Natural Law Is Different From Law of Nature

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Natural law is different from law of Nature.

Human acts and acts of man

Law of Nature/ Acts of Man:

Ex: You get a tummy ache and you need to poo.

We are no different with this people we deal with, therefore we must know
what the human person is.

Human being is an embodied spirit this is where the Existential and

Scholastic definition of a human person meet. It is more than molecules and

- There must be something in the human person that cannot be seen it

is what we call life giving principle = SOUL
- SOUL has two faculties
o 1. Intellect – we know
o 2. Will – we choice
 A. Freedom – should always be towards good or else lic
 B. Responsibility

The Body for the soul to function but body is subordinate to the soul.

Man is inherently good because of this spiritual aspect.

Faith aspect we inherent the sins of our forefathers.

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