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Shortcut InDesign

Tutorial Setting & Layout

A. Bekerja dengan Teks

Efek Teks Tekan Tombol
Bold Shift + Ctrl + B
Italic Shift + Ctrl + I
Normal Shift + Ctrl + Y
Underline Shift + Ctrl + U
Strikethrough Shift + Ctrl + /
All caps (on/off) Shift + Ctrl + K
Small caps Shift + Ctrl + H
Superscript Shift + Ctrl + + (plus sign)
Subscript Shift + Alt + Ctrl + + (plus sign)
Resets horizontal or vertical scale to 100% Shift + Ctrl + X or y + Alt + Ctrl + X
Aligns left, right, or center Shift + Ctrl + l, r, Or C
Justifies all lines Shift + Ctrl + F (all lines) or J (all but last lines)
Increases or decreases point size* Shift + Ctrl + > or <
Increases or decreases point size by five times* Shift + Ctrl + Alt + > or <
Increases or decreases leading* Alt + or
Increases or decreases leading by five times* Alt + Ctrl + or
Auto leading Shift + Alt + Ctrl + A
Selects or deselects preferences setting for Shift + Alt + Ctrl + “
typographer’s marks
Aligns to grid (on/off) Shift + Alt + Ctrl + G
Auto-hyphenates (on/off) Shift + Alt + Ctrl + H
Increases or decreases kerning & tracking Alt + or
Increases or decreases kerning & tracking by five Alt + Ctrl + + or
Increases kerning between words* Alt + Ctrl + \
Decreases kerning between words* Alt + Ctrl + Backspace
Clears all manual kerning and resets tracking to 0 Alt + Ctrl + Q
Increases or decreases baseline shift** Shift + Alt + or
Increases or decreases baseline shift by 5 times Shift + Alt + Ctrl + or
Automatically flows story Shift + click loaded text icon
Semi-automatically flows story Alt click loaded text icon
Recomposes all stories Alt + Ctrl + /
Insert current page number Alt + Ctrl + N
Inserts section marker text (or placeholder) Shift + Alt + Ctrl + N

Shortcut InDesign
Tutorial Setting & Layout 1
* Press Shift to increase or decrease kerning between words by 5 times.
** Amount is set in Edit . Preferences . Units & Increments.

B. Membuat Tabel
Efek Teks Tekan Tombol
Insert Table Shift + Alt + Ctrl + T
Insert row Ctrl + 9
Insert column Alt + Ctrl + 9
Insert or delete rows or columns while dragging Begin dragging row or column border, and then
hold down Alt as you drag
Delete row Ctrl + Backspace
Delete column Shift + Backspace
Resize rows or columns without changing the size Shift + drag interior row column border
of the table
Resize rows or columns proportionally Shift + drag right or bottom table border
Move to next cell Tab
Move to previous cell Shift + Tab
Move to first cell in column Alt + Page Up
Move to last cell in column Alt + Page Down
Move to first cell in row Alt + Home
Move to last cell in row Alt + End
Move to first row in frame Page Up
Move to last row in frame Page Down
Start row on next frame Shift + Enter (numeric keypad)
Start row on next column Enter (numeric keypad)
Toggle between cell and text selection Esc
Select cell Ctrl + /
Select row Ctrl + 3
Select column Alt + Ctrl + 3
Select entire table Alt + Ctrl + A
Table options dialog box Alt + Ctrl + T
Cell Option dialog box Alt + Ctrl + B

C. Memunculkan Palette
Palette Tekan Tombol
Character Ctrl + T
Paragraph Ctrl + M
Tabs y + Ctrl + T
Paragraph Style F11
Align F8
Color F6
Layers F7

Shortcut InDesign
Tutorial Setting & Layout
Pages F12
Stroke F10
Swatches F5
Table Shift + F9
Text Wrap Ctrl + Alt + W
Transform F9
Transparency Shift + F10
Scripts F2

D. Shortcut pada Tool

Tool Tekan Tombol
Selection tool V
Direct selection tool A
Pen tool P
Text tool T
Pencil tool N
Line tool \
Rectangle tool M
Ellips tool L
Free transform tool E
Eyedropper tool I
Gradient tool G
Scissor tool C
Hand tool H
Zoom tool Z
Default fill and stroke D
Swap fill and stroke Shift + X
Togle fill and stroke X

Shortcut InDesign
Tutorial Setting & Layout 3

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