Module Question Conic Section

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Exercise 1.

1. Construct an ellipse using the given equation y² / 50 + x² / 30 = 1

a). What are the foci of the ellipse?

Answer: The foci of the ellipse are (0,-4.447) and (0,4.47)

b). If P and Q are any two arbitrary points on the ellipse, what is the sum

of the distance of P to the foci of the ellipse. Compare the distance of Q to

the foci.

Answer P = (-4.53, 3.97)

Q = (5.26, -1.96)

 PA = 9.58
 PB = 4.56
 QA = 5.83
 QB = 8.31

PA+PB= 9.58+ 4.56= 14.14 QA+QB= 5.83+8.31= 14.14

2. Construct a hyperbola using the given equation x² / 30 - y² / 15 = 1

a). What are the foci of the hyperbola?

 A = (-6.71, 0)
 B = (6.71, 0)

b). If P and Q are any two arbitrary points on the hyperbola, what is the

difference of the distance of P to the foci of the hyperbola . Compare the

distance of Q to the foci.

 P = (-7.94, 4.06)
 Q = (6.96, -3.04)
 PA = 4.25
 PB = 15.2
 QA = 14
 QB = 3.05

PB - PA=15.2-4.25= 10.95

QA-QB= 14-3.05= 10.95

3. Construct a parabola using the given equation (y - 2)² = 6 (x + 2).

a). What is the focus of the parabola?

 A = (-0.5, 2)
b). If P is any arbitrary points on the parabola, what is its distance from

the directrix and from the focus?

 P = (-0.95, 4.51)
 PA = 2.55
 Pf = 2.55

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