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Condado = county

Llovizna = its drizzling

y pico = a little past
menos pico = a little before
la canción = song
ausente = absent
sentado = seated
de pie = standing
estudioso = studious
distraído = absent-minded, ditsy, spacey
sabio = knowledgeable
marido = husband
sobrino/a = nephew/niece
vuelo = flight
tranvia = streetcar, trolley, tram
bahía = bay
ola = wave
colina = hill
frontera = border
hoja = leaf
madrugada = morning (before sunrise)
temporada = season (period of time)
listo = ready
borracho = drunk
fornido = buff
templado = warm
ligero = light
llano = full
vacío = empty
brillante = brilliant
vibrante = vibrant
suegro/a = father-/mother-in-law
cuñado/a = son-/daughter-in-law
bis_____ = great(relative)
_____astro/a = step-____(relative)
prometido = fiance
huérfano = orphan
mellizos = twins
pared = inside wall
enchufe = electrical outlet
fregadero = sink
nevera = fridge
congelador = freezer
sartén = frying pan
olla = pot/kettle
hervir = to boil
rallar = to grate
rebanar = to slice
picar = to chop
hornear = to bake
tapar = to cover
percha = hanger
retrete = toilet
tina = tub
pañuelo facial = tissue
arbusto = bush
huerta = vegetable garden
mosquitero = screen
rastrillo = rake
pala = shovel
regar = to water
rastrillar = to rake
palear = to shovel
martillo = hammer
destornillador = screwdriver
literna = flashlight
pila = bateries
escoba = broom
fregar = to mop
pasar un trapo = to dust
lustrar = to polish
aula = classroom
curso = course
calificación = grade
escolar = (of the) school
la impresora = printer
la panatalla = the screen
el atril = music stand
sumar = to add
restar = to subtract
multiplicar = multiply
dividir = to divide
pulgada = inch
pie = foot
milla = mile
onza = ounce
tonelada = ton
libra = pound
anchura = width
largura = length
altura = height
aparcamiento = parking lot
ayuntamiento = city hall
callejón = alley
cuadra = block
puente = bridge
esquina = corner
vecinidad = neighborhood
acera = sidewalk
letrero = sign
afueras = outskirts
facturar = to check
col = cabbage
harina = flour
apio = celery
hongos = mushrooms
pepino = cucumber
frambuesa = raspberry
ciruela = plum
cacahuetes = peanuts
nueces = nuts
almendra = almond
camarones = shrimp
verudería = vegetable shop
lata = can
rabanada = slice
narices = nostrils
quijada = jaw
patilla = sideburn
pulgar = thumb
nalgas = buttocks
cirujano = surgeon
mimo = mime
mozo = porter, bellboy
payaso = clown
socrrista = paramedic
localizar = to locate
estar ubicado = to be located
Luxemburgo = Luxemburg
Israel = Israel
Francia = France
Inglaterra = England
Suiza = Switzerland
el Brasil = Brazil
Finlandia = Finland
Alemania = Germany
el Canadá = Canada
Rusia = Russia
Italia = Italy
China = China
Haití = Haiti
Polonia = Poland
Dinamarca = Denmark
Suecia = Sweeden
Noruega = Norway
el Japón = Japan
Grecia = Greece
Bélgica = Belgium
Holanda = Holland
la Gran Bretaña = Great Britain
Austria = Austria
Portugal = Portugal
India = India
borde = edge
terremoto = earthquake
ciclón = cyclone
erupción = eruption
derrumbe = cave-in, landslide
sequía = drought
tornado = tornado
fuego = fire
tempestad = storm
erosión = erosion
inundación = flood
catástrofe = catastrophe
huracán = hurricane
cuerpo tenue = light (faint) body
luna nueva = new moon
luna = moon
cuerpo gigantesco = gigantic body
eclipse solar = solar eclipse
descubrimiento = discovery
luna llena = full moon
cielo = sky
binoculares = binoculars
observatorio = observatory
cielo nocturno = night sky
cuerpo brillante = bright body
estrella = star
fase = phase
galaxia = galaxy
cometa = comet
sol = sun
luna menguante = waning moon
cuerpo celeste = heavenly body
cuerpo esférico = spheric body
marea baja = low tide
cuerpo terrestre = earthly body
girar = to turn/to spin
luna creciente = crescent moon
Tierra = Earth
planeta = planet
astrónomo = astronomer
meteoritos = meteorites
telescopio = telescope
marea alta = high tide
constelaciones = constellations
el relámpago = lightning
el trueno = thunder
el arco iris = rainbow
el tornado = tornado
la escarcha = frost
la gota (de agua) = drop (of water/rain)
la cellisca = the sleet
el granizo = hail
la nevada = snowstorm
la luz de la luna = moonlight
el aguacero = downpour
el temporal = windstorm
despejado = clear
solpar = to blow
anublarse = to cloud up
despejarse = to clear up
helar = to freeze
brillar = to shine
tronar = to thunder
relamaguear = to lighten
madera = wood
metales = metals
ganadería = cattle raising
carbón = coal
humedad = humidity
sidra = cider
plata = silver
lana = wool
acero = steel
minería = mining
girasoles = sunflowers
trigo = wheat
bronce = bronze
mármol = marble
oro = gold
olivos = olive trees
selva tropical = rainforest
azufre = sulfur
pipas = sunflower seeds
piedras = stones, gems
plomo = lead
vid = vine
corcho = cork
selva = forest, jungle
estaño = tin
función = performance
comedia = play
danza = dance
escena = scene, stage
acomodador = usher
telón = curtain
charlar = to chat
coser = to sew
mostrar = to show
navegar = to sail
tejer a punto de aguja = to knit
trabajar con aguja de gancho = to crochet
entrenador = coach
empate = tie
derrotar = to defeat
silbar = to whistle
cazar = to hunt
andar en trineo = to sled
regata = boat race
apuesto = neat
descuidado = messy
pecas = freckles
lunar = mole
raya = part (of hair)
engordar = to become fat
adelgazar = to become thin
debilitarse = to become weak
satisfecho = full
acostado = lying down
angustiado = worried
animado = lively
asombrado = amazed
asustado = frightened
despiento = away
dormido = asleep
encantado = delighted
seguro = sure
zurdo = left-handed
incapacitado = handicapped
lisiado = crippled
cojo = lame
ciego = blind
sordo = deaf
mudo = mute
chistoso = funny, joker
tacaño = cheap, stingy
valiente = brave
inquieto = anxious
conformista = conformist
disidente = nonconformist
egoísta = selfish
humilde = humble
fiel = loyal
amistoso = friendly
exigente = fussy
bondadoso = kind
odioso = hateful
orgulloso = proud

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