Cornerstone Sept. 2018

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2 i Meta 53 eptember. 2018 warmonasn” 712462005 Prag 27-20 1 ‘Sy Scot 900 gt St 5 crite ota Fa 2 ee ls sta sey oetwemot veges | ee | ag Sie Ge fi any | Daiaaaauaan ‘Sarah Boer 9 i ti i eis saseayscramoe | wecre| tem | toate | tan | ote | ener = | —— ae (ie sneer) 16 17 ia 119 [208 {ane [22 ry sePotet et , 7 il rane —S f ear ji 23 2 25 [260 a7 28 [20 se | be fe fe ee = | A Minister's Musings 50 kids attended VBS and learned how Jesus rescues us. 40 junior high kids deepened thelr faith through Group 3:16. Almost 50 kids participated in our Christmas program. 40+ kids attended Sunday school and learned more about the wonderful God we serve. The 2018 graduating class at Tri-Center wes blessed through a baccalaureate service. 2/3 of church camp tuition was paid for a couple kids to attend camp. Gift cards ‘were given to Iri-Center elementary teacliers lo help buy supplies. Countless people were blessed by the food pantry. Financial support was given to a couple community folk who needed some help. A few couples were married. A few babies were baptized. Several youths will be confirmed. Every Sunday we can worship and encourage each other on our faith journey. Numerous members and friends were visited in homes, hospitals and other care centers. A few families celebrated the lives of loved ones lost at funeral sarvices. Community wide dinners were held. Financial support is given to our wider church family through which many people are helped and blessed. Parsonage kitchen was remodeled and outside painted. Numerous repairs and upkeep happened to our church building. And many ‘other tangible and incangible ways the Spirit touched members, friends and the community through our fantastic church family None of these ministries are possible without the support of our members and friends. Through your generous support, through giving of money, time and energy our church Is a beacon of Christ's love to our ‘community. My heart swells with gratitude, thankfulness and I’m humbled to be your pastor, Thank you isn’t enough...but it’s the only words I have, If you've been reading the Cornerstone, you probably know that our church faces some Important decisions about the future. I’m not going to rehash the decisions that must be made and why they need to be made here. What I want us to understand is twofold. 1)We are a vibrant church full of the Spirit and doing great ministry. No matter what the future holds we can be assured that God will be there and that we will continue to be a beacon of light in a world that desperately needs it. 2) We maybe called upon to dig a little deeper and offer more support to keep these ministries going. No one likes to talk about finances; unless of course we're deciding where to spend all our excess money! Consequently, the time has come for Us as a church family to discuss what we want our future to look like. T implore you to be a part of the discussion. Come to the informational meetings, bring our deas, your energy and your prayer filled spirit, And be assured that God will guide us, and that God will continue to be a part of our lives together. Confirmation eee Sunday School begins September 9, 2018

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