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Question 1

Bernard attended his friend’s wedding, Eve in Merlimau, Malacca. While snooping around
the house, he opened a drawer and saw Eve’s brand new Rado watch. Bernard quickly took
the watch and put in his pocket. He then left the house and went to shopping mall.
At the mall, Bernard went into a shop called Cendera Kasih Gifts to buy a card for his
girlfriend. However, when he took out his wallet to pay for the card, the watch fell out of his
pocket. Bernard was unaware of this, and left the shop after paying for the card.
A few hours later, Olivia who was the manager of Cendera Kasih Gifts, spotted the watch on
the shop floor. She picked it up and kept it in a drawer at the counter in case the owner
turned up to look for it.
A few months later, Eve went to Cendera Kasih Gifts to get a birthday gift for her niece
when she noticed that her watch was displayed next to a sign that stated, “Second-hand
Watch at a Discount”. She told Olivia that the watch was hers and that Cendera Kasih Gifts
has no right to sell the watch. Eve demanded that the watch be returned to her
immediately. Olivia refused to do so. Olivia and Eve got into argument. When Eve tried to
open the display unit to get her watch, Olivia pushed her, Eve fell and twisted her ankle.
With reference to relevant authorities advise the parties as to their rights and liabilities
under the relevant law of torts.

Question 2
Describe the differences between conversion and detinue.

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