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A Light That Shines in Darkness

A Religious Conspiracy Theory

What I am about to ask you to do is to "step outside

of your personal situation" and see the broader
picture for a brief moment. The problem for all of us
is that it is natural for us to be egocentric. In other
words, everything that goes on in the world revolves
around us and our immediate situation. I'm asking
you to step outside of the boundaries of your own
self created circle and consider the state of the
organized church system from an historical not an
"hysterical" perspective.

Imagine that an operation was done in a hospital on

a person who had a communicable disease but no
one knew he was infected at the time. The doctors
and staff were extremely skilled, the hospital was
reputable. They simply did not know that the person
that was operated on had a disease that would
spread and affect everyone. So the operating room
was contaminated in spite of their usual efforts to
scrub and sanitize it. The contamination spread
throughout the hospital. Everyone who came in there
was innocent, not knowing what was going on.
Disease continued to spread from one person to the

other, because no one properly investigated the
cause. Who is to blame? Is it the hospital? The one
with the disease? No. It is the enemy. He planted an
evil within the organized church system. ALL are
affected by it. There are no exceptions or special

This is the nature of the church age that we live in,

the church at Laodicea. Everyone has been
contaminated by false and mixed doctrine and
practices for at least 100 years or more. Everyone
has been deceived, across the board.

Imagine if you would, the horrific shock of faithful,

religious people who after they died, heard the voice
of the Lord Jesus Christ somberly say to them, "I
never knew YOU!" Wow. Consider that more
than 75% of their entire lives was spent either on a
church pew or even behind a pulpit. It blows my
mind. I can't even speak any further on it.

Yet, these very words are recorded in the book of

Matthew as said to people who have claimed to cast
out devils in His name. How were they able to do
that if He never knew them? Well, they didn't.
Demons merely used games and tricks to deceive
people into believing that demons were cast out
from people, when they were not. Demons are
skilled at playing possum.

Bringing this right down home into your own

personal backyard, where do YOU stand in the
midst of a spiritual conspiracy theory that is
mind boggling, to say the least?

The first thing you must do is to "examine your

faith." Jesus advised the church at Laodicea to "buy
gold from Him that has been tried in the fire. " In
other words, examine the root of the tree and its fruit
and simply go back to the day that you believe you
got saved and thoroughly scrutinize it from top to
bottom. In other words, shake that tree and see
if your salvation can withstand the shaking.

This is a hard thing that I enter into on the first

counseling session with each of my clients. What I

have found is that there are some developmental
stages most go through: :denial, defensiveness,
anger at me but mostly at God,and worst of all,
fear of going to hell.

My dilemma is that I can't spoon feed them. I try to

be as gentle and as supportive as I can be but I can't
hide the truth. Never sure whether or not a client is
going to continue with me, when it is obvious to me
that they are not saved, I am compelled to warn
them for their sakes. If they are among the elect, He
will quicken my words to them at the appointed time
for them to "be shaken."

At least if I never hear from them again, I have

planted a seed that they can't throw away very
lightly. Jesus said that you can't put new wine into
old wineskins or else the wineskins would break. I
can't confront demons in a person if that person is
defenseless. You see, the weapons of their warfare
are carnal and therefore will not work against the
enemy because they are not saved. To avoid this
most crucial "shaking," would be like trying to mend
an old garment with a new piece of cloth. It
will rip and be torn.

So, I waste no time starting that fire that will bring

about the shaking. My ears have become
accustomed to familiar cries of complaint, like--- "I
gave up the sin of fornication, packed my bags and
stopped living in sin, I went to church regularly, and
so on and so forth." They come back at me with yet
another defense, like "Well, I had a distinct change
in lifestyle and personality. All things became new.
So why is it that I am still not a new creature?"

Surely, its complicated because Satan has put his

hand on the doctrine of salvation and as would be
expected, he has brought about much confusion and
religiosity. However, salvation is very simple.

The biggest mistake is how people relate to Jesus.

Most don't realize that they have by-passed Him
and gone directly to the Father. Other's ignore Him
yet seek the Holy Ghost. Both ways open the door
wide to religious devils. Jesus Christ is the only way

to salvation. Demons know that better than

With those who believe that they repented of sin, I

find that they really have no understanding of the
cross. They simply looked through their portfolio of
sins, picked one, convicted themselves of it and said
"I'm saved." Like the Galatians, those who created
their own born again experience depended upon
their own works. Then like the Colossians, others
have been drawn away from Christ through
philosophy and the traditions of men.

To both the Galatians and the Colossians, Paul had

the same message---the cross of Calvary.

Your understanding of the cross will determine

whether or not He says "I never knew You!"

Here is a clue. If you are not separated from the

world not only in your deeds but in your mind, if you
still seek the approval and the acceptance of the
world and the church world, then you do not
understand the cross. You may have simply
convicted yourself of sin and brought about your own
change and lifestyle, yet gladly giving the credit to
the Holy Ghost
when "it was really ALL your own doing."


Jesus said some very interesting words to those of

His disciples who came back to Him rejoicing
because of their success in casting out demons in
His name: Recorded in Luke, Jesus warned the 70:
rejoice that your names are written in heaven."

If you are willing to "shake your salvation tree," your

willingness to do so is a positive sign that your
name actually IS written in heaven. The first thing
that needs to be pointed out is that names written in
heaven were penned before the worlds were

framed. In other words, you are one of the elect,
whether deceived or not. If you have been
deceived, God will move heaven and earth to bring
the light of truth into your confusion and with that
light of truth will come both peace and power.

So know this: GOD IS ALWAYS IN CONTROL!!!! If

you have been deceived, the Lord will see to it that
the blinders are ripped off of your spiritual eyes. As it
is in the natural, sudden light hitting the eyes is
painful. Yet, once the pain subsides, sight and clear
vision is worth rejoicing over.

As a word of hope and deliverance to those of you

who have been deceived in church or by people who
professed to be Christians, I advise you to stay true
to the light because darkness will often be too
uncomfortable to stay around the light. The
darkness in the conscience of those of you who are
under bondage to either religiosity or charismatic
witchcraft will cause you to either humble yourselves
and seek deliverance or to lose all ability to discern
good from evil. Hopefully, you will be genuinely
convicted and reborn in the spirit. To fight off
delusion and obsession, you must continue to
search your own life by the spirit, praying to the
Father of Lights, "Lord, I want the unfruitful works
of darkness in my life to be exposed. Show up,
demon! Show yourself!!"

Once you pray in this manner, demons will be

exposed all around you and your understanding will
be enlightened. Not only will your own tree be
shaken, but everybody around you will be exposed,
one way or another. So hold onto your seatbelts,
Beloved. Its quite a bumpy yet an exciting ride!!!




IF IT WAS GOD who spoke to me 5 years ago,

showing me in a dream that the fall of ONE mega
preacher was going to precipate a fall of domino type
proportions on the rest of Christiandom, THEN I AM

If what I saw is an accurate prediction of the future,

then I suspect that the shaking of the 80's with the
Jim and Tammy Baker scandal, Jimmy Swaggert and
others will be light stuff by comparison to what may be
coming. If my dream was from God, then I expect
that people are soon going to run out of the mega
churches by droves. Most will make a serious
mistake and run back to the denominations. Others
will be left as sheep without a pastor. Now is the time
to prepare for the remnant.

I am certainly not ready for such an influx. So in the

meantime, I am looking to train mentors to
each mentor a sheepfold of 10 souls. This is how the
Lord wanted it in the first place. He is concerned
about the one lost sheep and so I believe that the
mega ministries are simply too big to be His style in
the first place.

If you would like to be trained to become a mentor, I

welcome you to get in touch with me at


Among Us.

"What are the essential ingredients of a

bonafide conversion?....

.As Jesus raised Lazarus from the dead in the

natural, and as the Holy Ghost raised Jesus
from the dead in the natural, we cannot raise
ourselves from the dead in spirit by "making a
decision" for Christ or by repeating mere words
from a sinner's prayer. How does a dead man
in the natural make a decision when he can't

even blink an eyelash? Dead is dead. Death
cannot raise itself to life. No, only the Holy
Ghost can raise us from being dead in the spirit
to eternal life.

Jesus said that the Holy Ghost would save us

"like the wind." When the wind blows, it takes
us by surprise. Then we see the results of the
wind by what has been left behind. When the
Holy Ghost blows, someone is going to be born
again. A sign that the Holy Ghost may
have left the organized church is that "the wind
is not blowing there."

When we confess the Lord Jesus with our

mouths, the wind has "already blown" on us
and we have already been raised from the
dead in the spirit. Repeated in another way,
when we confess that we believe that Jesus
was raised from the dead, the Holy Ghost has
already given us a measure of faith to believe
that a dead man lives again. Moreover, Jesus
said that no man can come to Him unless the
Father Who sent Him, draws them. The Father
draws the elect to Christ by the Holy Ghost.
Repentance, conviction of sin, coming to the
cross and believing on the resurrection is the
SOLE work of the Holy Ghost as He translates
the dead in sin into the newness of eternal life.

Therefore, the Holy Ghost does the ENTIRE

job of calling the lost whom God has
chosen from the beginning of time to be His
elect. All we are required to do is preach the
gospel of Jesus Christ---
repentance, resurrection and rebirth---the 3 R's
of salvation. WE DO NOT LEAD ANYONE TO

The fact that the organized church system has

stood in the place of the Holy Ghost, attempted
to do only what He can do, is a sign that the
Holy Ghost is NOT pleased. Has He been
blasphemed? I tremble at the thought. When
He is blasphemed, then we will see with our
own eyes, yet another sign===the Abomination

of Desolation.
(pg 124-125)

Sheppard's Counseling and Publishing Center, PO Box 356, East Greenbush NY, NY 12061

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