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Nirma University

Institute of Technology
B.Tech. Semester I/II (All Branches)
CE104 Computer Programming
List of Experiments

Sr. Week List of Experiments Mapped

No. No.# COs
1. 1 a. Elementary commands in LINUX/UNIX/Ubuntu
b. Writing and compiling a simple C program (“Hello
World”) in LINUX/UNIX/Ubuntu
c. Demonstrate different escape sequences
2. 2 a. Introduction to CodeBlocks IDE. Use CodeBlock to write
and compile a simple C program (“Hello World”).
b. Write C programs: 1
i. To scan and print values of different types of variables
ii. To print address of a variable
3 3 Write C programs:
a. To scan two numbers and display result of different
arithmetic operations.
b. Mr. Desai is working in Maruti Suzuki India Ltd. He
wants to calculate his gross salary which includes 120%
DA of basic salary and 20% HRA of basic salary. Mr.
Desai knows his basic salary, so kindly give him the
gross salary (Gross Salary = Basic + DA + HRA).
c. The driver is driving a car from city Ahmedabad to city
Mumbai, in Ahmedabad temperature displays in Celsius
while in Mumbai the temperature displayed in
Fahrenheit, a driver wants to find the difference between
the temperatures of two cities in celcius.
d. To find greatest of two and three numbers using the
ternary operator
e. To calculate simple interest**
f. To find area and perimeter of a circle and rectangle**
g. To compute final marks as the weighted average of CE
(40%), SEE (40%) and LPW (20%) examination. Scan
marks in each component from total of 100 marks**
h. To swap the value of two numbers (i) using and (ii)
without using a temporary variable.**
i. To separate and print digits of a three digit scanned
4 4 Write C programs:
a. Write C programs which displays AND, OR, XOR results
of all elements of the given sequence without using
bitwise operator: If the given sequence is 1 1 0 1 then
result should be displayed as below: Use appropriate
control construct.
Input Logical Result
1101 AND 0
1101 OR 1
1101 XOR 1
b. Write a program to take the values for A, B, C of a
quadratic equation A∗X2+B∗X+C=0 and then find all the
roots of the equation. It is guaranteed that A ≠ 0 and
that the equation has at least one real root.
c. In an organization, employees are paid on hourly basis.
Clerks are paid 100/hr, Teachers are paid 200/hr and
Principal is paid 400/hr. If the weekly hours exceeds 44,
then employee should be paid 2 times their regular pay
for the overtime. Write a C program to compute the
weekly salary of the employee and also the program
should take care that the employee should not be paid
for hours beyond 50 in a week. Use best suitable control
construct to implement the program.
d. There were three friends: Pat, Nog and Brow. They were
playing a fishing game wherein they have to catch the
fishes. Number of fishes caught by each were recorded.
Write a C program to find out the winner of the game
using (i) else if ladder (ii) switch statement
e. Ajay and Amit are playing a game with a number X. In
one turn, they can multiply X by 2. The goal of the game
is to make X divisible by 10. Write a C program to find
the number of turns necessary to win the game (it may
be possible to win in zero turn, 1 turn or it might be
impossible (-1 turns)).**.
f. Write a program to implement a simple number guessing
game. Program should generate an integer randomly
and ask the user to guess the integer. Based on the
number guessed, it should display the appropriate
message (correct or incorrect)**.
g. Write a C program to find the grade of a student based
on the following policy.**
Class test: 12% weightage, Tutorial-12%, SE:16%,
LPW:20%, weightage, SEE:40%,weightage. Grade
is decided based on the below range of total marks.
91–100 A+, 81-90-A,71-80,B+,61-70-B,51-60-C+,>40-
5 5 & 6 Write C Programs:
a. To display
b. To display
c. To display
d. To display
e. To check whether the input number is an Armstrong
f. To check whether the entered number is Prime
g. To write amount in words (e.g. 125 is one hundred
twenty five)
h. To display Pascal triangle**
i. To check whether the entered number is Palindrome**
j. Enhance the number guessing game developed earlier.
The program should now display more appropriate
message (Greater, Smaller or Correct). It should allow
maximum 5 attempts from the user and still if the user
cannot guess the number correctly, it should display
6. 8 Suppose that the class has 10 students. Each student
study four subjects; C programming, Engineering
Graphics, communication skills, Mathematics. Write a C
a. To find total marks in all subjects obtained by each
b. To find average marks obtained by all 10 students in C
programming subject.
c. To sort the one dimensional array in an ascending or
descending order as per the user choice
d. To read CE, SEE and LPW marks attained in different
subjects and decide the strongest and the weakest
subject based on total marks. Identify the weakest and
the strongest components in the weakest
subject.(students can perform matrix addition and
multiplication on above description)
7 9 Write C programs:
a. To check whether the input string is palindrome
b. To check whether the input string is in title case
c. To (i) find length (ii) copy (iii) compare and (iv) reverse
the input string using standard-library functions 1,2,3
d. To reverse the string without using strrev().
e. To encrypt an uppercase text message using Caesar
cipher method. (e.g. HELLO will be encrypted to
8 10 a. Create a structure which holds various attributes (e.g.
name, id, basic_salary, DA%, HRA%, total_salary etc.) of 1,2,3
an employee. Write a program which allows you to scan
these (except total_salary) attributes for 3 employees. The
program should support following operations:
i. Display (total salary of the selected employee)
ii. Max (find and display name of the employee with
maximum salary)
b. Repeat the above program using array of structure**
9 13 a. Consider a currency system in which there are notes of
seven denominations, namely Rs. 1, Rs. 2, Rs. 5, Rs.
10, Rs. 20, Rs. 50 and Rs. 100. A sum of Rs. N is
entered as an input. Write a function to compute the
smallest number of notes that will combine to give Rs.
b. Consider the example where n = 79815 and I need to
find the position of a value "1" in the given number. The
program should display "Position = 2" when scanning
from right to left.
c. Write a program to compute F(n) such that F(n) = 0, if
n = 0, F(n) = 1, if n = 1, otherwise F(n) = F(n - 1) + F(n -
d. In statistics, the standard deviation (SD, also
represented by the Greek letter sigma σ or the Latin
letter s) is a measure that is used to quantify the
amount of variation or dispersion of a set of data 1,2,3
values. A low standard deviation indicates that the data
points tend to be close to the mean (also called the
expected value) of the set, while a high standard
deviation indicates that the data points are spread out
over a wider range of values. Write a program to find
standard deviation using function.
e. Write a program to compute F(n, r) where F(n, r) can be
recursively defined as F(n, r) = F(n - 1, r) + F(n - 1, r -
f. Implement arithmetic calculator (supporting 4 basic
operations) using user defined functions. There has to
be a separate functions for each of the operations.
Result must be a global variable and it should store the
resultant value of the operation based on user choice.**
g. Repeat the above program where each function is in a
separate file.**
10 14 a. Write a program to swap two numbers using user
defined functions and passing by pointers.
b. Write a UDF which can accept a one-dimensional array
as an argument. The function should add 1 to all odd
element of the array and 2 to all even elements of the
array. The final array should be displayed by the main()
function. Repeat this program for two and three
dimensional array.
c. Write a UDF which accepts three strings as arguments.
The function should concatenate first two strings and
keep the result in the third string which should be
displayed by the main() function.
11 15 Write C Programs:
a. To calculate the length of a file
b. To concatenate two files
c. To copy content of one file in to the another file

** - Extra definitions (Optional)

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