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Kenmore Teachers Association Newsletter June 2018

The State of Our Unions, President Peter Stuhlmiller

Our low point…It was a difficult night for those of us from AFT that volunteered a week of our time in August 2011 to try
and recall 3 Wisconsin state senators that voted with Governor Scott Walker to strip the rights of their public school teachers
and nurses from collective bargaining. Our organized efforts came up one seat short. The residents in two out of the three
needed senate districts voted to recall their republican senators. However, the residents in the 8th district, by a razor thin
margin, defeated the recall measure.

As a result, the Republican led government continued its assault on public employees and middle class Wisconsin families.

 175,000 public employees lost their fundamental right to negotiate wages, benefits, and working conditions.
 Lengthened the waiting period for unemployed workers to received reduced benefits.
 Child labor laws weakened. Minors under the age of 18 can be forced to work longer hours each day and more days per
 Sick Day Benefits Prohibited
 Loss of Victims’ Rights
 $800 million in state aid to public schools slashed
 Taxpayer funded private school vouchers substantially increased
 30% cut for Wisconsin’s technical college system.

Labor Rising…November
New Yorkers overwhelmingly defeat the proposed Constitutional Convention – 83% NO.

Now… West Virginia, Kentucky, Oklahoma, Arizona, and North Carolina

Over the last four months teachers in traditionally republican states rise up, rally and walk out to
demand fair pay, better working conditions, and more supplies for their students.

In New York State we know why union membership is important: In This Isue
 President’s
Strong contract protections, and salaries nearly 30% higher, on average, than non-union workers. Article
Better access to affordable health care and retirement benefits
A voice in our profession  Vote/Cope
Access to expert legal, financial, professional advice and information.  Save the Dates
– In preparation for the Janus Supreme Court Decision many of us – in Kenmore – currently 96% -  Congratulations
have voluntarily signed up to keep our union strong. We still have not reached some members on
 KTA 2018/19
leave or those few who are traveling between multiple buildings. “Unions United Can Never Be
 Member Benefits
Together, we will continue to protect both our profession and public education.
Events –You Our local KTA stands strong on behalf of our members but our
strength comes from being an organized membership. Thank you
are Invited
to everyone of you who gave time over this past school year and
Join our Union Brothers joined in KTA sponsored events and initiatives. We appreciate
and Sisters at our
upcoming events. It is a your service!
great way to meet Union
members who serve in Now is a good time for each of us to contemplate our own
Western New York. personal answer to “Why UNION?” Visit Nysut .org and stay
current on local, state, and federal decisions which impact our
ability to advocate for benefits such as contract protection,
Upcoming affordable healthcare and retirement benefits.
Want More?
Become a
Representative &
Share in Decision
Making for our

Dear Sisters and Brothers of the KTA,

On behalf of the Union that each and everyone of you represent, I offer my
sincere thanks for your continued support of the VOTECOPE Drive. I am
proud to report that at this time the KTA has shown an increase in FTE con-
tributions over last year. We as individuals know that our union depends on
us, We Are The Union - the KTA! I assure each of you as members of the
KTA that your Union will be here to protect your Union rights. It is not too
late to increase your contribution. Call 837-3710 or email the KTA office
and ask either Lennie or Sara for a Vote Cope form for 2018/19. Your
contribution will support the profession that you notably serve. Again, my
heartfelt thanks for all that you do.

In Solidarity,
Mike Fiels Second VP , VOTECOPE Chair, Ex. Board WNY CLC

Upcoming KTA Events

September 3rd—Labor Day Parade, Join
our line up in front of the Irish Center at
July 20, 2018—ALF Picnic at
12 pm. Kid friendly event. Catered free
Woodlawn State Park– Contact the KTA if
picnic will follow the walk.

September 22nd—Back
to School 5K Walk & Run
I Love Public Education

Saturday October 13,

2018-am Event
Making Strides Against
Each year Ken-Ton is one of the top school districts that supports and participates in the walk. It
takes all of you who participate as walkers or making donations to help make the day a promise
of hope.

KTA Family
Social October
13, 2018-pm

Join your KTA colleagues at the East/West football game and stay for a cookout . Details to follow.
The KTA wishes to congratulate all of our Retirees:
Eileen Andrzejak

Linda Ball

Warren Bush

Renee Herr

Maryann Mercer

Erica Moses

James O’Connor

Sarah Peterson

Robin Ann Thoman

Valerie Tundo

Mary Wedgewood


Executive Board Representative Assembly Senior Representative Round

9/20/18 (Thursday) 10/3/18 10/24/18

10/17/18 12/5/18 1/23/19

11/14/18 2/6/19 3/27/19

12/19/18 4/3/19

1/16/19 6/5/19






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