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for Everyone Happiness
Today’s Situation
• The business wants innovation, new technologies, and frequent
updates to support competitiveness and rapidly changing business
• The services to be reliable and stable
• To achieve this, we need to change the way we handle change.
Start Here : Problem
• Reliability
• Quality
• Support

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• When there are new releases,
developers chuck code over the
wall for the operations team to
put into production.
• Lack of communication and
intimate knowledge of the code
makes it difficult to ensure
reliability in production.
• IT (ex: Operation Team) receives
user-reported incidents every day.
• These incidents are typically
isolated from development in a
completely different system (slack,
google docs, spreadsheet, chat,
• When incidents aren’t linked to a
development backlog, they aren’t
considered. Lack of user feedback
means product quality suffers.
• When escalations happen, they
can get lost in the transfer from IT
(ex: Operation Team) and
• This makes it hard to communicate
what got fixed and when, resulting
in dissatisfied users.
Summary Challenges
• Pressure to improve: Continuing pressure to improve relevance of services to the
• Balancing change with stability: IT must balance rate of change with stability to
ensure business value is provided
• Blind spots in information: Scattered data or lack of information at all levels
limits incident and problem understanding.
• Sparse communication on changes: Deployment failures have a high risk of
downtime. And too often, changes are made that IT support doesn’t know about
(lack of communication).
• Redundancy and rework: Duplication of work, redundancies, knowledge gaps
and hand-offs—resulting in higher IT and business costs.
• Lack of alignment with other teams: Support feedback often represents
customers, and doesn’t always get communicated to and from development,
product owners and product managers.
Start Journey of DevOps
Propose solution
What is DevOps?
• Development: Teams developing and maintaining software products
and services. We’ll focus on internal developers maintaining the
systems and tools employees use to be productive, such as
centralized purchasing, CRMs and more.
• Operations: Teams delivering, managing and supporting products and
services. We’ll focus on IT teams supporting internal systems that
employees use.
DevOps is not about a technology, DevOps is
about a business problem.
- by Patrick Debois
The First Way: Systems Thinking
• Development builds, and then
ships to Operations—fortifying
customer value.
The Second Way: Feedback Loops
• Shorten and amplify feedback
The Third Way: Continual Experimentation
and Learning
• Creating a culture
• Teams practicing DevOps typically exceed profitability, market share
and productivity goals.
Maps the Journey of DevOps

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DevOps Framework

What? How?
• Culture is all about daily or • Daily standups
weekly rituals that influence • Chatroom
how a team works.
• Shift from silos to constant

What? How?
• Track knowledge • Write Documentation
• Don’t just deploy, but support • Automated Test
• Help with testing • Automated Deploy

What? How?
• Eliminate waste • Agile with Kanban Framework
• Always improve • Review Code
• Failure is normal • Pair Programming

What? How?
• How long does it take to recover • Bug Tracking
from failure? • Control charts
• How many repeated issues do • Cumulative flow diagrams
you have?
• What are your costs?

What? How?
• Transparancy of Work • Write
• Goals, priorities and pain • Chatroom
• Knowledge • Knowledge Sharing
• Communication
Maturity Level

Level? Should Master?

• Beginner • Lean with Agile & Git
• Base • People & Culture
• Intermediate • Continuous Integration & Delivery
• Advanced • Incident Management
• Expert • Technology Drives Culture
Where we are now?
• Beginner Level
Let’s Play with Playbook
Devops Playbook
Source :

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