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St the top of St the bottom of “Ti i atin the party Thee area of ster vn he sy Ls liver in/at Rose Read, He vill be at/on the sirgort 2000, [My fend Is a'7in the conference now. ‘Tom lives a1/en the ground feor What have you found in/on the newspaper? 1s th biggest city iat the word ‘They are in/on business here, 410. You ean sex spots in/on the Moon 1. The whole family is — the seaside. 2 saw my frierd the wor bone 3 hetethet nan mip 4, Den wil be _” tha barber's, 3 She ls conlig here a tran, ©. My mum the spite now, 71s there «square the centre of the city? 8. Did you hear it the radio? 9. Beb is _ the table new. 410. Twatch many programmes TVs 11, Sam ie the mbersity won 5 Fil in missma reposition: The Photo + E met my friend Liz — the station. She decided to go fo Paris ard was going Yo buy tickets a train. She cove the vran, aught tickets and ve sat a betcha beautiful ‘square tot far from the sttion. We faked end ‘Their elder sor Pete was standing — them. He studied the university. They locked fine 114. Bob fe at/in the stadium + he showed me her fonily photo. It was nice. Liz ‘and her husbond were __ the centre of the photo 5. — an ermchate . — the ground fleor . is sisters house = the phone — danger <2 plane e you Te ina bia city? De you te nthe sabarbe? tt What the bggert rer a sour country? ‘Were you atthe Enalich lesen yesterdey? Whe was t the porty with yoo? Whom did yu see en yur oy home? What dd yeu see inthe sky yestendey? Whe lended on the Meor? + . Whois tin yeurptots? | 10, What wes on TY yesterday? 14. be you wart Fo study af the urns? ‘Well meat in the station ‘Whe was absent on the lessor? ‘Did the train arrive at tne? + ‘Were you inthe seaside ast year? ‘Did you stand on the queue te the otirection?

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