Gas Turbine Acceptance Test

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Second edition

Gas turbines - Acceptance tests

Turbines ~3gaz - Essais de rhcep tion

Reference number
Licensed to Mr. Romero ISO 2314 : 1989 (EI
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ISO 2314 : 1989 (El

ISO (the International Organization for Standardization) is a worldwide federation of
national Standards bodies (ISO member bodies). The work of preparing International
Standards is normally carried out through ISO technical committees. Esch member
body interested in a subject for which a technical committee has been established has
the right to be represented on that committee. International organizations, govern-
mental and non-governmental, in Iiaison with ISO, also take part in the work. ISO
collaborates closely with the International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) on all
matters of electrotechnical standardization.

Draft International Standards adopted by the technical committees are circulated to

the member bodies for approval before their acceptance as International Standards by
the ISO Council. They are approved in accordance with ISO procedures requiring at
least 75 % approval by the member bodies voting.

International Standard ISO 2314 was prepared by Technical Committee ISO/TC 192,
Gas turbines,

This second edition cancels and replaces the first edition (ISO 2314 : 19731, of which it
constitutes a technical revision.

Users should note that all International Standards undergo revision from time to time
and that any reference made herein to any other International Standard implies its
latest edition, unless othetwise stated.

0 ISO 1989
All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced or utilized in any form or by any
means, electronie or mechanical, including photocopying and microfilm, without Permission in
writing from the publisher.
International Organization for Standardization
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ISO 2314 : 1989 (El

Scope and field of application .......................................... 1

References .......................................................... 1

General definitions, description of terms and Symbols. ..................... 2

Preparation for tests .................................................. 3

Test operating conditions ............................................. 3

Instruments and measurement methods ................................. 6

Testmethod ......................................................... 11

Computation of results. ............................................... 14

Testreport .......................................................... 19

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Gas turbines - Acceptance tests

1 Scope and field of application b) thermal efficiency, heat rate or specific fuel consump-
tion under specified operating conditions;
1.1 This International Standard specifies Standard pro- c) adequacy of essential protective devices as defined
cedures and rules for the conduct and reporting of acceptance in 7.1.3.
tests in Order to determine and/or verify the power, thermal
efficiency and other petformance characteristics of gas turbine
power plants. lt defines Standard conditions which should be 1.5 Optional tests may also be included, provided that these
used if no other conditions are agreed at the time of are specifically agreed upon by both Parties at the time of
purchase. 1) This International Standard is not intended to pro- purchase. For example, such tests may include any of the
vide a basis for the conduct of test work generally aimed at following items or others specified by national or Iocal re-
development or research. quirements :

The extent of acceptance tests that are carried out on the a) Performance of the governing System and protective
manufacturer’s premises and at site respectively are to be Systems as given in 7.2.1 and 7.2.2;
agreed between the Parties.
b) handling characteristics (for example, starting charac-
teristics, time of loading);
1.2 The acceptance requirements will have been satisfied if
the mandatory tests given in 1.4 have been fulfilled under the c) amplitude and frequency of Vibration;
procedures laid down.
d) Stack emission;
Optional tests may, however, be included but should not be
considered necessary unless specifically agreed upon by the e) waste heat recovery evaluation;
Parties to the test at the time of the purchase.
f) noise level;
1.3 This International Standard applies to open cycle gas tur- g) thermal discharges;
bine power plants using normal combustion Systems and also
includes closed cycle and semi-closed cycle gas turbine power h) anti-icing System.
plants. In cases of gas turbines using free Piston gas generators
or special heat sources (for example Chemical process, nuclear
reactors, furnace for a supercharged boiler), this International
Standard may be used as a basis but will need to be suitably
2 References
ISO 5167, Measurement of fluidflowbymeans of oriciceplates,
nozzles and venturi tubes inserted in circular Cross-section con-
1.4 The primary Object of the acceptance (mandatory) tests duits running full.
is to determine
ISO 6190, Acoustics - Measurement of pressure levels of gas
a) power under specified operating conditions (gas power, turbine ins talla tions for evalua ting environmen tal noise -
if only a gas generator is supplied); Survey method.

1) Points on which an agreement between Parties to the test is to be reached at the time of the purchase or Prior to the test are indicated by a vertical
line to the left of the relevant text.
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ISO2314:1989 (E)

IEC Publication 34-2, Rotating electrical machines - Part 2: - a total temperature of 15 OC;
Methods for determining losses and efficiency of ro ta ting elec-
trical machinery from tests (excluding mazhines for traction - a relative humidity of 60 %;
b) for the exhaust at turbine exhaust flange br
IEC Publication 46, Recommendations for steam turbines - recuperator outlet, if recuperator cycle is used
Part 2: Rules for acceptance tests.
- a static pressure of 101,3 kPa1).

. 3 General definitions, description of terms An inlet water temperature of 15 OC shall apply if cooling of the
and Symbols working fluid is used. Except in the case where intercooling is
involved, or where water Spray coolers are used, the effect of
3.1 Definitions humidity may generally be ignored.

For the purposes of this Internationa Standa rd, the fol lowing In the case of the closed cycle, the Standard conditions for the
definitions apply. air heater shali be 15 OC and 101,3 kP0 for the ambient
atmospheric air.
3.1.1 gas turbine : Machine which converts thermal energy
into mechanical work; it consists of one or several rotating
compressors, thermal device(s) to heat the working fluid, one 3.2.2 Power
or several turbines, a control System and essential auxiliary
equipment which allow the production of mechanical power in Power may be expressed in terms of output at the turbine
useful form. The gaseous working fluid Passes continuously coupling, electrical power (sec 8.1) at the generator terminals
through the System, is compressed, heated and then expanded or gas power in the case of a gas turbine or gas generator
to develop useful mechanical power. Any heat exchangers producing gas or compressed air (bleed air from a circuit
(waste heat exchanger excluded) in the main working fluid compressor).
circuit are considered to be part of the gas turbine.

3.1.2 gas generator : Combination of turbocompressor(s) 3.2.3 Thermal efficiency and specific consumption
driven by a turbine(s) with its combustion chamber, the whole of heat
providing hot gas under pressure. This combination may drive a
separate power turbine, commonly having no compressor or Thermal efficiency or specific consumption of heat shall be
combustion chamber. based on the net specific energy, at constant pressure, of the
fuel for either liquid, gaseous or solid fuel.
3.2 Description of terms The specific energy used shall be based on a pressure of
101,3 kPa1) and a temperature of 15 OC. Sensible heat above
3.2.1 Standard reference conditions 15 OC shall be taken into account.
In cases where power, efficiency, heat rate or specific
consumption refer to Standard conditions, such conditions 3.2.4 Cycle nomenclature
shall be :
Figure 1 Shows the basic nomenclature used in this Inter-
a) for the intake air at the compressor flange (alternatively,
national Standard. The Station numbers refer to locations.
the compressor intake flare) as detailed in 6.6.2 (see also
figure 1) :
Ambient air conditions are read at Station 1. Air conditions at
- a total pressure of 101,3 kPa 1); the inlet sf the compressor and leaving the compressor section

Heat Source

Figure 1 - Basic cycle nomenclature

1) 101,3 kPa = 1,013 bar = 760 mmHg

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ISO 2314 : 1989 (EI

are read at stations 2 and 3, respectively. In the event that there 4.4 Preliminary tests may be run for the purpose of
is more than one compressor section, the location for reading
air conditions at the exit of the first compressor section is a) determining whether the gas turbine and associated
designated as Station 2.1 and the inlet of the second com- plant are in a condition suitable for conducting an accept-
pressor section as 2.2. Station 4 is the entrance to the heat ante test;
Source (after recuperation, if any). Station 5 is the exit from the
heat Source, and the inlet to the turbine is Station 6. If there b) checking instrumentation;
should be more than one turbine, the exit conditions from the
first turbine would be read at 6.1 and the entrance conditions to Cl familiarization with test procedure.
the second turbine at 6.2, etc. However, if a reheater were used
After a prelimi narytest is made, it may, bY agreement between
in the cycle, then it would be 6.1 for the exit from the first
the purchaser and contractor, be deemed an acceptance test.
turbine Stage, 6.2 into the reheater, 6.3 out of the reheater, and
6.4 at the entrance of the second turbine. Exhaust gas con-
ditions leaving the turbine are taken at 7 and leaving the Stack
at 8. In the event that heat recovery equipment is employed in
5 Test operating conditions
the cycle, the entrance conditions to this equipment would be
read at 7.1 and the exit conditions at 7.2, etc. 5.1 General

In addition to this nomenclature, the following letters designate 5.1 .l Every reasonable effort shall be made to run the test as
the type of fluid in various Parts of the cycle: close as possible to the reference operating conditions (stan-
dard conditions or other specified conditions agreed at the time
f = fuel; of purchase). Fuel employed for test shall, wherever possible,
be such as specified in the guarantee or substantially similar to
g = gas after the heat Source; it in properties. In case this is not possible, Prior agreement
a = air (or other working fluid); shall be reached between the Parties to the test as to the fuel to
be used at an acceptance test and as to the interpretation of the
W = water; results.

b = lubricating fluid.
5.1.2 For convenience, thermal efficiency tests in dual fuel
installations may be carried out with one fuel only, but only
Exampie: The temperature of the fuel at the entrance to the
after agreement between the Parties to the test.
heat Source would be designated as Tf4.

lt is recognized that many different Systems of Station location 5.1.3 Control settings for the gas turbine shall be established
designators are in use instead of those shown in figure 1. Prior to the test. Special adjustments inappropriate for normal
engine Operation require written agreement.

3.3 Symbols
5.1.4 The test Observation records shall be entered on care-
fully prepared forms which constitute original logsheets to be
The Symbols and their meanings used in this International Stan-
authenticated by the observer’s signature. The original sheets
dard are given in table 1, together with the unit and reference
and recorded Charts shall be such as to permit facsimile
clause in which they are covered.
reproduction as, for example, by carbon copies or by photo-
copying process.
4 Preparation for tests Hand copying is not permissible. For the acceptance tests, a
complete set of unaltered logsheets and recorded Charts will
4.1 The acceptance tests shall normally be carried out im- become the property of the Parties to the test. The obser-
mediately after the completion of the setting-up period by the vations shall include the date and time of day. They shall be the
manufacturer and, in any event, within a period of three actual readings without application of any instrument correc-
months, unless otherwise agreed by both Parties. In any case, tions. The logsheets and any recorded Charts shall constitute a
before the tests, the machine shall be placed at the disposal of complete record.
the manufacturer for examination and cleaning.
5.1.5 If, during the conduct of a test or during the subsequent
4.2 If pipes or ducts are fitted for the purpose of by-passing analysis or interpretation of the observed data, an obvious
any component, or if bleed-off is used for any Service, any inconsistency is found which affects the validity of the results,
values in such ducts or pipes shall be set so as to produce con- every reasonable attempt shall be made to adjust or eliminate
ditions specified in the guarantee. the inconsistency by mutual agreement. Failure to resch agree-
ment will invalidate the run or test.

4.3 Dimensions and physical conditions of Parts of the gas

turbine required for calculations or other special purposes of 5.2 Operating conditions
the tests shall be determined and recorded Prior to the tests.
Serial numbers and data on name-plates shall be recorded to 5.2.1 Certain tests, for example those of 1.4a), b) and 1.5e),
identify the gas turbine engine auxiliary equipment tested. f), will normally be carried out at steady-state conditions.

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ISO 2314 : 1989 (EI

Table 1 - Symbols

Symbol Definition Unit Clause

Specific heat of coolant kJ/(kg- K) 8.5.7

h a0 Specific enthalpy of air at the Standard reference temperature kJ/kg
C 8.6.1
h al Specific enthalpy of air at temperature Ta, entering the control volume kJ/kg 8.5.1

h a3 Specific enthalpy of air at temperature Ta3 leaving the compressor kJ/kg 8.6.3

h a4 Specific enthalpy of air at temperature Ta4 entering the heat Source (combustion 8.6.1
chamber) and after any heat exchanger kJ/kg

h ae Specific enthalpy of air at temperature Te leaking from the control volume kJ/kg 8.5.1

hf4 Specific enthalpy of fuel at temperature Tf4 entering the heat Source (combustion 8.2.1
chamber) kJ/kg C 8.5.1
h 110 Specific enthalpy of combustion products at the Standard reference temperature kJ/kg 8.5.1

h Cl6 Mean specific enthalpy of gases at temperature Tge entering the turbine kJ/kg 8.6.1
h 96.1 Specific enthalpy of gas at temperature Tg6-t leaving the turbine driving the compressor kJ/kg 8.6.3

h 96.2 Specific enthalpy of gas at temperature T96.2 entering the power turbine kJ/kg 8.5.12

h 97 Specific enthalpy of gas at temperature Tg, leaving the power turbine kJ/kg 8.5.12

h g8 Specific enthalpy of exhaust gases at temperature Tg8 kJ/kg 8.5.1

h 9, in Specific enthalpy of gas at temperature Tg, in and pressure pg,in entering the driven 8.5.11
device kJ/kg

h 9, out Specific enthalpy of gas at temperature Tg, out and pressure pg,out leaving the driven 8.5.11
device kJ/kg
h0 Specific enthalpy of the fuel at 15 OC kJ/kg 8.3.3 e)
1 8.5.1
m Rate of fuel consumption kg/s 8.2.1

mal Mass rate of air entering the control volume kg/s 8.5.1

ma4 Mass rate of air entering the combustion chamber kgls 8.6.1

mc Mass rate of coolant flowing through the lubricant cooling System kg/s
C 8.5.7
me Mass rate of sealing and/or extracted air leaving the control volume kgls 8.5.2
C 8.6.3
mf4 Mass rate of fuel entering the control volume kg/s
{ 8.6.1
Mass rate of gas at turbine inlet kg/s
1 8.6.3

Mass rate of gas leaving the turbine kgls 8.5.12

Mass rate of exhaust gases leaving the control volume kgls 8.5.1

min Mass rate of gas entering the load device kg/s 8.5.1 l

mfll Measured rate of fuel consumption kg/s 8.3.3 e)

mT Mass of fuel used during period z kg 8.2.1

ii4 Torque kN-m 8.1 .l

n Speed r/min 8.1.1

no Reference Speed r/min 8.3.3a)

nt Test Speed r/ min 8.3.3 a)

P Net shaft power output kW

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ISO 2314 : 1989 (EI ’

Table 1 (ccmchded)

Gross shaft power output

Measured shaft power output

Shaft power output

Test net shaft power output

4 Heat consumption kW

Heat rate kWheat/ kwpovver 8.2.3

qr Rate of heat consumption kW 8.2.1

Qro Net specific energy of the fuel at 15 OC and constant pressure kJ/kg 8.3.3 e)
1 8.5.1
Qm Mechanical losses kW 8.5.1

Qmc Mechanical losses of the driven compressor, excluding the losses of Speed changing, if kw 8.5.11
used { 8.6.3

Mechanical losses of the power turbine, inclusive of Speed changing gears, if used kW 8.5.12
{ 8.6.3
Qr Radiation and convection heat losses from the control volume kW 8.5.1

Qrc Radiation heat losses from the driven compressor casing kW 8.5.11

Qre Radiation and convection heat loss of the combustion chambetjs) kW 8.6.1

Qrt Radiation and convection heat losses from the power turbine casing between 8.5.12
temperature-measuring stations T6.2 and T, kW

Tal Flow weighted average temperature of air entering the control volume K 8.5.1
Ta4 Air temperature at the entrance of the heat Source (combustion chamber) K 8.6.1

Tin Inlet temperature of the lubricant coolant K 8.5.1

T out Outlet temperature of the lubricant coolant K 8.5.1
T out- Tin Temperature rise of coolant through the oil cooler K 8.5.7

Tf4 Temperature of fuel as it enters combustion chamber K 8.6.1

T 96 Reference turbine inlet temperature K 8.6.1
T g8 Flow weighted average temperature of gas leaving the control volume K 8.5.1
T Absolute reference temperature K 8.3.3a)

Tt Absolute test temperature K 8.3.3 b)

Tf Temperature of fuel as it enters control volume K 8.5.1

6 The ratio of absolute ambient test pressure to the absolute ambient reference pressure - 8.3.3 c)

- 8.2.2
% Thermal eff iciency
{ 8.3.3 e)

- 8.5.1
%c Combustion chamber efficiency
6 The ratio of absolute ambient test temperature to the absolute ambient reference 8.3.3a)
temperatu re -

z Duration of test S 8.2.1

Co Angular velocity rad/s 8.1 .i

NOTE - Air or gas temperatures are assumed to be total temperature unless agreed upon by both Parties.

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lSO2314:1989 (EI

5.2.2 Preparatory to any test, the gas turbine power plant Esch Observation of an operating condition during the overall
shall be run until steady-state conditions have been estab- period of the test shall not vary from the reported average for
lished. Steady state is achieved when the key Parameters that operating condition by more than the amount shown in
associated with the objectives have been stabilized. table 2, except by written agreement between the Parties to the
Stability will be achieved when continuous monitoring in- NOTE - lf the variations to be measured are rapid and irregular, the
dicates that readings have been within the maximum permiss- use of suitable instruments is to be preferred to directly observed
ible Variation in accordance with 5.2.3 and table 2 for a period readings. In cases which require each set of observations to be used for
of time which is agreed upon by the Parties to the test. calculating a result, and where results are then averaged, simultaneous
readings are required. If observations are made to determine rates by
sums or differentes, the exact time of making the Observation is
5.2.3 In determining the rated Performance under any condi-
tion, evaluation of power and efficiency shall be carried out
three times consecutively, the duration of each test being not 6 Instruments and measurement methods
less than 5 min and not longer than 20 min (i.e. a total period sf
not less than 15 min and not longer than 60 min). If the fuel 6.1 General
flow is measured by weighing, the test period may be longer
This clause describes the instruments, methods and pre-
than 20 min in Order to achieve adequate accuracy.
cautions to be employed in testing gas turbine power plants
and components in accordance with this International Stan-
During evaluation, the load shall remain within + 1 % while dard. Where there is no specification in this clause concerning
readings are taken. If this is not possible, at least five Sets of the instruments and the measurement method used, these shall
readings spread over the period as stated above shall be taken be subject to agreement by the Parties to the test.
for each evaluation and the results averaged. If the maximum
fluctuation in load exceeds * 2 %, the test shall be accepted Instruments and measurements shall be used in accordance
only by mutual agreement. with relevant International Standards, unless otherwise agreed.

Table 2 - Maximum permissible variations in operating conditions 1)

2 Barometric pressure at test site dz 1 %

3 Temperature of working fluid at compressor inlet 1- 2 OC

4 Specific energy of liquid fuel, per kilogram (gross and net specific energies) z!I2 %

5 Specific energy of gaseous fuel, per cubic metre (gross and net specific energies from zk 2 %
continuous calorimeters) 2)

6 Pressure of gaseous fuel, as supplied to the plant Ik 1 %

of absolute equivalent of average

7 Temperature of fuel, as supplied to the plan@ * 3 OC

8 Exhaust back pressure I!z 1 %

of absolute equivalent of average
pressu re

9 Working fluid inlet pressure f 1%

of absolute equivalent of average

IO Coolant temperature : inlet3) ZL3 OC

11 Coolant temperature rise3) Ib 2 OC

1) If acceptance tests are carried out during a ship commissioning of gas turbines used for propulsion, the Parties may agree to special conditions.
2) For gaseous fuels other than natura1 gas, the allowable Variation shall be specified by Prior agreement.
3) Applicable where precoolers, intercoolers or aftercoolers arc used.

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ISO 2314 : 1989 (EI

62. Check Iist of equipment for mandatory tests in a ‘plane through the axis so as to avoid tangential velocity
components. Similar precautions shall also be taken regarding
The following instruments and apparatus will be required : external windage. Hose connections, if used, shall impose no
sensible tangential restraint. Dashpots, if used for damping
a) Instru ments to measure the power output of the gas
oscillations, shall be demonstrated to impose equal resistance
to motion in either direction. Effective radius arms of
b) Apparatus for measu ri ng fuel consumption of the gas dynamometers shall be measured with an error not exceeding
turbine or the heat energy supplied to it. + 0,l %. A manufacturer’s certificate may be accepted as suf-
f icient evidente.
c) Apparatus for determining the specific energy of the
fuel, its ash content and composition. The forte-measuring device shall be checked against certified
weights in the directions of both increasing and decreasing
Alternatively samples should be taken for tests in a load. The positive or negative error of the forte-measuring
laboratory agreed upon by both Parties. device shall not exceed 0,l % of the maximum load to be read
in the test. The average of increasing and decreasing loadings
d) Instruments for determin ing the relative density shall be accepted as the calibration only if the differente re-
(specific gravity) of the fuel. mains within 0,3 % of the maximum test load.
Alternatively samples should be taken for tests in a Before and after acceptance tests, dynamometers shall be
laboratory agreed upon by both Parties. carefully examined and any imbalance of the arms determined.
Tests shall be considered unsatisfactory should there be
e) Manometers or pressure gauges for determining
irregularities in the Operation of the dynamometer, for example
pressures and pressure differentes at appropriate Points on
a period surging of load, such as might be due to the action of
the gas turbine System (for pressure measurements affect-
liquid manometers or water in the dynamometer, or some resonant condition that
ing Performance evaluation,
produces pulsations of indicated torque in excess of + 2 %.
instruments with comparable accuracy shall be used).

fl Barometer. Shaft torque meter

g) Instruments needed for the indirect determination of The shaft torque meter shall be calibrated before the test series.
the turbine inlet gas temperature (except in the case of If the System is affected by temperature, it shall be recalibrated
closed cycle turbines). after the test at the temperature experienced during the test.
Calibration shall be performed with the torsion-indicating
h) Instrument(s) for determining the temperature at the
means undisturbed from pre-test to the end of the post-test
compressor inlet.
determination. In any case, observations shall be taken with a
i) Thermometers for determining the temperature of the series of increasing loadings to a value above maximum test
fuel in the measuring tanks and circulating water in the readings, followed by a series of decreasing loadings. Loadings .
coolers. shall always progress in one direction except at maximum
value. The average of increasing and decreasing loadings shall
j) Speed of rotation indicators and manual or electronie be accepted as the calibration only if the differente is within
revolution counters. 1 % of the maximum test load.

kl Master clock with synchronized signalling System , or, if Dynamometer readings shall be taken with sufficient frequency
this is not possible, synchronized watches or clocks. that the average of all readings will not differ from the average
of alternate readings (average value of even and uneven
1) Instruments for determining atmospheric humidity. readings) by more than 0,2 %.
m) Instrumentation to determine WS turbine exhaust tem-
perature. Speed measurement

An instrument of the Speed-indicating type may be used for

63. Power measurement initial setting of the test Speed and for checking constancy of
Speed during test periods. Esch shaft of a multi-shaft engine
6.3.1 Power measurement, mechanical shall be equipped with a Speed-indicating device.
For checking constancy of Speed during test periods, electronie
6.3.1 .l Torque mesurement pulse counter type Speed indicators are recommended for
visual readout as well as recording.
Either of the types of apparatus in or may be
used to measure torques used in the derivation of the Either positively driven or no-contact type tachometers shall be
mechanical Outputs of gas turbines. used for all Speeds. Hand-held tachometers are not recom-
mended, because of the possibility of Slip. .l Absorption dynamometers (mechanical, electrical
or any fluid types, or a combination of any of these) When mean rotative Speed influences test results, an integrat-
ing type revolution counter, positively driven from the shaft,
The dynamometer selected shall be Chosen so that the shall be used. Counting and time accuracy shall be such that
minimum measured torque at any Speed is at least 20 % of its error in mean Speed does not exceed + 0,25 %. Whenever
normal maximum rated torque. Absorption dynamometers electronie type pulse counters are used for power and ef-
shall be so constructed that the cooling fluid enters and leaves ficiency determinations, readings shall be taken with sufficient

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ISO 2314 : 1989 (EI

frequency that the average of all readings will not differ Density may be obtained bY hydrometer or by direct weigh ing
the average of alternate readings by more than 0,25 %. means.

Specific energy may be obtained by either of the following two

6.3.2 Power measurement, electrical
These tests shall be performed in a ccordance with IEC Pu blica-
tion 46. - The gross specific energy at constant volume may be
determined by means of a bomb calorimeter, and the net
specific energy at constant volume determined by deduct-
6.3.3 Power measurement, other cases
ing the latent heat of the calculated amount of water vapour
Where output is in a form which is not electrical and when it is produced from the measured hydrogen content of the fuel.
not practicable to measure the output on the shaft itself (for Then the net specific energy at constant pressure is found
example Pumps, compressors, etc.), reference shall be made to by calculation. Continuous flow calorimeter or other ISO
the appropriate Standard for testing the driven machine. Such approved instrumentation may also be used. The foregoing
Standards may be used only after mutual agreement by the par- determination should be carried out by a physical or
ties involved. Chemical laboratory agreed upon by both Parties.

- When it is not possible to run a bomb calorimeter test

6.3.4 Power output determined by thermodynamic and when agreed upon by both Parties, the net specific
computation energy at constant pressure tan be estimated from
When it is not possible to measure shaft power by the pre- measured density (hydrometer) with the curve shown in
figure 2. The accuracy is estimated to be within + 2 %
viously stated means (6.3.1, 6.3.2 and 6.3.3) it may, under
limited conditions, with a maximum error of + 5 %, be com- depending on fuel properties.
puted from measured values of the working fluid mass flow,
the air and gas temperatures, the heat consumption, the bear-
ing friction loss, and the turbine heat loss to the environment.
This method may be used in the event that similar
measurements on the load device are not practical, such as
insufficient knowledge of working fluid properties of 3
the driven machine; g 42 000
b) temperature rise of load device too small to measure; !ii
c) load involves fluid streams, extractions,

The thermodynamic calculation procedure to be used is

described in 8.5.

6.3.5 Power measurement, gas generator 40 000

800 850 900 950 1000
The power of a gas generator tan be determined by replacing
the power turbine by a nozzle or equivalent opening at full load. Density at 15 OC, kg/m3
The power is defined as that produced by an isentropic expan-
sion from measured conditions at generator outlet (total Figure 2 - Net specific energy of liquid fuels as a
pressure and temperature) to the ambient atmospheric function of density
In each case, adjustment shall be made for sensible heat of the
64. Fuel measurement fuel above 15 OC in accordance with 3.5. In the absence of
specific measurements, the following heat content may be
6.4.1 Liquid fuel measurements taken for the fuels:

- for gas oil viscosity

6.4.1 .l Liquid fuel characteristics
< 9,5 x 10-6 m*s-1 at 20 OC: for every 1 OC above
Pa rties to the test shall agree upon the fuel sampling method. 15 OC add 1,88 kJ/kg;
Fu el characteristics shall include the determination of
- for light fuel oil viscosity
a) density (mass per unit volume);
< 49 x 10-6 m*s-1 at 20 OC: for every 1 OC above
b) specif ic energy; 15 OC add 1,76 kJ/kg;
Cl viscosity where applicable; - for medium fuel oil viscosity
d) temperature if additional heating is required. < 110 x lO-6m*s-1 at 50 OC: for every 1 OC above
15 OC add 163 kJ/kg;

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- for heavy or extra heavy fuel oil viscosity Calorific value
< 380 x 10-6 m2s--1 at 50 OC: for every 1 OC above The net specific energy of gaseous fuel may be determined by
15 OC add 159 kJ/kg. computation, using the individual specific energies at constant
pressure of the component gases and their proportions in the Flow measurements fuel. Alternatively a Junkers calorimeter or any other type of
demonstrable accuracy may be used.
The accurate measurement of fuel flow to the gas turbine is
necessary to determine gas turbine power plant heat rate. The The method to be used shall be previously agreed upon by both
use of flow nozzles, orifices, venturi meters, liquid meters or Parties. In any case, adjustment shall be made for sensible heat
direct weighing means is recommended. When nozzles, ori- of the fuel above 15 OC (in accordance with 3.5).
fices or venturi meters are used, they shall be constructed,
arranged and instrumented in accordance with a recognized
Standard, for example ISO 5167. In any case, the fuel flow- Dust content
measuring device shall be suitably calibrated to ensure that the
maximum error is less than + 0,5 %. In certain gaseous fuels such as blast furnace gas, dust will be
of importante and has to be measured. Dust content may have
Calibrated volumetric measuring tanks may also be used, pro-
an influence on measurements of gas mass flow. However,
vided it tan be demonstrated that an accuracy of measurement
owing to the wide range of dust characteristics, loadings, etc.,
of & 0,5 % is obtainable.
the Parties shall agree previously on the procedure to be used
A weigh tank System shall be free upon its Pivot and by a qualified person experienced in this class of work.
unconstrained by any external forte such as might be applied
by unsuitably designed or unsuitably placed pipe connections.
It shall be calibrated before the test by adding known weights Flow measurements
to the tank structure and plotting curves with Ioad increasing
and load decreasing. lt is necessary to establish the reason for Gas fuel consumption may be determined by means of either a
any differente between these two curves before the test pro- positive displacement volumetric meter or a turbine type flow
ceeds. The Overall maximum error of measurement shall not meter. Fuel meters shall be individually calibrated to reduce the
exceed + 0,5 % of the measured quantity. maximum error in measurement of fuel consumption to + 1 %.

Any Spill or leakage from control valves or burners shall either In the event of such a method not being practicable, gas con-
be reintroduced into the fuel System on the engine side of the sumption may be determined from flow measurement by
measuring means or its quantity shall be separately measured means of nozzles, orifices or venturi meters, which shall be
and deducted. If liquid meters such as positive displacement or constructed, arranged and instrumented in accordance with a
turbo-types of demonstrated accuracy and reliability are used, recognized Standard, for example ISO 5167. If the gas has a
the viscosity of the fuel at the meter shall lie within the range high dust content, the dust tan introduce errors in the flow
stipulated by the manufacturer of the meter. measurement.

6.4.2 Gaseous fuel measurements

6.4.3 Solid fuel measurements (especially for closed
cycle installations) Gaseous fuel characteristics
The appropriate national Standards or International Standards
Gaseous fuel characteristics shall include the determination of
shall be used.
a) density (mass per unit volume);

b) specific energy; 65. Temperature measurements

c) dust content where applicable; Esch temperature-measuring device shall be calibrated or com-
pared with an instrument certified by a recognized authority.
d) temperature.
Recommended instruments for measuring temperatures di-
Upon agreement between the Parties to the test, specific rectly are :
energy and density may be calculated or taken from records of
the gas supplier, provided the dates and times of the records a) mercury-in-glass thermometers;
are concurrent with test dates and times, and the bases of the
values selected are completely described in the test reports. b) thermocouples with Potentiometer or similar instru-
For blast furnace or refinery gas and other gases, the compo-
sition of which varies continuously, sampling shall be carried Cl resistance thermometers.
out with such frequency during the period of the test that a fair
and representative specific energy of the gas is obtained by When the dynamic component of temperature exceeds 0,5 OC,
averaging the results. When possible, it is recommended that a a Stagnation (total temperature) type thermometer shall be
continuous recording calorimeter and a density meter be used used, or alternatively the appropriate correction shall be applied
during the test. to the measurement made with a normal thermometer.

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6.5.1 Compressor inlet temperature 6.5.6 Measurement accuracy

The compressor inlet temperature shall be measured with Where the mandatory test requires measurement of heat
instruments having a sensitivity of 0,2 OC and an accuracy extracted by the lubricant coolers, intercoolers and vents, as in
of 0,5 OC. the case of indirect measurements of mechanical power, the
accuracy temperature and flow measurements shall permit
At least two Sensors shall be used and readings taken sim- determination of heat extraction with a maximum error no
ultaneously to give a mean value. greater than 10 %.

If, for any reason, the Parties decide to take the measurements Where such measurements are not required for the mandatory
at a location different from that stated in 3.3, agreement shall test, the measurement accuracy and the means of measure-
be reached regarding the corrections to be applied. ment shall be determined by mutual agreement of the Parties
6.5.2 Turbine outlet temperature

The instrument used to measure the turbine outlet temperature 6.6 Pressure measurements
shall have a sensitivity equal to or better than 1 OC and an
accuracy equal to or better than 3 OC. The casing and the duct Manometers (U-tube or Single leg), deadweight gauges, Bour-
between the turbine exhaust flange and the measuring Station don of other elastic type gauges shall be used. Bourdon or
shall be well insulated. other elastic type gauges shall be calibrated against deadweight
gauges. For the U-tube or Single leg type manometer, attention
The location of the measuring Station shall be selected to is drawn to possible dimensional changes of scale. Other elastic
minimize velocity and temperatu re gradients. means such as calibrated pressure transducers may be used.

As a minimum, four Sensors shall be located at centres of equal Connecting piping shall be demonstrated to be leak-free under
areas. For the closed cycle turbine, two Sensors tan be suf- working conditions. If pressure is fluctuating, a suitable means
ficient. of damping shall be used in the connecting tubes.

The exhaust temperature shall be taken as the mean value of

6.6.1 Barometric pressure
the individual measurements. (If, for practical reasons, it is
necessary to place the Sensors close to, or at, the turbine
Barometric pressure shall be determined by any suitable means
exhaust flange, more than four Sensors may be required to give
providing a maximum error not exceeding 0,25 mmHg. A
adequate accuracy. In this event, the number and Position of
barometer shall be Iocated in a stable environment at the test
Sensors shall be subject to special agreement by the Parties
site. By agreement between both Parties, the barometric
pressure given by a recognized local authority may be used
Esch temperature Sensor shall be shielded to minimize radiation after altitude correction has been made.
error, if exposed to radiation over a significant angle from Parts
at a temperature which differs from gas temperature by more 6.6.2 Compressor inlet pressure
than 15 OC.
Compressor inlet pressure is defined as the total pressure
6.5.3 Turbine inlet temperature prevailing at the compressor inlet. lt is an absolute pressure
based on the algebraic sum of the barometric pressure, the
Except for special cases, for example closed cycle, direct gauge static pressure and the dynamic pressure, when the
measurement of mean turbine inlet temperature is very difficult. quantities are measured and evaluated separately. The dynamic
lt is generally necessary to determine the latter by indirect pressure is usually calculated using the mean velocity in the
means, such as those given in 8.6. For the closed cycle instal- section where static pressures are measured. This mean vel-
lations, two Sensors tan be used. ocity is computed from the area of this section and the rated
6.5.4 Combustion chamber air inlet temperature If no i nlet duct, silencer or filter is used, inlet pressure shall be
taken as barometric pressure.
lt may be necessary (sec 8.6) to determine the mean total
temperature at the inlet to the combustion chamber and Where the mean velocity at the compressor flange or in the
estimate the temperature rise therein. Methods for measure- vicinity of the compressor inlet flare (if applicable) is below
ment of the mean total temperature at the entry to the combus- 20 m/s, static pressure may be measured at one Station only. In
tion chamber will vary according to the detailed design of the the event of the velocity being higher than 20 m/s, static
machine. Necessary precautions shall be taken into account pressure shall be taken as the arithmetic average of the
against radiation (see 6.5.2). readings at four stations, placed as near symmetrically as
possible in a place normal to the mean flow. Such
6.5.5 Fuel temperature measurements shall be taken by means of liquid manometers.

Fuel temperature shall be measured at the entrance and, in case For closed cycle installations, the procedure for measuring
of fuel back-flow, at the outlet of the control volume (see 8.5.1 compressor inlet pressure shall be the same as that specified for
and figure 3). compressor outlet pressure (see 6.6.4).

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6.6.3 Turbine outlet pressure - positive displacement meter;

Turbine outlet pressure is defined as the static pressure prevail- - weir-notch method;
ing at the turbine exhaust flange (or regenerator outlet flange, if
- other agreed methods such as direct weighing , use sf
a regenerative cycle is used), and is obtained in the Same
manner as for the compressor inlet pressure. The static volu metric tanks, etc.
pressure shall be taken as the arithmetic average of the
measurements at four stations placed as nearly symmetrically 6.8 Measurem concerning govern ing System,
as possible in the section. noise, etc.
If no outlet duct is used, outlet static pressure shall be taken as
See clause 7.
barometric pressure.

Where conditions of high velocity and pressure gradients exist

at the Chosen location, measurement methods shall be agreed 7 Test method
to ensure that the value obtained is representative of the mean
weighted pressure. Alternatively, a calculated exhaust pressure 7.1 Mandatory tests
relative to ambient may be considered.
The power absorbed (sec 6.3) by the separately driven auxili-
6.6.4 Compressor outlet pressure and turbine inlet aries shall be taken into account (sec 8.1.1).
7.1.2 Thermal efficiency, heat rates or specific fuel
If turbine inlet temperature is determined by indirect means, it consumption
may be necessary to measure the compressor outlet pressure
or, id practicable, the turbine inlet pressure. See 6.3 and 6.4.
Static pressure shall be taken as the arithmetic average of the
measurements at four stations placed as near symmetrically as 7.1.3 Essential protective devices
possible in the exhaust section of the compressor or the inlet
section of the turbine. Dynamit pressure shall be computed Emergency overspeed trip
from the estimated mean velocity in the relevant section.
No adjustment of the emergency overspeed trip setting shall be
6.7 Flow measurements permitted during the acceptance test.

The Speed at which the overspeed trip operates tan be deter-

6.7.1 Working fluid
mined when the turbine is running without load. This may be
Where the mandatory test requires the measurement of the carried out by adjusting the governor setting or linkage to bring
flow-rate of the working fluid, as in the thermodynamic calcu- the turbine slowly to sufficient Speed. The Speed shall be
lation of the power output, this shall be carried out with nozzles caused to increase at a rate no higher than 1 % per 5 s. The
or orifices constructed, arranged and instrumented in accord- Speed shall be measured with a maximum error not exceeding
ante with a recognized Standard (for example ISO 5167). When AI 0,25 %.
it is not possible to use standardized nozzles or orifices, the
pitot probes or other calibrated device, when agreed by both During any emergency governor test, precautions shall be
Parties, tan be used for flow measurement. In this case, detail- taken to ensure that the turbine will not exceed the maximum
ed determinations of velocity profiles at the measuring Station safe Speed stated by the manufacturer.
are required. The accuracy of the pressure-measuring devices
used shall be within + 0,5 % of the differential pressure Flame failure trip, if installed
Owing to the different types of flame failure protective devices,
16it is necessary to estimate the mass flow at a Point in the cycle no universally applicable method tan be specified. If, however,
other than that at which measurements tan be made, allowance a direct flame viewing device is used, flame illumination may be
shall be made, if relevant, for cooling air bleed, blow off, gland interrupted artificially.
losses, fuel input, water drained from intercoolers, etc.

6.7.2 Fuel flow 7.2 Optional tests

See and 7.2.1 Governing System

6.7.3 Secondary flows 7.2.1 .l Constant Speed regulation

If required, the measurement of coolant, oil and other second-
ary flows may be accomplished by one sf the following During these tests, the only governor adjustment shall be that
methods : initially required for establishing the rated Speed at correspond-
ing rated power Outputs. Under these conditions, and depend-
* - Standard nozzle or orifice; ing upon agreement between the Parties to the test on the

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lSO2314:1989 EI.

purpose and nature of testing, one or more of the following Speed regulation multi-shaft gas turbine generating
may be determined : sets

a) Maximum and minimum manually or remotely With multi-shaft gas turbine generating Sets, every Ioad Change
adj ustable sustained. governed Speeds at no load. Causes a Change of Speed of the gas generator which in turn
increases the transient Speed of the separate power turbine and
b) Permanent and momentary Speed Variation: the connected load. Such changes should be restricted to
certain limits. The Parties shall agree to conditions which will
The Speed Variation test is accomplished with the turbine prevent unacceptable overspeed or underspeed.
working at rated Speed under specified operating condi-
tions, by rejecting instantaneously “rated full load” and
noting the maximum transient and permanent Speed rise. If Temperature control
mutually agreed, the test may be conducted at patt load and
results extrapolated to full load. If temperature regulation is specified, the effectiveness of the
System shall be checked by determining the specific limits of
The (average) drop in per cent is expressed as the ratio of the gas turbine exhaust or turbine inlet temperature at specified
the permanent Speed rise to the Speed at rated load. loads or of other limiting temperatures.

The maximum transient Speed may be expressed as a

percentage of the rated Speed. 7.2.2 Protectiwe devices

Stabilization time is defined as the interval between the Low lubricating oil pressure
instant of rejecting the load and the instant when the Speed
remains within 0,5 % of the permanent no-load Speed. In The complete System may be tested by artificially subjecting
applications where sudden load acceptance is important, the sensing device to a reduction of input pressure whilst the
such loads shall be agreed upon by the Parties Prior to the machine is in Operation.
test, the transient minimum Speed reached shall be
measured together with the recovery time defined as the dif- Alternatively, where there is a main shaft-driven pump, the out-
ference between the instant of load application and the put of this shaft-driven pump may be decreased by reducing
moment when a differente of no more than 0,5 % of the the Speed of the machine until the pressure reaches the
permanent Speed is attained. initiating level. lt may be necessary to inhibit the starting of the
main standby pump(s) to resch the lower alarm-tripping levels.
Cl Dead band :
The dead band is the total magnitude of the Change in High lubricating oil temperature
steady Speed within which there is no resulting measurable
Change in the Position of the fuel control valve. lt is a The cooling of the lubricating oil may be inhibited until the
measure of the insensitivity of the Speed governor and is initiating temperature is reached. Alternatively, the complete
expressed in per cent of rated Speed. System may be tested by subjecting the sensing head to the
required temperature limits using external means. Variable Speed regulation High bearing metal temperature
The following may be determined :
Because of the different means of sensing temperature, it is
a) General stability of the governed Speed control at given not possible to be specific. lt is preferable to increase the
settings, including idling settings, within the region of temperature either by injecting the required Signal or by remov-
Operation as given in b). ing the sensing head and applying heat to it externally until the
actual set temperature is reached. If this is not possible, the trip
Stability tan be defined as a condition where no sustained
shall be proved by lowering the setting to coincide with the
oscillations or fluctuations occur in the load or Speed owing
actual running temperature. In the latter case, it is essential to
to Causes within the control of the governor control loop.
prove that the tripping device operates satisfactorily on the
b) Maximum and minimu m manually or remotely ad- bench when the actual “as-Set” temperature is reached.
justable sustained governed Speed, at an appropriate load. Fuel supply pressure
c) Maximum momentary increase in the governed Speed
above the rated Speed when the fuel control setting or gas The supply pressure may be changed bY adjustment until it is at
regulating valve is suddenly shifted from the idling to the the tripping level.
rated Speed Position under conditions of no load.

d) Maximum momentary decrease in the governed Speed Turbine overtemperature

below the idling no-load Speed when the fuel nozzle or gas-
regulating valve is suddenly shifted from the rated Speed Because of the different means of sensing temperature, it is not
Position at steady-state rated power output to the idling no- possible to be specific. lt is preferable to simulate the increase
load setting. in temperature, for example, by reducing the appropriate
pneumatic signal or by injecting the required voltage Signal. If
e) Dead band : see 7.2.1 .l c). this is not possible, the trip shall be operated by lowering the

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ISO2314:1989 (EI

setting to coincide with the running temperature. In the latter at least one shall be made from cold. These tests may be per-
case, it is essential that the tripping device operates satisfac- formed as part of any of the successful Starts in These
torily on the bench when the actual “as-Set” temperature is tests shall be performed in accordance with the operating
reached. instructions.

7.2.3 Handling characteristics Time period for start-up and loading Starting sequence The Parties shall agree which of the followi w P constitute
the start-up and loading period
Determination of the starting sequence will require a test log
with notations concerning times of significant events in the - preparation time;
starting cycle. A stop-watch or conventional synchronous-
motor clock should provide adequate accuracy. ‘. - starting and purge cycles;

For either manual or automatic starting sequences, Parties to - ignition and acceleration to full speed/no load;
the test shall resch Prior agreement on the method of indicating
significant events in the starting sequence. A typical starting - synchronizing;
test log could consist of recording the time and the Speed at
which significant events occur such as initial Start Signal, light- - normal loading rate to base load;
up, Starter-Off, and attainment of idling Speed.
- rapid loading rate to base load. Starting reliability

Starting reliability shall have been attained when ten con- 7.2.4 Amplitude of Vibration
secutive successful Starts are performed in accordance with
operating instructions supplied with the unit. Test runs during Test methods are subject to agreement between the Parties to
the normal course of commissioning may be taken into account the test, in particular with regard to the following Points:
provided the runs are consecutive. The test log will record the
total number of consecutive attempts to Start, with indication a) location of measurement; Vibration of bearing casings
of events, and will identify the successful Starts among the or displacement of shaft( s);
b) instrumentation : use of pick-ups measuring acceler-
Where possible, the machine condition Prior to Starts will be ation or displacement Speed or displacement itself.
varied to include Starts after long shut-down periods and Starts
immediately after stopping.
7.2.5 Stack emision Special starting characteristics Tests shall be performed in accordance with a recognized or
mutually agreed test method for Stack emission
Subject to agreement by the Parties to the test, determination
of starting characteristics may be extended to include tests of
one or more of the following : 7.2.6 Exhaust mass flow and temperature (for
heat recovery evalua tion)
a) black Start: no availa ble power external to the instal-
lation; Exhaust mass flow is determined either by direct measurement
of airflow and fuel-flow in accordance with 6.7 or by indirect
b) remote Start, for example bY cable, Pilot wire, means (heat balance, see 8.5). Turbine outlet temperature is
microwave or carrier current; determined in accordance with 6.5.2.
Cl emergency Start;
dead load pick-up; 7.2.7 Noise level

e) alternative fuel Start on dual fuel machines; Tes t methods shall be subject to agreement between Parties to
the test, in particular with regard to the following Points:
fl starting power requirements;
- location of measuring Points;
minimum self-sustaining Speed determination;
- instrumentation;
hl starting fuel consumption.
- correction for background noise. Normal load pick-up
lt is recommended that the tests and procedures used should
The capability and reliability of load pick- up shall be proved be in accordance with a recognized test specification, for
with a minimum of two and a maximum of five tests, of which example ISO 6190.

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ISO 2314 : 1989 (El

7.2.8 Thermal discharges Debits, to be deducted from measured gross shaft
Tests shall be performed in accordance with a recognized or
mutually agreed test method 1) for thermal discharge. a) separately driven f uel, lu bricating or water pump, which
is part of the engine System;
Thermal discharge is the discharge of heat from the gas turbine
by such means as radiation, convection, cooling water, b) separately driven compressors, such as charging com-
exhaust gas, etc., to the surrounding environment. The total pressors for closed cycle or supercharging compressors for
quantity of rejected heat, temperature rise of coolant and open cycle;
temperature of the coolant discharge may be important in
certain cases. Cl separately driven fuel gas booster compressor, when it
is part of the engine asembly;

d) separately driven fa ns for cooling purposes including

8 Computation of results cooling tower, if used;

In computing results of tests for power and thermal efficiency, e) external power for heating fuel.
the determination may be made with averaged or integrated
values of observations made during a Single test run, after
applying corrections for instruments, etc., as presented in this Credits, to be added to measured gross shaft output:
International Standard.
a) air bleed for Station auxiliary supply or Chemical process
that is not part of the engine assembly;
8.1 Power output
b) auxiliary electric generator driven by the engine, but
forming no part of the engine assembly;
8.1.1 Net shaft power output, mechanical
Cl mechanical or hydraulic auxilia w drive, but forming no
part of the engi ne assembly. When the torque is measured at the power take-off
connection, the gross shaft mechanical power output is given
by the formula: 8.1.2 Net power output, electrical

p,r = Mio Where power output is determined from electrical

measurements of an engine driven generator unit, the
measured electrical power output at the generator terminals
will be the resultant sum of the electrical power output
pw is the gross shaft power output, in kilowatts; measurements plus cable or other losses between the
generator terminals and switchboard, if any, less that Portion sf
is the torque, in kilonewton metres; separately supplied excitation power and/or generator venti-
lation power as indicated in 6.3.2.
cc) is the angular velocity, in radians per second, given by
If separately driven auxiliaries, or other accessories requiring
27t g) power, are included with the engine assembly, debits and
credits are calculated following the procedure given in 8.1.1.
n being the Speed, in revolutions per minute.
8.1.3 Conversion from electrical to mechanical
Values in this equation shall be measured in accordance with Outputs
6.3. If separately driven auxiliaries or other accessories requir-
ing power are included with the engine assembly, a correction In Order to convert electrical power output to mechanical
shall be made to obtain net shaft power. Debits and credits are power output at the output shaft connection, the net electrical
calculated on the basis of net shaft power output of the auxili- power output is divided by the product of the efficiencies of the
aries except when these are driven electrically, in which case generator and sf the main transmission gearing when used.
the measured electrical input shall be used. With regard to the The generator and gear efficiencies may be determined at the
auxiliaries, which are not continually in use during normal relevant conditions of load and power factor from Performance
Operation, the power they absorb shall not be taken into information supplied by their respective manufacturers. On the
account (i.e. air compressor for starting, auxiliary Oil-pump, basis of this information, curves of generator and gear efficien-
etc.), except for the charging compressor in a closed cycle cies shall be plotted against electrical power output.
turbine, in which case absorbed power shall be taken into
account. In the event that pet-formance information is not available for
the generator, its losses may be determined in accordance with
Debits and credits may be made as in 8.1 .1.2 and 8.1 .1.3. IEC Publication 34-2.

1) Further International Standards concerning methods of testing Stack emission, noise emission, and thermal discharges from gas turbines are
in preparation.
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8.2 Meat consumption and thermal efficiency 8.3 Corrections of test results to reference
8.2.1 Heat consumption
8.3.1 The Primar-y Object of this International Standard is
The rate of heat consu mption, 4p in kilowatts, is determined by stated in 1 .l. The preferred approach in conducting tests is
the equation : to run at the reference conditions of compressor inlet
(temperature, pressure, and relative humidity), and at the stan-
m, (Q!, + ha - ho) dard exhaust as defined in 3.3. lt is recognized however that
4r = z
= m CQIo + hf4 - ho) this may not always be possible; the tests may have to be run
under some other conditions, and the results corrected to
reference conditions to facilitate comparison of power and
thermal eff iciency.
z is the test duration, in seconds;
8.3.2 The basic approach for conducting the tests is to
is the mass of fuel 1) used during period z, in kilograms; operate the gas turbine engine at the same aerodynamic condi-
tions for the actual compressor inlet conditions as would occur
Q,, is the net specific energy 0%the fuel at 15 OC and con- if the gas turbine engine were operating at rated load at
stant pressure, in kilojoules per kilogram; reference conditions. This will result in both the compressor
and turbine being at the correct Point on their efficiency curves.
m is the rate of fuel consumption, in kilograms per second, To duplicate these conditions, the actual turbine exhaust
m, temperature and Speed will be lower than reference if the com-
given by -; pressor inlet temperature is lower than the reference condition.

hf4 is the specific enthalpy of the fuel at temperature Tf,+ Conversely, it would be necessary to run above reference
entering the heat Source (combustion chamber), in kilo- exhaust temperature and Speed if the compressor inlet
joules per kilogram; temperature exceeded the reference value. Therefore from a
practical Standpoint, the Performance tests should preferably
h. is the specific enthalpy of the fuel at 15 OC, in kilojoules be run when ambient conditions allow the tests to be con-
per kilogram. ducted at a compressor inlet temperature equal to, or lower
than, the reference conditions. For example this may
necessitate running the tests at night during hot weather.
8.2.2 Thermal efficiency
In practice, the above principles are su bject to the limitations
The thermal efficiency, qt, of the engine based on net associated with the type of machine used (sec 8.3.4).
power output may be computed from:
8.3.3 Variable Speed turbines
% = 4 In the case of an installation involving variable Speed
characteristics, such as mechanical drive, the corrections (if the
correction procedure is agreed to by Parties) shall be made as
follows :
P is the net shaft power output, in kilowatts;
a) Determination of output shaft test Speed, nt:
4 is the heat consumption, in kilowatts.
nt = n04-
8.2.3 Heat rate

The heat rate, qPf in kilowatts of heat per kilowatt of power, no is the reference Speed;
maY be compu ted from 8 is the ratio of the absolute test ambient temperature
to the absolute reference ambient temperature.
4 1
qp=P=- 4% b) Determination of absolute test temperature, Tt2) :

T,= TO

4 is the heat consumption, in kilowatts;

T is the absolute temperature for the reference condi-
P is the net shaft power output, in kilowatts; tions;

rit is the thermal efficiency. e is as in a) above.

1) The fuel used shall be the net value of the inlet fuel less by-passed fuel, if any.
2) This will be the specified control temperature which may be either the turbine inlet or exhaust temperature.
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c) Having operated the gas turbine at the test Speeds and The Parties to the test shall agree in writi ng on the curves to be
the test temperatures, as calculated in a) and b), the net used and the correction procedure Prior to the test. 3)
shaft power output Pt may be determined from the
measured gross test shaft. output.
8.3.5 Humidity
The corrected net shaft power output, P,, will then be given
as followsl) : Except in the case of intercooling or where water Spray coolers
are used (3.2.11, humidity Variation has negligible effect on gas
turbine engine power output, fuel consumption, and
Pc = temperatures, but serious errors will be involved if humidity is
not accounted for in the heat balance calculation.

Agreement should be reached before commencement of tests

Pt is the test net shaft power outlet; on the methods for allowing for the effects of humidity.

6 is the ratio of the ambient absolute pressure to the

reference ambient absolute pressure; 8.4 Evaluation of test results
e is as in a) above. Power and thermal efficiency shall be obtained by averaging
the corrected values obtained in accordance with 5.2.3.
d) If the corrected power calculated in c) is equal to, or
greater than, the specified power (including any appropriate
If a variable Speed gas turbine is tested to determine thermal
corrections such as for exhaust back-pressure), then the
efficiency and the maximum power Outputs that tan be sus-
engine meets the specified power requirement.
tained at various Speeds, curves of efficiency versus net shaft
e) The thermal efficiency, qt, is calculated as follows2) : power shall be plotted with output Speed as a Parameter. From
this, curves may be obtained of thermal efficiency and maxi-
pt mum shaft output as a function of Speed.
fit =
m, (el, + hf4 - ho)
where 8.5 Power output, indirect method
m, is the measured rate of fuel consumption, in
kilograms per second; 8.5.1 When power output is to be determined by thermo-
dynamic computations, the heat balance equation should first
Q10 is the net specific energy of the fuel at 15 OC and be written for a well established “control volume” (see
constant pressure, in kilojoules per kilogram; figure 31, including the gas turbine, in a manner convenient for
defining all quantities of heat and energy entering and leaving
hf4 and ho are as in 8.2.1. this control volume.
f) Parties to the test shall agree, Prior to the test, on the
correction to be applied to the output and thermal efficiency One of these quantities will be the power output, the qua ntity
in the event that back-pressure is different from the to be indirectly determined by this method.
reference value.
This heat balance equation becomes:
The Parties to the test shall agree in writing on the curves to
use and the correction procedure Prior to the test. maI lhal - hao) + mf4 QtoVtc+ mf4(hf4- h$
8.3.4 Constant Speed turbines =mg8(hg8-hgO)+me(hae-hao)+Q,+Q~+P~~~~ (1)

Correction of test load and thermal efficiency for generator where

drive, or other constant Speed applications, is less straightfor-
ward since it is normally impossible to operate at the same mal is the mass rate of air entering the control volume, in
aerodynamic conditions. Therefore the gas turbine engine will kilog rams per second;
be operating at off design Point whenever the compressor inlet is the mass rate of fuel entering the control volume, in
conditions are different from the reference conditions. Every kilog rams per second;
effort shall be made to run the test at reference conditions. If
this is not feasible, then the test will have to be based on proper mg8 is the mass rate of exhaust gases leaving the control
correction curves. volume, in kilograms per second;

1) This relation assumes that the thermodynamic proper-Ges of the working fluids are independent of compressor inlet temperature, which is not
precisely correct. However, the magnitude of the error is compatible with limits contained in this International Standard.
2) This relation assumes that there is no correction to be made to convert test thermal eff iciency to the value at reference conditions, because the
operating conditions have been Chosen so as to be similar to the reference conditions.
3) The indicated calculation method should include the effect of Parameters influencing load and efficiency including (but not limited to) compressor
inlet temperature, compressor inlet and turbine exhaust pressures, Speed and humidity.
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ISO 2314 : 1989 (EI

mal ,mf4 Qlo G

Tal TCl8
r- -------- c ---em- 1

IL------- ----
’ ---- - -k

fI -- J
mC m mC e
2 Control
Tin Tout Te volume

Figure 3 - Limit of “control volume”

m, is the mass rate of sealing and/or extracted air leaving Ta1 is the flow weighted average temperature, in kelvins,
the control volume, in kilograms per second; of air entering the control volume, given by

m, is the mass rate of coolant flowing through the lubri- 1

cant cooling System, in kilograms per second; s Tal dmal
h al is the specific enthalpy of air at temperature Tal enter-
T g8 is the ffow weighted average temperature, in kelvins,
ing the control volume, in kilojoules per kilogram;
of gas leaving the control volume, given by
h ao is the specific enthalpy of air at the Standard reference
temperature, in kilojoules per kilogram; 1
Tg8 dmg8
mg8 s
h is the specific enthalpy of air at temperature Te leaking
fr:m the control volume, in kilojoules per kilogram; Ti” is the inlet temperature of the lubricant coolant, in
h g8 is the specific enthalpy of exhaust gases at
temperature Tg8, in kilojoules per kilogram; T out is the outlet temperature of the lubricant coolant, in
h g. is the specific enthalpy of combustion products at the
Standard reference temperature, in kilojoules per kilogram; NOTE - Humidity should be taken into account in computing the
enthalpy of air or gases where necessary (8.3.5).
hf4 is the specific enthalpy of the fuel at temperature Tf4
entering the heat Source (combustion chamber), in kilo- 8.5.2 The exhaust flow mg8 tan be indirectly determined from
joules per kilogram; mass balance for the same control volume, i.e.
h. is the specific enthalpy of the fuel at 15 OC, in kilojoules
mg8= lTl,l + mf4- m, m. . (2)
per kilogram;

Q is the radiation and convection heat losses from the 8.5.3 The variables of major importante in equations (1) and
control volume, in kilowatts; (2) shall be determined as described in clause 6. Since the
power output typically will be one-third to one-fifth of the heat
Qm is the mechanical losses, in kilowatts, given by consumption, the expected error in output, expressed as a
mccpc (7’ out - Ti”); percentage of output, cannot be less than three to five times
the expected error in heat consumption, expressed as a per-
cpc is the specific heat of the coolant, in kilojoules per centage of the heat consumption.
kilogram kelvin;

Ps is the shaft output, in kilowatts; 8.5.4 Restrittions are placed on the size of the terms in equa-
tion (1) which are normally of minor importante (8.5.5, 8.5.6
Q,, is the net specific energy of fuel at 15 OC and constant and 8.57). In the event of these terms exceeding the Iimiting
pressure, in kilojoules per kilogram; values indicated, improved measurement methods shall be
devised to preserve the Overall accuracy of this indirect power
qtc is the combustion chamber efficiency (see 8.5.8); measu rement I
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ISO 2314 : 1989 (El

8.5.5 The term in equation (1) representing radiation and con- 8.5.11 When the load of a gas turbine is a compressor, the
vection losses shall be evaluated using the mean external shaft power output may be determined by a heat balance of the
temperature of the exposed surfaces and the temperature of driven compressor as follows :
the surrounding ambient air. These losses shall not exceed 2 %
of the heat consumption. 1) Ps = min &, out - hg , in) + Qrc+ Qmc . . . (3)

8.5.6 Leakage of air and combustion products shall be

measured or reliably estimated. This will include auxiliary vents, Ps is the shaft power output (input to the Ioad device), in
such as oil tank vapour extractor, shaft packing flows and cool- kilowatts;
ing and sealing air not mixed with either lubricating oil drain or
turbine exhaust flow, and casing leakage flow. The total of ?n is the mass rate of gas entering the load device, in
such measured and estimated leakage flows shall not exceed kilograms per second;
1 % of the compressor inlet flow. 1)
h g,in is the specific enthalpy of gas at temperature and
In the case of small gas turbines, particularly those with pressure Ts in, P, in, entering the driven device, in kilo-
regenerators, the subject of air or gas leakage, as weil as power joules per kijogram;
required to drive the regenerator, assumes particular import-
ante. External leakage flows may exceed 1 % and special care h g,out is the enthalpy of gas at temperature and pres-
is needed in computing these leakages. sure Tg outr Ps Out’ leaving the driven device, in kilojoules
per kilogram; ’

8.5.7 Mechanical and auxiliary power losses include only Q is the radiation and convection heat loss from the
energy leaving the control volume. Many gas turbine ar- drfcven compressor casing, in kilowatts;
rangements require only the measurement of heat rejection to
the lubricating oil cooler such as: Q is the mechanical losses of the driven compressor,
exdudin g the losses of Speed changing if used, in kilowatts.
mccpc (T out - Tin)
The terms in equation (3) shall be determined as detailed in the
where relevant national test code for compressors and exhausters.

m, is the mass rate of coolant flowing through the

lubricating oil cooling System, in kilograms per second; 8.5.12 When a heat balance sf the driven load is not prac-
ticable, and a separate power turbine is used, power output
T out - IT;-, is the temperature rise of coolant through the may be computed from measured values of the power turbine
oil cooler, in kelvins; gas flow, inlet and outlet temperature as follows:

cpC is the specific heat of coolant, in kilojoules per Ps = ...

kilogram kelvin.
mg7(hg6 .z - hg+ - Qrt - Qmt (4)

That Portion of the loss not subject to precise measurement

shall not exceed 2 % of the heat consumption. 1 Ps is the shaft power output (input to the load device), in
8.5.8 The numerical value of the term in equation (1) mg7 is the mass rate of gas leaving turbine, in kilograms
representing combustion chamber efficiency shall be assumed per second;
to be 099 or based on test results of a similar gas turbine com-
bustion System. If a value of combustion efficiency of less than hg6.2 is the specific en thalpy sf gas at temperature Tg6.2
0,98 is used in equation (11, then the Chemical constituents of entering power turbine, in kilojou es per kilogram;
exhaust gas shall be measured.
h g7 is the specific enthalpy of gas at temperature Tg7 leav-
ing the power turbine, in kilojoules per kilogram;
8.5.9 Enthalpy of air and of products of combustion should be
evaluated using “Gas Tables”, for example, by Keenan and Qmt is the mechanical losses of the power turbine in-
Kaye.2) Some optional tests may require additional enthalpy clusi ve of Speed changing gears, if used , in kilowatts;
corrections to account for the effect of high specific humidity
or for unusual Chemical composition of the fuel. Qrt is the radiation and convection heat losses from the
power turbine casing between temperature-measuring
stations T6.2 and T7, in kilowatts.
8.5.10 The shaft power output may not be adjusted by the
debits or credits as described in 8.1.1 because these quantities Where required, adjustments for debits and credits shall be
should be incorporated in the heat balance equation (1). made as in 8.1.1.

1) The purpose of specifying this limit is to obtain adequate accuracy when the indirect method of power determination is used.
2) J. H. KEENANand J. KAYE, Gas Tables.
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ISO 2314 : 1989 (EI

8.6 Turbine inlet temperature shaft turbine tan be determined using the power balance
between the compressor and its turbine:
8.6.1 The reference turbine inlet temperature shall be deter-
mined by using the heat balance of the combustion chamber mal (ha3 - h,i) = mg6 (hg6 - hg6 .1) - Qmt l D (6)

inclusive of ducting associated with it. Thus

ma4 (ha4 - hao) + mf4 Ql, qtc + mf4 (hf4 - ho)

mg6= mal + mf4 - m,
= mg6 (hg6 - hgo)+ Qre ... (5)
suffix 6.1 refers to the free shaft compressor turbine

mg6 is the mass rate of gas at the turbine inlet, in Qmt is the mechanical losses of the free shaft to
the compressor turbine, in kilowatts.
kilograms per second, given by
m96 = ma4 + mf4

ma4 is the mass rate of air entering the combustion 1
h g6 = (h a3 - ha11 + mt + hg6 1 l l m (7)
chamber, in kilograms per second; mf4 - me mal
mf4 is the mass rate of fuel entering the control volume, in
kilograms per second;
where ha3, ha, and hg6.1 will be determined from a direct
h a4 is the specific enthalpy of air at temperature Ta4 enter- measurement of the temperature. Only first Order approxima-
ing the heat Source (combustion chamber) and after the tions are acceptable for:
heat exchanger, if any, in kilojoules per kilogram;
mf4 - me
and 2
h ao is the specific enthalpy of air at the Standard reference mal mal
temperature, in kilojoules per kilogram;
Having determined hg6, reference turbine inlet temperature
hg6 is the mean specific enthalpy of gases at Tg6 entering may be obtained from “Gas Tables”, for example, Keenan and
the turbine, in kilojoules per kilogram; Kaye.

Q is the radiation and convection heat loss of the com-

b%ion chamber(s), in kilowatts. 8.6.4 Other methods

The above simplified heat balance of equation (5) assumes that Other methods for the indirect determination of air
the combustion inlet mass flow is equal to the compressor inlet gas mass flow may be used, for example, by using fuel and
mass flow, therefore : exhaust gas analysis so as to obtain the air-fuel flow ratio.
However, attention is drawn to the importante of using means
for obtaining the required degree of accuracy for the exhaust
gas analysis.
hg5 = hg6

m95 = mg6= mg7 In certain cases, and provided that agreement is made
between the Parties regarding turbine efficiencies (polytropic or
The enthalpy, hg6, may be calculated using the above equation isentropic), the reference turbine inlet temperature may be
provided that combustion efficiency (qtC) is known and radia- determined from pressure measurements at the inlet and outlet
tion losses, Qre, are estimated. Mass flows (mf4, ma4 or mg6) of the turbine and from temperature measurements at turbine
and temperatures (Tf4 and Ta4) shall be determined. outlet.

Having determined hg6, the reference turbine inlet temperature, Reference turbine inlet temperature may also be
Tg6, may be obtained from “Gas Tables”, for example, Keenan determined by measuring the total work done (useful work plus
and Kaye. compressor werk) and adding the corresponding temperature
differente to the measured mean exhaust temperature.
8.6.2 Where direct mesurement of air, or gas, mass flows is
not practicable, the shaft output measured, Pm, may be used
to determine these flows indirectly by reference to equation (1). 9 Test report
The reference turbine inlet temperature may then be obtained
in the manner described in 8.6.1.
9.1 The test report shall present sufficient information to
demonstrate that all the objectives of the tests have been
8.6.3 In the case of a gas generator (or of the free shaft of a attained. The form of the reports shall follow the general
two line compound cycle) enthalpy of gas at inlet to the free outline given in 9.2 to 9.5.
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ISO 2314 f 1989 EI

9.2 The title page shall present the following information : b) description or schematic diagram of the cycle;

a) report nu m ber (:optional); Cl where applicable, a brief Operation

unit since initial start-up;
b) datek) of test;
c) title of the test;: d) description of the test, arrangements, equipment,
instruments and their location and operating conditions;
d) location of test;:
summary of relevant measurements and observations;
e) owner (purchase&;
f) manufacturer’s. name,, engine designation and unit fl brief reference to calculation method;
g) essential calibration curves of instruments
g) authority or pexs~.n conducting the test; apparatus used in the test;

h) authork) of report; h 1 correction factors to be applied because of deviations,

if any, of test conditions f rom those specif ied;
i) date of repom
i) special agreements regarding tolerantes
9.3 The table of contents shall list the major subdivisions of
and errors;
the report.
j> test results corrected to specif ied conditions if test
9.4 The summary sh& present briefly the Object, results and
operating conditions have deviated f rom t hose specif ied;
conclusions of the test.

9.5 The detailed repoti shall include the following information : kl tabular and graphical presentation of the test results;

a) Object of test, guarantee, and stipulated agreements; 1) discussion of the test, its results and conclusions.

UDC 621.438
Descriptors : tufibines, gas turbine engines, tests, Performance tests, acceptance testing.

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