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2009, 30, 83–98




Silesian University of Technology, Institute of Power Engineering

and Turbomachinery, ul. Konarskiego 18, 44-100 Gliwice, Poland

Pulverizing tests of hard coal with addition of wood biomass in order to identify the phenomena ac-
companying co-milling processes and evaluation of their influence on the operation of an experimental
ring-ball mill are described. The method and results of co-milling of hard coal with 8% and 16% addition
of pine sawdust at moisture contents 18% and 43% have been presented and compared with industrial

Badano proces mielenia węgla z dodatkiem trocin drzewnych w celu identyfikacji zjawisk towarzy-
szących współmieleniu oraz oceny ich wpływu na pracę młyna pierścieniowo-kulowego o skali półtech-
nicznej. Opisano metodę oraz wyniki badań mielenia węgla z 8% i 16% dodatkiem trocin sosnowych
o wilgotności 18% i 43% oraz porównano je z rezultatami przemysłowymi.


Reports on investigations concerning pulverization of biomass are rare and mostly

concern milling of straws [11], seeds [9], and wood biomasses [4], [16] in knife and
hammer mills. The results concerning co-milling in vertical spindle coal mills [10]
indicate limiting share of biomass in the fuel for around 10 wt. %. This is related to
accommodation limits of pulverizing installation for a material demonstrating diamet-
rically different properties than the hard coal.
The co-milling of wood sawdust and chips (by high moisture content up to 50%),
straws, rape pomace, etc., is practised in Polish power boilers. The analysis of mill
operation under co-milling of biomass and coal [20] indicates a limiting share of bio-

mass in fuel, above which the operating conditions of installation undergo consider-
able deterioration. Limitations occur in the fuel feed system and in the pulverizers,



which are originally not designed for other nominal fuel than the hard coal. Depending
on the construction of pulverized fuel boiler and the capacity of the coal-milling plant
(mills), the share of biomass in the fuel fluctuates within the limits 5–20 wt. % in do-
mestic ring-ball mills.
A high-energy demand for pulverization is a drawback for most of the biomass re-
sources whose composition is based on lignocellulose fibres forming tough and elastic
substances (wood, straw, etc.), difficult in grinding. The energy consumption reported
for pulverizing lignocellulose biomasses is much higher (between 20 and 150 kWh/t)
than those for pulverizing coal (between 7 and 36 kWh/t) [4], even when considering
that in most cases the final particle size is much finer for coal than for biomass.
The particle size distribution that is standardized for pulverized coal has not been
clearly defined for the pulverized biomass. In general, pilot burners for wood powder
require particle sizes below 1.0 mm [5], [8], while the particle sizes used for coal are
usually below 0.1 mm [1], [5]. The small particle sizes of pulverized coal allow com-
plete burnout after approximately half a second of a residence time in a furnace. Bio-
mass particles with sizes below 1.0 mm [8] demonstrate similar burnout time and this
is the reason for considering the so-called finely ground biomass as a pulverized feed-
stock. The fineness of pulverized coal depends on the volatile matter content in the
fuel and the design of furnace chamber. Currently in Polish power generation industry,
the general recommendations for the pulverized hard coal are specified as approximately
2 wt. % residue at the 0.20 mm mesh (R0.20 ≈ 2%) and between 20 and 30 wt. % residue at
the 0.09 mm mesh (R0.09 = 20–30%). These quantities are related to and depend on the
type of pulverizer, separator and operating conditions.


Conventional coal mills break up hard coal by a brittle fracture mechanism. A vast
majority of biomasses have weak grinding properties (grindabilities) and resemble
more plastic materials than brittle ones. Dry biomass demonstrates better grinding
properties due to an abrasive wear mainly. However, additional drying requires more
time in the pulverizer and in view of the fact that majority of renewable fuels demon-
strate high moisture content and part of water can be chemically combined. Such
a property of biomass can boost the circulation ratio of material in a mill. As a rule, an
enlargement of circulation causes a growth of thickness of the layer under balls that, in
turn, produces an increase of the rolling resistance of balls accompanied with increas-

ing power consumption for grinding. The grinding effect, defined as an increase of the
mill product from the unit of circulating material (on a weight basis) [14] decreases

along with the growth of the layer thickness. These phenomena and dependences re-
sult in a decrease of potential pulverization capacity of a grinding unit. A boost of the

concentration of particles inside separation areas (over the pressure ring and in the
Co-milling of wood biomass 85

cyclone) deteriorates the efficiency of separation process [18] that subsequently leads
to an increase in the particle size of the mill product.
Different physical properties of pulverized biomass in comparison with pulverized
coal (particle densities of biomass ρb ≈ 600 kg/m3 in contrast to hard coal
ρc ≈ 1400 kg/m3 or particle shape differences, e.g. coal particles resemble spheres
while wood particles are rather elongated), cause a growth in the flow capacity of
separator for thicker particles [19] that results in a deterioration of the mill product.
The circulation ratio of ground material falls in this case.
Generally, the resistance of flow increases along with the circulation of ground
material, thus it requires higher gas pressure before the pulverizer. Greater airflow
(ventilation) or its temperature is also needed for drying wet wood biomass. Both fac-
tors cause a growth in the energy requirement for drying and transporting of fuel mix-
ture. Summarizing, a decrease of the grindability and density of fuel blend, as well as
a growth of its moisture content can cause:
• drop of pulverizer capacity,
• growth of pulverizer power consumption,
• growth in the energy demand for drying and transporting of fuel,
• increase in the particle sizes of mill product.



The experimental mill used for the study generally realizes the same process as an
industrial mill. The fundamental quantities characterizing mill operation (without tak-
ing into account the wear of grinding elements) are [13]:
• maximum efficiency at a given particle size distribution of the mill product Bm,
• specific energy consumption required for pulverizing em,
• differential pressure of the mill ∆pm,
• flow of the drying and transporting gas (ventilation) V.
Quantities that facilitate the analysis of mill operation are:
• thickness of the layer of material to be ground under balls fk,
• pressure drop resulting from the presence of solid phase in the milling chamber ∆ps.
The impact pressure of the mill fan and the ventilation characterize the energy
demand for pneumatic conveying. The specific energy consumption for pulverizing

fuel is a fundamental comparative criterion of the efficiency of milling process in

a given mill design.

A significant quantity concerning mill operation is the circulation of the ground

material on its way from the grinding chamber to the sifter. Its relative measure may

be considered to be the pressure drop due to the concentration of ground material


along the section between the air-gap and the upper part of the grinding chamber (be-
yond the pressure ring). The resistance caused by the presence of the solid phase (the
so-called filling resistance or hold-up of the chamber) ∆ps has been calculated based
on the equation
∆ps = ∆pk − ∆pk,g (1)

where: ∆pk – total pressure drop in the grinding chamber, ∆pk,g – pressure drop brought
about by the gas flow alone. The pressure drop of gas in mill chamber (in the air gap)
∆pk,g can be estimated based on the local resistance coefficient of the circumferential
The particles size distribution of the mill product describes the Rosin–Rammler
–Sperling–Bennet (RRSB) law:
 x 
Rx = 100exp  −  (2)
 xm 
where: xm – characteristic size of a particle corresponding to the sieve residue (with the
mesh dimension of xm) equal to Rxm = 36.8%, n – evenness (uniformity) parameter of
the mill product.
The maximum efficiency of mill Bm is considered to be the stream of supplied coal
who is characterized by the highest content of the finest class of particles (e.g., the particle
class passing through a 0.09 mm mesh – D0.09 = 100 – R0.09) at given operating conditions.
A procedure for determination of this efficiency has been described in [13].
The yields of experimental mill have been determined at the same separator char-
acteristics in order to keep approximately the same effect of separation on the process.
For given design features (geometry and position of sifter vanes), the characteristics of
the flow capacity of a sifter (separator efficiency) depend mainly on the flow of the
carrier gas and on the concentration of particles in the gas in a smaller degree. There-
fore, the measurements were approximately executed at the same ventilation
(V ≈ idem).
Practically the particle sizes in domestic pulverized-coal boilers are kept below
0.2 mm. Hence, the requirement for the pulverized coal is set as 1 wt. % residue at the
0.20 mm mesh (R0.20 = 1%). This corresponds to around 20 wt. % residue (80% pass-
ing) at the 0.09 mm mesh for the pulverized coal from the experimental mill (Fig. 4).
For a consistent estimation of the fineness of the product at feeding coal and coal-
biomass mixture, it was necessary to establish criteria for their comparison. For that

reason, an indicator for pulverized coal (the sieve residue at the 0.2 mm mesh
– R0.20 ≈ 1%) has been accepted for coal particles incorporated in the pulverized coal-

wood mixture. This requires separation of both pulverized fuel components. Similarly
based on the reported literature, for wood particles it can be the sieve residue at the

1.0 mm mesh – R1.0 ≤ 5% [4].

Co-milling of wood biomass 87

Consequently, the specification for the mill product from the coal-biomass mix-
ture is set as 5 wt. % residue at the 1.0 mm mesh (R1.0 = 5%) and around 1 wt. % resi-
due at the 0.20 mm mesh for coal particles only (R0.20c ≈ 1%) after separating biomass
particles. The residue for coal particles is estimated as R0.20c = (R0.20 – ∆R0.20)/(1 – Ub),
where R0.20 and ∆R0.20 are the total residue at the 0.20 mm mesh for pulverized blend
and the loss of this sample residue due to separation of biomass particles in water and
subsequent dehumidification, respectively.


The measurements have been conducted with use of the plant with an experimental
ball-ring mill. Its grinding unit contained ten 0.1 m diameter balls co-operating with
a symmetrical crushing ring with a pitch diameter of DP = 0.165 m. In the course of meas-
urements, the nominal values of the thrust P = 9.6 kN and the angular velocity
ω = 10.5 1/s were applied. The mill output may reach values of approximately 0.1 kg/s, at
the sieve residues R0.09 ≈ 20% and R0.20 ≈ 1% by pulverization of hard coal.

Fig. 1. Scheme of test installation and measurement points: 1 – test mill,2 – mill motor,
3 – coal container, 4 – spiral feeder, 5 – cyclone,6 – fabric filter,7 – tanks of pulverized fuel,
8 – pipes of gas-fuel mixture, 9 – sampling points. Measuring points: p, t, fk – static pressure,

temperature, thickness of layer under balls, B, Bp, V – streams of fuel, pulverized fuel and hot air,
ap, am – samples of pulverized fuel, ground material from mill chamber, N – power consumption

The fuel stream B (the production capacity of mill 1, see Fig. 1) is determined
based on the mass of mill product separated in cyclone 5 and in filters 6 within known

time and application of the mass balance for fuel and moisture.

The actual stream of mill product separated in the cyclone is determined based on
the sample mass collected in the utensil 9 within known sampling time. During sam-
pling, the whole mass of pulverized fuel from cyclone 5 is directed into the utensil,
instead into the tank 7. The samples undergo sieve and moisture analysis.
Particle size distributions (Fig. 5) of fuel and mill product are characterized by the
sieve residues: R0.06, R0.09, R0.12, R0.20, R0.50, R1.0, R2.0 and R5.0 (by weight)..


The characteristics of applicable fuel during tests are presented in Table 1. The
Hardgrove index (HGI) defines the grindability of fuels utilising a brittle fracture
mechanism. From the Hardgrove values in relation to the fraction of the cedar wood in
the fuel blend it results [17] that the HGI index lowers from 49 (for coal only) down to
39 by biomass thermal share around 2.5%. This means a decrease in the mill capacity
of about 15%.

Table 1. Fuel characteristics

Parameter Coal Sawdust

Moisture content, Wt , % 7.6 18–43
Hygroscopic moisture, Wh, % 3.5 12.4
Ash content, Ar, % 24.5 2.0–1.6
Net calorific value, Qir , MJ/kg 21.5 16.9–10.3
Grindability, HGI, °H 65 –
Bulk density, ρc(b), kg/m3 830–850 165–250

A qualitative evaluation of the grindability of pine sawdust has been carried out.
As density of sawdust is low, the evaluation employed samples of about 25 g for tests
in the Hardgrove mill (instead of 50 g). The mesh fractions plus (the residues) R0.075
and mesh fractions minus (the passing) D0.075 at the 0.075 mm mesh are presented in
Table 2.

Table 2. Grindability of fuels

Coal +10% Coal +20%

Parameter Coal Sawdust
sawdust sawdust

Hygroscopic moisture, Wh, % 3.5 13.0 – –

Mesh fractions plus (and minus) 76.1 98.7 88.7 92.3
at the 0.075 mm mesh, R0.075 (D0.075) (23.9) (1.3) (11.3) (7.7)

The mesh fractions minus D0.075 are a measure of the grindability. This value for

pine sawdust is around 18 times smaller than for coal. A supplied energy is consumed
Co-milling of wood biomass 89

on particle deformation instead of pulverization. After the milling test, wood particles
resembling rectangular prisms were shaped as thin flattened cylinders. Very low
grindability of wood significantly limits the production capacity of the grinding unit.
Probably, the Hardgrove index is not a proper indicator at co-milling of wood mate-
rial, as it can be comminute considerably coarser than coal.


First the measurements for hard coal (Table 3 and Fig. 2) have been executed in
order to determine the initial conditions for co-milling of wood biomass. At applied
ventilation V = 141 g/s (395 m3n /h ) and set (fixed) fineness of the pulverized coal R0.20
= 1% (and R0.09 ≈ 21%), the production capacity of pulverizer amounted to B ≈ 70 g/s
(252 kg/h). Correspondingly, the specific energy consumption per mass unit was equal
to: net consumption (without taking into account an idle running) – em* = 16.0 J/g
(4.5 kWh/t) and total – em = 32.7 J/g (9.1 kWh/t). The mill differential pressure
achieved the value of ∆pm = 14.9 hPa.

Fig. 2. Results of mill operation by pulverizing of hard coal at V ≈ 141 g/s


The results of co-milling of pine sawdust (Wtr ≈ 18%), for its 8% and 16% mass
fraction in fuel blend, have been presented in Fig. 3 and Table 3. Conditions of instal-

lation operation underwent deterioration in comparison with coal pulverization.


An application of low density and grindability wood material causes mainly a de-
crease of feeder capacity, a growth in the power consumption by the mill and an in-
crease in the particle sizes of the mill product. The mill difference pressure ∆pm and
the circulation ratio of ground material (whose measure is ∆ps) are comparable to val-
ues obtained by coal alone.

Table 3. Selected results of measurements of milling of coal and co-milling of biomass

Coal Coal with wood (8%) Coal with wood (16%)

a b c d e f
Wt , % 7.6 7.6 18.0 43.0 18.0 43.0
B, g/s 63.9 79.7 62,5 65.5 57.2 59.7
Nm, kW 2.21 2.42 2.67 2.65 2.68 2.66
Nm–Nm,0, kW 1.05 1.24 1.48 1.49 1.50 1.51
em, kWh/t 9.61 8.43 11.86 11.25 13.02 12.38
V, g/s 142 141 140 143 141 140
t1, °C 254 286 272 290 278 309
t2, °C 103 101 103 103 102 103
∆pm, hPa 14.7 15.2 14.9 16.0 15.2 15.9
∆pk, hPa 8.7 9.0 9.0 9.8 9.5 1.00
∆ps, hPa 2.4 2.5 2.7 3.2 3.0 3.4
fk, mm 2.26 2.60 3.45 3.67 3.72 3.74
Wpi, % 1.2 1.4 1.4 1.4 1.4 1.4
R0.06, % 41.5 44.8 49.6 50.3 56.2 58.7
R0.09, % 20.1 22.6 27.7 28.9 37.2 39.4
R0.12, % 6.5 8.6 13.7 14.9 23.3 25.7
R0.20, % 0.8 1.3 5.3 5.6 12.3 14.0
R0.50% 0.0 0.0 1.6 1.7 4.5 5.1
R1.00, % – – 0.4 0.5 1.0 1.1
n 1.33 1.32 1.03 1.02 0.92 0.91
∆R0.20, % – – 4.6 4.8 11.3 12.8
R0.20ca, % – – ca. 0.7 ca. 0.8 ca. 1.2 ca. 1.4
Sieve residue for coal particles only after separation of sawdust particles.

The thickness of the layer under balls fk shows the load degree of the grinding unit.
The limiting thickness was equal on average 2.8 mm by coal for the grinding unit with
ten balls 0.1 m in diameter and by the nominal thrust on balls P = 9.6 kN [13].
The thickness of the layer grew considerably and it exceeded the upper limit for

coal (2.8 mm) in the course of co-milling. It was a reason for growth in power con-
sumption Nm – Nm,0. It is possible to explain a growth of the layer thickness, despite

similar circulation ratio, by a decrease of the material density, which is ground by

balls. The maximum thickness of the layer of drawn-in material under balls depends
Co-milling of wood biomass 91

on the coefficient of internal friction whose value is probably also higher for wood
than for hard coal.
Generally, the grinding effect of a ring-ball unit as well as the characteristics of
the separator have an influence on the particle size distribution of pulverized coal-
wood blend. Both factors play a role in deterioration of a fineness of the mill product.
An increase in the sieve residues mainly results from a weak size reduction of wood
which is particularly visible on thick sieves. During the sieve analysis, the wood parti-
cles remain up to sieves 0.12–0.2 mm in a little changed amount.

Fig. 3. Results of mill operation by co-milling of pine sawdust at V ≈ 141 g/s

A decrease in dimensional homogeneity of pulverized fuel mixture, from n = 1.32

(for coal) to n = 1.02 (for a mixture), is the result of a shift of sizes of wood particles
towards higher values. The approximate sieve residues R0.20c for coal particles only,
after separating the wood particles in water, are given in Table 3.
An enlargement of concentration of relatively dry sawdust in fuel up to Ub = 16%
causes further deterioration in the mill operation conditions (measurements c and e in

Table 3). Mainly the size of mill product increases despite the fall of the fuel stream
(Fig. 3), while the energy consumption and the resistances of flow increase to
a smaller degree. The amount of ground material undergoes small change as a vari-

ability of thickness of the layer under balls shows. The values fk are probably close to
the limiting values.

The mill differential pressure is a function of gas flow and the concentration of
particles (circulation ratio). A limitation of the productivity of grinding unit causes the
circulation ratio to increase rapidly with an increase in the fuel flow. Excessive growth
in concentration of ground material inside separating areas results in a strong deterio-
ration of fineness of mill product that counteracts an excessive increase in circulation.

Fig. 4. Particle size distribution: 1 – pulverized coal, pulverized coal-wood mixture (Wtr ≈ 18%) for:
2 – 8% mass fraction of pine sawdust, 3 – 16% mass fraction of pine sawdust, 4 – coal, 5 – pine sawdust

An agreement with the supposition that the excessive moisture of wood biomass

decreases the mill production capacity has also been analyzed. The change of moisture
content of pine sawdust from Wtr = 18% to Wtr ≈ 43% causes an increase of the resis-

tance of flow and further reduction of the fineness of pulverised fuel mixture. The
effective power consumption for milling practically does not undergo changes (com-

parison of Nm – Nm,0 in measurements d and f in Table 3).

Co-milling of wood biomass 93

Summing up, at feeding of fuel mixture containing 8% of pine sawdust no restric-

tion in the mill efficiency up to B ≈ 66 g/s is observed whereas at co-milling of 16% of
dry sawdust the maximum output equals to B ≈ 57 g/s determined in line with the lim-
iting sieve residue R0.20c ≈ 1%. The mill output decreased down to 80% of the output
accounted for coal. Experiments have shown that practically it is possible to fulfil both
criteria (R0.20c ≈ 1% and R1.0 < 5% , Sect. 3.1) in the test mill. For achieved plus frac-
tions R1.0 ≈ 1% for pulverized coal–wood mixture, the residue at the 0.20 mm mesh
for coal particles oscillated around 1%.
Correspondingly, the energy consumption per unit was equal to the net consump-
tion em* = 26.2 J/g (9.4 kWh/t) and total em = 36.2 J/g (13.0 kWh/t). The decrease of
pressure in the pulverizer achieved the value ∆pm = 15.2 hPa.


The co-milling of wood biomass was conducted in an industrial pulverizer 6M75.

Two shares of wood chips, 5 and 10 wt. %, in fuel mixture were investigated. The
hard coal which was ground demonstrated the following characteristics:
Qir ≈ 21.4 MJ/kg, Ar = 21.7%, Wtr = 10.8% and HGI = 56. The parameters of wood
chips were as follows: Qir ≈ 7.65 MJ/kg, Ar = 7.0% and Wtr = 47.0.
For the mill output of B ≈ 10.6 t/h when feeding hard coal, the particle size distri-
bution of pulverized coal specified as sieve residues were equal to R0.09 = 28.5% and
R0.20 = 1.9% respectively. The evenness parameter of the pulverized coal (a measure of
its homogeneity) was high – n = 1.41. The energy consumption for pulverization and
ventilation were estimated based on recording the power of the mill unit and mill fan.
For the mill efficiency demanded at rated output of the boiler, the averaged values for
energy consumption reached em = 6.9 kWh/t and ew = 13.2 kWh/t, respectively. The
mill differential pressure achieved the value ∆pm = 76 hPa.
At the biomass fractions 5% and 10% in the fuel, the capacities of measured mill
amounted to B ≈ 9.6 t/h and B ≈ 9.0 t/h, at the sieve residues for the mill product R0.20
= 2.6% and R0.20 = 5.6%, respectively (Fig. 5). The mill efficiency was limited by
a relatively low impact pressure of the mill fan. A compression of the existing fan
(limiting resistance of flow ∆pm ≈ 83 hPa) was a determinant of the stream of the fuel
fed. In such a situation, a boost of airflow in order to keep the temperature on mill
outlet at admissible level (≥ 90 °C) was not possible. By the overall sieve residue R0.20

= 5.6% for the pulverized fuel mixture containing 10% of wood chips, the sieve resi-
due for coal particles only was R0.20c ≈ 2.3%. This is a slightly higher value than that

by pulverizing of coal alone. Symptoms in limitation of the grinding capacity are ob-
served in this case. Character of a change of size distribution Rx at 10% share of wood

chips is similar to this observed for 16% concentration of pine sawdust in the fuel
(Fig. 3).

Fig. 5. Results for 6M75 mill at co-milling of wood chips

The power consumption of mill motor significantly grew despite a decrease in

stream of fuel. At 10% share of wood chips, the power consumed has risen from em =
7.1 kWh/t (for coal) to em = 11.6 kWh/t (for coal-wood mixture). It should be noted,
that the biomass supplied was not disintegrated sufficiently to required initial size
≤ 10 (15) mm. The factors described above as well as the lack of initial size required
for proper milling caused the strongest decrease in the efficiency of 6M75 mill when
compared with the experimental mill.


Co-milling of wood biomass significantly increases the power consumption for

milling. The reason lays in very low grindability of lingo-cellulose materials. It is re-

lated with a limitation of the grinding capacity of the pulverizer. The increase in the
sieve residues for pulverized fuel blends resulted from weak disintegration of wood.

Sieve residue at the 0.20 mm mesh for coal particles isolated from pulverized fuel
blend was only little different from the values obtained for pulverizing of hard coal.
Co-milling of wood biomass 95

When feeding 8% pine sawdust in the fuel, a decrease in the mill capacity and an
excess of the established size of mill product is practically not observed. However, at
co-milling of 16% of relatively dry pine sawdust, the production capacity (in relation
to hard coal) amounted to 80%, in view of assumed fineness of mill product
R0.20 ≈ 1%. Corresponding to these conditions, the energy consumption by the mill
motor (per mass unit) was equal to the net consumption (without taking into account
an idle operation) em* = 26.2 J/g (9.4 kWh/t) and the total consumption em = 46.8 J/g
13.0 kWh/t). By pulverizing of hard coal, these values were equal to em* = 16.0 J/g
(4.5 kWh/t) and em = 32.7 J/g (9.1 kWh/t) respectively. A preliminary drying of sup-
plied biomass corrects the grinding capacity of the pulverizer.
The industrial research of co-milling showed also that it is possible to use ca. 10%
share of wood biomass without important influence on the fineness of pulverized coal-
biomass mixture but at a decrease of mill efficiency of around 15%. Proper prelimi-
nary disintegration of wood biomass in a knife mill is important, there is lower energy
consumption then in facilities utilising a crushing mechanism.
Properties of renewable fuels are diametrically different than those of hard coal,
thus it should not be ground in the ring-ball mill simultaneously. Grinders utilizing
mechanisms of cutting and impact (knife and hammer or pin mills) are applicable to
comminuting majority of biomass types of compositions based on lignocellulose fi-
bres. Supplied biomass should be relatively dry; the facility of pulverization improves
and thermal energy of drying in a mill system decreases.
In the case of higher share of combusting biomass (over 10%), separate installa-
tion of preparation and burning should be applied. The size reduction of relatively dry
material (about moisture content below 20–30% reached in natural conditions) should
be realized in two steps; preliminary – in a knife mill and finally – for example in
a centrifugal impact mill (pin mill). For proper combustion, a modification of existing
burners or assembling of additional burners for pulverized biomass is recommended.
For improvement of pulverizing ability of industrial installations at co-milling of
small amounts of biomass and coal, a flow capacity of fuelling system (feeders and
pipes) should be properly increased in view of low density of wood biomass. Proce-
dures concerning tuning of the grinding mill are related with adjustment of adequate
power for mill motor and parameters of the mill fan (compression, flow and tempera-
ture of gas).


B – efficiency (capacity) of the mill (flux of fuel), g/s (kg/s)

Dx – mass fraction of particles smaller than x (passing through a screen with a mesh equal to x), %

e – energy consumption per mass unit, J/g, (kWh/t)

f – thickness of the layer of ground material, mm

HGI – Hardgrove grindability index

n – evenness parameter of a pulverized fuel

N – power rating supplied to the motor, kW

Rx – mass fraction of particles with dimensions exceeding x (sieve residue with a mesh of x dimen-
sions), %
U – mass fraction, kg/kg
x – particle size (mesh), mm
∆pm – drop of static pressure in the mill, hPa
∆ps – drop of static pressure down the height of the assembly, brought about by the presence of
particles of the ground material, hPa
ρ – bulk density, kg/m3

m – maximum
r – working conditions
b – biomass
c – coal
g – gas
h – hygroscopic
k – balls, mill chamber
m – mill
p – pulverized fuel
s – concerning solid particles
t – total


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Opisano badania mielenia węgla z dodatkiem trocin sosnowych w celu identyfikacji zjawisk towa-
rzyszących współmieleniu oraz oceny ich wpływu na wyniki pracy młyna pierścieniowo-kulowego
w skali półtechnicznej. Przedstawiono doświadczenia eksploatacyjne autora dotyczące niekorzystnego
oddziaływania biomasy na pracę instalacji pyłowej kotła wyposażonego w młyny pierścieniowo-kulowe.
Dodatek biomasy drzewnej do węgla, materiału o małej gęstości i podatności przemiałowej, powoduje
ograniczenie zdolności przemiałowej zespołu mielącego, związane głównie ze zwiększeniem mocy po-
trzebnej do napędu młyna i granulacji produkowanego pyłu. Towarzyszy temu wzrost zapotrzebowania
energii do suszenia i przetłaczania mieszaniny pyłowo-gazowej. Badania prowadzono na stanowisku
doświadczalnym z młynem pierścieniowo-kulowym o wydajności ok. 0,1 kg/s przy granulacji pyłu,
określonej pozostałościami na sitach 0,09 i 0,20 mm, R0,09 ≈ 20% i R0,20 ≈ 1%. Zdolność przemiałową
doświadczalnego układu mielącego określono dla podobnej charakterystyki separacyjnej odsiewacza,
która zależy przede wszystkim od strumienia powietrza susząco-transportującego (wentylacja) i w mniej-
szym stopniu od stężenia pyłu w gazie.
Analizę pracy młyna doświadczalnego prowadzono na podstawie określanych zależności: granulacji
pyłu R0,20, zużycia energii na przemiał Nm (em,), spadku ciśnienia w młynie, ∆pm, oporów przepływu
w komorze mielenia spowodowanych obecnością cyrkulującego mieliwa ∆ps, grubości warstwy pod
kulami fk, w funkcji wydajności młyna B, przy wentylacji V ≈ idem. W celu porównania jakości pyłu
podczas mielenia węgla i mieszanki paliwowej ustalono kryteria do jej oceny. Dla cząstek węgla w pyle
z mieszanki paliw przyjęto obecny wskaźnik dla węgla kamiennego, jakim jest pozostałość na sicie
0,2 mm – R0,20 [%]. Wymaga to wcześniejszego rozdzielenia obu składników pyłu. Dla biomasy drzewnej
przyjęto zalecaną w literaturze pozostałość na sicie 1,0 mm – R1,0 [%]. Podczas mielenia węgla maksy-
malną wydajność młyna określono dla pyłu o R0,20 = 1%. Podczas współmielenia biomasy wydajność tę
wyznaczono dla miałkości pyłu określonej pozostałością R1,0 ≤ 5% (stanowiącą cząstki biomasy) oraz
pozostałością R0,20c ≈ 1% w samym pyle węglowym po oddzieleniu w wodzie cząstek węgla z całej masy
pozostałości R0,20 i ich wysuszeniu. Dodatek biomasy drzewnej spowodował przede wszystkim zmniej-
szenie wydajności masowej podajnika paliwa, wzrost poboru mocy przez silnik młyna i pogorszenie się
jakości pyłu. Opory przepływu młyna i cyrkulacja, mieliwa były porównywalne do wartości podczas
mielenia samego węgla. Znacznie wzrosła grubość warstwy mieliwa pod kulami, przekraczając poziom
graniczny podczas mielenia węgla – ok. 2,8 mm, co powodowało wzrost mocy mielenia. Zwiększenie

pozostałości sitowych w pyle, widoczne szczególnie na sitach grubszych, wynika ze złego rozdrobnienia
biomasy. Podczas mielenia węgla wydajność młyna wynosiła B ≈ 70 g/s dla ustalonej pozostałości

R0,20 = 1% w pyle. Po podaniu 8% stosunkowo drobnych trocin sosnowych praktycznie nie stwierdzono
ograniczeń w pracy instalacji, gdy natomiast udział trocin w paliwie wynosił 16%, osiągnięto maksymalnie
B ≈ 57 g/s (80% wartości podczas mielenia węgla) ze względu na założoną granulację pyłu R0,20c = 1%. Odpo-

wiadające tym warunkom jednostkowe zużycie energii na przemiał wynosiło: netto (bez uwzględnienia mocy

biegu jałowego) – em* = 26,2 J/g (7,3 kWh/t) i całkowite – em = 46,8 J/g (13,0 kWh/t). Podczas mielenia węgla
odpowiednie wartości wynosiły em* = 16,0 J/g (4,5 kWh/t) i em = 32,7 J/g (9,1 kWh/t) dla wydajności ok.
70 g/s. Potwierdzono możliwość współmielenia około 10% dodatku biomasy drzewnej w paliwie bez pogor-
szenia jakości przemiału, lecz ze zmniejszeniem wydajności młyna.
Paliwa odnawialne, których właściwości są różne od właściwości węgla, nie powinny być rozdrab-
niane równocześnie w młynie pierścieniowo-kulowym. Do przygotowania pyłu większości gatunków
biomasy, zawierających ligninę i celulozę o strukturze włóknistej, odpowiednie są młyny pracujące na
zasadzie ścinania i uderzenia (młyny nożowe i młyny bijakowe lub igłowe). Podawana biomasa powinna
być stosunkowo sucha, co poprawia zdolność rozdrabniania i zmniejsza energię cieplną suszenia w insta-
lacji młynowej. Do przygotowania i spalania większej ilości biomasy w paliwie (powyżej 10%) należało-
by zastosować oddzielną instalację. Rozdrabnianie podsuszonego materiału (o wilgotności 20–30%, którą
można osiągnąć w warunkach naturalnych) należy prowadzić dwustopniowo, wstępnie – w rozdrabniaczu
nożowym i dla uzyskania pyłu – np. w młynie igłowym. Do właściwego spalania biomasy zalecana jest
modyfikacja istniejących palników lub instalacja dodatkowych. Do poprawy zdolności przemiałowej
istniejących instalacji przemysłowych podczas współmielenia niedużych ilości biomasy i węgla należało-
by zapewnić odpowiednią przepustowość układu zasilania paliwem, moc silnika młynowego, zdolność
suszenia i transportu mieszaniny pyłowo-gazowej. Znaczenie ma odpowiednie wstępne rozdrobnienie
biomasy, ponieważ zużycie energii w rozdrabniaczach nożowych jest mniejsze niż urządzeniach wyko-
rzystujących mechanizm kruszenia.

Received 10 September, 2008


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