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MicroStrategy Interview Questions:

Reporting and Dashboards

Microstrategy architecture:2,3,4

Different types of objects: configuration,application and schema

Types of Metrics – simple,compound,derived

Types of filters: report filter, view filter and report limit

Types of Prompts:Filter definition Prompt, Object prompt, value prompt, Level Prompt

Custom Group and Consolidation :

Pass through Functions: ApplySimple, ApplyAgg,ApplyComparison

Drill Maps: up, down across, template

Panels and Panel Stacks

Types of selectors

Different sections in Dashboard: Page, Document,Detail (Headers and footers)


Export options in Dashboards: PDF,Excel,HTML,Flash

Display Modes: Express, Interactive,Editable, Flash

How to add images to a dashboard? Put the images in desktop\images, iserver\images,web\images,

common folder\Microstrategy\Images folder. Then open the dashboard and insert the images and then
give either the relative path or the complete path.

Explain any two widgets

Derived elements

Olap features


Dynamic Aggregations

Subtotals in MSTR

Dynamic Sourcing

Object Prompts

Level metrics
Smart Metrics: sum(m1)/sum(m2) when enabled else sum(m1\m2)

How to force a report to pick up from a particular table. Add the field into the level metrics and then
make the grouping none and filtering ignore

2nd method is to change the logical table size.

How do MSTR calculate the logical Table size: depending on the attribute and its level in the system

Position of attribute in hierarchy/total levels*10

Advanced option in compound metrics

How do we restrict particular users to see only reports associated to him: Security Filter?

In a report we need to show metrics values in particular colors. How do we achieve this? Thresholds

Any VLDB Properties


Attribute and Attribute forms

Factless Fact



Heterogeneous and homogeneous mapping in MSTR

Joint child

If a column name changes how do we make the changes in MSTR

How do you handle Many to Many relationship

Other tools

Object Manager

Integrity Manager

Enterprise Manager

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