Course Syllabus World Cultures 2018-19

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Diane Hayes
944-4014 ext. 118

Syllabus for Exploring World Cultures


Course Overview
Exploring World Cultures will introduce students to various countries and cultures. By learning
to be a global citizen, students will increase their cultural intelligence and appreciation of
cultural differences.

Major Course Objectives

Student will learn about cultures from around the world by examining social organization,
customs and traditions, language, arts and literature, religion, government, and economic
systems. Objectives are to gain a general understanding of the diversity and variety of cultures,
foster global cultural literacy in the classroom, and promote an acceptance and respect for
other’s opinions, values, and culture.

Textbook, Instructional Materials, Resources

World Cultures: A Global Mosaic Prentice Hall
We will utilize various materials and sources in this class, from textbook, news articles, videos,
art, literature, and various other sources. We will also be reading two books that will add to our
study of the modern world: I Am Malala by Malala Yousafzai and Left to Tell by Immaculée

Various assignments done in and out of class, class participation, individual and group projects,
essays, quizzes, and tests will be used to assess learning. Everyone needs to be involved with
our exploration of world diversity through varied world cultures.

You will receive participation points based on the following:

• Come to class with all required materials, including iPad, notebook, pencil, and assignments
• Complete homework assignments when given so that you can participate the next day
• Take notes when necessary and follow along
• Answer questions/ask questions when needed
• Participate in group activities and class discussions
• Remain quiet while others are speaking
• For a virtual day, student is to access eBackpack for assignments. Assignments are to be
submitted by 8:00 pm that evening through eBackpack (unless otherwise instructed with
• Student is to notify me by e-mail with questions concerning assignments or grades.
Online assignments may be given during the year, as needed, and would be easily accessible
through e-backpack or by email.

Student Expectations
• Be on-task: When listening to directions or given any assignment, you must be dedicated to the
task at hand. Not fully participating in the assignment by using class time for other subjects or
using the iPad when not directed to do so will result in a warning the first time, then a demerit
each time after.
• Attendance and Absence: Students are encouraged to be in class daily. In the event of
absence, the student is to get notes from a classmate and retrieve work from the Absent Bin in
the classroom under their class period. The student has the number of days they were absent
plus one from the day he/she returns to turn in the assignment. For example, if the student
was absent one day, he/she has two days to turn in the assignment. If the student was absent
two days, he/she has three days to turn in the assignment. Students may contact me before a
known absence to get assignments they will miss.
• Conduct: Students are to be respectful in the classroom at all times. When the teacher or
another student is speaking, there is to be no other talking. Talking or disturbing the class will
result in a warning the first time, then a demerit each time after.
• Attitude: Students are expected to show respect for individual ideas and opinions. It is great
to debate an idea, but it is not acceptable to disrespect another student because of a belief.
• Students are required to have a 3-ring binder to keep all handouts, readings, notes and
Exploring World Cultures 2018-19


Please sign and return through e-backpack by Friday, August 31.

I have read and understand the course description and student expectations for
Mrs. Hayes’ Exploring World Cultures Class.

Print/type Student’s Name: ________________________________________

Student’s Signature: Date:

__________________________________ __________________

Print/type Parent’s Name: __________________________________

Parent’s Signature: Date:

__________________________________ __________________

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