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Year 10 Healthy lifestyles Assessment task 1

Rubric: enhance health, safety and wellbeing of others

Criteria for assessment: A B C D E

Create – Multimedia product

Students apply appropriate and Student applied a very high Student applied a high level Student applied satisfactory Student applied a basic level Minimal application of health
credible health information to level of credible health of credible health level of credible health of health information to information to their product.
construct their product. information to their product. information to their product. information to their product. their product.
Students plan and implement Very high level of planning High level of planning with The product showed an Basic level of planning with Very basic level of planning with
strategies to enhance health, with effective strategies effective strategies expected level of planning some strategies minimal strategies implemented
safety and wellbeing of their implemented to enhance implemented to enhance and implemented strategies implemented to enhance to enhance health, safety and
target audience health, safety and wellbeing health, safety and wellbeing to enhance health, safety health, safety and wellbeing wellbeing of the target audience.
of the target audience. of the target audience. and wellbeing of the target of the target audience.
Students demonstrate an Student demonstrates a very Student demonstrate a Student demonstrates a Student demonstrates a Student demonstrated a very
understanding of contextual strong understanding of strong understanding of satisfactory understanding limited understanding of limited understanding of
factors that can influence their contextual factors that can contextual factors that can of contextual factors that contextual factors that can contextual factors that can
audience within their product. influence their audience influence their audience can influence their audience influence their audience influence their audience within
within their product. within their product. within their product. within their product. their product.
Evaluate – Multimedia product
Students analyse and explain how Very high level of analysis High level analysis and Satisfactory analysis and Basic analysis and Very basic analysis and
their strategy enhances the and explanation of how the explanation of how the explanation of how the explanation of how the explanation of how the product
health, safety and wellbeing of product enhances the product enhances the product enhances the product enhances the enhances the health, safety and
others health, safety and wellbeing health, safety and wellbeing health, safety and wellbeing health, safety and wellbeing wellbeing of others.
of others. of others. of others. of others.
Students critique behaviours and Student critiques behaviours Student critiques behaviours Student critiques behaviours Student critiques behaviours Student does not critique
contextual factors that influence and contextual factors that and contextual factors that and contextual factors that and contextual factors that behaviours and contextual factors
health and wellbeing of their influence health and influence health and influence health and influence health and that influence health and
audience. wellbeing of their audience wellbeing of their audience wellbeing of their audience. wellbeing of their audience wellbeing of their audience.
to a very high level. to a high level. at a basic level.
Students can propose other Student can propose and Student can propose Student can propose other Student can propose one Student did not propose and
interventions that could support discuss multiple multiple interventions that interventions that could intervention that could intervention that could support
their campaign. interventions in depth that could support their support their campaign. support their campaign. their campaign.
could support their campaign.
Comment: Grade: A
Product: The depth and consideration you have put into this product is outstanding. You have considered your audience have
implemented a variety of strategies to enhance their health, safety and wellbeing. You have done an amazing job and its was
a pleasure to read! Well done!
Reflection: you have given an in-depth analysis and explanation of your product and how it can help others to improve their
health, safety and wellbeing. You have produced a product and explanation that demonstrated a strong understanding of
your audience and factors that can influence their health.

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