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Santos, Enea Angela B.


Drug Mode Of Action Indication Contraindication Side Effects Nursing Responsibilities

Generic Name: Carbetocin binds Prevention of uterine Patients with a Headache, dizziness,  Start flow charts to record
Carbetocin to oxytocin atony and history of tremor, anxiety; maternal BP and other
receptors present postpartum hypersensitivity to tachycardia, vital signs, I&O ratio,
on the smooth hemorrhage oxytocin or hypotension, flushing, weight, strength,
Brand name: musculature of the following elective carbetocin; vascular sweating; dyspnea, duration, and frequency
Duratocin uterus, resulting in caesarian section disease, especially pruritus; chest and of contractions, as well as
rhythmic under epidural or coronary artery back pain, chills, fetal heart tone and rate,
before instituting
contractions of the spinal anesthesia. disease, except with feeling of warmth;
Preparation: uterus, increased extreme caution; nausea, vomiting,
 Monitor fetal heart rate
Adult: IV 100 mcg as a frequency of renal or hepatic abdominal pain, and maternal BP and
single dose, given after existing disease. metallic taste; pulse at least q15min
delivery of infant. contractions, and anaemia. during infusion period;
Intravenous increased uterine Use in pregnancy: evaluate tonus of
Prophylaxis of uterine tone. The oxytocin Because of its long myometrium during and
atony and excessive receptor content of duration of action between contractions and
bleeding after the uterus is very relative to oxytocin, record on flow chart.
caesarean section low in the non- uterine contractions Report change in rate and
Adult: 100 mcg as a pregnant state, and produced by rhythm immediately.
single dose via bolus increases during carbetocin cannot be  Stop infusion to prevent
injection slowly over 1 pregnancy, stopped by simply fetal anoxia, turn patient
min, given after reaching a peak at discontinuing the on her side, and notify
delivery of infant the time of medication. physician if contractions
(preferably before delivery. Therefore, carbetocin are prolonged (occurring
at less than 2-min
removal of placenta). should not be
intervals) and if monitor
Onset: W/in 2 administered prior to
records contractions
min. delivery of the infant about 50 mm Hg or if
for any reason, contractions last 90
Santos, Enea Angela B.

Classification: Duration: Approx including elective or seconds or longer.

H01BB03 – carbetocin. 1 hr. medical induction of Stimulation will wane
Belongs to the class of labour. Inappropriate rapidly within 2–3 min.
oxytocin and Absorption: Time use of carbetocin Oxygen administration
analogues. Used in to peak plasma during pregnancy may be necessary.
concentration: could theoretically  Monitor I&O during
posterior pituitary lobe
W/in 1 hr. mimic the symptoms labor. If patient is
hormone preparations.
receiving drug by
of oxytocin
prolonged IV infusion,
Distribution: overdosage, including
watch for symptoms of
Enters breast milk hyperstimulation of water intoxication
(small amount). the uterus with strong (drowsiness, listlessness,
(hypertonic) or headache, confusion,
Excretion: Via prolonged (tetanic) anuria, weight gain).
urine (<1% as contractions, Report changes in
unchanged drug). tumultuous labour, alertness and orientation
Terminal uterine rupture, and changes in I&O ratio
elimination half- cervical and vaginal (i.e., marked decrease in
life: Approx 40 lacerations, output with excessive
min. postpartum intake).
hemorrhage,  Check fundus frequently
uteroplacental during the first few
hypoperfusion and postpartum hours and
variable deceleration several times daily
of fetal heart, fetal
hypoxia, hypercapnia
or death.

Use in children:
Carbetocin is not
intended for use in
Santos, Enea Angela B.

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