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Chapter 4: The Thermopolis-Renaldo Agreement


Agreement: acuerdo

Behave: comportarse

The principal ideas

She is good daughter. She doesn’t smoke cigarettes and she doesn’t take drugs.

Mia felt very happy with agreement.

Agreement says which Mia are daughter and heir of Prince of Genovia, she can stay at her school.
She must spend every Christmas and every summer in Genovia. She will also go to all the functions
of state.

She doesn’t have date with boys.

Mia’s mother is dating her Algebra teacher.

Michael knows which she love Josh Ricther.

Mia has written an Algebra formula on the bottom of her sneaker. She can look at the formula
during the test.

She hates her life.


Mia is worried because she stayed at Lilly’s place as long as she could today. Maybe her parents
are angry.

When she got home her dad pulled a document. Is The Thermopolis-Renaldo Agreement, say
which Mia are daughter and heir of Artur Christoff Philippe Gerard Grimaldi Renaldo, Prince of
Genovia. She can stay at her school. But she must spend every Christmas and every summer in
Genovia. She will do duties as heir her father. She will also go to all the functions of state.

Mia felt very happy with agreement.

She is spending the evening with her dad. Her mom has gone out on a date with Mr Gianini. Her
mom looked really beautiful.

Mia wanted to speak to Lilly. She weren’t going to tell her about being a princess.

Mia has an Algebra test. She must not flunk it. She has written an Algebra formula on the bottom
of her sneaker. She is worried someone sees formula in her sneaker.
Mia Thermopolis hate her life.

Capitulo 5:

The principal ideas:

 The grandmother with my father of Mia here in New York, in the Hotel Plaza.
 Grandmother of Mia hates the cats.
 Mia after school of the school has lessons in the hotel Plaza with the grandmother.
 Mia also had to sign an agreement called the "Thermopolis Renaldo
 The name of grandmother of Mia is Clarisse Marie Renaldo
 Purple is her favorite color, of grandmother.
 Mia speak by phone call with Lilly spoke about the grandmother of Mia
 Lilly films about problems people.
 Then Mia went with Lars to his grandmother to meet their classes


The Grandmother of Mia here. Staying in the hotel Plaza in New York with the father of Mia.
The grandmother hates the cats and the places o restaurants of nonsmoking. ¿Why did she have
to come here? Mia thinks your grandmother came to give lessons princess
Mia after school of the school has lessons in the hotel Plaza with the grandmother, to learn to be
princess. Mia also had to sign an agreement called the "Thermopolis Renaldo, the classes are part
of my duty as a princess, she says.
Grandmother of Mia staying in the hotel Plaza. She is staying in the huge, luxury on the top floor of
the hotel. Everything in penthouse is colored pink. There are pink walls, pink carpets, pink drapes
and pink furniture. There are lots of vases of pink roses too.
The name of grandmother of Mia is Clarisse Marie Renaldo and she is the dowager princess of
Genovia, also the purple is her favorite color.
She started asking me questions immediate and she is scary, Mia says. Her grandmother has a dog
and dress like her.
Mia says to the grandmother: can never be like a princess. The grandmother responds is the rule
of Genovia.Grandmoter tells her that her name is Amelia. She had forgotten the school computer
club, which is also assists Michael, Lilly's brother.
Mia speak by phone call with Lilly spoke about the grandmother of Mia and Lilly also was angry,
he asked Mia to go home at night to help her finish the movie.
Then Mia went with Lars to his grandmother to meet their classes


Staying: continuing or remaining in a place or state; "they had a nice stay in Paris"; "a lengthy
hospital stay"; "a four-month stay in bankruptcy court"

  put in the mind of someone; "Remind me to call Mother"


Mia grandmother:

 Grandmother of Mia hates the cats.

 The name of grandmother of Mia is Clarisse Marie Renaldo and she is the dowager
princess of Genovia, also the purple is her favorite color. Her grandmother has a dog and
dress like her.
 Chapter 6: “Blond Hair and Fake Nails”

 Vocabulary:

 Angry:  ('æŋgri) feeling or showing of alteration or irritation.
 When his dog escapes, she gets angry

 awful: ('ɔ:fəl) causing fear or dread or terror.
 I am sick and I feel so awful

 wait: (weɪt) time during which some action is awaited.
 I had to wait during an hour to buy the ticket

 Summarizer:
 Mia can never go to school again, because her look is awful. She really angry with her
 In this morning, Mia and her Grandmere going to Chez Paolo´s salon, he is a stylist. He cut
the hair short to Mia and he colored blond and he put fake nails. He had turned she into a
different person. But she not happy at all, because is turning into a someone else. And the
grandmere so pay she go to the princess lessons.
 Philippe Renaldo give one hundred dollars a day to Greenpeace, this money will help
Greenpeace to save a lot of whales.
 Mia and Lilly had a fight, a big argument. Mia said that they all were saying to him that to
do, but that she is his friend and it did not have to say to him that to do.
 The following day, Mr Gianini and Helen were sitting at the table, they were eating
pancakes. They were surprised to see Mia. Mia received Michael's e-mail he will help him
with extra algebra.
 Iluminator:

 - Clarisse Marie Renaldo and Mia going to the Paolo´s house, Paolo transformed Mia into
a different person.
 - Grandmere's very happy because Mia would not return to see his former look
 - Clarisse Marie Renaldo is transforming Mia into a princesa.
 - The father of Mia gives money to Greenpeace to help to save to the whales.
 -Lilly Moscovitz and Mia had one great fights. Mia did not want that Lilly was saying to
him what it had to do,
 since they it were doing the others. Already they are not friends.
 -Mia receives Michael's e-mail, where he says to him that it her will help with algebra.

Chapter 8: In the News.


Kidnap: secuestrar.

Weird: extraño, raro.

The principal ideas

Michael Moscovitz was helping Mia with Algebra.

Everyone was staring at Mia in school.

Mia story is in the news. Now everyone knows that is Princess Amelia. Mia picture is on the cover
of a newspaper, the New York Post.

Mia now is very popular in school. Mia has now a bodyguard, Lars.

Mia is friend of Tina.

Lilly is jealous Mia’s life.


Weird things just happened to Mia. Everyone was staring at Mia. The girls ran out of the girls’
room. They laughed at her. Josh Richter spoke to her. Mia story is in the news.

Now everyone knows that is Princess Amelia. Mia picture is on the cover of a newspaper, the New
York Post. It was by a reporter called Carol Fernandez. She called Mia, “the tall and beautiful
princess of Genovia”.

Genovia is a small country but it’s very rich. Maybe someone will try to kidnap Mia and so Lars a
bodyguard, to go with Mia to her classroom.

Mia is now very popular. When Mia walked into the cafeteria at lunchtime, Lana Weinberger came
up to her. She went to sit with Tina. Tina is a really nice girl.
Lilly is jealous Mia’s life. Jealous Mia’s father because he has more than three hundred million
dollars and jealous he gets paid well because he works very hard for his country. Besides jealous
because Mia got a new hairstyle, and she found a new friend.


Mia Thermopolis: She is the Princess of Genovia. She is daughter and heir of Philippe Renaldo,
Prince of Genovia. She will become the ruler of Genovia when he dies.

Her mom is Helen Thermopolis.

She is a good daughter. She doesn’t smoke cigarettes and she doesn’t take drugs. She does her
homework most of the time, and people trust in her. She is an honest person.

She is going to join Greenpeace. She is going to save whales from danger. Friday is her favorite day
of the week. She knows speak French.

Josh Richter: He has a big smile and his teeth are very white. He is seventeen years old.

Helen Thermopolis: she has black hair.

Michael Moscovitz: he is clever and funny. Michael uses his computer at lot. He works on his
magazine, Crackhead.
Clarisse Marie Renaldo: She is the Dowager Princess of Genovia. She wears lots of makeup and
smoke cigarettes all the time. Purple is her favorite color. She is scary. She has dog called Rommel.
Rommel is fifteen years old.

Tina Hakim Baba: she is nice girl. She’s a little heavy. She wants to lose weight. She has large
brown eyes and a nice smile. She has three little sisters and a baby brother.

Tina’s parents don’t want kidnappers to take Tina. They are very careful. Tina has a bodyguard.

Principal Gupta: She is the head of the Albert Einstein High School.

Wahim: He is Tina’s bodyguard. He follows Tina everywhere.

Carol Fernandez: She is reporter of a newspaper, the New York Post.

Boris Pelkowski: He’s a great musician. Lilly likes Boris. He comes from Russia and he plays the
violin. He wears his clothes in a weird way.

Paolo: He is Grandmere’s friend. He is a stylist. He makes ordinary people look beautiful.

Mr. Hakim Baba: Tina’s father. He is a rich Saudi Arabian prince and he owns an oil company. He
can’t eat meat. He only eats vegetables and rice.

Mrs. Hakim Baba: Tina’s mother. She’s British and she has blond hair. She used to be a fashion

Hans: He’s Philippe Renaldo driver now

Capitulo 9:

The principal ideas:

 Mia is famous there are reporters everywhere ( in every place)
 Lars helped her- how? - He told her not to say anything.
He put his arm around her.
 Lars is the driver and backguard.
 She going to appear in the newspapers as princess of Genovia?
 Her picture appeased in: Daily news
New York newsday
New York Times.
 In the cafeteria Lana sat beside her.
 She suggested Mia to go to a party at Josh´s place.
 Josh wanted Mia to go to the party.
 Grandmother calls the reporters so that Mia learns to live with them.

Mia went with Lars to school today, There Were reporters everywhere, they began to take
pictures and ask questions.
Lars helped her- how? - He told her not to say anything.
He put his arm around her. Lars is the driver and backguard.
The father of Mia told to Lars will go with you every day. He´ll protect you and understood that
she never anywhere alone again
She did not want to be just a princess, but father she says she is princess of Genovia.
The mother and father of Mia speak about Carol Fernandez, who spoke of Mia.
She went to the room didn´t want to hear the fight between parents. But is my mom right? Did
grandmere tell Carol Fernandez about me?
In the morning the picture was on the covers of the Daily News newspaper, and the magazine,
New York Newsday and New York times.
Something amazing happened Mia was eating with Lars and Tina, but then Lana and Josh sat next
to her.
Lana invites her to a party after prom at the home of Josh, but Mia said no.
Josh went to get Mia to her and the wonder if couples had to dance.
Mia said no, but Mia was in shock because Josh had spoken twice. Mia and her grandmother went
to the Hotel Plaza, there were many reporters and grandmother posed for pictures and taught him
and told Mia and learns to live with reporters. Mia told his father that Mr. Gianini had told her all
about she a Carol Fernandez, this is enraged but then apologized.



a facial expression characterized by turning up the corners of the mouth; usually

shows pleasure or amusement

Apologized: acknowledge faults or shortcomings or failing; "I apologized for being late"; "He
apologized for the many typoes"


Josh: he has blue eyes and white teeth.

Chapter 10: “My first Date”


Find:  (faɪnd) come upon unexpectedly or after searching

They found to the 33 alive miners

Appointment: (ə'pɔɪntmənt) a meeting arranged in advance

I made an appointment with my dentist for Monday morning

Luxury: ('lʌkʃərɪ) The quality possessed by something that is excessively expensive

Hotel of California is of luxury


Josh and Lana broken up. Every in the school is talking about it.

After the English's class, Josh invited Mia to the dance, in Mia's head there was a voice that he
was warning, but Mia did not listen to her and I accept Josh's invitation.

Lilly has quarrelled on Josh and only he speaks bad things on him, Lilly says to him that Josh takes
drugs. Mia will go to the dance with Josh.

Mia spoke to her grandmother on the invitation of Josh, Mia's Grandmere was a very pleased and
spoke to him about a fashionable company, the following day Mia and his grandmother would be
going to buy the dress for Mia.

At seven o'clock in the afternoon, Mia was ready, Mia was waiting for Josh, Josh was slowed down
and Mia wrote in his diary that it was using a blue new garment and new shoes,her hair an her
makeup and nail perfect . Mia had to go together with Lars. The father of Mia did many questions
to Josh.

Josh and his friends, together with his girlfriends, sat down in a great table. Josh ordered
champagne. Mia is vegetarian, no eats meat. Josh was starting drinking so much.

This evening is not going well, so I eats into the Laidies'room. But I'll have to go back to the table
The evening of Mia it was not OK, then it entered the ladies' room, but Mia you Mia that to return
to the table soon.


-Josh and Lana broken up. Every in the school is talking about it.

-After the class of English, Josh invited Mia to the dance, Mia said that yes. Mia says to his
grandmother on Josh's invitation. His grandmother answers him that the following day they will be
going to buy a new dress.

- After the lessons of princess, Mia went to Tina Hakim Baba's house. The parents of Tina are very
- Mia goes to the dinner with Josh, but Josh was starting drinking so much. The evening of Mia it
was not OK.

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