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March 2016
Chapter 1

The family is the basic unit of society and children’s emotional security. Early
experiences of the children that affect their personality start within the family where their values
formation begins. Values give meaning to our lives and shape our views of the world.
Clarifying our values can aid us in shaping our purpose and vision. Honesty, courtesy, and
self-discipline are the highest form of values where all the children supposedly must have.
Inside the family, parents have a different style in disciplining their children. Tiempo
(2005) concludes that parents have important role with moral responsibility of shaping the child
appropriately. He added that the parents can nurture or break a child. It entails that the whole
being of a child depends on the parents’ training at home. The theory of Diana Baumrind (1996
as cited by Cobb, 2001) has distinguished four styles of parenting. These four styles of parenting
are authoritative, authoritarian, indulgent, and neglectful. Authoritarian is the parenting style
where parents are characterized as restrictive and punitive. They tend to punish their children if
they don’t obey their directions and disrespect them. Authoritative is the parenting style whereby
parents encourage their children to be independent but they place limits and control in their
actions. They tend to be supportive with their children. Neglectful parenting are those parents
who does not care the life of their children and tolerant to their responsibilities as parents of their
children. Indulgent parenting refers to the parents who are highly involved with their kids but did
not implement disciplinary action to the child’s behaviour. The types of parenting style used by
the parents may be determined by the parent’s own cultural heritage. It will pass through
generations by generations.
Many people were asking what kind of parent is likely to be most successful at
instilling character and moral values in their children. What kind of parenting style most fitted to
raise children having a strong sense of values? In accordance with these questions, the
researchers are encouraged to conduct the study in order to determine the parenting style of the
Teachers Education Program students of Lourdes College and identify their sense value and how
do their parent’s parenting style affect their self-perceived values.
Sighted to the serious importance of students’ values in connection to their social
background, this study aimed to bring awareness to the students, parents, and most especially for
the teachers who have direct contact in the values formation of the children.

Theoretical/Conceptual Framework
Parenting is one of the complex tasks every parent hopes to succeed in. For all social and
educational development, the family and parenting style plays an important role. Moreover,
parenting forms the basis of a family environment because without parental education, it was not
possible for parents to fulfil their roles and duties in the family and the society. Leung (1988)
study on the importance of parenting on children’s psychosocial development, acknowledged
that parenting was a very complex and challenging phenomenon which was very difficult to
understand and define. Parents need to educate themselves for their children to become good
citizens in the future.
Dr. Jose Rizal stated that the youth is the hope of our nation. So it is a big challenge for
the parents how to raise their children effectively. Many conflict arises in our environment today,
even inside the classroom, teachers have difficulty in dealing the different personalities of the
students for they came from in a different cultures and family background.
The problem in our society is endless; it keeps on repeating generations by generations.
One of the reasons why the problems have no solutions it’s because children imitate what they
observe to the old people. According to Albert Bandura in his Social Learning Theory, those
Individuals that are observed are called models. In society, children are surrounded by many
influential models, such as parents within the family, characters on children’s TV, friends within
their peer group and teachers at school. Parents are the most influential people in the lives of the
children. Thus, their perception of how children think, and should be raised is crucial in
determining children's behavior. Other factors, such as genes, peers, culture, gender, and
financial status, are of lesser importance.
Children’s social development involves learning the values knowledge and skills
enabling children to relate to others effectively and to contribute in positive ways to family,
school and community. As they develop socially, children both respond to the influences around
them and play an active part in shaping their relationships (Schumpeter, 2009).
Carter (2011) also narrated that one’s behavior is relatively influenced by tough personal
ideas about what one believes is essential, often called values. These values influence one’s
worldview, decisions and behaviour. They help one make things clear to what one likes and
what one dislikes. Most of the time, children are confident when they are clear about their

B.F. Skinner propounded that the dominant reason behind the uniqueness of each
individual is the differences in their learning. These styles of behavior are learned through
positive reinforcement of good behavior or negative reinforcement since these two types of
conditioning can both strengthen the behavior (Levine, 2000)

Cobb (2001) cited the resulting social behaviors in child as the parents portrayed their
style of parenting. Authoritative style resulting to social competence and responsibility;
authoritarian style resulting to ineffective social interaction and inactive; permissive/indulgent
style resulting to social competence, well-adjusted, peer oriented and misconduct; and neglectful
style resulting to poor orientation to work and school and behavior problems.

Of all the responsibilities and privileges granted to human beings, parenting is one of the
most solemn and far-reaching. Parenting is very powerful not only because they are influential
in the lives of their children when they decide on their destiny but influential when it comes to
momentous decision. It is not a lowly duty; it is a dignified privilege.

Statement of the problem

The researcher’s aim is to determine the parenting style and sense of values specifically;
honesty, courtesy, and self-disciple of TEP (teacher’s education program) students in Lourdes
College, Cagayan De Oro City, and School Year 2015-2016. It is also tried to analyse the
relation of parenting style to the children sense of values.
Specifically, this study required to answer the following questions:
1. How do the students assess the parents parenting style:
2. What is the students self-assessment of their sense of values:
2.1 Honesty
2.2 Courtesy
2.3 Self-discipline
3. Do the students’ self-assessed values differ significantly considering parents
parenting styles?

Children’s sense of values

parenting  Honesty
style  Courtesy
 Self-discipline

Independent Dependent

Figure 1: Schematic Diagram of

Variables in the Study


1. There is no significant relationship in the parenting style to the children sense of

values considering honesty, courtesy, and self-discipline.

Significance of Study

The result of this study would be beneficial to the following sections:

Teachers. It will help the teachers to understand the values and behaviors of their students
in order to avoid discrimination and prejudices. It will serve also as their guide in facilitating the
diversity of their students inside the classroom. And most of all it will increase their awareness
on their important role as values educators.
Parents. It assists the parents to increase their level of consciousness knowing that they
are the most influential person to the life of their children. It will bring also awareness to them
that the whole being of a child depends on their trainings at home.

Students. It is beneficial for the students because it will help them to understand the
factors of their values formation. It will help them to become more understanding and
compassionate to others. As future parents someday, it will serve as their guide on how to shape
and discipline their children appropriately.

Scoop and Limitation of Study

The study focussed the parenting style and sense of values specifically; honesty, courtesy,
and self-discipline of TEP students in Lourdes College, School Year 2015-2016.

The study was limited to the student’s sense of values as dependent variable. The
independent variable was the student’s parenting style.

Definition of Terms
To attain better comprehension of the meaning of terms used in the study, the following
terminologies are defined.
Parenting style. This term refers to the ways of parents in handling their children.
According to Baumind(1996), as cited by Santrock(2006), there are four styles of parenting
which includes authoritarian, authoritative, Neglectful, and Indulgent parenting which are
defined as follows:
Authoritarian Parenting. This is parenting style where parents are characterized
as restrictive and punitive. They tend to punish their children if they don’t obey
their directions and disrespect them.
Authoritative Parenting. it’s a parenting style whereby authoritative parents
encourage their children to be independent but they place limits and control in
their actions. They tend to be supportive with their children.
Neglectful Parenting. Parents who does not care the life of their children and
tolerant to their responsibilities as parents of their children.
Indulgent Parenting. Refers to the parents who are highly involved with their kids
but did not implement disciplinary action to the child’s behaviour.
( Jadman, 2014)
Sense of values. These are values being considered in order to make a judgement of an
individual’s own identity and reflections on their attitude/ behaviour that they already have.
Honesty. the quality of being fair and truthful.
Courtesy. Polite behaviour that shows respect for other people.
Self-discipline. The ability to make yourself do things that should be done.
Chapter 3

This research presents the methods and procedures used in the study. It includes research
design, participants of the study, sampling procedure, the research instrument, data gathering and
scoring procedure, and statistical treatment used in the study.

Research Design
This study employed a descriptive-correlational design to determine the prevailing
conditions and to explore relationship of the variables. Best and Khan (2005), wrote that
descriptive research often involves type of contrast and comparison and may attempt to discover
the relationship between the variables that are not manipulated. The descriptive part of this study
provided information on the values of courtesy, honesty and self-discipline as sense of values by
the Teacher Education students at Lourdes College. This study determined the preferred
parenting styles as related to their sense of values. The correlations established the relationship
that exists between the variables of parents’ parenting styles and students’ sense of values.

Participants of the Study

The participants of the study were drawn from the entire population of Teacher Education
Program for School Year 2015 – 2016 in Lourdes College, Cagayan de Oro City. The entire
Teacher Education Program was considered since there was only one section on each level,
namely: First Year had 66 students, Second Year had 58 students, Third Year had 37 students,
and Fourth Year had 28 students with a total of 189. They were chosen considering that Teacher
Education is the future values educators. The researchers believed this program as the most
appropriate for the teacher to know and to estimate the status of their value development.

The Research Instruments

The instruments used in this study are the following: Questionnaires on Assessing
Courtesy, Honesty and Self-Discipline, Parenting Style Questionnaire.
The Questionnaires in Assessing the Value of Courtesy was adopted from Miranda
(2008). Also, the Questionnaires on Assessing the Value of Honesty were modified from
Teaching Kids Honesty by Freedom, (2009). Moreover, the Questionnaire on Assessing the
Self-Discipline was adopted from Carini, (2007). The contents of the questions were modified
based on the actual experiences of the students as observed by the researchers in school. The
researcher also used the Parenting Style Questionnaire of Mandleco, (1995), but the researchers
modified it based on Diana Baumrind’s, four types of parenting style as cited by Santrock,

Data Gathering Procedure

To obtain the data, the researchers sought permission from the Dean of the Teacher
Education Program of Lourdes College prior the distribution of the questionnaires to the Teacher
Education Program for all levels. The distribution was done during the class period of the
teachers handling major subjects. It was conducted last February 19, 2016. The researchers
personally administered the questionnaires to the students to ensure that if students had difficulty
in answering some items, they could be assisted and clarified by the researchers.

Scoring Procedure
The Questionnaires on Assessing Courtesy, Honesty and Self-Discipline is a four-point
rating scale where the pupils encircled the acronym N, S, U and A. On the other hand, the
Parenting Style Questionnaire used a five-point scale with scores ranging from “Never” to
“Always”. After retrieving the questionnaires, the responses were being tallied and get the
frequency, mean and percentage of their scores. The succeeding paragraphs described the
characteristics of a child with the corresponding scores.

Scoring Procedure for Assessing Courtesy, Honesty and Self-Discipline

Point Value Range Descriptive Response Interpretation
4 3.51 – 4.00 Always Outstanding
3 2.51 – 3.50 Usually Very Satisfactory
2 1.51 – 2.50 Sometimes Satisfactory
1 1.00 – 1.50 Never Poor
Scoring Procedure for Assessing Parents’ Parenting Styles
Point Value Range Descriptive Response Interpretation
5 4.51 – 5.00 Always Very High
4 3.51 – 4.00 Usually High
3 2.51 – 3.50 Sometimes Moderate
2 1.51 – 2.50 Seldom Low
1 1.00 – 1.50 Never Very Low

Statistical Treatment
In order to organize the data, the following statistical tools were employed:
For problem 1 and 2, measures of central tendency such as mean was used to organize the
data. It also utilized the frequency and percentages to summarize the data.
For problem No. 3, Pearson (r) was to establish the relationship between the self-assessed
values and parents’ parenting styles.

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