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Do’s and Dont’s While Working in the Kitchen

1. Never shout or talk in high pitched voice.

2. Do not use abusive language.
3. Never whisper in ears.
4. Maintain a reasonable distance while talking and working.
5. Do not run in the kitchen.
6. Do not drag equipment/furniture and instead lift and move.
7. Always cover mouth with handkerchief while coughing or sneezing.
8. Cover mouth while yawning
9. Be polite.
10.Be courteous.
11.Never point fingers on anybody.
12.Don’t back pat anyone.
13.Don’t keep arms on the shoulder of a buddy
14.Walk straight with a good posture
15.Be confident
16.Do not get physical with anyone
17.Maintain composition of behaviour and body language
18.Always follow all the safety measures while equipments or machinery.
19.Take all the preventive measures.

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