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Comparative Cultures Passport Entry Evaluation

Ms. Rajan, Comparative Cultures 12

Throughout the semester, you will complete a number of Passport Entries for the various cultures
that we study. Keep in mind that 40% of your final grade comes from your passport entries (as well as
written responses to specific questions that will also be included in your passport) so it is important to
consistently demonstrate a high degree of effort. You will be assessed according to the rubric below.

Achievement Level description

(out of /10)
0-4 • does not reach a standard described by any of the descriptors below.
• makes a limited attempt to structure information and ideas in a way that is appropriate
• demonstrates limited creativity and effort
4.5 • makes a limited attempt to analyse cultures, concepts, events, issues, models or
5 • makes connections between information in a limited attempt to make arguments.
5.5 • demonstrates basic knowledge and understanding of the culture with simple
descriptions and/or examples.
• Approaches length expectations
• communicates information and ideas by using a style that is sometimes appropriate to
6 the audience and purpose
• demonstrates some creativity and effort
6.5 • completes a simple analysis of cultures, events, issues, models or arguments
7 •

makes connections between information to make simple arguments.
demonstrates knowledge and understanding of the culture through adequate
descriptions or examples.
• Meets length expectations
• structures information and ideas in a way that is often appropriate
7.5 •

demonstrates some creativity and effort
completes a satisfactory analysis of cultures, events, issues, models or arguments
8 • synthesizes information to make valid arguments and summaries.
• demonstrates a good knowledge and understanding of the culture through accurate
8.5 descriptions, explanations and examples.
• Meets or exceeds length expectations
• structures information and ideas in a way that is consistently appropriate
9 •

Shows a high level of creativity and effort
completes a detailed analysis of concepts, events, issues, models or arguments
9.5 • synthesizes information to make valid, well-supported arguments.
• demonstrates detailed knowledge and understanding of the culture through developed
10 and accurate descriptions, explanations and examples.
• Exceeds length expectations; goes ‘above and beyond’

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