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(I just read through the script and wrote this down…)89

Scene 1: Salma in a taxi at a motor pack, wants to go to school. Suddenly, she

receives a call from her friend, telling her that their roommates have not resumed
yet. Therefore, she needs to find a roommate. Hearing that, Zainab one of the
passengers asks her to follow her home and spend the weekend with her. She
Scene 2: Zainab introduces Salma to her mother, Hajiya Mai Shinkafa, at her local
Scene 3: Early in the morning, Salma dresses up for school, but she doesn’t know
anywhere. So she needs someone to direct her to school, luckily Zainab (her new
friend) asks her to wait for her boyfriend Jameel, that he would accompany them
to the school.
Scene 4: Salma comes to school late, rushing to get into their lecture hall, Jameel
(Zainab’s boyfriend) says she should wait and collect his phone number in case
she needs help.
Scene 5: Salma visits Hajiya at her local restaurant, Hajiya appreciates the visit
and requests that Salma be coming around time after time. She agrees. Zainab
asks Jameel, her boyfriend, to escort Salma.
Scene 6: Salma with her roommates in their hostel expressing her worries for
been them absent at day 1 of resume.
Scene 7: Salma and her friends at school premises after the closing hour, chatting.
Scene 8: Salma at Haljiya restaurant, assisting her, as she sees many people
waiting for serving.
Scene 9: Salma goes to Hajiya, wants to bid her farewell as they have two weeks’
holyday. Hajiya advices that she joins them before they resume, so that she can
save some money during the holydays. Salma replies that she needs to think
about it first.
Scene 10: Salma tells Zainab what Hajiya said, she (Zainab) encourages her to join
them, and adds that she (the Salma) should look for a boyfriend for assistance.
Scene 11: Salma at restaurant, serving people. Auwal (a costumer) buys food for
more than the amount of money he usually spends, seeing Salma there. Hajiya
talks about it.
Scene 12: Salma comes out of Hajiya’s house, Auwal approaches her, and tells her
that he was there for her. She tells him to go and come back in the evening, once
she’s back from work.
Scene 13: Auwal at Hajiya’s house, waiting for Salma. He was wondering she
wants to go back to the school hostel. She promises that she will be visiting Hajiya
every weekend.
Scene 14: Auwal at Hajiya’s house, Salma shouts at him, tells him that she came to
Kano for study not to make love. He tells her that he can’t do without her. She
tells him to leave, she will call him later in the day.
Scene 15: Salma sits so moody at Hajiya’s restaurant, Hajiya asks her what the
matter was? She replies that she will be going back home, as she receives call
from home, that her mother is sick. Hajiya tells her to take heart, things will be OK
God willing. Salma enters inside to make call with Auwal.
Scene 16: Salma sits in a parlor, Auwal comes out from a living room, she tells him
he should take her to school, he replies she was not fully recovered, and needs to
stay at home for sometimes. As she tries to move up she stars vomiting.
Scene 17: Salma and her husband Auwal siting in a room, Salma tells her husband
she needs to go and look for a job. He tells her that’s not going to be possible,
because his parents won’t allow her.
Scene 18: Salma at Malama Jummai’s house (a headmistress) explains her
situation to the woman. Mrs. Jummai tells her they have enough teachers but she
should drop her contact in case they need more employees
Scene 19: Salma with a herd master for an interview
Scene 20: Salma set up for school, Auwal asks her to boil water for him, she tells
him she’s almost late, he says that’s not of his concern.
Scene 21: Auwal at their family house, he reports to his mother that Salma got a
job. His mother blames him for allowing his wife out for work. However, she
encourages he stops payings their house rent.
Scene 22: Auwal plays with his children, Salma comes in holding some stuffs, as
she brings them out of the Bago her husband begins talking. He complains what
she bought for him is not suffice.
Scene 23: Salma brings out their clothes, wants to wash, her neighbor comes
closer to her asks her whether they won’t leave? Surprisingly, Salma replies she
doesn’t know anything about that…
Scene 24: Auwal at their family house, he tells his mother that he was the one
that spread rumor on the issue of their leaving the house they live in.
Scene 25: Alhaji Yusuf and his wife Hajiya Mairo at home, discussing the issue of
Salma and husband. Salma comes in and begs them to do her a favour, that she
will, from that day on, be paying the house rent.

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