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Dealing with hydrogenation

catalyst poisons
For stable operation of a pyrolysis gasoline unit, it is crucial to know the effects
of poisons and inhibitors on catalyst performance and how to counteract them

Dirk Lose, Ernesto J Angueira and Markus Schulte CRI Catalyst

Anke Derking Shell Global Solutions International

he hydrogenation of so-called pyrolysis However, a great advantage is the flexibil-
gasoline is an important part of most liq- ity to use a broad range of cracker feedstocks.
uid feed steam cracker operations. Feeding Inherent with the benefit of such flexibility, the
a liquid cracker with a naphtha or hydrowax composition of the feed and the catalyst poisons
diet, the share of pyrolysis gasoline can be as and inhibitors in the feed change by nature and
high as 20% of the cracker product mix.1 quantity.
The purpose of hydrogenation of pyroly- For stable operation of a pyrolysis gasoline
sis gasoline is to eliminate highly reactive spe- unit, it is of high value to know the effects that
cies deemed to polymerise and potentially cause various poisons and inhibitors have on the per-
fouling and plugging, such as alkynes, diole- formance of the catalyst as well as to know if and
fins, styrene and olefin compounds, as well as what measures can be taken to counteract and to
to remove sulphur, while minimising losses restore the catalyst’s performance.
of aromatics.
This is commonly achieved by hydrogenation in Feed contaminants
two subsequent stages. The first stage is a trickle While there are numerous literature sources
phase operation employing palladium or sul- available on catalyst poisons and inhibitors,2,3,4
phided nickel catalyst to remove alkynes as well we focus in this study on a few, which are sulphur
as diolefinic and styrenic species. The second (as CS2), nitrogen (as ethylamine and pyridine),
stage is a vapour phase operation employing sul- silicon (as hexamethyldisiloxane) and lead (as
phided nickel molybdenum (NiMo) and cobalt tetraethyl lead).
molybdenum (CoMo) catalysts to remove mainly Most feed sulphur contaminants originate from
olefins and convert sulphur compounds to hydro- cracker feeds where they are commonly found
gen sulphide. in the range 50-250 ppm. However, some sul-
Targeting reliable and stable operation, the phur also originates in intentionally added com-
performance of the catalyst is essential. Knowing ponents such as dimethyl disulphide, which is
the feed composition, operating parameters, and deemed to convert to hydrogen sulphide (H2S) in
start of run catalyst activity, one can model and the radiant coils and to passivate the nickel sites
predict the catalyst’s performance, inclusive of on the tube surface and reduce coking rates (see
cycle length, for given end of run criteria. This Figure 1).1
includes adjustments of the model for known While mercaptans and organic disulphides
feed poisons and inhibitors. If catalyst activity are mainly cracked to H2S in the radiant coils
is permanently reduced by a feed contaminant, and later washed out in the caustic column,
one classifies such a contaminant as a poison. If thiophenic, benzothiophenic, and other com-
catalyst activity is restored after contact with the plex sulphur compounds are reasonably stable
specific feed contaminant has been stopped, one and end up in the pyrolysis gasoline fraction.
classifies such a contaminant as a temporary poi- The same happens to carbon disulphide (CS2),
son or inhibitor. which mostly originates from the cracker

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Sulphur Silicon Ethylene Propylene Nitrogen C4s, C5s
e.g. DMDS e.g. HMDS e.g. DMF

Feed Furnace Hot Compression Cold train C3 C4, C5 extraction/ First stage
Sulphur section and ethylene C4 fractionation gasoline
Drying recovery hydrogenation
Nitrogen Quench C5
Metals Gasoline

Figure 1 Simplified cracker scheme indicating origin of contaminants. DMDS = Dimethyldisulphide;

HMDS = Hexamethyldisiloxane; DMF = Dimethylformamid

feed passing the radiant section without Experimental set-up

conversion. A bench scale testing unit was employed to deter-
The possibility of CS2 formation in the radi- mine the impact of various contaminants on cat-
ant section has to be considered as well. Up to alyst activity. The unit was fully automated and
the 1950s, CS2 was indeed produced from the utilised a process control system. Liquid sam-
elements at about 800°C.4 However, the partial ples were taken with an automatic sampler. The
pressures of sulphur and carbon in the radiant testing unit consisted of two independent reactor
section are mostly regarded as too low and thus systems, allowing for two tests to be performed
formation of CS2 can only contribute margin- in parallel. Two separate feed tanks allowed for
ally to the overall balance. It has been observed easy switching between straight pygas and pygas
that in many imported feeds the level of CS2 has spiked with the desired catalyst poison.
recently increased remarkably, causing trouble in The adjusted testing conditions mimic the typ-
the downstream pyrolysis gasoline hydrogenation ical conditions of a first stage pygas unit, but
reactors.5 no recycle flow of hydrogenated product was
Nitrogen containing contaminants also originate applied. The weighted average bed temperature,
from the cracker feed and from extraction solvents adjusted to achieve a defined start of run activ-
such as N-formylmorpholine, dimethylformamide ity of fresh catalyst, was kept unchanged after
or N-methyl-2-pyrrolidone. Amines are cracked the switch to ‘poisoned’ feed. At the end of each
mostly to ammonia and hydrogen cyanide, while run, initial conditions were adjusted to monitor
cyclic structures such as pyridine and pyrrole the loss of activity (point of return). Hot hydro-
are stable and make their way into the pyrolysis gen strip was performed to evaluate the possibil-
gasoline.6 ity of regeneration of the catalyst after exposure
Silicon is of some interest as additives contain- to contaminants.
ing silicon are frequently added in the quench The catalyst used for these experiments was
tower to reduce foaming and support water a CRI first stage nickel catalyst. The shape
organic separation. As a matter of practice, some of the catalyst was a 2.5mm trilobe extru-
of the silicon additives arrive with the pyrolysis date. The catalyst was loaded in the pre-
gasoline feed. Potentially, silicon can accumulate sulphided form and in situ reduction was per-
on the catalyst surface and form glass structures, formed at 750°F (400°C) to make it ready for
for instance under conditions in which the cata- use. To ensure proper radial distribution and to
lyst is regenerated, which deactivates the catalyst minimise wall effects, the catalyst was diluted
significantly or totally.7 with an inert material. A fresh catalyst sample
Lead is a metal less frequently found than was used for every test. The results of the poison-
nickel, vanadium or mercury, but it is commonly ing experiments are benchmarked with a refer-
found in liquid feedstocks and mostly as an ence test of fresh catalyst without poisons.
organolead component.8 The main criterion to evaluate the catalyst’s

2 PTQ Q1 2018 www.digitalrefining.com/article/1001463

performance was the change of
hydrogenation activity of sty- av run data without poison + confidence belt
rene. Liquid samples were ana- Pygas with poison
lysed to determine the content of After HHS
slipped contaminant. The spent
catalyst samples were tested for
accumulation of poisons.
The health and safety risks

of the planned poisons were
assessed prior to the begin-
ning of the experiments. A risk
assessment was conducted for
every poison.

Impact of sulphur as carbon

Start-up Poison present No poison
disulphide No poison No adaption of parameters Point of return (POR)
The first tests were performed After hot hydrogen strip
with sulphur as CS2 and the Time
main results are depicted in
Figure 2. After a start-up period Figure 2 Impact of CS2 (20 ppmw S) on styrene conversion
to confirm stable and relia-
ble conditions, the feed was
switched to contain 20 ppmw
sulphur as CS2, corresponding to
24 ppmw CS2. The impact of the
catalyst’s performance was pro-
nounced. Conversion dropped

by up to 75% of the initial activ-

ity. After equilibrium was
reached, the performance of
the catalyst became more sta-
ble but steady deactivation could av run data without poison + confidence belt
still be observed. A temperature Pygas with hexylamine
increase (not shown in the fig- Pygas with pyridine
ure) was required to match the Start-up Poison present No poison
activity in the reference exper- No poison No adaption of parameters Point of return (POR)
iment. The effect of CS2 was Time
found to be reversible. Switching
to the standard feed resulted Figure 3 Impact of hexylamine and pyridine (50 ppmw N) on styrene
in almost complete recovery of conversion. The key message here is that if a feed contains a high load of
activity over time. After a hot basic nitrogen, it is possible to counteract the deactivation with an increase
hydrogen strip procedure was in inlet temperature
performed, activity was com-
pletely restored. uct. Post mortem analysis of the spent catalyst
It was demonstrated that the adsorption equi- revealed that no additional sulphur accumulated
librium of sulphur on the catalyst was established on the catalyst and the residual sulphur found
in the first hours of the run. During this period, was in agreement with the total amount of sul-
the sulphur partially adsorbed onto the catalyst phur slipping with the liquid product.
and partially passed the catalyst bed, slipping The key message here is that if a CS2 spike
with the product. After adsorption equilibrium can be expected, drop of activity can be antic-
was established, the complete amount of sulphur ipated by a preventative increase in operating
fed to the reactor was detected in the liquid prod- temperature.

www.digitalrefining.com/article/1001463 PTQ Q1 2018 3

formance of the catalyst stabi-
lised. Monitoring of nitrogen
content in the reactor product
showed that the adsorption equi-
librium was fully established
very slowly after a long time

on stream. During this period,

nitrogen was adsorbed onto the
1 wtppm 5 wtppm 10 wtppm 25 wtppm 35 wtppm
fresh catalyst, resulting in low
concentrations of nitrogen in the
liquid samples. Once adsorption
av run data without poison + confidence belt was completed, all dosed nitro-
Pygas + Si (1– 35 wtppm)
gen passed through the reactor
Start-up Poison present No poison and could be found in the liq-
No poison No adaption of parameters After hot uid product. When dosing of the
hydrogen strip
Time amine was stopped, hysteresis
was observed. It took about 30%
Figure 4 Impact of silicon as siloxane (1-35 ppmw Si) on styrene conversion. longer to desorb the nitrogen.
The key message here is that the effect of silicon as siloxane is low at first The initial performance recov-
stage pygas conditions ered after hot hydrogen strip as
well as after resetting the refer-
ence conditions.

Impact of organic silicon as

Hexamethyldisiloxane was tested
because it is a good representa-

tive of the group of anti-foaming

agents that are a typical source
of silicon contamination in pygas
0.1 wtppm 0.5 wtppm 1.0 wtppm
feeds. Initial results show silicon
av run data without poison + confidence belt to have a weaker poisoning effect
Pygas + Pb (0.1– 1.0 wtppm) on the presulphided nickel cat-
Start-up Poison present No poison alyst than was expected. Due to
No poison No adaption of parameters After hot the weak effect, a higher amount
hydrogen strip of silicon was adopted to obtain
a visible effect. The concentra-
Figure 5 Impact of lead (as tetraethyl lead, 0.1-1 ppmw Pb) on styrene tion could be increased up to 35
conversion. The key message here is that the tests revealed a progressive ppmw without a negative effect
poisoning of the catalyst. Activity can be restored but poison remains on the on catalyst activity. Most of the
catalyst silicon slipped through the first
stage pygas reactor. Figure 4
Impact of (basic) nitrogen as primary amine shows the impact of silicon on styrene conversion
Basic amines are considered to be the most reac- after start-up with undoped feed when the silicon
tive components in the group of nitrogen con- concentration was increased in steps from 1 ppmw
taining compounds. Hexylamine as primary to 35 ppmw. Eventually, the ability to perform a
amine and pyridine as heterocyclic aromatic hot hydrogen strip after treatment with silicon was
amine were tested and the effect differed from checked with no unexpected results regarding cat-
CS2 (see Figure 3). The response of hexylamine alyst activity.
was less strong and required more time to sta-
bilise than upon spiking with pyridine. Once Impact of organic lead
adsorption equilibrium was established, the per- Lead is generally found in liquid feedstocks and

4 PTQ Q1 2018 www.digitalrefining.com/article/1001463

natural gas liquids. It is rarely found as elemen- compounds of sulphur, nitrogen (basic), lead, sil-
tary lead, but most likely as an organolead com- icon and others were tested. The main areas stud-
ponent such as tetraethyl lead (TEL) which ends ied in the testing included the effect on catalyst
up in the pygas fraction. TEL is considered to be a activity, the effectiveness of hot hydrogen strip-
representative component for other organometal- ping to restore activity, and the accumulation
lic contaminants. The experiment with TEL may of the contaminants and carbon on the catalyst
therefore shed some light on the impact of other surface.
metals such as mercury which could not be tested In all cases, most if not all of the catalyst’s
due to potential health hazards and manageability original activity was recovered by performing
in the laboratory. hot hydrogen stripping. The impact of the tem-
After obtaining the first results, the amount of porary poisons CS2 and basic nitrogen can be
lead was adopted to demonstrate its effect more mitigated by a proactive increase in tempera-
clearly and the results are shown in Figure 5. ture. Silicon as siloxane did not deactivate the
After start-up with fresh feed, the lead concen- catalyst and lead showed a linear accumulation
tration was increased in steps from 0.1 ppmw on the catalyst, leading to a shortening of cycle
to 1 ppmw. The loss of activity built up linearly length over time.
with the amount of accumulated lead. When the
lead amount was increased, conversion dropped References
below the reference data and continued to fall. 1 Zimmermann H, Steamcracking – state of the art, Oil and Gas
The drop of activity was less severe when the European Magazine, 4/2009, 191-196, Urban-Verlag Hamburg/
Wien GmbH.
amount of lead was constant at 0.1 ppmw. The
2 Bartholomew C H, Agrawal P K, Katzer J R, Sulphur poisoning
liquid reactor product contained about 20% of
of metals, Advances in Catalysis, Vol 31,135 ff., Academic Press
the dosed lead. It was possible to perform a hot
hydrogen strip to restore activity, even when 3 Bartholomew C H, Mechanism of catalyst deactivation, Applied
some accumulated lead remained fixed on the Catalysts, General 212, 17-60, Elsevier, Amsterdam, 2001.
active sites and could not be removed by regen- 4 Butt J B, Petersen E E, Activation, Deactivation and Poisoning
eration. Spent catalyst analysis confirmed that of Catalysts, Academic Press Inc., San Diego, 1988.
most lead remained on the catalyst and, after the 5 Madon H N, Stickland-Constable R F, Ind. Eng. Chem., 50 (8),
switch back to undoped pygas, lead in the reac- 1189-1892, 1958.
tor outlet product totally disappeared, which 6 Proceedings of EEPC 2016, Prague and 2017, Valencia.
means that the accumulated lead was fixed on the 7 Weissermehl K, Arpe H-J in Industrial Organic Chemistry, 3rd
edition, 107-124, VCH Publishers, Inc. New York, 1997.
catalyst. This was an intriguing outcome show-
8 Didillon B et al in Studies in Surface Science and Catalysts,
ing how the lead is linked to the catalyst before
Bartholomew C H, Fuentes G A (Eds), Vol 111, 447-454, Elsevier,
or after the hot hydrogen strip. A possible theory
is migration of lead to the nickel core during the 9 Boitiaux J P et al in Studies in Surface Science and Catalysts,
hot hydrogen strip, but further investigation is Delmont B, Froment G F (Eds), Vol 34, 105-123, Elsevier, 1987.
Dirk Lose is a Technical Service Engineer with CRI Catalysts in
Conclusion Leuna, Germany. He provides technical support in catalytic
The impact of several poisons on a typical sul- hydrogenation in processes downstream of steam crackers in
phided nickel catalyst used in the first stage Europe and the Middle East. He holds a diploma in chemistry and
pygas hydrogenation system was evaluated. a PhD in physical chemistry from the Martin Luther University,
Halle, Germany.
Selection of poisons for the study was driven by
Ernesto J Angueira provides technical support in catalytic
relevance or known incidents in the industry,
hydrogenation in processes downstream of steam crackers
availability of a representative component, and
with CRI-Criterion Catalyst. He holds a BS degree in chemical
related risk assessments. engineering from the University of Puerto Rico, and MS and
This experimental programme aimed to estab- PhD degrees in chemical engineering from Georgia Institute of
lish the maximum load values for individual con- Technology.
taminants by dosing representative compounds Markus Schulte is a Senior Account Executive with CRI Catalyst.
in the pygas feed and monitoring catalyst per- With a technical and commercial background in catalytic
formance as a function of contaminant concen- applications and markets, he holds a diploma and a PhD in
trations in the feed over time. Representative chemistry from the Technical University of Munich.

www.digitalrefining.com/article/1001463 PTQ Q1 2018 5

Anke Derking is a Senior Technologist with Shell Global Solutions
B.V. With 32 years of experience in heterogeneous catalysis, LINKS
chemical engineering and process safety, she holds a MSc degree
in chemistry from the University of Amsterdam and a MSc degree More articles from: Criterion Catalysts & Technologies
in chemical engineering from TU Twente, the Netherlands. Shell Global Solutions International
More articles from the following categories:
Catalysts & Additives Emissions Reduction
Sulphur Removal and Recovery

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