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Mr. George Cadle Price


George Cadle Price agent of change

The independence of many Caribbean and Latin American colonies that remain
under the political rule of powers such as Britain, France and the United States, among
others, is always a current topic of discussion. The most recent example of success in
the independence movements in the Latin American region is Belize, a country which
obtained its sovereignty from the British government on September 21, 1981, thanks to
the untiring work of George Cadle Price.

The third of eleven children, Mr. George Cadle Price, considered the Father of
Belize, was born January 15th 1919, in Belize City, in an era when then British
Honduras (as Belize was called in colonial times). His education was based from the
beginning on his Christian faith. He completed his elementary studies at the Holy
Redeemer School and from 1931 to 1935 he studied at St. John's College High School.
He later studied theology at the University of Rome and was a seminarian at St.
Augustine's Minor Seminary in Mississippi and the Mayor Seminario Conciliar in

In 1956, he was elected Mayor of Belize City, a post he held until 1962. In 1950,
he founded the Party of Popular Unity, PUP, of which he was secretary and leader since
1965. In 1958, the British government was aware of Cadle Price's growing leadership
and tried to undermine his credibility by arresting him and charging him with sedition.
The case against him was unsuccessful, however his political stature increased. After a
long career in public administration in 1961 was appointed prime minister, a post he
held until 1963. He was later re-elected for another year in 1964.

After multiple intense sessions of negotiations with the British government Cadle
Price achieved independence for Belize with its own constitution in 1981. He remained
in his post as prime minister until the electoral defeat of the PUP by the United
Democratic Party and its top candidate Manuel A. Esquivel, in 1984. He returned as
prime minister from 1989 to 1993 and resigned as leader of the PUP in 1996 to hand
the reins to Said Musa, who governed Belize from 1998 to 2008.

Mr. Price died on September 19th 2011, aged 92. He is considered to be one of
the principal architects of the country’s independence.

In addition, in life there are good people and bad people, but undoubtedly Mr.
George Cadle Price was the best thing that could happen to your country. He coincided
with a time when the then British Honduras (as Belize was called in colonial times)
called for greater rights and national freedoms. He never married, she had no children
and had an austere life. He never ceased to live in an apartment with one room or
driving an old Land Rover. He always was devoted entirely to his countrymen. That was
one of the reasons for their achievements.


 Why George Price is called Father of the Nation of Belize?

Belize, a country which obtained its sovereignty from the British government on
September 21, 1981, thanks to the untiring work of George Cadle Price.

 What is his contribution to Belize?

He was the first Prime Minister of Belize and one of the founders of the People’s United
Party (PUP). Mr. Price led the country from its colonial state, British Honduras, into the
independent country, Belize. Because of him, Belize is what it is today.

 How did he accomplish this?

Along with a group of other citizens, he formed the Peoples Committee, an entity that
sought to launch a peaceful revolution in the country. That led to the founding in 1950 of
the social-Christian People’s United Party (PUP). Cadle Price became the main leader
of the organization in 1956.
 What makes him a unique leader?

Cadle Price dedicated practically his entire professional life to public service. His
education was based from the beginning on his Christian faith and his hunger for social
and political transformation of their country.

 When did he pass away, and how is his memory celebrated?

He died on September 19th 2011, aged 92. In memmory of Rt. Honourable George
Cadle Price Belize celebrate “National Service Day” every 19th of September. This day
is dedicate to comunity service proyects

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