. They are only confirmed once internal and
external moderation has taken place and grades decisions have been agreed at the assessment
Higher Nationals
Internal verification of assessment decisions – BTEC


Assessor Internal Verifier


Unit(s) Learning Aim(s) AS PER INDICATED

Assignment title FINANCIAL REPORTING: Astro Malaysia Holdings Berhad

Learner’s name

First submission / resubmission?

(Only one resubmission allowed, authorised by Lead Internal Verifier)

Level 1 Pass Merit Distinction

List which assessment (NQF Level 1-2
criteria the assessor BTEC Firsts only)
has awarded.


Have the learner and assessor

confirmed the authenticity of the Y/N

Do the assessment criteria awarded

match those targeted by the brief?

Has the work been assessed


Does the assessment feedback to

the learner:
 Link to relevant learning aim /
assessment criteria?
 Justify each assessment criterion

Does the assessment decision need


Assessor signature Date

Internal Verifier signature Date

Programme Leader signature

(if required)

*Confirm action completed

Remedial action taken

Assessor signature Date

Internal Verifier signature Date

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Olympia College Assignment Diploma in Business Management

Programme Leader signature

(if required)
(Assessor = Lecturer; Internal Verifier = Coordinator/Academic Manager)

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