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• The circulatory system is a system of tubes with a pump and valves that ensure the one-way
flow of blood.
• The function of heart is to pump blood to all parts of the body.
• The heart is divided into four chambers. The upper two chambers are the right atrium and left
atrium. The lower two chambers are the right ventricle and left ventricle.
• The upper and lower chambers are divided by a muscular wall.
• The left ventricle has the thickest wall because it has to pump blood to all parts of the body.
• There are three types of valves inside the heart.
(a) The tricuspid valve is found between the right atrium and the right ventricle.
(b) The bicuspid valve is found between the left atrium and the left ventricle.
(c) The semilunar valves are situated at the beginning of the pulmonary artery and the aorta.
• The valves prevent blood from flowing backwards.
• Each chamber of the heart is connected to one or two major blood vessels.
(a) The vena cava returns blood to the right atrium.
(b) The pulmonary artery carries blood from the right ventricle to the lungs.
(c) The pulmonary vein carries blood from the lungs to the left atrium.
(d) The aorta carries blood out of the left ventricle to all parts of the body.
• Figure below shows the structure of a heart.

• There are three types of blood vessels: artery, vein and capillary.
(a) Arteries: carry oxygenated blood away from the heart. (except pulmonary artery)
(b) Veins: carry deoxygenated blood towards the heart (except pulmonary vein)
(c) Capillaries: connect artery and vein, are the smallest blood vessels with one cell thick
walls. They allow substances to diffuse through them.

• The table below shows the comparisons of artery, vein and capillary.

Characteristic Artery Vein Capillary

Cross section

Lumen size Medium Wide Narrow

Wall Thick, muscular and Thin, less muscular One-cell thick

elastic and less elastic

Direction of Away from heart To the heart From artery to vein

blood flow

Blood pressure High Medium Low

Presence of No valve (except for the With valve No valve

valve pulmonary artery)

Type of blood Oxygenated blood (except Deoxygenated blood Oxygenated blood

being carried for the pulmonary artery) (except for the from the artery and
pulmonary vein) deoxygenated blood to
the vein

• There are two types of blood circulation:

(a) Pulmonary circulation: Blood circulates from the heart to the lungs and back to the heart.
(b) Systemic circulation: Blood circulates from the heart to other organs and back to the heart.

• There are two components in blood. The liquid component is called plasma and the solid
component consists of red blood cells, white blood cells and platelets.
• Plasma: is to carry dissolved substances and heat around the body.
• Red blood cells: is to transport oxygen in their haemoglobin to all parts of the body.
• White blood cells: is to fight infections by killing microorganisms in our body.
• Platelets: is to help in blood clotting to stop bleeding.
• There are four blood groups: A, B, AB and O.
• Group 0: universal donor, group AB: universal recipient.
• The table below shows the compatibility of blood among the donors’ blood and the recipients’

Recipient’s blood group

Donor’s blood group A B AB 0
A √ x √ x
B x √ √ x
AB x x √ x
0 √ √ √ √

√ : compatible x : not compatible. Agglutination occurs,


• Transpiration is a process by which water is lost in the form of water vapour from the surface
of a plant into the air by evaporation.
• Guard cells control the opening and closing of stomata in leaves.
• Factors affecting the rate of transpiration:
(a) Temperature
(b) Light intensity
(c) Wind
(d) Humidity of air
(e) Number of stomata

3. Effect of heat

Metal oxides Metal sulphides Metal carbonates

• most metal oxides are • When heated, sulphides will • Heat decomposes metal
stable and do not decompose into metal oxides carbonate into metal oxide and
decompose when they are and sulphur dioxide releases carbon dioxide
heat heat

• except oxides formed by » metal sulphide + oxygen → » metal carbonate → metal oxide
non-reactive metals such metal oxide + sulphur dioxide + carbon dioxide
as gold, mercury and heat heat
silver » iron sulphide + oxygen → » zinc carbonate → zinc oxide
iron oxide + sulphur dioxide + carbon dioxide
» silver oxide → silver + oxygen
• Sulphur dioxide can be tested • carbon dioxide can be tested
with by passed through clear
heat i. Acidified potassium limewater, the limewater turns
» mercury oxide → mercury + manganate(VII) solution milky.
oxygen (purple→colourless)
• sodium carbonate and
ii. Acidified potassium potassium carbonate are stable
dichromate(VI) solution and do not decompose by heat

6.2 Reactions Between Metals And Non-metals

Reactions between metals & oxygen Reactions between metals & sulphur
• Most metal, except mercury, silver • when metals react with sulphur, metal
and gold, combine with oxygen to sulphides are formed.
form metal oxides when heated.
heat » metal + sulphur → metal sulphide
» metal + oxygen → metal oxide
heat » lead + sulphur → lead sulphide
» zinc + oxygen → zinc oxide
• Different metals have different » iron + sulphur → iron sulphide
reactivity with oxygen
• Different metals have different
• Potassium manganate(VII) crytals reactivity with oxygen
is heated to supply oxygen.

• Glass wool prevents the

Potassium manganate(VII) crytals
from mixing with metal filings

6.3 Silicon Compounds
• Silicon + Oxygen → silicon dioxide / silica
• Examples: sand, sandstone, flint, quartz

• Silicon + metal + Oxygen → silicate
• Examples:clay, mica, feldspar, asbestos, jade, ruby, topaz, emerald

Characteristics of Silicon Compounds

• Silica and silicate are very stable
» insoluble in water
» do not decompose when heated
» do not react with acid
• Sodium silicate dissolve in water
• Acidic silica dissolves in alkali to produce silicates

6.4 Calcium Compounds

Calcium carbonate

+ carbon dioxide heated

Calcium hydroxide solution Calcium oxide

(lime water) (quicklime)

Solid calcium hydroxide

dissolves in water (slaked lime) add a little water

1. Calcium carbonate calcium oxide + carbon dioxide

2. Calcium oxide + water solid calcium hydroxide

3. Solid calcium hydroxide + water calcium hydroxide solution

4. calcium hydroxide + carbon dioxide calcium carbonate + water

Uses of Calcium Compounds

Calcium carbonate as antacid, to treat acidic soil and water

Calcium oxide as a drying agent for ammonia gas

to treat acidic soil

Calcium hydroxide to reduce the acidity of water

solution coagulate suspended particles
mortar, paint, plaster

6.5 Natural Fuel Resources And Their Importance

• Petroleum, natural gas and coal are classified as fossil fuels.

• Fossils are the remains of dead plants and animals that have been buried in the ground for
millions of years.
• Petroleum consists of a mixture of hydrocarbon compounds consisting of hydrogen and
carbon atoms only.
• The various hydrocarbon compounds can be separated through fractional distillation.
• The different types of hydrocarbon can be distilled because they have different boiling points.
• The higher the boiling point of a petroleum fraction,
a. The darker its colour will be
b. The more viscous the fraction will be.
c. The more difficult it burns.
d. The more soot the flames produce.
• Uses of various fractions of petroleum.

Distillation Product Use

Petroleum gas For heating

Petrol As fuel at the oil refinery and for cars

Naphtha To make solvent, pesticides and as a base material in petrochemical


Kerosene As fuel for aircraft

Diesel oil As fuel for buses and taxis

Lubricants For machines

Fuel oil For ships and power stations

Bitumen For road surfacing

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