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Motive Goal Need Identification


Motives: Series, Element theory
Series Element theory
Motive, Goal
7 Uranium Universe
6 Gold World
6 Lanthanide World, power
5 Silver Country, culture
4 Iron Community, village
3 Silicon Relations, Love, Family
2 Carbon Body, Survival, Moral
1 Hydrogen Being
Motives: Series, Element theory
Series Element theory
7 Uranium Mystcism
6 Gold Politics
6 Lanthanide Self development
5 Silver Aesthetics
4 Iron Pragmatism
3 Silicon Phenomenology
2 Carbon Ethics
1 Hydrogen Ontology
1 Hydrogen: Being

7 Uranium
6 Gold
6 Lanthanide
5 Silver
4 Iron
3 Silicon
2 Carbon
1 Hydrogen
1 Carbon: Body, Survival, Morals

7 Uranium
6 Gold
6 Lanthanide
5 Silver
4 Iron
3 Silicon
2 Carbon
1 Hydrogen
3 Silicon: Relation, Love, Family, Friend

7 Uranium
6 Gold
6 Lanthanide
5 Silver
4 Iron
3 Silicon
2 Carbon
1 Hydrogen
4 Iron: Community, Village, Job, Utility

7 Uranium
6 Gold
6 Lanthanide
5 Silver
4 Iron
3 Silicon
2 Carbon
1 Hydrogen
5 Silver: Country, Culture, Art, Science

7 Uranium
6 Gold
6 Lanthanide
5 Silver
4 Iron
3 Silicon
2 Carbon
1 Hydrogen
6a Lanthanide: Autonomy, Freedom,Self

7 Uranium
6 Gold
6 Lanthanide
5 Silver
4 Iron
3 Silicon
2 Carbon
1 Hydrogen
6 Gold: World, Globe, Power, Leader

7 Uranium
6 Gold
6 Lanthanide
5 Silver
4 Iron
3 Silicon
2 Carbon
1 Hydrogen
7 Uranium: Universe, Trancendence

7 Uranium
6 Gold
6 Lanthanide
5 Silver
4 Iron
3 Silicon
2 Carbon
1 Hydrogen
Motives: Maslow, Needs
Motives: Maslow, Needs
Series Needs

7 Uranium Transcendental
6 Gold Self-actualization
6 Lanthanide Self-realization, -actualization
5 Silver Cognition, intellect, aesthetics
4 Iron Esteem, respect, achieve
3 Silicon Love, belonging, friend, family
2 Carbon Safety, body, health, moral
1 Hydrogen Physiology, food, air, sleep
Motives: Kegan, Balances
Series Balances, relations

7 Uranium Trancendental
6 Gold 5 Self-realisation
6 Lanthanide 5 Inter-individual
5 Silver 4 Institutional Self-worth
4 Iron 3 Interpersonal: Belonging
3 Silicon 2 Imperial: Belonging
2 Carbon 1 Impulsive: Safety
1 Hydrogen 0 Incorporative
Motives: Kohlberg, Moral development
Series Moral Orientation

7 Uranium
6 Gold Principled
6 Lanthanide Principled
5 Silver Societal
4 Iron Interpersonal concordance
3 Silicon Instrumental
2 Carbon Obedience
1 Hydrogen
Motives: Gebser, World view
Series World view

7 Uranium
6 Gold
6 Lanthanide Integral
5 Silver Pluralistic
4 Iron Rational
3 Silicon Mythical
2 Carbon Magical
1 Hydrogen Archaic
Motives: Fowler, Thinking
Series Thinking

7 Uranium Transpersonal
6 Gold Post-conventional
6 Lanthanide Reflective
5 Silver Individual
4 Iron Conventional, Conforming
3 Silicon Mythical, littoral
2 Carbon Magical, projecting
1 Hydrogen Preverbal
Motives: Loevinger, Cook-Greuter
Series Self-identity, ego development

7 Uranium Transpersonal
6 Gold Conceptual
6 Lanthanide Individual, Autonomous
5 Silver Conscientious
4 Iron Conforming
3 Silicon Self-protecting, opportunistic
2 Carbon Impulsive
1 Hydrogen Symbiotic, pre-social
Motives: Graves, Wade: Values
Series Values

7 Uranium Unity
6 Gold Systemic
6 Lanthanide Multiplistic, Relativistic
5 Silver Absolute
4 Iron Egocenric
3 Silicon Animistic
2 Carbon Magical
1 Hydrogen
Motives: Spiral dynamics
Series Spiral dynamics

7 Uranium Transpersonal,
6 Gold Global, Flexible
6 Lanthanide Goal
5 Silver Truth
4 Iron Power gods
3 Silicon Family
2 Carbon Survival
1 Hydrogen Survival
Motives: Commons, Richards:Operation
Series Operation

7 Uranium Intuitive, Enlightened

6 Gold Visual logic
6 Lanthanide Pluralistic, dialectic
5 Silver Full-formal
4 Iron Formal
3 Silicon Concrete operational
2 Carbon Preoperational
1 Hydrogen Sensomotoric
Motives: Culture: Embeddedness
Series Embeddedness

7 Uranium
6 Gold
6 Lanthanide Intimacy
5 Silver Self-authorship, career, public
4 Iron Mutuality, reciprocal
3 Silicon Role, family, school
2 Carbon Parenting
1 Hydrogen Mothering
Motives: Piaget: Cognition
Series Cognition

7 Uranium Transpersonal,
6 Gold Paradigmatic
6 Lanthanide Planetary
5 Silver Rational
4 Iron Rule, role
3 Silicon Conceptual
2 Carbon Symbolic
1 Hydrogen
Motives: XXX
Series Cognition

7 Uranium Transpersonal,
6 Gold Paradigmatic
6 Lanthanide Planetary
5 Silver Rational
4 Iron Rule, role
3 Silicon Conceptual
2 Carbon Symbolic
1 Hydrogen
Motives: Wilber: Centre
Series Centre

7 Uranium Cosmos centric

6 Gold World centric
6 Lanthanide
5 Silver Etnocentric
4 Iron
3 Silicon
2 Carbon Egocentric
1 Hydrogen
Motives: Traditions
1. Existential- 1: Martin Buber, Prescott Lecky,
phenomenologic Abraham Maslow, Rollo May, Ludwig
al Binswanger, Andras Angyal, Carl
2. Neo- 2: Anna Freud, Erik Erikson, Ronald
psychoanalytic Fairbairn, Donald Winnicott, Margaret
Mahler, Harry Guntrip, John Bowlby,
Heinz Kohut
3. Constructive- 3: James Baldwin, John Dewey, George
developmental Herbert Mead, Jean Piaget, Kohlberg,
William G. Perry, Jane Loevinger
4. Dialectical 4
5 Transpersonal 5: Wilber
Motives: Qualities
Maslow Needs
Kegan Balances, relations
Kohlberg Moral development
Gebser World view
Fowler Thinking
Loevinger Self-identity Values
Graves, Wade Values
Spiral dynamics Development
Commons Operation
Piaget Cognition
Wilber Centre of orientation
Motives: Qualities

Different perspectives

Different levels

Different series
Motives: Qualities
Series Centre of orientation

7 Uranium Transcendental
6 Gold World view, orientation
6 Lanthanide World view
5 Silver Cognition, Thinking, Culture
4 Iron Operation
3 Silicon Relations, Development
2 Carbon Self-identity, Values, Moral
1 Hydrogen Need, Development
Series Personality

7 Uranium Knowing
6 Gold Will
6 Lanthanide Will
5 Silver Thoughts, Central delusion
4 Iron Emotions, Basic action
3 Silicon Feelings
2 Carbon Sensations, Vital sensation
1 Hydrogen Being

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