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Question 2


(i) 1111111 = B = 1111・23 + 111 (M = 1111, E = 11, T = 111)

(ii) 1111000 = B = 1111・23 + 0 (M = 1111, E = 11, T = 0)

(iii) 0000000 = B = 0000・20 + 0 (M = 0000, E = 00, T = 0)

(iv) 0001100 = B = 1100・20 + 0 (M = 1100, E = 00, T = 0)

= 0110・21 + 0 (M = 0110, E = 01, T = 0)

= 0011・22 + 0 (M = 0011, E = 10, T = 0)

= 0001・23 + 100 (M = 0001, E = 11, T = 100)

(v) 1010101 = B = 1010・23 + 101 (M = 1010, E = 11, T = 101)


Noting the patterns in question 2.a)

If E = 11, M = B6B5B4B3

If E = 10, M = B5B4B3B2

If E = 01, M = B4B3B2B1

If E = 00, M = B3B2B1B0

If the most significant variable that = 1 = B6, E = 11

If the most significant variable that = 1 = B5, E = 11 or 10

If the most significant variable that = 1 = B4, E = 11 or 10 or 01

If the most significant variable that = 1 = B3, E = 11 or 10 or 01 or 00

If the most significant variable that = 1 = B2, E = 10 or 01 or 00

If the most significant variable that = 1 = B1, E = 01 or 00

If the most significant variable that = 1 = B0, E = 00
Exponent outputs

Or, to simplify this so that the combinational circuit will be more efficient (i.e.
so that question 2.a)(iv) will have one answer):

• If the most significant variable that = 1 = B6, E = 11

• If the most significant variable that = 1 = B5, E = 10

• If the most significant variable that = 1 = B4, E = 01

• If the most significant variable that = 1 = B3, E = 00

• If the most significant variable that = 1 = B2, E = 00

• If the most significant variable that = 1 = B1, E = 00

• If the most significant variable that = 1 = B0, E = 00

Therefore we can say that:

Exponent: E1 is only 1 when:

• B6 is 1 or
• B6 is 0 and B5 is 1
• So it follows that:
• E1 = B6 + B6’B5 = B6 + B5
E0 is only 1 when:

• B6 is 1 or
• B6 and B5 are 0 and B4 is 1
• So it follows that:

• E0 = B6 + B6’B5’B4 = B6 + B5’B
Mantissa outputs

As above,

if E = 11, M = B6B5B4B3

i.e. if B6 = 1, M3 = B6, M2 = B5, M1 = B4, M0 = B3

If E = 10, M = B5B4B3B2

i.e. if B6 = 0 and B5 = 1, M3 = B5, M2 = B4, M1 = B3, M0 = B2

If E = 01, M = B4B3B2B1

i.e. if B6 = 0, B5 = 0 and B4 = 1, M3 = B4, M2 = B3, M1 = B2, M0 = B1

If E = 00, M = B3B2B1B0

i.e. if B6 = 0, B5 = 0 and B4 = 0, M3 = B3, M2 = B2, M1 = B1, M0 = B0


M3 = B6B6 + B6’B5B5 + B6’B5’B4B4 + B6’B5’B4’B3 = B6 + B5 + B4 + B3

M2 = B6B5 + B6’B5B4 + B6’B5’B4B3 + B6’B5’B4’B2

= B6B5 + B5B4 + B6’B4B3 + B6’B5’B4’B2

M1 = B6B4 + B6’B5B3 + B6’B5’B4B2 + B6’B5’B4’B1

= B6B4 + B6’B5B3 + B5’B4B2 + B6’B5’B4’B1

M0 = B6B3 + B6’B5B2 + B6’B5’B4B1 + B6’B5’B4’B0

Each of the Mantissa output expressions are obtained by anding the

conditions with the 'result', i.e. For M2, the first condition is that B6=1, which is
anded with the result, M2=B5, giving B6B5. Or, the second condition is that
B6=0 and B5=1, or B6'B5 and this can be anded with the result, M2=B4,
giving B6'B5B4. Or, the third condition is that B6=0 and B5=0 and B4=1, or
B6'B5'B4 and this can be anded with the result, M2=B3, giving B6'B5'B4B3.
Or the fourth condition is that B6=0 and B5=0 and B4=0, or B6'B5'B4' and this
can be anded with the result, M2=B2, giving B6’B5'B4'B2.

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