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Why was America drawn to the WWI?

- At the start of WWI, US declared neutrality immediately. They did not want to be
involved in the war. But eventually, the American people became sympathetic to the Allied
Nations, which included Britain, France, Russia, Serbia, Belgium, Romania, Japan, Portugal,
Montenegro, Greece and Italy, rather than the Central Powers which consists of Germany,
Austria-Hungary, Turkey and Bulgaria. American private investors wanted to give loans to French
and British government. The Secretary of the State Bryan did not approve it. But Bryan resigned
and the objection was withdrawn. The private investors arranged a 500-million-dollar loan to
the French and British government.

It was legal for America to sell ammunitions and supplies to both the Central Power and
Allied Nation. But Britain blockades the Germans from trading with America which made the
Germans irritated and annoyed. They (Germans) decided to use their submarines to attack
different American and British ships. Germany warned the Americans through newspapers that
they traveled with Allied ships at their own risk. German submarines attacked Lusitania causing
the death of 1,200 men, women and children, 128 were Americans. The US government made
an agreement with Germany so that the attacks will not happen again. The German ambassador
informed the US that “liners will not be sunk by our submarines without warning and without
safety of the lives of noncombatants, provided that the liners do not try to escape or offer
resistance”. There were German agents who resorted to sabotage (the malicious destruction of
property) in order to stop the flow of arms and supplies to the Allies. But the Germans did not
stop, even after the re-election of President Woodrow Wilson their unrestricted submarine
warfare continued. Thus, America decided to declare war on April 1917 in order to ensure
America’s security.

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