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“BIBLIO” Reference Manual

Biblio v8.26 - February 2018

Table of contents
Table of contents ______________________________________________________ 2

Introduction ___________________________________________________________ 4
 Foreword: Video tutorials ______________________________________________ 4
 Enter BIBLIO _________________________________________________________ 5
 BIBLIO Main Screen __________________________________________________ 6
 Exit Menu _____________________________________________________________ 6

Catalogue Menu ________________________________________________________ 7

 Find / Lend ___________________________________________________________ 7
 Find items ___________________________________________________________ 7
 Lend an item _________________________________________________________ 9
 Renew and return a lent item__________________________________________ 9
 Print labels of found items ___________________________________________ 10
 Find and list items __________________________________________________ 11
 Print item cards ____________________________________________________ 11
 Copy data from one item card into a new one __________________________ 12
 Modify or edit the data of an item card_______________________________ 12
 Add new items _______________________________________________________ 13
 Import data from the Internet in MARC format _______________________ 13

Reports Menu _________________________________________________________ 15

 Last card / Number of cards _________________________________________ 15
 All Items in the Library _____________________________________________ 15
 Users with items on loan _____________________________________________ 16
 Library’s diary ______________________________________________________ 16
 History of an item __________________________________________________ 17
 History of loans ____________________________________________________ 17
 Most requested items _______________________________________________ 18
 More active users ___________________________________________________ 18
 Print item cards ____________________________________________________ 19

Users Menu ___________________________________________________________ 20

 Add new users ______________________________________________________ 20
 Remove users _______________________________________________________ 20
 Edit users data _____________________________________________________ 20
 List / Find users ____________________________________________________ 21
 List / Print users Library cards ______________________________________ 21

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 History of a user ___________________________________________________ 22
 Edit users groups ___________________________________________________ 23

Settings Menu ________________________________________________________ 24

 School Name _______________________________________________________ 24
Edit Subjects ___________________________________________________________ 24
 Loan Setup _________________________________________________________ 25
 Academic year length _______________________________________________ 25
 Printing modes ______________________________________________________ 25
 DB Tools ___________________________________________________________ 26
 Changing access passwords __________________________________________ 26
 Language Setup _____________________________________________________ 27
 Using BIBLIO on a LAN (Local Area Network) _________________________ 28
 Using DB installed on hard disk _______________________________________ 28
 Using DB installed on LAN ___________________________________________ 28
 Using a DB downloaded from a web server ____________________________ 29

Tools Menu ___________________________________________________________ 30

 Notebook __________________________________________________________ 30
 Delete old loans _____________________________________________________ 30
 Change screen resolution ____________________________________________ 31
 Create / Restore backups ____________________________________________ 31
 Upload a DB to a Web server ________________________________________ 32

Help Menu ____________________________________________________________ 33

 About... ____________________________________________________________ 33
 Manuals ____________________________________________________________ 33
 Online libraries _____________________________________________________ 34
 Visit homepages… ___________________________________________________ 34
 Check for new versions of BIBLIO ___________________________________ 34
 Register BIBLIO____________________________________________________ 35

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 Foreword: Video tutorials

For any further information, the present manual as well as many other information will be
available very soon to download or view by video tutorials that will be created and will be
available on BIBLIO website:

Other links related to BIBLIO:

* Official websites of BIBLIO

 Note: “How to use a WebCam as a barcode reader”

All references to the use of webcam for reading barcode or image capture are based
on webcams connected to the computer via the USB port. Biblio do not guarantee the
operation with built-in laptop webcams.

Special note for users of Biblio on Ubuntu

To use your webcam as a barcode reader, open a terminal and type in the following
command line::

If it doesn’t work or you get an error message, try to change video1 for video0, in
the command line above.
And if you get an error again, it’s possible that your USB webcam uses V4L1
(Video4Linux1). In that case, try the following command line

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 Enter BIBLIO

There are two different ways of entering BIBLIO: Clicking on the Desktop shortcut or
following the path [Start] button >> [Programs] >> “Biblio”
Click on the flag icon to select the desired language
Click on [+] button to get more information and help about Biblio

Type in the access password “biblio” the first time you enter BIBLIO
Read the welcome screen that appears showing that it’s a free program

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 BIBLIO Main Screen

 Exit Menu

Exits and close program

There are 3 different ways to quit Biblio: Clicking on the [X] button on the upper right
corner of BIBLIO window, pressing [Esc] button in your keyboard, or selecting the option
Exit in the Tools Menu
Check out and proceed the confirmation screens

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Catalogue Menu

 Find / Lend

Find items

The webcam icon let us, if we wish, searching items using a webcam connected to the
PC, via a USB cable. This is a new and a very powerful function in Biblio, but it doesn’t
work with a built-in webcam, as those on laptops.

We will be able to read Index Numbers or ISBN barcode numbers, and search items in

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This option lets us find one or more items that have been added previously
Find an item by its Index No.: Type in its index number and click on [Find] button
New search: Click on [New Search] button
Find an item by its Subject(s): Select 1 or more subjects and click on [Find] button
Find an item with different conditions. For example: Language = “English”, Medium =
“Book”, Title = “Lord Byron” and Publisher = “Penguin”
Move around the list of book found with the [<], [>] buttons.
If item is on loan, we can click on [?] button to get information about the user who has
borrowed it. Then, a window similar to the following, will appear on screen, with detailed

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Lend an item

Once you have found the item a users wants to borrow, click on [Lend] button
Type in the LCN (Library Card Number) of user or assign a new LCN if user is new
Fill in data in the loan record card and click on [Lend] button
When you quit this window, the item will be displayed as “Item on loan”

Renew and return a lent item

Find the item on loan, by typing in its Index No. and clicking on [Find] button
Click on [Renew] button to renew the loan and assign a new return date for the item
Click on [Return] button to return an item and let it ready for a new loan

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Print labels of found items

Find the desired items (Find/Lend Menu). For ex. “Items with Registry No. from 1 to 10 and
then, click on [Find] button
Click on [Print Labels] and then click on [OK] button
For each label, the following fields will be printed: Catalogue No., Index No. and the first
characters of the TITLE.

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Find and list items

Find items using Catalogue Menu >> Find/Lend, for example: Books in English published
by Oxford University Press and click on [Find] button
Click on [List items] button and sort the list
Click on [Save] button to save the list on a text file
Click on [Print] button to print the list

Print item cards

Find the item card we want to print (Find/Lend Menu). For ex. “Index No. = 8” and then,
click on [Print card] button.
The item card, currently displayed, will be printed. It will be printed in Text Mode, (Pic. 1)
or in Graphic Mode, (Pic. 2) as it be configured in Settings Menu >> Printing modes.

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Pic 1. Pic. 2
NOTE: To print a range o group of item cards (for ex.: all item cards of English Literature),
use the option... Reports Menu >> Print cards... >> Print a range of cards

Copy data from one item card into a new one

Find the item card you want to copy (Catalogue Menu). For example: “Index No.” = 14 and
click on [Find] button
When item card number 14 is found, click on [Copy] button to create a new item card with
the data of the previous one (only the Index No. will be changed)

Modify or edit the data of an item card

Find the item card you want to modify/edit (Catalogue Menu). For example: “Index No.” =
14 and click on [Find] button
When item card number 14 is found, click on [Edit] button
Modify/Edit the data that you wish to change in the item card and when done, click on
[Save] button

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 Add new items

This option lets us add new items (books, CDs, magazines, etc.) in our Library.
Type in the compulsory fields: “Catalogue No.”, “Subjects”, “Language”, “Medium”,
“Title” and “Author”
Bear in mind, that Catalogue No. and Subject fields, are important.
It is not necessary to type in an Index No. The program does it automatically
Description of the “non compulsory fields”
Click on [Add] button to finish

 Import data from the Internet in MARC format

This option allow us to import data from the Internet, in MARC format, from other
libraries or library management programs (MEIGA, REBECA, etc…). Many online
libraries permit to download data files in MARC format.
Click on Catalogue Menu >> Add data from the Internet

Click on [OK] button

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Click on [Open MARC file] button to select the file which data we want to import and add
to our DB. Files in MARC format, can be downloaded previously from some online
libraries, for example, or exported from another library management program. MARC files
are similar to ASCII files. The following extensions are allowed: REB, TXT and RTF.

Automatically, all found resources will be selected (in blue colour) in the specified MARC
file. If you want to change the selected entries, you can use [+] button (Select All), [-]
button (Deselect all), Click or Ctrl+Click with you mouse over the gray column to
select/deselect items individually.
When you click on [Add data to DB], all selected entries from the list will be added to our

Now, you can view the new items, just imported to our DB, if you want to make any
modification in their data.

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Reports Menu
Last card / Number of cards

This option gives us information about what was the last item to be added in the Library,
and the Number of Items in the Library.

All Items in the Library

With this option, you can get a report of all items in the Library, grouped and sorted by
the selected criterion.
Once the report is displayed on screen, this can be printed or exported to TXT or HTML

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Users with items on loan

Select the option Reports Menu >> Users with items on loan, if you want a full item list or
just the items on loan by a specific group.
Specify, if you want the titles of the items on loan, to be displayed in the list
If you want, just the list of overdue item list, check this option
Once the report is displayed on screen, this can be printed or exported to TXT or HTML

Library’s diary

Create a report with the actions done in the Library between two specific dates.
As a result, you will get the number of items added and on loan, during that period of time.

Specify in the calendars the starting date and the ending one of the report
and click on [OK] button.

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History of an item

This option lets us get a list with the users that have borrowed a specific item

History of loans

This option lets us get a list with all the loans done in different academic years

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Most requested items

With this option, you can get a detailed list with the most requested items (books, etc) by
the users of the Library

More active users

With this option, you will get a detailed list with the more active users (those ones who
request or borrow more items)

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Print item cards

This option allows us to print item cards, using the “classic” style, so you can put them
inside the containers “Authors”, “Titles” and “Subjects”.
Select the option Reports Menu >> Print cards, if you want to print item cards inside a
range using Index numbers (For example: from item card 10 to item card 20) or if you want
to print specific item cards, i.e. only about a subject
If you want to print a range of item cards, specify how many cards you want to be printed
for each item (Title, Author, Subject)
If you want to print item cards by a specific Subject (or a combination of them), please
specify the Subject of the item cards to be printed
Use the option Table format list, to specify manually the item cards you want to print inside
the selection previously done (in case you don’t want to print all of them)
Specify other options you want: Output format (portrait/landscape, sort criteria, printing or
not the Notes in the cards, etc.

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Users Menu
Add new users

To add new users in the Library, proceed this way

Select the option Users Menu >> Add new users
Assign manually a LCN (Library Card Number) or else click on [New User] button to
assign a new number automatically
Fill in the fields with the information of the new user
Load the photo of the new user (optional) in JPG format and click on [Save] button

Remove users

Delete the user from the Library users list.

Edit users data

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With this option you can edit users data
Select the option Users Menu >> Edit users data
Edit the fields you want with new information and click on [OK] button

List / Find users

With this option you can get a list of all users, or a list of users with a specific name or
surname, users of a group or even users which LCNs (Library Card Numbers) range
between 1 to 10, 20 to 30, etc
Select the option Users Menu >> List / Find Users
Specify the type of list you want to get (by name, by group, by LCN)
In the list you get, you can also get, at the bottom, the items that each user has borrowed
Click on [Print] button to print the list, or click on [Save] button to save the list on a text

List / Print users Library cards

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With this option you can print the Library cards of the selected users, of all users, of a
specific group, of the users with a specific name, or the users with a specific range of
LCNs (Libray Card Numbers).
Select the option Users Menu >> List / Print users cards
Specify the users group which library cards you want to print (all users, by name, by group,
or by LCN)
In the list you get, you can select all users clicking on [+] button, deselect all users clicking
on [-] button, or select users, one by one, pressing [Ctrl] key and then left clicking with you
mouse on the users you want
To print the users library cards, click on [Print Cards] button.

History of a user

This option lets us get a list of all items borrowed by a user.

Select the option Users Menu >> History of a user
Type in the user’s LCN (Library Card Number) which history you want to get
Click on [Save] button to save the list on a text file or click on [Print] button to print the list

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Edit users groups

With this option, you can create new groups, delete users and users groups, and move
users from one group to a different one
Select the option Users Menu >> Edit users groups
To create a new group: Click on [Create a New Group] button and label the new group
To delete users: Select, in the Origin Group, the group of the user or users, to be deleted. To
make a selection, click on the boxes, before the name(s) of user(s), using the [+] or [-]
buttons. Then, click on [Delete Users] button.
To change users to a new group: Select, in the Origin Group, the users you want to move to
a new group, proceeding as mentioned before. Then, click on [Change to a new Group]

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Settings Menu
School Name

With this option, you can specify the name of your Educational Centre or your Library.
This name, will be printed, at the upper area of all your printed lists.

Edit Subjects

This option allows us to edit (add, delete, modify) the lists of Subjects, Languages, and
Media, used to find or add an item
Select the option Settings Menu >> Edit Subjects
To add a new item: Select the list, in which the item to be created is (Subjects, Languages or
Media). Then, select [Add/Delete Item] option and type in, the name of the new item.
Finally, click on [Add] button
To modify an item: Select the list, in which the item to be modified is (Subjects, Languages
or Media). Select the item to edit. Select [Edit item]option. Type in, the name of the new
item. Finally, click on [Edit] button
To delete an item: Select the list, in which the item to be deleted is (Subjects, Languages or
Media). Select the item you want to delete. Select [Add/Delete Item] option. Finally, click
on [Delete] button

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Loan Setup

With this option, you can specify how many items from the Library, a user can borrow
(student, teacher or department) and for how long
Select the option Settings Menu >> Loans…
Select the group which loans, you want to modify (students, teachers or departments)
Specify the number of items and the loan period for students, teachers and departments

Academic year length

With this option you can specify the starting and ending months for the academic year. In
Europe the academic year often lasts from September to June, but in Latin America the
academic year lasts from February to November.
Click and slide the first indicator to define the starting month for the academic year
Click and slide the second indicator to define the ending month for the academic year

Printing modes

This option lets us define the printing mode for lists, loan cards, etc

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Select the option Settings Menu >> Printing modes
Choose an option: Text Mode or Graphic Mode

DB Tools

With this option you can get technical information about BIBLIO Database configuration
and you can edit the configuration
DB Structure: You can get information about DB structure and organization
Compact DB: With this option, you can reduce DB size, deleting unnecessary entries (not
used) so you can access to information quicker.
Free hollows in DB: You get information about the “free hollows” in DB (Registry numbers
not assigned to an specific item)
Create Unlocked DB: You can create an unlocked DB (without password) with the name
biblio_d.mdb to create costumed reports.

Changing access passwords

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With this option, you can change access passwords for Librarian, Assistants and Students.
Each access password, grants a different access level.
Select the option Settings Menu >> Change access passwords
Type in the new access passwords for Librarian, Assistants or Students (each one of them
will have a different access level)

Language Setup

With this option, you can define the language of BIBLIO interface (messages, texts,
menus, etc)
Select Settings Menu >> Languages
Specify the language of BIBLIO interface: Galician, Spanish or English

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 Using BIBLIO on a LAN (Local Area Network)

Using DB installed on hard disk

With this option, BIBLIO uses the database on the hard disk of the computer we are
Background colour is grey

Using DB installed on LAN

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With this option, BIBLIO will use the database installed on the hard disk of another
computer on LAN (server). Background colour will be dark green
Select on the hard disk of server, the location and name of the database.
The folder on server should be shared for reading data. See the document Using BIBLIO on
a LAN to set up computers properly to work on a LAN
Background colour will be dark green

Using a DB downloaded from a web server

With this option, you can download a copy of Library DB stored on a Web Server. This
way you can view, locally the data as if you were in the Library of your school or high
Type in the Internet address where DB file is stored.
For example:
Background colour will be dark blue

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Tools Menu

This small text editor can be useful to type in notes, reminders, or useful information for
Librarian. You can access this Notebook directly pressing [F10] key on your keyboard.

When you’ve finished, you can save or print the file.

To quit, without saving, press [ESC] key

Select the option Tools Menu >> Notebook

Delete old loans

With this option, you can delete from DB, the entries corresponding to loans done in
previous academic years, that now are not necessary, reducing this way the size of DB
Select the option Tools Menu >> Remove old loans

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Change screen resolution

With this option, you can change screen resolution, while you are working with BIBLIO,
changing to default one, when you quit BIBLIO

Select Tools Menu >> Change Screen Resolution

Select the screen resolution. Tick the option Remember this configuration, each time you
run BIBLIO, if you want to work with this resolution next time you run BIBLIO

Create / Restore backups

With this option, you can create backups of Library BD on different media in case of loss
of information or computer errors.
Select the option Tools Menu >> Backup…
To create a backup: Specify the medium (hard disk, floppy disk, web server, USB drive...)
where the backup is going to be stored
To restore a backup: Specify the medium (hard disk, floppy disk, web server, USB drive...)
where the backup is stored to restore data

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Upload a DB to a Web server

With this option, you can upload (save) the DB of your Library on a Web server. You can
do this to have an extra backup or to let other users to view the data of your Library online.
Select the option Tools Menu >> Upload DB
Specify the name of your FTP server, user and password to upload your DB
Click on [Connect to Server] button to view the existing information on the FTP server
(files and folders). If DB was uploaded previously, it will be displayed in red
On the left window, specify the folder (inside the web server) where you want to store the
DB and click on [Upload DB]

Webcam --> Fotos

This new function let us use a webcam connected to the PC via a USB cable to take
screeshots. You can use it to:
Take photos of user and then insert them in their Library ID Cards.
Take a photo of an item cover y later add it with extra info to the Item Card

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Help Menu


You can get information about the version of BIBLIO installed on your computer, contact
emails and websites with help and download areas of BIBLIO.


With this option, you can view or download different manuals and technical documents
about BIBLIO.

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Online libraries

With this option, you can connect to different online libraries to find bibliographic data:
Library of Congress, The British Library, The European Library... and download data in
MARC format files, that can be imported to your Library DB.

Visit homepages…

With this option, you can access, directly, to the official websites of BIBLIO, to get the
most updated information or the newest versions.


Check for new versions of BIBLIO

With this option, you can check out if there is a new version of BIBLIO on the websites,
or if you are using the latest version.

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Register BIBLIO

BIBLIO is free software, fully functional and without any type of limitation, when it is
going to be used in an Educational Centre (schools, high schools and similar).

If you want to use BIBLIO in other centres, users must contact the author to register the

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