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10 May 2018. Written by T Liz.

Asalamo Alaikom and Kia Ora Salma. Over the last few weeks I have seen you are settled at
preschool and you are now confident enough to play with any toys you want to. This morning you
found a whiteboard, a phone, a computer keyboard, a notebook and some pencils set up in the
‘office corner’. “What’s this teacher” you asked, so I explained it was “an office that you could
pretend to work in, just like some of your mums and dads work in an office”. “Oh” you replied and
starting drawing on the keyboard with the white board pen. I helped you by explaining “the white
board pen was for the white board , and you used fingers on the computer keyboard”. A few
moments later I asked you “Salma what are you doing” and you replied by showing me how you can
write on the white board, then type on the computer keyboard. You grinned when I told you “you
looked just like a grown up”. A few minutes later I saw Mohamed watching you type and told you
“Look Salma, you are showing Mohamed how to press the keys on the computer keyboard”. You
grinned as you showed Mohamed how you can press the computer keys then write on the
whiteboard, just like a grown up.

What learning happened?

Salma’s new learning pathway this term is to develop her understanding of the rules at preschool.
She is learning about appropriate ways of using the equipment she chooses to play with. Salma has
a sense of herself as a confident explorer now she has settled into preschool. Her mana (sense
of personal worth) increased when she demonstrated how to use the keyboard to another child.
Salma is developing respect for the toys she plays with, which is one of our Centre’s Learning
Priorities for all children. Ka nui ake tō mātauranga (your knowledge increase) Salma!

How can we extend this learning?

We will support Salma’s increasing understanding of rules and respect at preschool by modelling
how to care for our toys and each other with words and actions.

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