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| volume 51 | august 2017

Royal Boskalis Westminster N.V. staff magazine

T +31 78 69 69 000



Half yeaR Results 2017


naming CeRemony foR mega CutteR Helios
in tHis issue spotligHt


Half year results 2017 ‘a dredging vessel to be proud of!’
Boskalis presented the results for the first half of What are the challenges that our colleagues
20 BETTER MEDICAL CARE ON BOARD 2017 on 17 August. The developments in the face? In this edition, senior project engineer
first half of the year were in line with expecta- Marcel van Wijk tells us about his experiences
tions. The weak offshore market also presents during the construction of the new mega cutter
clear opportunities. PAge 04 Helios. PAge 08 aasta Hansteen: on course for the ultimate challenge
The Aasta Hansteen project is one of the most comprehensive projects being execu-
22 HELIOS NAMED TO THE BEAT OF THE DRUMS ted by the Offshore Energy division. ‘Phase 3 includes the transport of the FPSO’s
AT A CEREMONY IN THE PORT OF ROTTERDAM, THE SELF-PROPELLED MEGA topside with the White Marlin, followed by the so-called dual float-over. That will be
CUTTER HELIOS WAS NAMED BY THE SPOUSE OF jEROEN VAN DER VEER, our biggest challenge,’ says project manager Bas Polkamp. ‘An operation like this
A MEMBER OF THE BOSKALIS SUPERVISORY BOARD. has never been executed on such an enormous scale before.’ PAge 31



WoW: new Way of Working energetic approach on duqm project

26 UNORTHODOX APPROACH IN WEST PAPUA Boskalis is launching a new quality manage- The Duqm Liquid Bulk Berths Project in Oman
ment system that focuses on an integrated is currently the largest job being executed
business process and a uniform client by the Dredging and Inland Infra division of
approach. Together with a group of colleagues Boskalis. ‘Given the size, the complexity and
from the divisions, the SHE-Q department is the tight schedule, perfect coordination is
28 OPTIMAL TEAMWORK VBMS AND BOSKALIS playing an important role in the development crucial,’ says project director Bart Pröpper.
THE BORSSELE ALPHA EXPORT CABLE PROjECT IS ONE OF THE LARGEST PROjECTS and introduction of this new program. PAge 06 PAge 11

makeover of bokalift i proceeding smoothly

34 CHALLENGING PROjECTS BOSKALIS WESTMINSTER The conversion of the Dockwise Finesse to a transport and installation crane
vessel is in full swing. The new vessel, shown here in an artist’s impression,
will be called the Bokalift I and it will also be used for decommissioning work.
‘We expect the ship to be taken into service early next year,’ says project
manager Jurjen Haitsma. PAge 41
LARGE NUMBERS OF PIONEER BIRDS IN THE NATURE RESERVE. Cover: beach replenishment Heemskerk boskalis family day: working together
Boskalis was involved in large-scale main- About 180 colleagues and their families
tenance for Rijkswaterstaat this summer on attended the annual Boskalis Family Day on
38 EQUIPMENT PORTAL: INCREASING EFFICIENCY the coast near Heemskerk, the Netherlands. Saturday 12 August and joined the Boskalis
About 1 million cubic meters of sand was Beach Cleanup Tour organized by the North
brought in and spread along a section of Sea Foundation. Together, they collected
5 kilometers. more than 200 kilos of waste. PAge 18
4 5

‘Developments in the first half of the year were in line with expectations. The results of the traditional dred-
ging activities were stable with higher fleet utilization rates. The outlook is moderately positive given the


volume of work in the market and an increase in the order book. As expected, the situation in the offshore
market resulted in a further drop in the result. We do not foresee a quick recovery in the offshore market,
as previously stated, and have adjusted our fleet and organization to this new reality.’ This is how Peter

WITH EXPECTATIONS Berdowski summarized the first half year of 2017 and the outlook for the remainder of the year during
the presentation of the half year results.

‘WE SEE PLENTY OF OPPORTUNITIES reasonable volume of work in the market in

the short term, with the emphasis for Boskalis

TO EXPAND THE COMPANY FURTHER, on maintaining utilization at a responsible

level of project risk. The current size of the
NOT ONLY AT DREDGING & INLAND order book means that a good part of the
fleet will be occupied for the coming nine
INFRA AND AT TOWAGE, BUT PARTI- months, albeit at lower margins than in

CULARLY IN THE HIGH-END SECTION previous years. The outlook for the remainder
of 2017 is less favorable for Offshore Energy,

OF THE OFFSHORE ENERGY MARKET.’ with lower work volumes and pressure on
utilization rates and margins. Following
Peter berdowski, CEO the conclusion of a number of long-term
contracts from previous years, revenue
is under pressure, with increasing depen-
dence on the spot market resulting in further
prosperity of the global population, which tunities for us to strengthen the company, pressure on margins.
in turn drive growth in global trade and as evidenced by the recently announced The offshore wind outlook for the second
demand for raw materials and energy. acquisition of Gardline. This acquisition will half of the year is mixed, with a sustained

01 Global warming also continues to create

business opportunities for Boskalis, with a
specifically help fulfill our strategic ambition
to build a position in offshore survey.
favorable outlook for the cable-laying
activities but no large offshore wind farm
growing need for coastal defense and river- Gardline is a key player in the survey market projects in progress.
Boskalis realized a net profit of EUR 75.1 offshore wind farm projects in progress bank protection in response to increased with years of experience and a strong The Towage activities have relatively stable
HIGHLIGHTS FIRST million in the first half of the year. Revenue this year, whereas the construction of flooding as a result of the more extreme reputation. The acquisition will enable us to market volumes and this is not expected to
HALF YEAR OF 2017 declined by 7% compared to the first half of two sizable wind farms — Veja Mate weather conditions.’ further position ourselves for opportunities in change materially in the second half of the
last year to EUR 1.09 billion. Adjusted for and Wikinger — contributed to revenue While the long-term trends are positive, in offshore wind energy, and to be well placed year. Based on the fleet planning and work
consolidation, deconsolidation and currency and the result last year. The VBMS cable- the short term they are not converting into to take advantage of growth opportunities in the order book and barring unforeseen
> Revenue: EUR 1.09 billion
effects, revenue was down 13%. EBITDA in laying activities had a good first half of the promising projects across the board. In some when the offshore market picks up again. In circumstances, the Board of Management
> EBITDA: EUR 225.1 million
the first half of the year totaled EUR 225.1 year, making a significant contribution to of the regions and markets where Boskalis the coming period we will continue to look expects net profit in the second half of 2017,
> Net profit: EUR 75.1 million
million and the operating result was EUR the division’s results. Revenue and results is active, demand is expected to develop actively at opportunities to strengthen and excluding the restructuring charge, to be
> Order book: EUR 3.25 billion
101.7 million. Boskalis’ financial position were also under pressure at Towage & less favorably in the coming years and the expand the company in the medium term.’ comparable to the level of net profit realized
continues to be strong, with a solvency ratio Salvage, partly due to the deconsolidation outlook is uncertain. ‘We will continue to in the first half of the year.
of 62.6% and a positive net cash position of of the European harbor towage services focus on market segments that demonstrate End of a period
> Mixed market picture
EUR 235 million. The order book, excluding but also as a result of a very quiet first long-term structural growth and offer opportu- In the past eighteen months the market condi-
> Dredging & Inland Infra
our share in the order book of joint ventures half of the year at Salvage. It was quiet nities in the short term: Ports, Energy — oil, tions combined with the outlook described
Reasonable market volumes with further
and associated companies, increased to EUR globally, with a limited number of emergency gas, wind and the dismantling of old offshore gave rise to the fleet rationalization project,
upward potential for utilization rates
3.246 billion at the end of the first half of the response assignments. Furthermore there platforms — and Climate-change-related an impairment of vessels and goodwill,
> Offshore Energy
year (end-2016: EUR 2.924 billion). were no major wreck removal projects being projects such as coastal defense and river- and a cost-reduction program aimed at
Fewer contracting projects and continued
executed. bank protection.’ reducing head-office costs. This program
friction between supply and demand
Results by segment will result in annual cost savings of around
in services
Both revenue and fleet utilization increased Market developments Opportunities EUR 30-35 million. ‘We hereby conclude a
> Towage
at the Dredging & Inland Infra segment, ‘The market developments as presented in ‘We see plenty of opportunities to expand the period during which we were unfortunately
Relatively stable market volume
with large projects in execution in Brazil, the Corporate Business Plan 2017-2019 company further in line with our Corporate forced to take leave of a large number of
> Profit outlook
Indonesia and Oman contributing to the and discussed in greater detail in the Annual Business Plan, more specifically the Expand colleagues,’ said Peter.
Net profit in the second half of the year
rise. The result was stable, with continued Report 2016 have not materially changed,’ pillar of our strategy. Not only at Dredging
comparable to the first half of the year,
pressure on margins. At Offshore Energy explained the CEO. ‘The long-term mega- & Inland Infra and at Towage, but particu- Outlook
excluding restructuring charges
revenue and result declined, due in part to trends that underpin the Boskalis business larly in the high-end section of the Offshore The market picture will continue to be mixed
01 O
poor market conditions in the oil and gas model remain positive. These business Energy market,’ said Peter. ‘The current in the time to come. At Dredging & Inland A recent photo of the trailing suction hopper dredger Oranje in
Brazil on its way to bunker fuel together with one of Gardline’s
industry. In addition there are no major drivers are the structural growth and rising market conditions also present clear oppor- Infra, the Board of Management sees a survey vessels (on the right).
6 7

Way of WoRking: foCus Boskalis is launching a new quality management system focusing on an integrated business process
and a uniform approach to clients. The SHE-Q department, with a large group of colleagues from

on tHe Client and on the divisions, is playing an important role in the development and introduction of this new system.
‘Especially given current market circumstances, our success depends crucially on an even better client

ReduCing CompleXity focus and on reducing the complexity of our business processes and systems,’ says corporate SHE-Q
manager Joke Vavier.

The new system allows us to work better and the management team and business units,
to execute our projects more professionally followed by on-the-job training for tender
and profitably,’ says project support manager and project teams. In the next phase, staff
Maris Paap, who was closely involved in the departments will be able to learn about the

creation of the program on behalf of the new approach. The effectiveness of the new
DTED department of the Offshore Energy system is being monitored by Bureau Veritas
The Boskalis WAY OF WORKING quality management system aims to achieve operational excellence
a clearare
focus division. ‘The approach focuses on the and by SHE-Q colleagues. Maris concludes:
Our ouronmost
safe valuable
and sustainable
making and a consistent
safety clientOur
a core value. approach.
goal is:More than just
No Injuries
No and procedures,
Accidents. the Boskalis
This is embedded Waycompany’s
in our of Workingculture
and a supported
consistent approach towardsand
through Values the Rules. smooth and controlled execution of our ‘Our Way of Working focuses on a stream-
All employees,
initiation, including
planning, our sub-contractors,
execution and completion of are
our expected
projects. Attothe
take these
same timevalues and rules
it promotes to heart.
in our teams with experts, facilitates innovation whilst caring for people and the environment with a processes and on avoiding unpleasant sur- lined business process and on professional
commitment to act with respect and integrity. This is how we create new horizons for all our stakeholders. prises. In that way, we hope to deliver a dealings with clients. A consistent quality
VALUES RULES clear and reliable message to our clients. approach is good for clients and good for
the future of Boskalis.’
EXECUTE COMPLETE of activities executed by Boskalis is wider

processes has increased dramatically, and > For more information: send an email to
HAZARDOUS NON-ROUTINE ACTIVITIES clients and stakeholders are increasingly,
POSITION BE INFORMED ABOUT RISK & CONTROL demanding.’ The guiding principle is that our approach It is only then that we can transform those or
Joke adds: ‘Now the different disciplines at should be low-threshold and compact. The requirements into an approach that is, or visit
ON LESSONS LEARNED REQUIRED Boskalis are teaming up on more and more new Way of Working makes 65% of existing genuinely appreciated by the client.
CLEAR COMMON GOALS WE LISTEN TO UNDERSTAND projects, the drawbacks of using different procedures redundant thanks to a new, A crucial aspect here is the identification
CONTROL TO NINA AS TEAM PLAYERS WE ARE quality systems are becoming apparent, uniform approach. Furthermore, we are and discussion of possible inconsistencies
COMMITTED TO ACHIEVE WIN-WIN particularly during operations, for example improving quality by learning from each in a project request.’
Always check the safety of Yourself, Equipment and ■ Lead by example by demonstrating safety leadership

Surroundings (YES) LEARN ■ Create an atmosphere and conditions within the organization
when clients are faced with three different other, from the best practices at our company Joke explains: ‘This means that an important
you are informed about risks and control where ENTREPRENEURS
AS employees WE
are encouraged to TAKE
work safely and to
measures for the job and work environment address safety issues
OWNERSHIP FOR OUR ACTIONS working practices or reports on a single and by looking at things more often from the part of the quality management system
■ Inform your supervisor of hazardous situations ■ Ensure compliance with the values and rules for the area of
■ Always follow the values and rules control project, or when a project team cannot client’s point of view.’ focuses on improving the dialogue not
OUR WAY OF WORKING IN PRACTICE provide adequate answers to all a client’s only with the client but also between
REQUIREMENTS & EXPECTATIONS EQUIPMENT & INFRASTRUCTURE questions. Different ways of monitoring CleaR CommuniCations colleagues. An approach like this requires
Prepare a Risk Assessment for each project, vessel or location Be informed about risk & control measures
Full understanding of our client, their needs, the contract and With a modern global fleet and project management
■ Responsible Manager/Captain coordinates the Risk Assessment and must involve
the applicable legislation is an essential first step in our Way
■ Everyone on projects, vessels and offices is informed about the relevant risk and control
skills, we organize and deploy safe, suitable and reliable
progress or managing subcontractors can Frank continues: ‘One of our goals, both different skills. The program is based on the
The Risk Assessment is reviewed periodically and updated when necessary Before starting the work a toolbox meeting is held:
of Working. equipment and create the necessary infrastructure.
represent a threat to the success of a project during the tender phase and during the core values of Boskalis, to which the WoW
■ ■
(such as change in work scope or method or following an incident) - in case of Job Hazard Analysis or Permit to Work
■ The measures defined in the Risk Assessment must be implemented - asKNOWLEDGE & EXPERIENCE
a result of the Risk Assessment

and of the client, and at the expense of the execution of a project, is to keep the principles and essentials are closely tailored.
■ Updates in the Risk Assessment will be communicated with relevant persons on-site
Obtain Permit toour Group
Work Deliveryhigh-risk
for defined Plan andactivities
KPIs we ensure a With a company history of more than a century, we
■ Identified high-risk activities:
professional approach to contract management and project Be Fit for Duty and
constantly learnwear
andthe PPEour
share required
expert knowledge.
- entering enclosed/confined spaces
- working on energized systems (including ‘Lock Out/Tag Out’)
■ “Fit for Duty” means not under influence of alcohol and/or drugs
■ PPE on site:
profitability.’ client center-stage and ensure that all our We will be using tools such as workshops
■ Based on the Risk Assessment other high-risk activities can be defined - safety shoes and hard hat
■ Defined control measures must be implemented We expect
- high-visibility our subcontractors and suppliers to commit to
clothing colleagues have client expectations in mind and posters to get the message across and
We identify risks upfront and manage and mitigate
■ Responsible supervisor issues a Permit to Work
these - lifethe
vestproject objectives and tooradhere
during embarking/disembarking if floating to our Supplier
equipment Code
lacks a railing

throughout the process. That starts with clear to establish a clear picture during the
■ Additional PPE are job-specific and based on the Risk Assessment,
Makeduring operations
a Job Hazard whilstforcontinuously
Analysis seeking opportunities
hazardous non-routine activities Jobof Conduct.
Hazard Analysis or Permit to Work loW tHResHold
■ In case optimization.
hazardous and non-routine jobs, the supervisor should do a JHA
(Job Hazard Analysis)
■ Defined control measures must&
implemented ‘The program was developed by, with and for communications in the tender phase, and process of the core goals and specific 01 THE COLLEAGUES BEHIND THE BIRTH OF THE WOW
Standing from left to right: Arco van Marion, Annette Panajoti,
With a global presence and large network of experts, we WWW.BOSKALIS-NINA.COM the divisions. During the preparatory stages, with perfect coordination to ensure that we project areas requiring attention.’ Joke Vavier, Frank Stikkel, Allard Leertouwer, Nieke Sterkman,

build on teamwork, entrepreneurship and professionalism. WWW.BOSKALIS.COM/WOW

© 2012 All rights reserved Michael Evertsz. Seated from left to right: Bart van Dun, Maris
we identified the needs and expectations are interpreting client requirements correctly. The introduction includes presentations for Paap, Duncan de Meester, Judith Reemnet.

of various clients and a large number of

employees from the various business units,’
‘In the past five years, Boskalis has made not only counterproductive in terms of says Frank Stikkel, project manager in the navigatoR: tHe HeaRt of tHe neW system
major advances in the fields of environment merging our business processes, it is also Dredging & Inland Infra division. ‘In our
and safety. In our sector, we are one of the an obstacle to efficient interaction with the industry, the term quality program is typically the heart of the WoW approach process to the execution and completion of example, Salvage. The system ensures that
frontrunners in terms of safe and sustainable systems of clients or joint venture partners, associated with protocols and procedures, is an internal online platform, the the work, including all the safety aspects, can data and lessons learned are passed on better
enterprise. It’s now time to work hard on the and it therefore affects our reputation and but we decided emphatically not to adopt a navigator. be found here,’ says Joke Vavier. ‘Everyone from one phase of a project to the next. The
Q in SHE-Q (Safety, Health, Environment, our returns. So the new program fits in well procedural approach. Obviously, essential can access the entire system to execute a new approach will – particularly on more
Quality). Our ultimate aim is to improve our with the Boskalis “house in order” philo- documents and ISO certification apply, but The Navigator directs users step by step task, and to find the necessary tools and risk complex projects – save a lot of time, even in
profitability by engaging even more inten- sophy.’ we want our approach to be accessible, through all processes, actions to be taken, assessments. Tips & tricks are also displayed the short term.’
sively in a dialogue with our clients, while clear and, above all, client-oriented. The new and the corresponding supporting documents immediately. This means, among other
at the same time reducing the complexity CleaR message uniform quality standard can be summed for the integrated quality management system. things, that a colleague from the Dredging
of processes and quality systems in the ‘We are introducing a standardized up in a clear description of our approach: ‘All the components of our working procedu- division can also quickly acquire a picture of
company,’ explains Joke. ‘That diversity is approach in the field of quality management. WoW, the abbreviation for Way of Working. res, from approaching clients and the tender the knowledge and approach used by, for
8 9

From deckhand to sandfill master, from cook to ROV pilot: Boskalis has an amazing number of different
jobs. What are the challenges that our colleagues face? They tell us about how they do their work, and

what they think about it. This time we talk to Marcel van Wijk, senior project engineer on the mechanical
engineering side of the construction of the new self-propelled mega cutter suction dredger, the Helios.

‘You really see something unique developing along the way!’


The vessel has 15.6 MW to pump the Everything has to work together perfectly to front row when there’s a good fire,’ he says
dredged material through a floating pipeline produce wonderful music and an excellent with a broad smile. After studying mecha-
to the shore. That produces incredible result. During the sea trials, we took all the nical engineering and business economics,
pressure,’ says Marcel. ‘When dredging engines and systems to the maximum, and he joined the offshore company Allseas as
sand, the Helios can pump the mixture over went to the limit in every respect. It was like a field engineer. ‘My main job was marine
an exceptionally long distance using its own a symphony! It’s a huge kick when every- pipe laying, but I also worked on a large
power.’ Marcel talks about the numerous thing we have thought up actually works in excavator,’ he says. ‘From the start, playing
innovations enthusiastically and with pride. practice.’ with sand was the most enjoyable part of my
‘The wonderful thing about building a job for me. And because I was always fond
complex, advanced dredging vessel like the Playing with sand of mechanical engineering, I applied for a
Helios is that you work with a large group of Marcel has been working for Boskalis for job as an engineer at Boskalis.
specialists with the aim of perfecting every- more than seventeen years. He has been a My first project was the overhaul of a big
thing on the vessel. A cutter suction dredger member of the Works Council for more than booster, the Cosel, which involved installing
is a combination of separate elements that 15 years, acting as secretary for much of the existing components on a new barge. ‘
need to be in perfect harmony. I sometimes that time, and he is a member of the Boskalis In his later career at Boskalis, he was
compare it to the instruments in an orchestra. voluntary fire brigade. ‘I like to be in the also involved in the construction of the >


With a total installed power of 6 and 35 meters. The vessel was designed so become a new port area for offshore
01 M ARCEL VAN WIJK DEMONSTRATES THE OPERATOR’S SEAT Marcel van Wijk (50), along with a decades since Boskalis built a cutter suction almost 24,000 kW, a total pumping that it can dredge in extremely hard ground. companies. In addition the Helios is
‘For the Helios, we had the opportunity to come up with creative
ideas and innovative solutions in almost every area.’ large number of colleagues from various dredger. For the Helios, we had the oppor- capacity of 15,600 kW and a maxi- At 2,060 tons, the cutter ladder is the heaviest expected to be deployed on dredging
02 T HE HELIOS DURING THE SEA TRIAL disciplines, worked long and intensively on tunity to come up with creative ideas and mum cutter power of 7,000 kW, in the world. The Helios can accommodate operations for the development of the
the development of the Helios. We join innovative solutions in almost every area. As the self-propelled cutter suction a crew of 45, making operations possible port of Duqm in Oman (see page 11).
him on the mega cutter in the Waalhaven a mechanical engineer, it’s like being a kid dredger Helios is one of the most around the world in the most remote locations. The Helios’ sister vessel is expected to be
in Rotterdam a few days before the vessel’s in a candy shop,’ he laughs. powerful cutter suction dredgers Recently the vessel started on her first assign- launched in the course of 2020.
official naming ceremony (see page 22). in the dredging industry. ment. Together with the hopper Strandway
Marcel is happy to take us on an extensive Orchestra the Helios is executing dredging work in
tour of the giant ship, and he tells us enthusi- ‘One of the most impressive aspects of the The Helios is 152 meters long and 28 meters the Port of Rotterdam for the development of
astically about the smallest details. ‘It’s been Helios is the enormous pumping capacity. wide and it can dredge at depths of between the Offshore Center on Maasvlakte 2 that will
10 11

The Duqm Liquid Bulk Berths Project in Oman is currently the largest job being executed by
the Boskalis Dredging and Inland Infra division. ‘This is a multi-faceted project involving a range
of Boskalis disciplines, including Boskalis Nederland and Cofra,’ says project director Bart Pröpper.
‘Given the size, the complexity and the tight schedule, the success of the project depends on
perfect teamwork.’
03 04
advanced SP10 spray pontoon, the wide- period, with quite a few working days We designed a new approach to make the
ning of the Taurus and the development of of twelve hours or more. But that didn’t switching of pick points during operations
the Trenchformer. In recent years, all his time bother me: you really see something unique safer and easier. The cutter platform has
has been spent on the development and developing along the way.’ been redesigned and it is much safer.
construction of the Helios. The platform has also been fitted out with
Crown jewel an advanced flexible grab arm. This crane
3D designs Marcel takes us to the bridge of the vessel to structure resembles the equipment used to
Marcel’s main focus was on the design and show us one of the Helios crown jewels: the change wheels during Formula 1 pit stops.
implementation of the dredging technology, operator’s chair. ‘The traditional dredging We also developed an efficient approach for
and particularly the enormous cutter ladder, panel with dozens of buttons and meters recycling the pick points.’
the huge spuds and the associated spud has been almost completely digitalized. All
carriage. ‘For me, the process began more parts of the dredging process are controlled Sister vessel
than four years ago,’ he says. ‘We spent from an ergonomic chair with two joysticks ‘All in all, the Helios is a dredger that
the first six months evaluating the merits
and shortcomings of our other cutter suction
and a large number of touch screens. The
setup is like a computer game,’ says Marcel.
dredgers, and listing the wishes and require- ‘Vincent Jutte, project manager at Central
we can be very proud of – and I certainly
am,’ says Marcel. Now that the mega
cutter is ready for action, he is starting the
ments for the new vessel. That was followed Fleet Support/E&I, was the driving force preparations for his next big project. ‘The 01 T HE QUEEN OF THE NETHERLANDS IN DUQM ‘Boskalis has built up good relations in Oman. EPC (engineering, procurement, construction)
Work began on bringing in the sand for the bund in June.
by an intensive engineering process that behind this design. A range of colleagues construction of the Helios’ sister vessel will The Queen of the Netherlands was deployed first, and the In recent years, we have been involved on contract consisting of a large number of
work was taken over in July by the Prins der Nederlanden.
took almost two years: formulating ideas, decided on the best positions for the screens begin soon,’ he says. ‘Using the same speci- projects including The Wave and Salam Yiti dredging and civil-engineering activities.
extensive discussions with one another, and using virtual reality technology. Left-handed fications as the Helios.’ in the port city of Muscat,’ says Bart. We are responsible for the land reclamation
talking to the shipbuilder IHC about the colleagues can make the appropriate adjust- ‘The current project is part of a master plan and compaction, the construction of a kilo-
possibilities,’ he says. ‘An interesting aspect ments. This is the first dredging vessel in the for port development in Oman, with the meter-long quay wall, two jetties, stone work
of the design phase was that we produced world to be controlled in this way. We are > For more information: send an email to port of Muscat being adapted to accommo- and deepening the port basin to -18 meters.
all the designs in 3D starting on day one. now working on a simulator setup that will date cruise vessels and the port of Salalah The civil-engineering work will be executed
That is a much faster and more reliable allow future crew members to practice with focusing on container handling. Duqm’s under our responsibility by the Belgian
approach. We literally modeled every part of the technology.’ >G
 o to port is centrally located in an industrial free- subcontractor Six Construct, a part of Besix
the ship in 3D and worked out all the ideas for a video about the construction of the trade area, where a modern port complex, in the Middle East.’
like that, and so it was possible to calculate Pit stop Helios. shipyards and extensive dry dock facilities
the different alternatives and modifications Other remarkable features of the Helios have been built in recent years. The master Bund
very quickly and to immediately identify include the 50-meter-long spuds, the ingeni- plan includes the construction of a new The walls of the project office in Building 5 in
possible difficulties. The construction work on ous structure of the spud carriage, and the bulk liquid berth terminal and a large Papendrecht are papered with the extensive
the Helios hull was led by project manager huge cutter ladder, which can cut sand or refinery in Duqm, where fossil fuels will schedules for the project. It’s an impressive
André Klop at a shipyard in Pula, Croatia. harder material down to a depth of be processed to produce high-grade end overview of the multitude of tasks and acti-
The dredging section was built at IHC in 35 meters. ‘We developed a larger type products. The port will provide employment vities that need to be coordinated. ‘After a
Sliedrecht. All the different lines came of cutter head for this vessel to allow for for more than 16,000 people, who will be long tender period, our design teams started
together in August of last year and the more pick points,’ he explains. ‘The largest housed in the port area. The principal is drawing up the first plans in close consul-
final construction work took place at IHC cutter head consists of 90 pick points. The ‘We designed a new approach to make the switching of pick SEZAD (the Special Economic Zone Authority tation with Six Construct late last year. We
in Kinderdijk. That was the most intensive heaviest pick points weigh 29 kilos each.
points safer and easier. We use a crane structure that resembles
the equipment used to change wheels during Formula 1 pit stops.’ Duqm), for whom we will be executing an knew we had to work fast. The first part of >
12 13


03 C

the quay wall and the port area behind it Coordination nal and the jetties.’ The project includes a involved with the production of the concrete
will have to be completed by March 2018 ‘We will be drawing on the equipment and large number of activities requiring precise blocks and the civil-engineering work.
because that is when the construction work expertise of our colleagues from Boskalis coordination. ‘Large concrete blocks are A project office is being built in an area
starts on the tank terminal located on the part Nederland for the dry excavation of the needed for the construction of the quay wall designated by the client. ‘It is a major
of the port built by us,’ explains Bart. pit,’ continues Bart. ‘Some of the subsurface and they will be produced elsewhere in the challenge for our designers and for the sand-
Soil drilling and soil surveys began this is rocky ground and you can’t just spoon port area,’ is one example that Bart has in fill crews to make sure that the bund complies
spring as a basis for the definitive designs. that out. Some of the excavated material mind. ‘The land reclamation operations will with the strict requirements for strength and
‘We decided at an early stage to start by buil- will be used for the construction of the termi- progress in line with the construction of the dewatering,’ explains Bart. ‘Working in such
ding a heavy ring dike – a bund – of sand. a huge building pit involves all sorts of safety
It will contain a large, eighteen-meter-deep considerations. We have a range of monito-
construction pit where we will build the quay ring systems in place for the bund to ensure
and the two jetties,’ he explains. that it won’t slip, leak or break. But you

BAHRAIN always have to keep in mind that something
Sand supplies can go wrong. We have spent a lot of time
Work began on bringing in the sand for the in several NINA sessions on good rescue
bund in June. The Queen of the Netherlands Abu Dhabi quay wall. To execute all the different tasks to study the best possible approach to equipment, including ladders and rafts, and
was deployed first, and the work was taken Muscat without literally tripping over one another, compaction,’ says Bart. ‘Boskalis Nederland the development of evacuation plans.’
over in July by the Prins der Nederlanden. UNITED perfect coordination between all disciplines is also involved in the construction of the
‘We are taking the sand from a borrow area ARAB is required. Keeping all the balls in the air rock slope next to the quay wall and the two Next phase
about twenty miles offshore,’ says Bart. EMIRATES is the main challenge on this job,’ he says. large jetties, which we will be covering with The next phase of the project will be to
‘The trailing suction hopper dredger sails ‘At the same time, we are also learning geotextile and rock. Some of the rock will remove the bund and then dredge out the
three times a day from the borrow area to SAUDI- OMAN a lot from this project. In particular, we come from the current breakwater, which will port to a depth of -18 meters. ‘We expect
the connection point, where it pumps more are gaining valuable experience with the form one edge of the port area. We will be to start on that work in December of this
than 30,000 cubic meters of sand through management of civil-engineering works. That removing rock from the inside of the break- year,’ says Bart. ‘That will involve removing
a floating pipe to the location. Obviously, is a specific type of knowledge which we water before putting in the sand.’ a total of 24 million cubic meters for which
we are taking the prevailing environmental Duqm will certainly be able to use in future projects we will probably be using our new mega
requirements relating to turbidity into account as well.’ Safety cutter, the Helios.’ Project completion is
during this operation. In addition, we have Project manager Louw Dekker is leading the expected in the second half of 2019.
put procedures in place to ensure that we Compaction project team in Duqm. Including the crews, it
don’t disturb the colony of whales living To comply with the stringent demands for the currently consists of around 200 colleagues.
in the area. The client is represented by YEMEN compaction of reclaimed land, the project As the work progresses, this number will > For more information:
mammal observers on the trailing suction Salalah team called in their colleagues from Cofra. rise, including the people from Six Construct, send an email to
hopper dredger.’ ‘Cofra set up a special testing area recently to about 1,500, many of whom will be
14 15

NINA has become a natural reflex for Boskalis colleagues in recent years. The safety awareness
program was also introduced at VBMS this fall. However, on an increasing number of projects,
Boskalis works with subcontractors, suppliers and freelance contractors who don’t always have
the same approach to safety. How does Boskalis ensure that safety is also guaranteed on those

‘nina CReates
a team spiRit at
eveRy level of
tHe oRganization’

During a recent MCS meeting in Papendrecht, Bob Kidd, head of Boskalis colleagues from SHE-Q are on site every day to monitor
business sector maintenance at Boskalis Westminster, described safety, talk to people about unsafe conduct, and to help improve
the situation: ‘Many projects involve working more and more often safety. We also carry out a lot of management inspections. And we
with people from outside our organization for whom NINA is not are getting the management from Smulders involved in order to pass
the accepted standard. On an increasing number of international on our philosophy. And, of course, we also draw attention to things
offshore and dredging projects, Boskalis teams up with joint venture that are done well.’
partners, subcontractors, suppliers, crew members and freelance André points out that the contract stipulates that some of the respon-
contractors who work with different levels of safety from us. And they sibility for safety has been transferred to Smulders. ‘Which means
are sometimes recruited by a client, rather than Boskalis. Outside that we don’t actually have to be involved to this extent,’ he says.
parties execute a variety of tasks on projects or on our vessels: from ‘But our standards are apparently higher than those adopted by
diving, welding and electrical work to major activities such as delive- other clients they work for. We decided to organize safety task force
ring complete foundations. As a result, project teams have to make meetings every week at which we had open discussions with the
extra efforts to ensure that responsibilities with respect to safety and client Vattenfall and subcontractor Smulders about all the possible

NINA principles are well-defined and respected.’ risks. And that really helped: there was a genuine transformation
in the culture. Initially, there was some resistance but they are now
poRtsmoutH actually grateful that we are helping them to achieve a higher safety
An example of a ‘shared’ project of this kind is the widening standard, which is an absolute requirement for any collaboration in
and deepening of the port of Portsmouth, where half of the 150 dolWin3 focused extensively on safety issues. ‘In this way, safety awareness the future,’ says André.
people working on the project and crew members came from The offshore platform installation project DolWin3 was completed is gradually spreading throughout the project organization,’ says
outside Boskalis. ‘We soon realized that we had a challenging recently. All the subcontractors who provided manpower were Frank. ‘NINA creates a team spirit at every level of the organization.
situation on our hands,’ says project manager Gerrit Jan van den invited to NINA sessions. ‘We organized kick-off meetings for all As a project manager, I think team building is particularly important. > For more information: send an email to,
Bosch. ‘First of all, of course, we work with preferred suppliers, for phases of the work,’ says project manager Frank Berrens. ‘We have A simple initiative like handing out the same poloshirt to everyone,
example to charter multicats and tugs. Many outside suppliers had outsourced an important part of the project, the extensive ballast involved works wonders. It creates a sense of camaraderie. You or
already worked on some of our projects. We invited these larger work, to ALE Heavy Lifting. We were very much aware that we had improve safety because you understand each other better and you
companies to kick-off meetings, where they were given a detailed to deliver a high-risk, demanding, and technically advanced job are more willing to watch out for one another.’
introduction to NINA. But we were also working with welders and so we organized extensive NINA sessions in advance with this
and divers, sometimes for just a few days or weeks. We organi- subcontractor. We did the same thing with the supplier of the large abeRdeen offsHoRe Wind faRm
zed dozens of special NINA inductions for these groups at which winches that we used on this project, and with other stakeholders,’ Suppliers and subcontractors play a crucial role in the construction
colleagues from SHE-Q and members of our project team briefly says Frank. ‘Most companies in our sector have their own safety of many wind farms. On the project in Aberdeen, the Belgian
explained the NINA Values and Rules and SHOC cards. In particu- programs, but we were able to use these sessions to communicate company Smulders is responsible as a subcontractor for the
lar, we focused on the specific risks we defined on this project. the NINA philosophy, and therefore our own thinking about safety. construction of the turbine foundations. ‘We immediately realized
These sessions certainly helped us to ensure that all outside parties The fact that NINA focuses on assuming personal responsibility that Smulders had an approach to safety that was very different
were very much aware that safety was the first priority on our went down well.’ In addition to NINA sessions with the subcontrac- from ours: they didn’t even require everyone to wear helmets,’ says
project. In addition, these people almost always worked with tor’s supervisors just before the start of the project, there were also project manager André Andringa. ‘We took immediate steps to
Boskalis colleagues with a NINA background who were able to kick-off meetings with colleagues working on the operational side. make improvements. During NINA kick-off meetings, we explained 01 DIVING SUPPORT VESSEL CONSTRUCTOR ON THE DOLWIN3 PROJECT
The Constructor working alongside the DolWin Alpha platform preparing the jacket for the float-over
keep an eye on them.’ Toolbox sessions were arranged during operations and they also our goals and the level of safety we expect from them. In addition, of the DolWin Gamma platform as part of the DolWin3 project.
16 17

The Boskalis flag flies proudly on numerous projects throughout the world. Cohesion has selected
some of the many projects that are in the pipeline, or that have been launched recently. ON THE GIRONDE
Vlissingen, THE Netherlands Offshore, Ivory Coast Offshore, Thailand Zeebrugge, Belgium Boskalis completed the Gironde project in France this month, a maintenance dredging project to make
START 10-3-17 START Q1/Q2, 2017 START Q2, 2017 START 3-7-17
the port of Bordeaux more accessible for cruise and freight vessels. ‘The crucial factors in the project
DURATION 97 weeks DURATION 8 weeks DURATION 4 weeks DURATION 22 weeks
FOR Fugro FOR BWO / CNR FOR Nippon / PTTEP FOR Eneco Holding were the big tidal differences, the strong water flow and the precision involved in the work,’ says
JOB Detection and removal of unexplo- JOB Saturation and air diving for JOB Repair of pipelines and installa- JOB Detection and removal of unexplo-
project manager Hans Been.
ded ordnance (UXO) for the installati- maintenance work on the FPSO tion of stone mattresses at pipeline ded ordnance (UXO) for the Norther
on of the export cable for the Borssele Espoire. crossovers. wind farm.
wind farm (see also page 28). The Gironde estuary is 75 kilometers
Helsinki, Finland Owendo, Gabon Norvik, Sweden
long and 12 kilometers wide, the largest
Fox River, USA START 7-5-17 START 1-6-17 START 1-8-17
in Western Europe. The Garonne and
START 15-3-17 DURATION 12 weeks DURATION 8 weeks DURATION 132 weeks
DURATION 104 weeks FOR City of Helsinki FOR Afcons Infrastructure Ltd. FOR Port of Stockholm Dordogne rivers discharge about 1,000 m³
FOR Fox River Cleanup Group JOB Construction of a temporary JOB Dredging operations with a JOB Construction of a 1,100-meter- of fresh water a second, while the rising tide
JOB Washing contaminated soil 60-meter-long quay wall. The project volume of 350,000 m3 to a depth long quay wall for a new Ro-Ro port. pushes up 15,000 to 25,000 m³ of sea-
from the Fox River in the US state includes dredging operations with a of -14 meters. water twice a day. ‘This dynamic in particu-
of Wisconsin. volume of 22,000 m3 and a range of Wilhelmshaven, Germany
lar was a major challenge on this project,’
civil-engineering works. Limburg, THE Netherlands START 1-8-17
Groningen, THE Netherlands START 1-6-17 DURATION 17 weeks
says Hans. ‘The difference between ebb and
START 4-4-17 Rotterdam, THE Netherlands DURATION 28 weeks FOR N-Ports Wilhelmshaven flood can be as much as 4.5 meters. During
DURATION 36 weeks START 8-5-17 FOR Rijkswaterstaat JOB Reconstruction work on the revet- spring tides, the flow rate of the river can
FOR Rijkswaterstaat DURATION 20 weeks JOB Repairing the noise barriers on ment of the slopes in the port: dred- be about 6 knots. That impacted not only
JOB Design and execution of major FOR Port Container Services the A2 and A76 motorways. ging, transportation and deposition
our dredging work but also how long it took
maintenance on road surface and JOB Revitalization of a container of 14,000 m3 of redundant material,
to get our colleagues to the project on time.
infrastructure on the A7 and A28 terminal with a surface area of ​​4.6 Terneuzen, THE Netherlands and the delivery and placement of
motorways. hectares. START 7-6-17 geotextile and 18,000 tons of rock The area on the banks of the Gironde is very
DURATION 48 weeks for scour protection. shallow and so the distances between the

Mumbai, India Szczecin-Swinoujscie, Poland FOR Rijkswaterstaat embarkation locations are 50 kilometers on
START 27-4-17 START 15-5-17 JOB Creation of a working area of ​​ Maasvlakte, THE Netherlands average. Our crew boat has a theoretical
DURATION 52 weeks DURATION 13 weeks approximately 2,000 m2, construction START 1-8-17
maximum speed of 20 knots but that drop-
FOR JNPT FOR Szczecin Maritime Office of a 200-meter-long quay wall and a DURATION 8 weeks
JOB Preparations in India’s largest JOB UXO survey in the 6-kilometer- 125-meter-long jetty. FOR Rotterdam Port Authority
ped to 14 knots when the current was in the
port, Jawaharlal Nehru Port, for long access channel and the Zbozowe JOB Raising a 30-hectare port area opposite direction.’ de l’Ouest in the Gironde estuary, where we
accommodating larger vessels. Quay turning basin. Cardiff, United Kingdom with sand from a nearby borrow dredged more than a million cubic meters
Deepening of the 35-kilometer-long START 8-6-17 area. Outside help in just under four weeks to maintain and
access channel, various turning basins Portsmouth-Plymouth, England DURATION 260 weeks
‘After our involvement in maintenance work deepen the channel from the Bay of Biscay
and berths. Boskalis is removing more START 31-5-17 FOR Cardiff County Council Harbour Drogheda, Ireland
in the past in ports such as Boulogne and to the estuary.’
than 40 million m3 of sand, silt, clay DURATION 208 weeks Authority START 28-8-17
and rocky ground, deploying a jumbo FOR DEOB JOB Maintenance dredging work in DURATION 156 weeks St. Malo, this was another successful acquisi-
trailing suction hopper dredger, a JOB Two-year maintenance contract the port and the entrance channel. FOR Drogheda Port Company tion of a project on the French market,’ says Precision job
jumbo cutter suction dredger and for dredging operations in Portsmouth JOB Maintenance work in the Boyne John Elsinga, regional manager Southern The survey work was particularly intensive.
a large backhoe. A later issue of and Devonport naval ports. Uusikaupunki, Finland River, the access channel and berths

Europe. ‘The French government usually has ‘A six-man-strong survey team conducted
Cohesion will focus on this project. START 18-6-17 in the port.
its own equipment for carrying out this sort surveys 24 hours a day from two survey
Egypt-Bahrain DURATION 23 weeks
Soyo, Angola START Q2, 2017 FOR Port of Uusikaupunki Offshore, United Kingdom
of dredging work, but the client, the Grand vessels,’ explains Hans. ‘The surveys were
START 30-4-17 DURATION 3 weeks JOB Extension of an existing quay START Q2-Q3, 2017 Port Maritime de Bordeaux, wanted outside time-consuming because we were only able
DURATION 260 weeks FOR Besix NV wall and positioning of steel bridge DURATION 12 weeks help to deepen the Gironde. Led by country to use single-beam equipment. The large The software we needed was developed
FOR Angola LNG JOB Transport of the jack-up barge structure. FOR various clients manager Jeroen Tazelaar, we put Boskalis amounts of silt in the Gironde make it impos- in-house and written specifically for this work.
JOB Maintenance contract for dred- Ignatios V from Ain Sukhna in Egypt JOB Cable repair work at the
back on the map.’ sible to generate any useful information with This digital registration system allowed us
ging operations in the Kwanda Base to Bahrain. Maasvlakte, THE Netherlands Rampion, Ormonde and London
The project office in Blaye ran the project multi-beam surveys.’ to prove with 100% certainty that the bed
for a period of five years, with an START 30-6-17 Array wind farms.
option for a one-year extension. Offshore, Germany DURATION 25 weeks with support from Atlantique Dragage To level the riverbed, the Yvonne W, a profile was exactly as agreed and that we
START Q2, 2017 FOR Kramer Group Offshore, Germany colleagues in Paris. The Gironde was former Stemat multicat, was fitted out with had dredged every point on the riverbed to
Hamina, Finland DURATION 8 weeks JOB Completion of a port area START Q2 / Q3, 2017 deepened by a meter over a distance of an A-frame and a 13-meter-wide plough exactly the right depth.’
START 1-5-17 FOR Nordic Yards measuring 6 ​​ ,000 m2. DURATION 6 weeks approximately 30 kilometers between weighing 20 tons. Hans describes the
DURATION 40 weeks JOB Air diving work from the FOR OWF Wikinger
April and August. ‘We worked in six project as a precision job: ‘The client
FOR Port of Hamina Kotka Constructor. Naantali, Finland JOB Saturation diving from the
JOB Construction of a quay wall for START 2-7-17 Constructor.
different zones and dredged about three imposed stringent requirements for the > For more information: send an email to
inland shipping. The project includes dril- DURATION 40 weeks million cubic meters of sand and silt. We registration of the dredged volumes. We also
ling for the installation of 76 steel piles, FOR Port of Naantali deployed the trailing suction hopper had to prove that the depth of the riverbed
01 E
the driving of 72 steel piles, dredging of JOB Extension of the jetty. The project dredgers Causeway and Eke Möbius, was right everywhere. In addition to the log The trailing suction hopper dredger Eke Möbius, one of the vessels in
a volume of 27,000 m3 and concrete consists of demolition work and the Strabag fleet, will get the Boskalis colors shortly and be renamed
which will soon be renamed the Medway,’ data from the suction heads of the hoppers, the Medway.
works with a volume of 3,500 m3. various civil-engineering structures.
continued on page 43 > says Hans. ‘The last section was the Passe we fitted the plough with an acoustic modem. 02 TRAILING SUCTION HOPPER DREDGER CAUSEWAY
18 19

sand motoR CentRal About 180 Boskalis colleagues and their families attended the annual Boskalis
Family Day on Saturday, 12 August, and joined the Boskalis Beach Cleanup Tour

on family day duRing organized by the North Sea Foundation. The participants cleaned approximately
four kilometers of the beach near Monster and the Sand Motor. Together, they

boskalis beaCH Cleanup collected more than 200 kilos of waste.

Protecting the Dutch coastline has traditionally taneously on 1 August at Schiermonnikoog from Rockanje to Oostvoorne on 10 August. communications advisor Sophie van Anrooij. huge Boskalis logo in the sand, and that was > For more information: send an email to
been one of the core Boskalis activities. So and Cadzand, and progressed from both ‘The youngest participants were helped to obviously a fantastic backdrop for a group
Boskalis sees clean seas and beaches as a directions before reaching the central point sand motoR build sandcastles and there was a workshop photo,’ says Sophie. The Family Day ended
social responsibility. That is why Boskalis has in Zandvoort on Tuesday, 15 August. A The Boskalis Family Day was two days with kites for the older children.’ One of the with a lunch for all the participants. The orga- > For a video about the Family Day 2017
been the main sponsor of the Beach Cleanup record number of 2,748 volunteers joined the later. A large group of colleagues and their highlights was the visit to the Sand Motor, nization arranged for bicycles so that every- go to:
Tour organized by the North Sea Foundation campaign this year, collecting 14,929 kilo- families were welcomed on the beach at with an explanation of how it was created, body could cycle back to the starting point.
since 2013. Just like last year, the campaign grams of waste. A group of colleagues repre- Monster. ‘We also wanted the Family Day to the role played by Boskalis, and Building with
lasted 14 days. The cleanup started simul- senting Young Boskalis took part in the stage be a surprising and educational activity,’ says Nature. ‘Professional sand sculptors made a

Colleagues fRom boskalis WestminsteR Clean up tHe beaCH on Hayling island beaCH Cleanup in abu dHabi gives team spiRit a boost
in early june, boskalis Westminster Borough Council. ‘We collected about fifteen during the execution of the igd-e helpful because working together created an
colleagues decided to clean up large bags of rubbish consisting mainly of project in abu dhabi, colleagues excellent team spirit at Boskalis, NPCC and
eastoke beach on Hayling island in packaging material, empty bottles, straws and on the project team decided to orga- GASCO. So it was a successful initiative in
the united kingdom. pieces of rope,’ says Laura. ‘It was a sunny, nize a number of beach cleanups. many ways!’
enjoyable day and I think that there will defini- both the client and the subcontractor
The cleanup was organized with the help of tely be a repeat event in the future.’ joined in.
local employees from Havant Borough > For more information: send an email to
Council. Eastoke Beach is a popular tourist The IGD-E project included the construction
destination in the immediate vicinity of > For more information: send an email to of a landfall in Ras al Qila. ‘The Boskalis
Boskalis Westminster’s office in Fareham. project team decided to clean up a number
‘Boskalis executed beach nourishment opera- of local beaches in Abu Dhabi. When our
tions earlier this year to strengthen the coast- Laura Hayward. The beach cleanup was client GASCO and our subcontractor NPCC SHE-Q engineer Ard van der Heide. ‘We
line and improve the quality of the beach for done by Boskalis colleagues and their fami- heard about the plan, colleagues from both removed a large amount of waste from
locals and tourists,’ says office manager lies, along with employees from Havant organizations offered to help,’ says senior the beach. The campaign was particularly
20 21


‘Boskalis is one of the participants in Port XL, an initiative aimed at accelerating start-ups in the
maritime sector. Port XL supports start-ups working on digitalizing the port of Rotterdam,’ says

Sander Steenbrink, corporate R&D manager. ‘One of the start-ups we support is
They offer digital solutions that can help us improve medical care on board our ships.’


Together with, among others, the Port of Rotterdam Authority, EY,

ECE, Vopak, Uniper, Van Oord, Rabobank, Thales and Innovation
Quarter, Boskalis took the initiative for PortXL in 2015. The City of
Rotterdam and Rotterdam The Hague Airport have signed up since.
‘The abbreviation XL stands for accelerator,’ explains Sander.
‘The intention is to create a kind of pressure-cooker environment
to make innovations in the field of transport and logistics, energy,
petrochemicals and the maritime sector viable as quickly as possible.
Promising start-ups receive the financial and organizational support
they need to develop and market their business model in a short
period of time.’
Sander points out that this involvement benefits all concerned. ‘The
start-ups give us something, too,’ he says. ‘The speed, the effective-
ness and the inventiveness of the start-ups are also inspiring for a
company like Boskalis. We can learn from each other and strengthen
each other.’ Sander is one of the mentors who are helping the selec-
ted start-ups with advice and assistance during the course of their
development. ‘A mentor’s help consists of transferring knowledge
and experience, and sharing networks. We also provide practical
support,’ he says. ‘An example is the start-up We
have given them the opportunity to run a trial on our trailing suction
hopper dredgers Strandway and Barent Zanen.’

Skills application
‘ is a digital application that improves medical care

01 02
on board at low cost,’ explain doctors Walther Boon and Remko
Huigen. ‘Our apps provide medical solutions that can be used when
there is no doctor nearby. So a captain can rest assured that he
can provide the best medical care, far away from home, for crew
members who fall ill,’ says Remko. ‘An additional advantage is that preparation and execution of medical procedures and after-care. a remote project location, this is definitely an asset,’ Ruud says. Augmented Reality app – for which we have also requested a patent
shipping companies and maritime employers can save on medical The instructions are based on the use of medical resources present ‘The Heart app is easy to use. If we hear from a doctor on shore that – designed specifically for medical care on board. It can be used by
costs and comply with international regulations and legislation for on board.’ we need to put in a drip, it’s nice to be able to use the instructions in a doctor onshore to watch what is happening and to provide instruc-
medical care.’The initiative developed as a result of Walther and the Skills app because these aren’t procedures that we do often.’ tions about ongoing medical procedures on board.’
Remko’s experience in their Emergency Control - Maritime Training Heart App
(ECMT) Training Center in Rotterdam, where they provide training in A second application is the Heart app. ‘This app consists of an easy- Offline as well
medical procedures every year for around 500 captains and to-use heart rate monitor and the accompanying software on ‘’s apps bring together medical knowledge, prac- > For more information: send an email to
officers from companies including Boskalis. ‘Our clients asked a tablet, which allows a captain or officer to make a hospital-quality tical nautical experience and IT knowledge,’ Walther says. ‘The or
for digital training materials to be made available on board. That electrocardiogram in a straightforward way,’ Remko says. ‘The result applications take into account the often limited bandwidth on board
led to an app with instructional movies and pictures which we is a PDF file that can be sent to a doctor on shore with one click for ships. They are suitable for Android and iOS platforms and they can
dubbed the Skills app,’ says Walther. The app shows the eighteen a fast diagnosis.’ also be used offline on laptops or tablets.’ The apps are available
most important medical procedures that a captain or officer has to Captain Wim de Rover and officer Ruud Cornelie tried out both in 45 languages​​. ‘The apps also provide an overview of important Captain Wim de Rover (left) listens to Dr. Walther Boon from

be able to perform, such as stitching a wound, introducing a drip, apps recently on the trailing suction hopper dredger Strandway and phone numbers for contacts with the Radio Medical Service and 02 S
The Port of Rotterdam Authority is setting up a new port area in the Princess Alexiahaven measuring ​​
or stabilizing a neck. Remko: ‘The Skills app provides captains or they see them as a useful addition to the mandatory medical training other practical information that may be urgently needed on board,’ 70 hectares. This will be the location for the Offshore Center, the hub for activities in the field of wind
energy at sea and the oil & gas market, such as the dismantling of oil and gas platforms. It is the first
officers with a step-by-step guide to the safe and professional that they complete every five years. ‘During a long crossing or at said Remko. ‘We hope to expand our services quickly with an project on which Boskalis used the new mega cutter Helios.
22 23

Helios named
The self-propelled mega cutter suction dredger Helios was named during a festive ceremony in the port
of rotterdam on July 1. The sponsor was Mrs Van der Veer, the spouse of Jeroen van der Veer, a member
of the Boskalis Supervisory Board. The Helios is the largest and most powerful cutter suction dredger

to tHe beat Boskalis has ever developed.

of tHe dRums

Mrs Van der Veer was accom-

panied by CEO Peter Berdowski
and Rob Cieremans, the captain
of the Helios. Sophie Klop, the
daughter of André Klop, who
was the project manager of the
Boskalis construction team, was
the sponsor’s flower girl.
The naming ceremony was
accompanied not only by loud
blasts from the ship’s horn of the
Helios, but also by a spectacular
drum show from Cesar Zuider-
wijk, the drummer of the Dutch
rock band Golden Earring, who
handed his drumsticks to Peter
Berdowski after his solo (see the
photo below).
After the ceremony, the Helios
left for the Maasvlakte for her
first job. In addition, the vessel
will in all probability go to Oman
to work on dredging operations
for the development of the port
of Duqm later this year (see page
11). Boskalis will launch the
Helios’ sister ship in the course
of 2020.

> For an impression of the

construction and of the
naming ceremony, see
24 25

With salvage operations in every corner of the world, SMIT Salvage has again confirmed its
status as a versatile global salvage specialist. ‘This is in line with our strategy, which is geared to

strengthening our global position by optimizing the deployment and exchanges of our international
salvage teams,’ says global operations manager Thijs van der Jagt. We look back at some notable
salvage operations.


01 03 04
Honduras the seaworthy yacht Bella Anna,’ says Thijs. work, the floating dock started to leak and and compartments, precautions to prevent
The car carrier Morning Claire ran aground ‘The yacht had fallen through the bottom of partially sank. As a result, the tanker’s holds environmental problems, extensive consulta-
near San Lorenzo, Honduras, in March. The a dry dock. Although it was listing slightly, filled up with water and the ship listed in tions with local authorities, the offloading of
vessel was on its way to several ports in there was no major damage. In order to lift the dock. ‘We spent six weeks working on some of the cargo, refloating the vessel with
Central America with a large cargo of cars the yacht as carefully as possible from the calculations and cost calculations in order three tugs and putting the cargo back on
from Korea and Japan. After several refloat dock, we mobilized the Taklift 7 and execu- to acquire the contract,’ says Thijs. ‘That board. ‘After four intensive weeks, the vessel
attempts had failed, SMIT Salvage was ted the lifting operation without a hitch.’ is something that happens more and more was returned to the owners,’ says Thijs, who
brought in to help. ‘We knew that there often in this economically difficult period.’ describes the project as ‘a great salvage
would be a high tide soon and so we Indonesia The salvage team managed to repair all job that, once again, more than adequately
had just enough time to mobilize the right The very large crude carrier Alex ran the holes in the hull and to pump out the demonstrated our craftmanship.’
equipment,’ says Thijs. ‘Our salvage team aground in the Java Sea in April. The tanker, holds. Even though the Hordafor was still
calculated the ground reaction, adjusted which is more than 330 meters long, was listing slightly, it was possible to refloat the
the ballast conditions and chartered a strong carrying more than 260,000 tons of crude vessel without touching the walls of the dock. > For more information: send an email to
tug locally. We managed to refloat the vessel oil. The ship was too firmly entrenched to After the salvage team berthed the tanker
without any difficulty.’ move away under its own steam. After the elsewhere in the port, they also managed to

salvage team had gone on board the tanker, refloat the eighty-year-old dock. ‘We comple-
Ecuador a detailed refloating plan was drafted and a ted this salvage operation on time and on
At about the same time, the ninety-meter- smaller tanker, the Cakra Patriot, was mobi- budget, and that is something to be proud
long multipurpose vessel Isla Bartolome ran lized and then moored alongside the Alex. of,’ says Thijs.
aground near Puna Island in Ecuador, listing ‘Our salvage team mobilized diving and ners, the salvage divers created a number of After a total of 60,000 tons of crude oil
about 40 degrees. SMIT Salvage set up pumping equipment from our support center holes in the ship’s hull so that pumps could had been transshipped, the Alex was light Greece
an international salvage team and went to in Houston and started on the transshipment be installed. After being refloated, the Isla enough to be pulled off by tugs. In early June, the 180-meter-long bulk carrier
work immediately on the mobilization and of a large number of containers. That meant Bartolome was returned to the owners. St. Gregory sailed at a speed of 13 knots
local chartering of the auxiliary equipment, climbing and clambering on the listing vessel, Poland straight onto the rocks near Kokkala in the
02 C
such as barges with anchors and the appro- which is why our salvage team had all Romania Repairs were being conducted on the Peloponnese. Together with our Greek part- The salvage team had all had rope access training. They
received assistance from a professional instructor during
priate crane. ‘There isn’t much equipment followed rope access training. They were all ‘An excellent example of synergy at Boskalis Hordafor V, an 80-meter-long Norwegian ner MegaTugs, the salvors of SMIT Salvage their work.

available in this area and that made this supervised during the work by a professional was a salvage operation in Romania when chemical tanker, in a floating dock in the drew up a salvage plan that consisted of, 03 THE TAKLIFT 7 LIFTS THE BELLA ANNA OUT OF THE DOCK

salvage operation challenging,’ says Thijs. instructor.’ After unloading most of the contai- we were called in by a shipyard to salvage Polish port of Gdynia in April. During the among other things, various repairs to tanks 04 THE BULK CARRIER ST. GREGORY IN GREECE
26 27

The Tangguh Extension Project in West Papua recently reached successful completion. The Magnor,
the largest Boskalis backhoe, was deployed to dredge a turning basin and an entrance channel for

a new LNG terminal. The project was in a location that was very difficult to reach. Boskalis opted
for a groundbreaking approach.


01 02
‘It took ‘We executed the Tangguh Extension Project compensated for by the gains in speed and civilized world. It took at least forty hours about which spare parts to take with us. the fact that we were contracted in mid-July
for our client CSTS, with BP Berau as the end certainty. A small local dredger had been to get to the location: first a flight to Jakarta, Another important aspect was the realization to do some extra work: the deepening of

at least client,’ says André van der Wiel, operations

manager of the Landfalls and Rockworks
working in an existing access channel since
2015 and it had done less dredging in a
then another flight to Makassar, followed by that replacing a sick colleague would lose us an existing channel and a turning basin.
smaller aeroplanes to Sorong and next Babo, a lot of time. Including the crews, the project That was about one month of extra work.’

forty hours discipline of the Offshore Energy division.

‘The CSTS consortium is led by the contrac-
year and a half than we can do with the
Magnor in a few days! Increasing the pace
and finally another half an hour with a small
boat to the location. Because the location
team consisted of some sixty colleagues.
So safe and, above all, healthy working
to get to ting company Tripatra and it also includes means that production from the gas field can was so difficult to reach, the client didn’t was more of a priority on this project than > For more information: send an email to

the project
Chiyoda, Saipem and Suluh Ardhi Engineering. start earlier. We mobilized the Magnor from want to run any risks at all with respect to ever.’ André adds: ‘Safety considerations or
CSTS is responsible for the construction of Colombia to Indonesia with the Dockwise the health of the people working there. So made it very important to fit out the Magnor

location.’ a new LNG facility, a new terminal and

various infrastructure works for the Tangguh
Teal. The clients were very impressed by the
equipment we used here and by how quickly
all our colleagues had to prove that they had
passed a medical. The check-ups were at the
with the Mooring Actuator. Our client BP was
very impressed with this innovation, which
andré van der wiel, operations manager
gas field near Papua Barat, Indonesia. Our we managed to get started,’ says Eric. ‘We Port Hospital in Rotterdam. All the medical we developed in-house to make manual
job was to make the new terminal accessible. worked a few hundred meters offshore in data were forwarded to a CSTS doctor who mooring with lines unnecessary. The Mooring
We used an unusual piece of equipment water that was actually too shallow for the consulted BP’s medical department if there Actuator maneuvered the barges alongside
for this location: the backhoe Magnor, in Magnor. The benefit for the client is that we were any doubts. People with even slightly the backhoe without a hitch and provided
combination with a range of push barges dredged the channel to a depth of one meter raised cholesterol or blood pressure weren’t a stable connection during the loading
chartered locally and Indonesian tugs that more than was required.’ allowed to work on the project.’ operation. Particularly on a project like
we converted into push boats. Given the this, where safety played a major role,
scope of the project, we could have done the Far from the inhabited world Risks an innovative system was an asset.’
job with smaller equipment but it would have ‘Executing a project in Indonesia involves Eric explains: ‘What made the job extra
taken much longer.’ complying with a large number of require- challenging was that we knew that it would Extra work
ments, both in terms of import procedures for be difficult to obtain spare parts in good ‘Partly thanks to the Mooring Actuator,
Impressed the equipment, and for the visas and work time in this remote location. Repairing the Magnor proved once again that
Works manager Eric de Troije explains why permits for our colleagues,’ continues André. or replacing something like a damaged it can operate very cost-effectively,’
this unorthodox approach was adopted: ‘In this case, we were working for an oil and propeller would have taken weeks and Eric points out. ‘We worked professionally,
‘Our regional manager Erik de Haas convin- gas client who had strict safety standards. endangered the continuity of the project. efficiently and safely on this project,
ced the client that the expense involved What made the project special was that the Project manager Raymond Yeung led the clearly demonstrating our value for our 01 part of the magnor CREW IN WEST PAPuA

in using the Magnor would be more than project location was so far away from the process of assessing the risks and deciding client, BP.’ André adds: ‘As shown by 02 ONE OF THE INDONESIAN BARGES APPROACHING THE MAGNOR
28 29


The Borssele Alpha export cable project is one of the largest projects being executed by VBMS. The actual
operation will start in September 2018, but preparations are already in full swing. Commercial manager

Pieter Wijnmaalen and project manager Hans Veth describe how the various disciplines of VBMS and
Boskalis strengthen each other.


Perfect coordination is vital in both the
preparatory and operational phases. Hans
explains: ‘The cables will be buried much
deeper than normal: there are a lot of shal-
low sections and we have to take shipping
traffic and strict permit requirements into
account. The challenge is to coordinate all
the activities perfectly. We are responsible
here for managing numerous aspects of
the work of VBMS and Boskalis, and this is
where all sorts of disciplines interact.’
In addition to cable-laying, the project
consists of tasks such as specialist dredging,
earthwork, upgrading dikes, surveying and
rock placement. The variety and numbers
of the vessels and equipment, not only from
VBMS but also from Boskalis, demonstrate
how complex the project is. ‘We are already

01 02 hard at work with a team of around twelve

colleagues from VBMS and Boskalis on
making all the calculations and applying
for the necessary permits,’ says Hans. Pieter
01 L OWERING OF THE BORSSELE SEA DIKE The client on the project is TenneT Nederland, in Borssele via the Western Scheldt estuary. cooperation with other market players that possible.’ Hans adds: ‘Another advantage adds: ‘And there are a lot of them, because
The landfall will require the temporary lowering of the Borssele
sea dike. If there is an unexpected storm, the sea defenses have with DONG Energy as the end client. The The cables consist of two aluminum and VBMS pursues,’ says Pieter. is that we were able to make sound agree- the cables have to go through an area
to be completely intact. The dike will have to be restored to its
original condition within 24 hours. project involves the laying of two 700 MW one copper component. Most of the operatio- ‘The cable manufacturer is an equal partner ments immediately with NKT about the cable where strict environmental regulations apply.
02 IMPRESSION OF THE NEW BSS3 TOOL export cables with a combined length of nal work will begin in September 2018. with us in this project. That helps to achieve specifications. These agreements ensure And another part of the route runs through
The BSS3 is being developed with a combined team in-house for
the simultaneous laying and burial of cables. 120 kilometers. They will link the Borssele 1 The project will be completed in February a good project result and it provides the that we can reduce the costs and risk for the the busy shipping lanes offshore Zeeland
03 SCHEMATIC DIAGRAM SHOWING THE FLOTATION PITS and 2 offshore wind farms to TenneT’s high- 2019. ‘We are executing this project in client with the assurance that neither party client, and that makes it more likely that the (NL). That means we need a sound plan that
Thanks to these maritime refuges, the equipment can stay in
position above the sandbank at low tide, and then continue voltage grid in the Netherlands. The cables a consortium with NKT Cables, and that can hide behind the other. It also makes client will call us in to execute other projects is coordinated with various authorities and
laying the cable with the BSS3 at high tide.
will be connected to the Dutch electricity grid is a good example of the strategic an integrated and cost-effective solution in the future.’ waterway managers. We are dealing with >


The nearshore installation of the cable through a sand- with a cutter tool. During the operation, the cable goes from the vessel back considerably on the amount of dredging we have to do. And it
bank in the Western Scheldt, the Spijkerplaat, will be through a dedicated item of equipment to the BSS3, which will be also means we can use the most suitable installation equipment. This
the most critical part of the Borssele Alpha project. This located on the floor of the Western Scheldt. The BSS3 uses the jet pipe part of the project depends vitally on the perfect coordination of the
sandbank rises to between 20 and 30 meters above to install the cable at the desired depth. In locations where there is not cable-laying and dredging work. As the first cable is being laid, we
the seabed and it can sometimes be above the water- only sand but also clay, the cutter will remove soil from directly in front have to start preparing for the second. That means preparation and
line at low tide. The cables will be buried to a depth of of the jet pipe. installation work have to take place at the same time.’
between 6 and 10 meters here. The landfall will also require the temporary lowering of the Borssele
flotation pits dike. There are additional requirements in this area as well: if there
The new BSS3 tool, which is now being developed in-house, will play ‘VBMS has opted for a method based on the application of what we is an unexpected storm, the sea defenses have to be completely

a crucial role. The BSS3 will be a dedicated tool for the simultaneous call flotation pits. We dredge specific areas where we can stay at low intact. ‘So we have to be able to restore the dike to its original shape
laying and burying of the cables. In blunt terms, it is an unusual sort tide with our equipment, floating above the sandbank, allowing us to within twenty-four hours and that requires quite a lot of coordination,’ FLOTATION PIT
of sledge that is fitted with a powerful jet pipe and pulled along by resume cable-laying again at high tide,’ Hans explains. explains Hans.
a ship. The BSS3 will be equipped not only with a jet pipe, but also ‘That means we are dependent on the tide, but this approach still cuts
30 31



The Aasta Hansteen project is one of the most wide-ranging operations being executed by the
Offshore Energy division. The project consists of three separate components. Phase 2, the transport
of the substructure for the SPAR-FPSO from South Korea to Norway by the Dockwise Vanguard, was
completed in June. ‘Phase 3 involves the transport of the topside of the FPSO with the White Marlin

04 followed by the dual float-over. That will be our biggest challenge,’ says project manager
Bas Polkamp. ‘An operation like this has never been executed on such an enormous scale before.’

numerous stakeholders and a wide range Trenchformer
of permit requirements, such as the environ- The Ndurance will be deployed on the
mental permit for the Natura 2000 area and
the permits for the temporary digging out of
PULLING OUT offshore work to lay the cables over a
distance of about 30 kilometers. ‘We will
the primary sea defenses.’ All that affects
the starting date for the various operations
ALL THE STOPS use the Trenchformer for the burying work,’
says Hans. ‘The cables will be protected by
but another important factor is the weather. TO STRENGTHEN a natural backfilling process. The final survey

‘Obviously, the weather conditions mean that and the definitive tests will follow at the end
the autumn and winter are not the ideal time of the project.’ Pieter: ‘This project really is
for laying cables,’ explains Hans. ‘We drew
up a schedule in the tender phase that takes
AS THE MARKET a demonstration of the synergy with Boskalis.
Thanks to Hydronamic’s expertise, we were
these factors into account, while guaran-
teeing that we will install and connect the
LEADER IN THE able to convince the client that we have the
knowledge required to interpret the different
cables on time.’ FIELD OF LAYING types of soil and the associated risks. If we
can perform this job to TenneT’s satisfaction,
Execution HIGH-VOLTAGE we will have a better chance of acquiring
Pieter: ‘The project consists of two parts:
the offshore and nearshore sections. In the CABLES AT SEA.’ other projects in the future. We are pulling
out all the stops to show what we can do
Pieter Wijnmaalen, commercial manager VBMS
offshore area, we have to work with sand and strengthen our position as the market
dunes; the nearshore area includes a difficult leader in the field of laying high-voltage
sandbank in the Western Scheldt. Both cables at sea.’
sections present their own specific challenges
but the nearshore area in particular (see
inset on page 28) requires the perfect coordi- begin in 2018 to make the route accessible
nation of different execution methods.’ Hans for the new BSS3 burying tool and later the
> For more information: send an email to or
explains: ‘We are starting by making the Trenchformer. 01 T RANSPORT OF THE SPAR-FPSO SUBSTRUCTURE ‘Everything involved in this project is compre- from the yard in Ulsan to a fjord between
preparations for the separate production and ‘In the shallow sections, we will be using hensive and complex,’ says Bas. ‘We have Stavanger and Bergen in Norway.’
installation of the cables. NKT is starting with the expertise and equipment of Boskalis been working with a large team for more
the detailed engineering for the cables and Nederland, including backhoe dredgers and than two years to prepare for the different Delay in construction
a test phase, which will take place this year, excavators,’ explains Hans. ‘In addition, we phases. Our first involvement in the project That transport went ahead later than planned
after which cable production can start.’ will be deploying several Boskalis trailing was the transport of the living quarters, due to delays in the construction process.
NKT is transporting the cables in separate suction hopper dredgers to lay the cable in which consist of eight floors. This module ‘The Vanguard arrived on schedule in South
sections by inland barges to Rotterdam, the navigation channel along the Zeeland was built in Schiedam in the Netherlands. Korea on 3 January, but it was 21 April
where the separate segments are being coast. The client has asked us to cover the We took it to the Hyundai yard in South before we managed to lift anchor again,’
welded together. The condition of the cables cable with rock in the section of the naviga- Korea with the Dockwise Swan in 2015, says Bas. ‘So we were waiting for more
is continuously monitored during that process. tion channel known as De Honte in order to where the module was positioned on the than a hundred days. Even after the sub-
Before operations start, extensive surveys prevent damage by, for example, anchors. topside,’ he explains. ‘The second phase structure had been moved onto the Vanguard,
will be completed to determine the current The fallpipe vessel Rockpiper will do the rock involved the recent horizontal transport of the rope access teams had to carry on
status of the seabed. The dredging work will placement work.’ the substructure by the Dockwise Vanguard working. They climb over the structure like >
32 33

complex challenge, we have been practicing approach and the engineering. We are now Arctic region in early 2018, and that
for some time now at the Maritime Research working on developing perfect operating promises to be a spectacular transport as
Institute Marin in Wageningen. We have procedures by practicing with unforeseen well. We hope that our Fairmount vessels
developed a real-time 3D simulation – with situations and unexpected operational issues will have a role to play. The contract for this
the entire configuration and all the external as well. The float-over as a whole has been offshore tow-out will be on the market next
conditions – to mimic the actual situation split up into small steps. We avoid safety month and it goes without saying that we will
as closely as possible. We made an exact risks by working step by step from one safe be doing our best to be involved.’
copy of the control cabin. This is where the situation to the next. As a result, even the
towmaster will be coordinating the operation worst possible weather conditions, such as
mountaineers to complete the final painting Dual float-over The supports have steel compartments and communications between the operatio- a storm that occurs only once every hundred
work and other jobs. We managed to draw ‘The installation is this complex because we covered with rubber. They serve as shock nal team, which includes the captains of the years, will not pose a threat to the success of > For more information: send an email to
up an agreement with the client that was fair can’t install the topside on the substructure absorbers that we can adapt in line with the four tugboats, the captains of the S-class the operation.’
to both sides to compensate for the lost time.’ from the White Marlin in a single operation. dynamics of the wind, weather, waves and vessels, the operations manager, the super-
‘That meant we needed to develop an inno- currents at the time of the operation. We intendents and the winch operators. We will Offshore tow-out > For a video about the loading of the
Final phase vative working method, a lengthy process position the two vessels on either side of the be practicing every last detail of the entire ‘In the weeks following the completion of substructure on board the Vanguard go to
When the Vanguard arrived in Norway, involving a large number of colleagues. White Marlin and raise them. At the same operation and all the associated communica- the dual float-over, other parties will further
the offloading operation was completed The solution involves the addition of an time, we submerge the White Marlin and tion protocols. And we have already learned complete the commissioning of the FPSO,’
within ten days. After the sea fastenings and intermediate phase, which allows us to sail it out. The result is a sort of catamaran a lot. On the basis of our 3D sessions, we explains Bas. ‘The entire complex will then
buoyancy tanks designed especially for this create the space needed to sail over the structure with the topside linking the two hulls. have even modified some of the initial be towed to the definitive location in the
transport had been removed, local operators substructure with the topside,’ explains Bas. Then we deploy a number of tugs, probably
towed the substructure to a safe, sheltered Calculations precise to within a centimeter including the Union Sapphire and the Union
location in the fjord. ‘The substructure was were made to check our approach and there Diamond, to position the topside exactly and
then moved into an upright position and have been discussions with the client that install it on the substructure.’
submerged to wait for the installation of have even involved looking at individual Aasta Hansteen is a gas field that Statoil opted to develop the world’s largest 50 meters and weighing 46,000 tons,
the topside,’ explains Bas. ‘This operation, nuts and bolts.’ 3D simulator Statoil discovered in 1997. It is spar platform. The Aasta Hansteen platform which was built and transported entirely in
which we refer to as the dual float-over, The dual float-over, which is also referred to ‘We expect this operation to generate a located in the Arctic section of the is a SPAR-FPSO (Floating Production Storage a horizontal position. Construction began in
will be the final phase and the absolute as a catamaran barge float-over, will involve lot of publicity for Boskalis,’ continues Bas. Norwegian Sea, where there is no and Offloading unit) consisting of a vertical 2014 at Hyundai Heavy Industries in Ulsan,
climax of the project.’ The dual float-over the deployment of S-class vessels: the Swift ‘Nobody has ever executed such a critical other platform. The water is 1,300 floating cylinder (the substructure) with a South Korea.
began recently with the load-out and the and the Teal. ‘Large steel carrier structures and large precision job with such enormous meters deep, and the currents and gigantic topside that houses the production
transport of the topside from South Korea are being installed on the topside in South structures. On top of all that, the installation weather are extremely turbulent. facilities and the accommodation.
to Norway on the White Marlin, which Korea,’ says Bas. ‘When the White Marlin work will be in a difficult season, with The topside is a conventional gas extraction
will take about 55 days. The dual float-over arrives with the topside in Norway, the two short days and a high probability of cold The gas is taken to land through a new pipe- plant weighing 25,000 tons. The substructure
itself will be in late October or the first week S-class vessels will come alongside with four and poor visibility due to fog and rain,’ line with a length of 482 kilometers known as is a colossal cylindrical buoy that is more
of November. giant supports for these structures. he says. ‘To maximize our grip on this the Polarled. In view of the extreme conditions, than 200 meters long, with a diameter of
34 35

Range of CHallenging
These are busy times for Boskalis Westminster, the Boskalis home market organization in the Uk.
‘Traditionally, our maintenance contracts have provided a stable basis for our company. In addition,

pRojeCts foR
we completed a number of projects successfully in 2016, and we are engaged in a range of
challenging jobs in 2017,’ says managing director Paul M. de Jong. An interview to discuss ongoing
matters and some of the larger projects in the United kingdom.

boskalis WestminsteR
in the new port area. The first phase of
the project involves the construction of
a commercial port. In phase 2, a new
marina will be built near the Dover prome-
nade. The land reclamation in the area of the
former marina, which will also acquire
a new commercial function, still has to be
tendered separately. We hope to execute
that project after we have finished the other
work. All in all, this is a complex job that
requires intensive coordination of the dred-
ging and civil-engineering work. We expect
to complete the project in March 2019.’

Boskalis Westminster is also at work in
Peterhead, Scotland, on the modernization
of the port. Is that a similar project?
‘In one sense it is, but this project is smaller.
In Peterhead, we are giving the fishing port
a makeover in a joint venture with the Irish
contractor McLaughlin & Harvey. We will
be building a new quay wall by drilling and
installing Ruukki piles in front of the small,
historical quay walls in place. We will also
be dredging approximately 120,000 m3

01 02 of rocky ground from the port with the

MP40 backhoe. The dredged material will
be used to create a new port area. Our
scope also includes the construction of the
bReXit sand and gRavel tRade supplying gravel to nourish British beaches. We used advanced survey technology in jetties for hovercrafts that are no longer used bank protection for this area using local
To get straight to the point: Brexit. Will a lot Maintenance work has traditionally been We have a fixed contract for supplying sand collaboration with Boskalis Hirdes. These and an outdated marina. The first phase of and imported rock. The difference in size
change for Boskalis Westminster if the United one of the mainstays of Boskalis Westminster. to a major concrete manufacturer in Liver- Sub-Tem surveys can also detect non-ferrous the process involves the construction of a between our enormous backhoe and the
Kingdom leaves the European Union? Can we expect a change of course in that pool and we also deliver raw materials to metals. The intensive survey work was quay wall measuring hundreds of meters to small fishing boats and the surrounding
‘To be honest, I think it will work out OK. respect? various construction companies. We will be a major challenge, but we managed to replace existing jetties and piers. We will be houses is a fascinating contrast.’
We did have a few problems with the ‘Definitely not. Our regular long-term main- focusing more strongly on activities like this complete this project to the full satisfaction of working from three large crane barges
mood of uncertainty at the time of the Brexit tenance projects in Cardiff, Drogheda and in the time to come.’ the client.’ to drive large piles into the bed to create
referendum. We took steps immediately Barrow, as well as in the ports of Plymouth a new pile wall. We are responsible for dred- > For more information: send an email to
to reduce the impact of the unpredictable and Portsmouth for the Royal Navy, are a poRtsmoutH doveR ging and processing about 1.2 million m3
pound sterling exchange rate. But as far as sound basis for our activities. We hope our A major recent project was the expansion of In the meantime, the Dover Western Docks of material from the port area. We will be
the more distant future is concerned: we maintenance contracts in the ports of Liver- the port of Portsmouth. Has that project been Revival project has also started. Is that deploying the trailing suction hopper dred-
are a UK company working in a UK market. pool and Harwich will be renewed soon. completed now? Boskalis Westminster’s most important gers Causeway and Barent Zanen, among
We depend to a large extent on investments The relevant tender procedures are under ‘We are busy dotting the i’s. We have project right now? other vessels, at various times in the process
made by the British government in coastal way at the moment. But we are also working deepened and widened the entrance ‘It certainly is. We are executing this project to bring in a total of 1.1 million m3 of sand
protection, and in maritime and infrastruc- on the expansion of our market by increa- channel, berths and the turning basin in in a joint venture with Volker Stevin, with from borrow areas nearby for the new quay
ture projects. The government has already sing our share in the sand and gravel trade. Portsmouth so that the port can accommo- whom we collaborate a lot. The project wall and the land reclamation operations in
developed various plans, and I am assuming In the past, we obtained various sand and date two new aircraft carriers. An important includes the redevelopment of the Western the area behind it. We have teamed up with
that the planned stimulation projects will go gravel concessions from the British govern- aspect of the project was the detection and Docks area. Our job is to fully modernize our colleagues from Cofra on this project 01 BOSKALIS AT WORK NEAR THE ‘WHITE CLIFFS OF DOVER’

ahead.’ ment, and we have a 25-year contract for removal of UXO (unexploded ordnance). this area, which consists of a cruise terminal, and they will be compacting the ground 02 OPERATION WITH THE MP40 IN PETERHEAD
36 37

king Willem aleXandeR RopaRun: ‘unfoRgettable,

visits maRkeR Wadden but muCH too little sleep!’
During a recent visit to the first island of the Marker Wadden, king Willem Alexander of the This year, a large team of colleagues took part for the fifth time in the roparun, a relay event organized
Netherlands was impressed not only by the progress made but also by the large numbers of to raise money for people with cancer. On this occasion, the team ran a distance of 560 kilometers from
pioneer birds that are already flourishing in the new nature area. Hamburg to rotterdam.

The king was on a visit to learn more about
the development of the Marker Wadden.
During a cruise and a walk across the first
island, which measures 250 hectares, he
spoke with representatives from the Dutch
Society for the Preservation of Nature
(Natuurmonumenten), researchers and
colleagues from Boskalis.
‘The island is less than a year old, but we
have already counted 2,000 breeding pairs
of pioneer birds such as the common tern
and the avocet. Birds like the little ringed
plover and the black-headed gull are already building WitH silt be used for leisure activities. ‘So we will be
pioneering,’ explains forester Ruben Kluit The king also talked to some colleagues building a nature port, footpaths, hides for
from Natuurmonumenten. ‘Pioneer species about their work and experiences with the bird-watching and a lookout tower,’ he says.
only need a hollow in the sand where they construction of the islands. During his tour, Boskalis will be at work until 2020 on the
can keep their eggs. They feel safe on the he was brought up-to-date with the research completion of the remaining four islands.
Marker Wadden: there are no people and program that will be conducted on the There were 321 teams this year and together Together, we delivered a great sporting than 20,000 euros for charity and I’m proud
no land predators, and they can see birds of Marker Wadden in the years to come. The they collected more than 5 million euros. achievement.’ Paula sums up her memories to have played a part!’
prey from a distance. But the islands will look program will focus on nature restoration ‘All the runners in our team ran about 65 kilo- of the Roparun in a few words: ‘I ran almost
very different in a few years from now. There and experience with one of the unique meters, more than one and a half marathons. 80 kilometers and slept far too little. But
will be marshes, reeds and more vegetation. aspects of the construction of the Marker The group also included cyclists and a large there were unforgettable moments: drum > For more information: send an email to
The pioneer birds will probably be replaced Wadden: building with silt. Roel Posthoorn, support team with drivers, minders, caterers solos at sunset, a polonaise at night to music
by marsh birds looking for shelter that need the project director for the Marker Wadden and route scouts,’ says contract coordinator from Dutch singer Guus Meeuwis, a follow-
other things from their surroundings. The from Natuurmonumenten, told the king that 01 AERIAL VIEW OF THE MARKER WADDEN Paula Ockeloen. up course in Brabant dialect for Beginners
species in place change with the nature,’ birds in particular benefit from the islands in 02 KING WILLEM ALEXANDER (RIGHT) DURING THE VISIT ‘The Roparun was an unforgettable expe- and encouragement from thousands
On the left: colleague Bart van Asperen, Marker Wadden
says Ruben. the Markermeer lake, but the area will also project leader. (Photo: Jiri Buller) rience. The feeling of togetherness is unique. of people. Team Boskalis collected more
38 39

‘Our company owns a large amount of equipment and ancillaries at all sorts of storage locations
worldwide, but not everyone knows what equipment is available. So we sometimes end up chartering

or buying equipment that we already have in store or that is available for charter inside the organization.
The Equipment Portal provides an overview for everyone of both large marine equipment and smaller
‘dry’ equipment of Boskalis. That saves time and money,’ says Wim Hokken, fleet manager backhoes

EQUIPMENT PORTAL and the man behind the initiative.

what Boskalis has in store. But in recent

years, in part as a result of the integration ’THE MAKASSAR AND DUQM
with SMIT, Dockwise, Stemat, VBMS and
Strabag Wasserbau, a lot of equipment
has been added to the range.’ Annette:
‘Worldwide, Boskalis has dozens of storage
locations, all with their own managers and PACKING FOR PIPELINES AND
own registration systems. In addition to the
fourteen different Boskalis locations in the
Netherlands, there are storage locations in
Ras Al Khaimah (UAE), Singapore, Cape
Town (South Africa), Mexico, Batam (Indo-
nesia) and Panama. And the home markets
in Germany, Finland, the UK and Nigeria THAT ALONE REPRESENTS
also have their own equipment. So a lot of
colleagues thought it was time for a central A SAVING OF MANY
registration system and a single search
engine. The Equipment Portal allows every THOUSANDS OF EUROS.’
colleague to check whether Boskalis has a
particular item of equipment. It is then possi-
ble to get in touch with the relevant manager
to find out where the equipment is and to The practical value of the Equipment Portal Colleague involved in preparing or
discuss planning.’ has already been proven on a range executing a project are automatically
of projects. As part of the launch of the linked to the Equipment Portal by the new
Proven practicality Equipment Portal, several large storage Boskalis Way of Working (see page 6).
With technical support from colleagues in locations have been cleared up recently. Steps are being taken to see whether the

the IT department, Wim and Annette started ‘That revealed the existence of quite a bit of Equipment Portal can also be linked to the
with the development of the portal in the “forgotten” equipment,’ says Wim. internal search platform
Office 365 environment late last year. It ‘The Makassar and Duqm projects are now
was decided to adopt a clear tree structure using containers full of new packing for
01 A NNETTE BARENDREGT AND WIM HOKKEN ‘In line with the Boskalis “house in order” equipment is often expensive, and it may with different search functions. With help pipelines, and pallets with thousands of > The Equipment Portal can be found at
‘It’s a lot of work, but it pays for itself several times over.’
philosophy, we are making a major step be possible to use it on other projects. But from colleagues in different business units, nuts and bolts purchased for other projects. Click on
forward with the Equipment Portal,’ says it has to be easy to find.’ Annette adds: Annette has since added thousands of items That alone represents a saving of many the Equipment Portal icon.
Wim. He launched the platform late last ‘Until now, a tender or project team that of equipment, together with photos and thousands of euros.’
year with mechanical engineer Annette needed a particular type of plow wouldn’t technical descriptions, often in the form of > For more information: send an email to
Barendregt. ‘The main focus at Boskalis is know that the equipment they needed had existing equipment sheets, to the database. Way of Working or
on project execution. On some projects, we already been bought for a previous project. ‘We do this alongside our regular work. ‘We hope we can make clear agreements
buy dedicated equipment for particular tasks: The Equipment Portal will make sure that So we have made considerable progress about the registration of equipment that
winches, for example, or power packs, but equipment isn’t purchased or chartered but there are still quite a lot of items to be comes back from a completed project,’
also special suction heads, grabs, pontoons when Boskalis already has it available.’ added in the time to come,’ she says. concludes Annette. ‘This project can only
or plows. And there are times when we Wim: ‘We think that there are about succeed if everyone is willing to make
even build specific items of equipment for Extensive range 100,000 different pieces of equipment in equipment from previous projects available
a project in-house,’ explains Wim. ‘Usually, ‘Boskalis has a large number of disciplines about 120 product groups, ranging from for their colleagues. It goes without saying
the costs are paid from the project budget. with their own equipment, own mana- large units such as vessels, barges and that the Equipment Portal can only remain
And once a project is completed, the orga- gers, own administrative systems and own excavators to smaller ancillary equipment up to date and reliable if all the necessary
nization focuses on the next job. In the past, schedules,’ Wim continues. ‘Many project such as anchors, boosters and pick points. information is added and updated in a clear
there have been no set procedures for what managers, superintendents and colleagues It’s a lot of work, but it pays for itself several and disciplined way by all the different
happens with the purchased equipment. That at DTED know from experience more or less times over.’ managers of the equipment.’
40 41

inspiRing ‘College touR’ ‘ConveRsion of bokalift i

oRganized by young boskalis pRoCeeding smootHly’
Young Boskalis recently organized a ‘College Tour’ event for the second time. Board of Management The conversion of the Dockwise Finesse to a transport and installation crane vessel is in full swing.
member Theo Baartmans was in the spotlight, following on from CEO Peter Berdowski last time The new vessel will be called Bokalift I and will also be used for decommissioning work. ‘We expect
round. It was an evening with plenty of tough questions and candid answers. the Bokalift I to go into service early next year,’ says Jurjen Haitsma.

children and with younger colleagues from

Boskalis. ‘Doing something good for the
world was much less important then than
now, for me too,’ he said. ‘The social and
environmental impact of our work requires
creative and innovative solutions, and that is
what makes this work so exciting.’
He responded to questions about time
management and being bold when it comes
to difficult decisions. He was open about his
views on rapidly-changing market develop-
ments, the global energy transition, and the
consequences for Boskalis’ internal organi-
zation and strategy. Theo also discussed
the differences between the different genera-

tions and the specific challenges facing the
younger generations. ‘Young Boskalis can
look back on an interactive, informal and
01 02
enjoyable evening,’ says a happy Lieuwe.
The veseel will be fitted out with a large, the installation of wind turbine foundations.
The College Tour was in the Kunstmin Theatre submitted questions focusing on three key
rotating mast crane with a lifting capacity of ‘That will certainly be one of the main activi-
in Dordrecht. ‘Christian Schütte from AMI themes: personal leadership, organizational
3,000 tons, dynamic positioning (DP2) and ties of the Bokalift I,’ says Jurjen.
Consultants was the host and interviewer. developments and general management > For more information: send an email to
accommodation for up to 150 people.
However, as in the TV program, we wanted issues.
Jurjen works as a project manager in the
to give as many colleagues from Young On the basis of photos from his early life
Central Fleet Support department and he > For more information: send an email to
Boskalis the opportunity to put questions to and personal stories, Theo gave a candid
is responsible for the large-scale conversion or
Theo,’ says the Young Boskalis chair Lieuwe description of his personal development and
and installation of the heavy crane.
Gietema. Before the evening began, the the choices he has made during his career. 01 SELFIE
At the end of the College Tour, Theo Baartmans made a selfie ‘The project is proceeding smoothly. We
participants, who numbered more than fifty, He talked about discussions with his adult with all the participants from Young Boskalis.

are working on two fronts at the moment,’
he says. ‘The crane is being built at the
Huisman yard in Xiamen, China. At the
boskalis Continues to WoRk suCCessfully on sustainability same time, the modifications to the vessel
boskalis is active in offshore wind by BREEAM In Use: Asset, Management and Efficiency Directive (EED) obligation that are being made at the Keppel yard in room and the new accommodation. A multi-
energy, delivering an important contri- Use. In the second half of 2016, Boskalis European regulations impose on all large Singapore.’ disciplinary team led by Rob van der Meer
bution to making energy supplies more initiated a study to determine whether it is companies. The EED requires all companies A new engine room has been added to drive is supervising the operations in the yard.
sustainable, for example by building desirable and feasible to move on to a ‘Very to be carbon neutral by 2050. To achieve the four azimuth thrusters for the DP2 system Gerben Swan and Edwin Nickerson, the
wind farms and laying cables. sustai- Good’ (3 stars) rating. After the completion this goal, Boskalis aims to reduce energy and the heavy crane. ‘We have installed new captains of the ship, have also been
nability and energy economies are an of this study, certification was successfully consumption in all Dutch offices by at least two Bergen diesel engines from Rolls Royce involved in the construction process for
important goal, not just at sea but also upgraded to three stars in February. Boskalis 2%. The goals and activities initiated by the which are being synchronized with the some time now, together with several crew
in our offices. the initiatives in this area is the only company in the Netherlands that Energy Management project have made Wärtsilä engines in place,’ Jurjen explains. members. In September, the Bokalift I will
include bReeam in use certification, has been able to achieve this upgrade for a significant contribution to the successful ‘From March to June, we were in dock at the sail under its own steam to Xiamen, where
which specifically targets the boskalis all three areas within one year for existing upgrading of our BREEAM certification. The Keppel yard to prepare for the installation the new crane will be installed. ‘We think
head offices, and the energy manage- buildings. two systems are complementary and, toge- of the thrusters and the heavy foundation for that the Bokalift I will be sailing around the
ment project. ther, they contribute to a more sustainable the crane.’ Cape of Good Hope in November before
eneRgy management pRojeCt Boskalis. arriving in Europe around the new year,’
The first results of the sustainability certifi- In parallel with its BREEAM campaign, main aCtivities says Jurjen. In all probability, the Bokalift I
cation BREEAM In Use were achieved in Boskalis launched the Energy Management The Bokalift I is now moored alongside the will be deployed on a project in the UK star- 01 ARTIST’S IMPRESSION OF THE BOKALIFT I

2016. Boskalis was awarded the rating project. This project is intended to save > For more information: send an email to quay in the yard, where work is proceeding ting in February 2018, after which the ship 02 THE 3,000-TON CRANE UNDER CONSTRUCTION IN CHINA

‘Good’ (2 stars) for the three areas covered energy in order to comply with the Energy apace on the completion of the engine can be deployed on various projects such as 03 THE BOKALIFT I AT THE QUAY IN SINGAPORE
42 43

SMIT SALVAGE SITE AS colophon Acquired

BACKDROP FOR MAJOR cohesion is the staff magazine of continued
ANTI-TERRORIST EXERCISE royal boskalis westminster n.v.
and is published three times a year

Offshore, United Kingdom Offshore, Denmark
IN english and dutch START Q2 / Q3, 2017 START Q3, 2017
DURATION 15 weeks DURATION 2 weeks
suggestions? FOR DONG Energy FOR Maersk O&G

The SMIT Salvage quay and warehouse in the Waalhaven in Rotterdam were the backdrop for Corporate Communications Department JOB ROV operations and removal JOB Construction and installation
of UXO, working from EDT Protea work by air divers working from EDT
Port Defender Rotterdam, a major anti-terrorist exercise involving a range of Rotterdam emergency Rosmolenweg 20
and Smit Kamara for the Hornsea Protea.
PO Box 43
services, the Dutch Navy and the Marine Corps. wind farm.
3350 AA Papendrecht, The Netherlands Offshore, THE Netherlands
T +31 78 69 69 310 Amsterdam, THE Netherlands START Q3, 2017

e-mail START 1-9-17 DURATION 4 weeks

DURATION 61 weeks FOR Shell
Port Defender Rotterdam was being organi-
FOR City of Amsterdam JOB Installation work on pipelines and
zed this year for the second time. The Dutch
JOB Delivery and deposition of risers by air divers working from DSV
Royal Navy, the Special Interventions Service pre-loading on Zeeburger Island. Constructor.
(DSI), the Port of Rotterdam Authority, the
Rotterdam Police and the Rotterdam-Rijnmond Loviisa, Finland Offshore, Oman

Security Region trained together to ensure START 3-9-17 START Q3, 2017
DURATION 12 weeks DURATION 6 weeks
that they can respond quickly and effectively
FOR ValkonHalliOy FOR DNO
to any urgent incidents involving an acute
JOB Construction of a ship dock JOB Construction and installation work
terrorist threat. This year, the drill consisted involving various civil-engineering by air divers working from the MMA
of several integrated scenarios, giving the activities. Prestige.
participants the opportunity to work on
Amsterdam, THE Netherlands Offshore, Norway
coordination as well as their own individual
START 1-11-17 START Q1, 2018
skills. The DSI had to liberate a vessel with

DURATION 52 weeks DURATION 5 weeks
explosives on board hijacked by terrorists, FOR Amsterdam Engineering Office FOR Statoil
while navy divers, marines from the Marine JOB Design and realization of an JOB Heavy lift work with the Asian
Advanced Search Team and military experts architecturally-designed bridge with Hercules III for the installation of new
from the maritime bomb disposal service steel foundation and associated work. spuds for the jack-up vessel Haven.

were required to find discarded firearms and

Veracruz, Mexico Offshore, United Kingdom
search for explosives. The quays and the hulls
START 1-11-17 START Q2, 2018
of vessels below the waterline were inspected DURATION 24 weeks DURATION 16 weeks
during pre-bomb checks. The Nautical Mobile FOR Icave FOR DONG Energy
Unit was deployed to put an end to a protest JOB Dredging and reclamation work JOB Installation and burial of three

that had got out of control, while the Regional with a volume of 6 million m3. export cables measuring 33 kilome-
ters for the Hornsea wind farm.
Medical Assistance Organization dealt with
Brazil - India
casualties. The scenario required the terrorist START Q3, 2017 Offshore, Baltic Sea
suspects to be arrested in the SMIT Salvage DURATION 9 weeks START Q2, 2018
warehouse, where a realistic operation was FOR Queiroz Galvão Óleo e Gás DURATION 60 weeks

simulated. The exercise also included the JOB Transport of the Olinda Star FOR Nord Stream 2
platform from Rio de Janeiro to JOB Rock placement work to protect
recapture of a tug by the DSI marines. The the two Nord Stream 2 pipelines.
Kakinada, India.
ZP Chalone, one of Kotug Smit’s harbor tugs
was used for this action. USA - Nigeria
START Q3, 2017
DURATION 6 weeks
FOR Dewayles International
JOB Transport of two liftboats from
New Orleans to Bonny, Nigeria.

Offshore, Germany
START Q3, 2017
DURATION 8 weeks
FOR OWF Veja Mate
JOB Construction and repair work
01 O
QUAYSIDE involving the use of an ROV on the

Veja Mate wind farm.



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