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How to be a good teacher

What makes a good teacher?

- Being interesting in your lessons

- The teacher’s personality
- The fact that they love their job
- To have knowledge not only about the subject
- A teacher in who you can trust and talk to
- A teacher who pays attention to all students, not only the ones who participate
- Being able to correct students without offending them
- A good teacher is someone who knows the students’ names

How should teachers give instructions?

Instructions must be kept as simple as possible, and they must be logical. Then the teacher must
check if the students understood the instructions

Who should talk in class?

The best lessons are ones where Students Talking Time is maximized, but where at appropriate
moments during the lesson, the teacher is no afraid to summarize what is happening, tell a story,
enter into a discussion, etc.


The ability to control and inspire the class

How should teachers talk to students?

Experienced teacher make use of a roughly-tunes input (language) to talk to students, that is that
the teacher speaks in a way in which students can understand but cannot use.

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