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Principles of Growth and Change

-we can’t achieve quality of life, deep relationship without going through the natural process of work
and growth.

The way we see the problem is the problem

-you have to establish of the right problem.

The Seven Habits – An Overview

-our character is composed of our habits and have powerful role in our lives.

-is the intersection of knowledge, skill and desire.

-7 habits are effective because they are based on principles they bring the max long term beneficial
result possible.

HABIT 1: Be Proactive

-The Principles of Personal Vision are the foundation of the first habit.

Self-awareness - the ability to engage in an honest, reflective, personal analysis of self, is the most
fundamental paradigm of effectiveness.

The Social Mirror: The only vision we have of ourselves comes from the social mirror; that is, our self-
perception is disjointed and out of proportion based on our perceptions rather than our reflections of
how others view us.

Between Stimulus and Response: Based on Pavlov’s theory, we are conditioned to respond in a certain
way to a certain stimulus. Based on Covey’s theory, between stimulus and response, man has the
freedom to choose. In addition to self-awareness, this includes imagination, conscience, and
independent will.

“Proactivity” Defined: “Our behavior is a function of our decisions, not our conditions…we have the
initiative and responsibility to make things happen” Reactive vs. Proactive is defined here. Covey states
that “reactive people are driven by feelings, by circumstances, by conditions, by their
environment. Proactive people are driven by values- carefully thought about, selected, and internalized

Taking the Initiative: In short, “taking the bull by the horns” and promoting change.

Act or Be Acted Upon: “If you wait to be acted upon, you will be acted upon”

Listening To Our Language: Even our language can provide insight into if we are proactive or reactive in
our approach to life. While the proactive view “subordinates feelings to valuesthe reactive view “feels
increasingly victimized and out of control, not in charge of their life or their destiny…they blame outside
forces for their own situation”

Circle of Concern/ Circle of Influence: Our personal Circle of Concern signifies those areas of concern
where we focus our time and effort. Within that Circle of Concern lies those things in which we have the
ability to control or change (Circle of Influence), and those things in which we have no control. By
determining these two circles, we can determine the focus of most of our time and energy, which in
turn, identifies the degree of our productivity.

Direct, Indirect, and No Control: All problems that we face fall into one of these three categories.

Expanding the Circle of Influence: “It is inspiring to realize that in choosing our response to circumstance,
we powerfully affect our circumstance. When we change one part of the chemical formula, we change
the nature of the results.

The “Have’s” and the “Be’s”: The Circle of Concern is filled with “the haves”, while the Circle of Influence
is filled with “the be’s”.

The Other End of the Stick: While we are free to choose our actions, we are not free to choose our
consequences. Covey impresses upon the reader that it is important to acknowledge and correct our
mistakes to ensure both that we are empowered again, and that those mistakes have no power over the

Making and Keeping Commitments: Start small to build your honor, which will soon become stronger
than your moods.

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