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Calle Tejadillo Nº6 2ºB, Aravaca, Madrid (España) 
Espinosa  (34) 631 833 979

EU Citizen and Chilean Citizen 

ㅡ  Ketarri, ​Freelance Website Develope​r 

Custom  design,  development,  administration  and  maintenance  of  the 
website:​ ​ 
I’ve  developed  two  differents pages: Front page and admin page, the first one 
shows  the  information,  the second was coded to change the information with 
ease and no coding required, allowing anyone to update the content. 
● Installation and configuration of the server using Apache2 / Linux 
● Manual testing 
● PHP 
● MySql 
● CSS 
● JavaScript 

Koburk Gaming, ​Videogames Developer 

Development  (Front  and  back  end),  ​administration  and  maintenance  of 
Ainarus​ (online game). 
Constant  testing,  patchin  and  developing of different tools inside the game​, 
options,  configurations  in  order  to  improve  server  performance,  safety  and 
user experience. 
Develop  the  best  fight  algorithm​,  to  avoid  CPU  usage  as  much  as  possible 
whilst  there’re  millions  of  units  fighting  each  other,  every  single  one  with 
their  own  information  (  Life,  Damage,  Speed,  Some  special  skills  and  their 
different effects). 
I  managed  to  develop  a  forum  within  the  game​,  using  the  user 
accounts/guilds  to  separate  and  customize  their  threads/posts.  Also, 
different interfaces for mods and admins. 
Mini  games,  and  a  complex  tech  tree  and  game  design  to  avoid  abuse  from 
old/strong players over the new ones. 
● Installation and configuration using Apache 2/Linux (Debian) 
● PHP 
● MySql 
● CSS 
● JavaScript 
● Photoshop 
Noord-Group, ​System administrator 
Administrator  and  development  of  different  web  pages  ​such  ​as  Drupal and 
Joomla.  Patching  and  writing  more  code  to  change  front  and  back end (PHP, 
CSS, HTML, JavaScript). 
Software  and  Hardware  installation/configuration  on  server/personal 
computers in Linux/Windows. 
Configuring  networks  on  routers,  servers  and  personal  computers 
(DNS/IPv4/IPv6), Also weekly updating of our .httaccess . 
Deployment and configuration of their ​VPN​. 
Developing Shell scripts​ to get automated reports from our database. 
In charge of ​Database and web server backups and restore procedures​. 
Configuration/Creation of different virtual servers. 
Monitoring the servers (Using Linux tools). 
First  point  of  contact  for  purchasing,  fixing,  updating  and  upgrading  with 
different companies (IT related). 
Web  server  configuration  on  ​Nginx  and  ​Apache2  (Certificates,  allowed  IPs, 
MySql administrator​: Views, updating/creating tables, functions, procedures, 
triggers and data handling (For example recover some information deleted by 
error for some user). 
Sugar CRM administrator​ (User privileges, accounts, some tweaking). 
Daily reports from our database (Improved using scripts). 
Working  as  part  of  a  team​,  including  different  departments  (usually 
marketing  and  solution  providers)  ​and  on  my  own  (I  was  basically  my  own 
In  charge  of  IT  budget​,  purchase  and  installation  (Building  computers  when 
needed),  as  well  as  installation  and  configuration  of  their  operative  system 
and different programs needed by each department. 
Office  365  administrator​,  user  privileges,  accounts,  backups,  some  scripts 
using powershell, groups administrator, etc. 
Storage  system  administrator  (Qnap),  users,  privileges,  folders,  size 
allocated, backups, configuration, etc. 
VoIP  administrator: Knowledge of privileges, setting up phone configuration, 
users, call reports. 
Basic  graphic  design  skills​,  tweaking  with  ​Photoshop  and  ​Real  draw  to  do 
some changes in logos, banners or any image if required. 
Video screen capturing to create tutorials. 
Daily use of Linux​ (Debian and Ubuntu) on our servers. 
Taking care of phones, software and hardware issues. 
Documenting​ every step, in case we need to change it back some day. 
Training new users​, regarding how to use some programs, the database, etc. 

365squared, ​System Administrator 
Windows  Server  Administrator:  Installation, configuration and maintenance 
of  our  domain  controllers  from  scratch.  Migrated  from 2012r2 to 2016 after 
a while. Handling GPOs, users, shares, etc. 
Linux  Administrator:  ​Working  mainly  with  CentOS  7  and  Debian  9  as 
Servers/Clients, weather in virtual or real machines. 
Web  servers:  Apache  and  Nginx,  handling  issues,  patches,  customization, 
installation, etc. 
Hypervisor  (  KVM ): Setup virtual machines, customize them and take care of 
them whilst in production using KVM. 
Replication  between  MySQL  servers:  ​I  had  to  make  sure  to  have  a  slave 
running for each database, as second layer of security. 
Replication  (  Block  level  ):  There’re a few places where you need to replicate 
information  instead  of  Database  content.  Each  time  a  disk  writes  in  a 
partition,  that  information  is  replicated  to  another  host,  as  second  layer  of 
Backup Administrator: ​Backup customization, making sure there’re at least 3 
different levels of backup, everything handled by scripts. 
Storage  system  administrator  (  Synology  ):  Daily  use  of  our  Synology 
systems to store our security backups. 
MariaDB  (  MySQL  ):  Replication,  queries,  optimization,  backups,  db 
structure, etc. 
PHP  Developer:  Custom  pages  using  PHP  7,  HTML,  CSS3,  Javascript  and 
some other technologies if required. 
Networking:​ IPv4, IPv6, DNS, Firewalls, Routers, Subnets, etc. 

Santander Bank, ​Chief Information Security Officer (CISO) 

Data  Analytics: Gather information related to different departments in order 
to generate progress graphics (To identify needs and further focus). 
Security  Guides:  Creation,  correction  and  update  of  corporate  security 
guides  over  many  different  technologies  to  ensure  safety  (  Windows / Unix / 
Web / Databases / Etc ). 
Security  Compliance:  Automation  project  leader  oriented  to  manageability 
and compliance (Based on our company security guides). 
Security  Coordinator:  Rule  supervision,  implantation  and  correction 
between  different  bank  entities,  to  make  sure  they're  aligned  (Spain  and 
other countries). 
Code  Checker:  Pre-Production  Code  check  and  fix  on  different  entities 
before giving any sort of approval to use it on Production environments. 
Private Server Administrator (CISO Server): 
● Design  and  development  of  the  database  (Table  structure, 
functions/procedures, etc). 
● Directory path highly scalable. 
● Automatization  scripts  development  to  unify  different  project 
sources, some of them within BladeLogic. 

Education  Centro SEIM, ​Technician in Computer Systems Administration - 

Certificate of Higher Education 

Instituto Claret, ​General Certificate of Education 



Languages  Spanish - ​Mother’s tongue 

English - ​C1- Advanced 
Italian - ​B1 - Lower Intermediate 
Japanese - ​JLPT N5 - Basic 
ASL (American sign language) -​ Basic 

Other Skills  ● Advanced knowledge of windows environments ( Client & Server ). 
● MS-DOS knowledge. 
● Basic experience of AS400. 
● MsOffice and OpenOffice. 
● Hardware and Software support since 1996. 
● SQL Developer and designer: Triggers, Functions, Procedures, Views, 
Users, Events, etc. 
● Backup and restore procedures with high availability. 
● PHP, CSS, JavaScript, C, HTML, .NET2 ( Visual basic). 
● Drupal. 
● Joomla. 
● Shell scripting. 
● Bash scripting. 
● Help desk experience, using remote control to fix, guide or gather 
● Able to work under pressure. 
● Natural problem solver. 
● X-Ray vision​, able to see below-surface problems 12. 

● Hard Working and able to work as a part of a team  
● Work well under pressure and problem-solving abilities 
● Easy to learn and adapt to different environment 
● Customer service skills and handling complaints  
● Advanced IT Skills 


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