Effect of A Comprehensive Infection Control Program On The Incidience of Infections in Longterm Care Facilities

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Effect Of A Comprehensive Infection Control Program On The

Incidience Of Infections In Longterm Care Facilities

Disusun Oleh:

1. Catur Fida R P1337420216100

2. Eva Sekar Her P1337420216101
3. Putik Medylia F P1337420216102
4. Hanif Reza S P1337420216103
5. Mudah Afiani P1337420216104
6. Nabilla Rizka P.H P1337420216105
7. Astri Eka P P1337420216106
8. Anggita KhoirunnisaP1337420216107
9. M. Isyhar Mahbub P1337420216108
Kelas 2 C
Dosen Pembimbing :
Handoyo, MN

Prodi D III Keperawatan Purwokerto

TAHUN AJARAN 2017-2018

Effect Of A Comprehensive Infection Control Program On The Incidience Of

Infections In Longterm Care Facilities.

Control of infection within the long-term care facility is a daunting problem.

Elderly patients are at high risk for contracting infection because of reduced innate
immunity, malnutrition, and the presence of chronic medical conditions. This small
study tested the effect of developing and implementing a comprehensive preventive
infection control program in the long-term care setting and examined the resultant
incidence of infections.

Eight private, freestanding, long-term care facilities in urban and suburban

settings were selected for the study. The 4 test sites had a total of 443 beds; there
were 447 beds in 4 matched control sites. Data on infection rates were accrued in
both preintervention and intervention years. The control homes maintained their
existing infection control policies and procedures. The test homes were provided
with an infection control educational program and replaced all currently used
germicidal products with single-branded products for a 12-month period. A criteria-
based standardized infection control surveillance system was used to monitor and
report infections in all facilities.

In the preintervention year, the test sites experienced 743 infections

(incidence density rate, 6.33) and the control homes experienced 614 infections
(incidence density rate, 3.39). In the intervention year, the test homes reported 621
infections, a decrease of 122 infections (incidence density rate, 4.15); in the control
homes, the number of infections increased slightly, to 626 (incidence density rate,
3.15). The greatest reduction in infections in the test homes was in upper respiratory
infections (P =.06).

This study provides additional evidence that a comprehensive infection

control program that includes handwashing and environmental cleaning and
disinfecting may help reduce infections among the elderly residing in long-term
care settings. (AJIC Am J Infect Control 2000;28:3-7)
Infectious diseases are a major problem for the institutionalized elderly. The
incidence of infections in long-term care facilities (LTCFs) is approximately 7.2
infections per 1000 resident care days.1 Results of 1-day prevalence studies indicate
that the prevalence of infection on the day of the study ranges from 1.6% to 32.7%.2
In general, the most common types of infections seen in LTCFs are (1) urinary tract
infections, (2) lower respiratory tract infections—mainly pneumonia, and (3) skin
and soft tissue infections, principally cellulitis and infected pressure ulcers.3

Many host and institutional factors predispose and contribute to the higher
incidence of infections seen in LTCFs. Host factors include altered immunity,
protein-calorie malnutrition, and chronic medical conditions. Institutional issues
include frequent staff turnover in nursing and environmental services, limited
reimbursement, and few educational programs; these may result in inconsistent
infection control practices. Considering all of these contributing factors, we set out
to determine the impact of an ongoing infection control intervention program in
reducing the incidence of nosocomial infections in LTCFs. The program stressed
the importance of handwashing, provided infection control education, and
reinforced the importance of the regular cleaning and disinfecting of environmental
surfaces. In the 2-year study, infection rates for the preintervention year were
compared with infection rates for the intervention year in the same 8 homes.

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