JKPSC Preliminary Paper 2010

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SarkariExam.com DONOT OPEN THIS TEST BOOKLET UNTIL YOU ARE ASKED TODOSO, COMBINED COMPETITIVE (PRELIMINARY) EXAMINATION, 2010 Serial No. GENERAL STUDIES A Code No. 99 INSTRUCTIONS IMMEDIATELY AFTER THE COMMENCEMENT OF THE EXAMINATION, YOI IECK ‘THAT THIS TEST BOOKLET DOES NOT HAVE ANY UNPRINTED OR TORN OR MISSING PAGES OR ITEMS, ETC, IF SO, GET IT REPLACED BY A COMPLETE TEST. ENCODE CLEARLY THE TEST BOOKLET SERIES A, B, C OR DAs APPROPRIATE PLACE IN THE RESPONSE SHEET, You, have to enter your Roll Number on this ‘Test Booklet in the Box provided alongside Do NOT write anything else on the Test Booklet. ‘This Booklet contains 120 items (questions). Each item gis jour responses (answers). You wil select ‘one response which you want to mark on the Respopse ‘ease you feel that there is more than one correct response, mark the response which thes. In any case, choose ONLY ONE response for each item, In case you find any discrepancy ig tht bogklet in any question(s) or the Responses, a written representation explaining the details of €ych Allggéd discrepancy, be submitted within three days, indicating the Question No(s) and the Test Béoklet Series, in which the discrepancy is alleged. Representation not received within time shall not hE hiertige at al You have to mark all f ILY om the separate Response Sheet provided. See directions inthe Response Sheet All items carry eq Attempt ALL items. Your total marks will depend only on the aumber of correct respons ‘by you in the Response Sheet. Bet ark in the Response Sheet the response to various items in the Test Booklet, you hav “iculars in the Response Sheet as per instructions seat to you with your Admit Card and Instruct While writing Centre, Subject and Roll No. on the top of the Response Shect in appropriate boxes use “ONLY BALL POINT PEN". ‘After you have completed filling in all your responses on the Response Sheet and the examination has ‘concluded, you should hand over to the Invigilator only the Response Sheet. You are permitted to takeaway with you the Test Booklet. DONOT OPEN THIS TEST BOOKLET UNTIL YOU ARE ASKED TODOSO| SarkariExam.com 1. Theexpression of earliest voleanic activity in Indias found in: (A) Dalma Hillof Bihar(Now Jharkhand) (B) North Westem Deccan Plateau (© Buldona DistrictofMaharashira —_(D)_Kumaon Hill Region 2. Which of the following regions has the highest variability of rainfall? (A) Essen UP. (B) Meghalaya © Gujarat (D) Kerala Coast 3. Thedrainage ofthe eastem hills is of: (A) Troistype (B) Radialype (©) Dendtieype (D) None ofthe above 4. Whichofthe following cites in Gujarat is famous forZari production? () Surat (B) Rajkor (© Ahmedabad (D) Darks QO 5 Tithromonsinnskenenbistrmpnemtegaindt tga Sain (a) Surveyoftndia (B) School ofMines, (©) Mineral Survey of India (D) Geological Suesty ofndid 6. Mixed farming, a practice used for restoring soil fertility, (A) Sowing two ormore cropsin mixture inthe sa (B)_Differentcrops at regular succession on the s (© Leaving the field withoutany crop (D) None of the above + 7. Which State in India is more ? (A) Sharkand (B) Maharashura (© Sikkim () Panjab 8. Which crop is special disease called smut? (A) Rice B) Bajra © Batey (D) Wheat 9. Which is in the Arabian Sea is known as Minicoy Island ? (A) Ease (B) Southem (© Wes (D) Nonhem 10, Whatis the ideal temperature for cultivation of wheat? A) 15C 0 20C B) 10°C 15°C © WCw30C @) 20°C 025°C BKU-14158-4 3 [Turn over SarkariExam.com SarkariExam.com I, Which Indian State isthe largest producer of Soyabean ? (A) Rajasthan (8) Gujarat © UR © MP 12. Which Stateis known as India’s Spice Garden ? (A) Kerala (B) Kamataka (©) Bitar (D) Mumbai 13, Onwhich riverbank is Goa located ? (A) Ganga (8) Gomati (©) Mandovi (©) Sebarmati 14, Inwhichregionis the ‘Golden Triangle’ situated ? (A) South East Asia (B) South West Asia —— 2 c : 15. Coffee and tea plantation are most expensivein (A) Eastem Affica (B) Siberia (©) South Africa (D) Ausiralia 16. Dakshin Gangouriis (A) Aplacein Andhra Pradesh ) in Tamil Nadu (©) Unmanned Stationin Antarctica of (Dyp Origin oftiver Godavari it? }) Gulfof Darien (D) Gulfof Mexico 17. Which among the following i the wor (A) GulfofPanama (©) Gulfof Alaska is Forno Sa wo (©) USA, & ©) Gemany 19. Which! mis known as the “Lighthouse ofthe Mediterranean” ? (A) Mt (B) Mt Stramboli (©) McPelee (D)_ Me Vesuvius 20. Thetotal population divided by foodgrain areais referred to as (A) Agiculura Density (B)_ National Density (C) Population Density (D) Noneof the above BRU-AAIS8-A 4 SarkariExam.com

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