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ME 3604: Machine

Failure resulting from
Static loading
Dr. Faraz Junejo
Why do mechanical components fail?
 Machine parts fail when the stresses induced
by external forces exceed their strength.
 The external loads cause internal stresses in
the elements and the component size
depends on the stresses developed.
What kind of stresses cause failure?
 Under any load combination, there is always
a combination of normal and shearing
stresses in the material.
What is the definition of
 Obviously fracture but in
some components yielding
can also be considered as
failure, if yielding distorts
the material in such a way
that it no longer functions
• Which stress causes
the material to fail?
Usually ductile materials are limited by their shear
strengths. While brittle materials (ductility < 5%) are
limited by their tensile strengths.
 We know that that strength is a property or
characteristic of a mechanical element.
 It is the ability of a material to resist the
externally applied forces without breaking or

 This property results from the material identity,

the treatment and processing incidental to
creating its geometry, and the loading, and it is
at the controlling or critical location.
Static Load
 Static load is a stationary (constant
magnitude, location and direction) force or
couple (moment or torque) applied to a

A static load can produce axial tension or

compression, a shear load, a bending load,
a torsional load, or any combination of

Remember, to be considered static, the

load cannot change in any manner.
Static Load (contd.)

F and P are applied and remain


Stress Ratio, R =
 In this part of the course, we consider the
relations between strength and static
loading in order to make the decisions
concerning material and its treatment,
fabrication, and geometry for satisfying
the requirements of functionality, safety,
reliability, competitiveness, usability,
manufacturability, and marketability.
What is Failure
Failure can mean a part has
separated into two or more pieces;
has become permanently distorted,
thus ruining its geometry; has had its
reliability downgraded; or has had its
function compromised, whatever the

In this chapter our attention is

focused on the predictability of
permanent distortion or separation.
Failure Examples

Fig. 5–1

• Failure of truck driveshaft spline due to

corrosion fatigue. Note that it was
necessary to use clear tape to hold the
pieces in place
Failure Examples

Fig. 5–2

• Impact failure of a lawn-mower blade

driver hub.
• The blade impacted a surveying pipe
Failure Examples

Fig. 5–3

• Failure of an overhead-pulley retaining bolt

on a weightlifting machine.

• A manufacturing error caused a gap that

forced the bolt to take the entire moment
Failure strength
Failure in machine design means that a part
become permanently distorted (i.e. yielded) thus
its function is compromised.

Therefore, the failure strength we refer to is the

yield strength (or if the material does not yield such
as some brittle materials failure will mean fracture
“ultimate strength”).
Static strength
• Ideally, in designing any machine element, the
engineer should have available the results of a great
many strength tests of the particular material

• These tests should be made on specimens having the

same heat treatment, surface finish, and size as the
element the engineer proposes to design; and the
tests should be made under exactly the same loading
conditions as the part will experience in service.

• That is if the part is to experience a bending load, it

should be tested with a bending load. If it is to be
subjected to combined bending and torsion, it should
be tested under combined bending and torsion
Static strength (contd.)
 The cost of gathering such extensive data prior
to design is justified if failure of the part may
endanger human life or if the part is
manufactured in sufficiently large quantities.

 Refrigerators and other appliances, for example,

have very good reliabilities because the parts
are made in such large quantities that they can
be thoroughly tested in advance of manufacture.

 The cost of making these tests is very low when

it is divided by the total number of parts
Design Categories
1. Failure of the part would endanger human life, or the
part is made in extremely large quantities;
consequently, an elaborate testing program is justified
during design.

2. The part is made in large enough quantities that a

moderate series of tests is feasible.

3. The part is made in such small quantities that testing is

not justified at all; or the design must be completed so
rapidly that there is not enough time for testing.

4. The part has already been designed, manufactured,

and tested and found to be unsatisfactory. Analysis is
required to understand why the part is unsatisfactory
and what to do to improve it.
Static Strength:
 When designing a machine element, the best way to
determine its strength is to test the part under exactly the
same loading conditions the part will experience in service.
(of course many tests are needed to account for variability).

 However, performing such testing is very costly and cannot

be justified unless the part is used for a critical application or
if the part is produced in large quantities.

 Thus, in most cases it is necessary to design using the

published material properties (yield strength, ultimate
strength, percentage elongation, etc.) which are obtained
from testing under uniaxial stress.
• How to deal with 2D and 3D states of stress? Use failure
Failure Prediction for uniaxial
 Failure stresses for various materials under
uniaxial loading is well documented and straight
 In general, design stress σd < σallow to avoid failure.

 The allowable stress σallow depends on:

1. Type of load (normal, bending, torsion, shear, etc..)

2. Whether material is brittle (ultimate strength) or
ductile ( yield strength)

• A factor of safety is implemented as:

ns = σallow / σd
Recall: Design Factor
• Analysis Failure Strength
Factor of Safety 
Applied Stress
Example : N

• Design
Failure Strength
Allowable Stress 
Design Factor
Example :  ALLOW 
Design Factor (contd.)
Example:1 (contd.)
At first computing the allowable stresses
Example:1 (contd.)
The free body diagram
of the bar is shown
here. There are three

Now in order to have FAC and FB in terms of applied load

we will apply moment equilibrium equation.
Example:1 (contd.)
Example:1 (contd.)
General Three-Dimensional
• All stress elements are actually 3-D.
• Plane stress elements simply have one surface with zero stresses.
• For cases where there is no stress-free surface, the principal stresses are
found from the roots of the cubic equation

• It can be seen that six components of stress are required to specify a

general state of stress in three dimensions.
General Three-Dimensional
Stress (contd.)
 In plotting Mohr’s
circles for three-
dimensional stress, the
principal normal
stresses are ordered so
that σ1 ≥ σ2 ≥ σ3.

 Then the result appears

as in Fig. 3–12a. The
stress coordinates σ , τ
for any arbitrarily
located plane will Fig. 3−12 a
always lie on the
boundaries or within the
shaded area.
General Three-Dimensional
• Always threeStress (contd.)
extreme shear values are given by

• Maximum Shear Stress is the largest

• Principal stresses are usually ordered such that  1 >
 2 >  3,
in which case  max =  1/3

Fig. 3−12
Stress Concentration
 As seen previously in chapter 3, stress
concentration is a highly localized effect

• Recall, Stresses near a discontinuity in

geometry, such as a hole in a plate, fillet, or
sharp groove, are higher than the average stress.

It can be seen that

stresses are higher close
to the hole surface, where
failure will initiate.

Stress Raiser- discontinuity

responsible for stress concentration
Would stress
concentrations cause
failure of a part?
 If the material is ductile (and the load is static),the
design load might cause local yielding in locations
having high stress concentrations (causing strain
strengthening of the material and an increase in
yield strength at the critical location), thereby the
stress is redistributed in the surrounding area thus the
load can be carried without causing failure of the part.

 Thus, for ductile materials, stress concentrations are

not considered i.e. Kt = 1
Would stress
concentrations cause
failure of a part?
 Brittle materials, in general, do not yield
before fracture thus with the presence of
stress concentration, the stress will continue
to increase until it cause failure of the part.
 Therefore, for brittle materials stress
concentrations must be considered.
Ductility, %EL
Ductility is a measure of l f  lo
the plastic deformation % EL  x100
that has been sustained lo
at fracture:
smaller %EL
Engineering (brittle if %EL<5%)
tensile Ao
stress,  larger %EL Lo Af Lf
(ductile if
A material %EL>5%)
suffers Engineering tensile strain,
very little Ao  A f
plastic • Another ductility measure: % AR  x100
deformati Ao
on is
Ductility may be expressed as either percent
elongation (% plastic strain at fracture) or percent
reduction in area.
Ductility and Percent
Ductility is the degree to which a
material will deform before ultimate

Percent elongation is used as a

measure of ductility.

Ductile Materials have %E  5%

Brittle Materials have %E < 5%

Ductile & Brittle Material
Ductile VS Brittle Failure


(a) (b) (c)

• Ductile Ductile: Brittle:
fracture is warning before No
desirable! fracture warning
Static Failure Theories
 The idea behind the various classical failure
theories is that whatever is responsible for
failure in the standard tensile test will also be
responsible for failure under all other conditions
of static loading.
Static Failure Theories
 In predicting failure, the limiting strength (S or S
yp ut

or Suc) values obtained from the uniaxial testing are


 The failure theories have been formulated in terms of

three principal normal stresses (σ1, σ2, σ3) at a point.

 For any given complex state of stress (σx, σy, σz, xy

, yz,  zx), we can always find its equivalent principal
normal stresses (σ1, σ2, σ3).

 Thus the failure theories in terms of principal

normal stresses can predict the failure due to any
given state of stress.
Static Failure Theories
 These theories (contd.)
have grown out of hypotheses
and experimental data in the following

1.Experimental failure data is first collected

through tensile tests.

2.The state of stress is correlated to the

experimental data using Mohr’s circle plots.

3. A failure theory is developed from a concept

of the responsible failure mechanism.

4.A design envelope is established based upon

the theoretical and empirical design equations.
Failure Prediction for Multi-
axial Stresses
 Failure theories are used to predict if failure would
occur under any given state of stress.
• Unfortunately, there is no universal theory of
failure for the general case of material
properties and stress state.
 Instead there are several failure theories that are
used in practice.
 Because brittle and ductile materials have
different failure mechanisms, different failure
theories are used for each.
Failure Theories: Ductile
For ductile materials (yield criteria):

Maximum Shear Stress (MSS) - also

known as “Tresca” Criteria.

Distortion Energy (DE) - also known

as “Von Mises” Criteria.

Ductile Coulomb-Mohr (DCM).

Failure Theories: Brittle
For brittle materials (fracture criteria):

 Maximum Normal Stress (MNS).

 Brittle Coulomb-Mohr (BCM)

Ductile materials
 Most common cause of yielding of
ductile material (e.g., steel) is slipping.
 Slipping occurs along the contact
planes of randomly-ordered crystals
that make up the material.
 Edges of planes of slipping as they appear on the
surface of the strip are referred to as Lüder’s
 The lines indicate the slip planes in the strip, which
occur at approximately 45 with the axis of the
The MSS theory came from the
observation that for ductile materials
during tension test, the slip lines
(which occur after yielding) and
fracture surfaces occurs at 45o angle,
which is the angle of the maximum
shear stress.
Theory (contd.)
The MSS theory predicts that yielding
occurs when the maximum shear
stress (for any given state of stress) is
equal to or larger than the shear
stress at yielding in a tension-test
specimen of the same material.
Theory (contd.)
During tension test the stress is σ = P/ A
and the maximum shear stress occurs at
45o angle and it is equal to  max = σ / 2 and
at yielding the maximum shear stress is:

 max = sy / 2

Recall !!
Stress on an Oblique
• Pass a section through the member
forming an angle  with the normal

• From equilibrium conditions, the

distributed forces (stresses) on the
plane must be equivalent to the force P.

• Resolve P into components normal

and tangential to the oblique section,

F  P cos V  P sin 
• The force F represents the resultant of
normal forces over the section, and
the force V represents the resultant of
shearing forces (Fig: d)
Stress on an Oblique
• The average values of corresponding normal and
shear stresses on the oblique plane are obtained
by dividing, respectively, F and V by the area AӨ
of the oblique section.

• From figure c it can be seen that Ao =AӨ Cos Ө,

where Ao denotes area of section perpendicular to

F P cos P
   cos 2       ( Eq : 1)
the axis of the A0
A member A0
V P sin  P
   sin  cos      ( Eq : 2)
A A0 A0
Maximum Normal stress
It can be seen F P cos P
   cos 2 
from Equation 1 A A0 A0

 max     ( Eq : 3)
Maximum Shearing stress
It can be seen V P sin  P
   sin  cos
A A0 A0
from Equation 2 cos

 max  sin 45 cos 45      Eq : 4 
A0 2 A0

The first Equation also indicates that when

the normal stress is also equal to
  cos 45 

A0 2 A0
Maximum‐Shear‐Stress Theory
 Since, for a general state of stress, the principal
stresses are ordered such that σ1 ≥ σ2 ≥ σ3 and
thus the maximum shear stress is:  max = σ1 – σ3

 Thus, according to the MSS theory, yielding

occurs when:

Eq: 5.1

 Thus, for any stress element, use Mohr’s circle

to find the maximum shear stress. Compare the
maximum shear stress to Sy/2
 According to the MSS theory, yielding occurs
Eq: 5.1

 Note that this implies that the yield strength in

shear is given by

 For design purposes, Eq. (5–1) can be modified to

incorporate a factor of safety, n.

 Or solving for factor of safety

Sy / 2
 max
Maximum‐Shear‐Stress Theory
To simplify, consider a plane stress state
Let  A and  B represent the two non-zero
principal stresses, then order them with
the zero principal stress such that 1
≥2 ≥3
Assuming  A ≥ B there are three cases
to consider
– Case 1: A ≥B ≥
– Case 2: A ≥ ≥B
– Case 3: 0 ≥A ≥ B
Maximum‐Shear‐Stress Theory

Case 1:  ≥ ≥

– For this case, 1 = A and 3 = 0

– Eq. (5–1) reduces to yield condition of  A ≥ Sy 

• Case 2: A ≥ ≥B

– For this case, 1 = A and 3 = B
– Eq. (5–1) reduces to yield condition of  A −  B ≥
Sy  Eq:5.5

• Case 3: 0 ≥A ≥ B
– For this case, 1 =  and 3 = B
– Eq. (5–1) reduces to yield condition of  B ≤ −Sy
 Eq:5.6
Maximum‐Shear‐Stress Theory
• Equations (5–4) to (5–6) are represented in Fig. 5–
7 by the three lines indicated in the σA, σB plane.

Case 1: A ≥ B ≥ 0
A ≥ Sy
Case 2: A ≥ 0 ≥ B
A − B ≥ Sy
Case 3: 0 ≥ A ≥ B
B ≤ −Sy

Other lines are

symmetric cases when
 B ≥ A
Inside envelope is
Maximum‐Shear‐Stress Theory
• First
and  are
Yielding will
occur when
any of or
 reaches
strength Sy.
Maximum‐Shear‐Stress Theory
 In Fig. 5–7, suppose point a
represents the stress state of
a critical stress element of a
 If the load is increased, it is
typical to assume that the
principal stresses will increase
proportionally along the line
from the origin through point
a. Such a load line is shown.

If the stress situation increases along the load

line until it crosses the stress failure envelope,
such as at point b, the MSS theory predicts
that the stress element will yield.
MSS Theory: Comparison to
experimental data
 Conservative in
all quadrants

 Commonly used
for design

 useful for design

situations where
higher reliability
is desired
MSS Theory: Summary

• MSS theory predicts yield if a stress state is

outside the shaded region bordered by the stress
yield envelope.
Distortion-Energy Theory
The DE theory originated from the observation
that ductile materials subjected to hydrostatic
stress ( 1 = 2 = 3 ) can withstand stress
much higher than the yield strength value
obtained from tensile test, without yielding.

This led to the conclusion that yielding is

related to the angular distortion.
Distortion-Energy Theory
 The term Hydrostatic stress is used to describe a state
of tensile or compressive stress equal in all directions
within or external to a body. It causes a change in
volume of a material.

The DE theory predicts that yielding

occurs when the distortion strain energy
(per unit volume) reaches or exceeds the
distortion strain energy (per unit volume)
for yielding in simple tension test
specimen of the same material.
Strain Energy
 The energy stored in a body due to deformation is
called the strain energy.
 The strain energy per unit volume is called the
strain energy density and is the area underneath
the stress-strain curve up to the point of
Linear Strain Energy
 To develop the DE theory, consider an
element subjected to triaxial state of
stress ( 1 > 2 > 3 ), the state of stress
can be divided into hydrostatic and
distortion components The stress state
shown in Fig. 5–8b is
one of hydrostatic
normal stresses due
to the stresses σav
acting in each
of the same principal
directions as in Fig.
5–8a. Here,

Eq: 1
Distortion-Energy Theory
Distortion-Energy Theory
 As shown earlier, the strain energy per
unit volume for simple tension is U =
(½) ε

 For the element of Fig. 5–8a subjected to

triaxial stress the strain energy per unit
volume is
Distortion-Energy Theory
 Using the generalized Hook's law for
triaxial state of stress i.e. Substituting Eq.
(3–19) for principal strains

into strain energy equation,

Distortion-Energy Theory

Note that the distortion energy will be zero if  1 = 2 = 3

Distortion-Energy Theory
 For the simple tensile test, at yield, σ =

Sy and σ2 = σ3 = 0, and from Eq. (5) the

distortion energy is

 Thus, according to DE theory, yielding

occurs when Equation (5) ≥ equation (6),
which gives  Eq: 5-10
Von Mises Stress

 The left-hand-term in Eq: 5-10 is known as the Von Mises stress

 ‘ which is an equivalent, or effective stress representation for
any general state of stress given by σ1, σ2, and σ3. It is named
after Dr. R. von Mises, who contributed to the theory.

 Thus Eq. (5–10), for yield, can be written as

• For plane stress, the von Mises stress can be
represented by the principal stresses σA, σB, and
zero. Then from Eq. (5–12),

Equation (5–13) is a
rotated ellipse in the σA, σB
plane, as shown in Fig. 5–9
with σ’ = Sy . The dotted
lines in the figure represent
the MSS theory, which can
be seen to be more
restrictive, hence, more
conservative i.e. useful for
design situations where
higher reliability is desired
Distortion Energy Theory With Von
Mises Stress
 Von Mises Stress can be thought of as a single,
equivalent, or effective stress for the entire
general state of stress in a stress element.
 Distortion Energy failure theory simply compares
von Mises stress to yield strength.

 Introducing a design factor,

 Expressing as factor of safety,

Example 5-1
Example 5-1 (contd.)
Example 5-1 (contd.)
Example 5-1 (contd.)
Example 5-1 (contd.)
Example 5-1 (contd.)
Example 5-1 (contd.)

Fig. 5−11
Example 5-1 (contd.)

Fig. 5−11
Example: 1
 The element is subjected to the stresses
shown. If yield strength is 36 ksi, determine
the factor of safety for the loading based on:
(a)the maximum-shear-stress theory.
(b)the maximum-distortion energy theory

Example: 1 (contd.)
Example: 1 (contd.)
Example: 2
Solid shaft has a radius of 0.5 cm and made of steel
having yield stress of Y = 360 MPa. Determine if the
loadings cause the shaft to fail according to the
maximum-shear-stress theory and the maximum-
distortion-energy theory.
Example: 2 (contd.)
State of stress in shaft is caused by both
the axial force and the torque. Since
maximum shear stress caused by torque
occurs in material at outer surface, we
P 15 kN 2
σx     19. 10 kN/cm  191 MPa
A   0.5 cm  2

Tc 3.25 kN  cm 0.5 cm 

 xy  
J  2 0.5 cm  4
 xy  16.55 kN/cm  165.5 MPa
Example: 2 (contd.)

acting on an
element of
material at
point A are
Example: 2 (contd.)
Principal stresses are obtained using stress-
transformation equations:
x  y  x  y  2
σ1, 2       xy
2  2 
 191  0   191  0 
     165.5 2
2  2 
 95.5  191.1
σ1  95.6 MPa
σ 2  286.6 MPa
Example: 2 (contd.)
Maximum-shear-stress theory
Since principal stresses have opposite signs,
absolute maximum shear stress occur in the
plane, apply Equation 5-1,
σ1  σ 2  σY
Is 95.6    286.6   360 ?
382.2  360 Fail!
Thus, shear failure occurs by maximum-
shear-stress theory.
Example: 2 (contd.)
Maximum-distortion-energy theory
Applying Equation 5-13, we have

σ12  σ1σ2  σ22   σY

 
Is  95.6  2   95.6   286.6     286.6  2   360 2 ?
118,677.9  129,600 OK!

However, using the maximum-distortion-

energy theory, failure will not occur.
Example: 3
Steel pipe has inner diameter of 60 mm and outer
diameter of 80 mm. If it is subjected to a torsional moment
of 8 kN·m and a bending moment of 3.5 kN·m, determine
if these loadings cause failure as defined by the
maximum-distortion-energy theory. Yield stress for the
steel found from a tension test is Y = 250 MPa.
Example: 3 (contd.)
Investigate a pt on
pipe that is
subjected to a state
of maximum critical

Torsional and
bending moments
are uniform
throughout the
pipe’s length.

At arbitrary section

a-a, loadings produce
the stress
Example: 3 (contd.)
By inspection, pts A and B subjected to same state of
critical stress. Stress at A,
Tc  8000 N  m  0.04 m 
A  

J   2   0.04 m    0.03 m 
 116 .4 MPa

Mc  3500 N  m  0.04 m 
A 

  4  0.04 m    0.03 m 
4 4
 101.9 MPa
Example: 3 (contd.)
Mohr’s circle for this state of stress has center located
at 0  101.9
 avg   50.9 MPa
Initial pt A (101.9, 116.4) and the center C (50.9, 0)
can be plotted to obtain the radius, which is given by
R   50.9 2
   116 .4
 127.1

and therefore in-plane principal stresses are

1  50.9  127.1  76.2 MPa

 2  50.9  127.1  178.0 MPa
Example: 3 (contd.)
Using Equation 5-13, we have
12  1 2   22    Y 2
 
Is  76.2  2   76.2   178.0     178.0  2   Y 2 ?
51,100  62, 500 OK!

Since criterion is met, material within the

pipe will not yield (“fail”) according to the
maximum-distortion-energy theory.
Example: 4
Example: 4 (contd.)
Example: 4 (contd.)
Example: 5
• A ductile cold-drawn steel bar of AISI 1020 has minimum yield strength in tension and
compression of 390 MPa. Using the distortion-energy and maximum shear-stress
theories :
a. Calculate the factors of safety for plane stress states. Given
σx = 180 MPa, σy = 100 MPa.
Example: 5 (contd.)
b. Calculate the factors of safety for plane stress
states. Given
σx = 180 MPa, τxy = 100 MPa.
Example: 5 (contd.)
b. Calculate the factors of safety for plane stress
states. Given
σx = -160 MPa, τxy = 100 MPa.
Example: 5 (contd.)
b. Calculate the factors of safety for plane stress
states. Given
τxy = 150 MPa.
Example: 5 (contd.)
Exercise: 1
• A ductile hot-rolled steel bar has minimum
yield strength in tension and compression of
350 MPa. Using the distortion-energy
and maximum-shear-stress theories
determines the factors of safety for the
following plane stress states:
Exercise: 1 (solution)
Exercise: 1 (solution)
Exercise: 1 (solution)
Exercise: 1 (solution)
Exercise: 1 (solution)
Exercise: 2
• A shaft is loaded by a torque of 5 KN-
m. The material has a yield point of
350 MPa. Find the required diameter
(a) Maximum shear stress theory
(b) Maximum distortion energy theory
Take a factor of safety of 2.5.
(a) 71.3 mm (b) 68 mm
Exercise: 2 (contd.)
Exercise: 3
 The state of stress at a point for a material
is shown in the figure given below. Find the
factor of safety using:
(a) Maximum shear stress theory
(b) Maximum distortion energy theory.
Take the tensile yield strength of the material as
400 MPa.

Exercise: 3 (contd.)
Exercise: 3 (contd.)
Exercise: 4
• The components of plane stress at a critical
point on an A-36 steel shell with yield
strength of 250 MPa are shown. Determine if
failure (yielding) has occurred on the basis of:
(a)the maximum-shear stress theory.
(b)Maximum distortion-energy theory

(a)152.64 MPa < sy = 250 MPa implying steel shell does not yield
(b)17,500 < sy2 = 62500 MPa implying steel shell does not yield
Exercise: 4 (contd.)
4 (contd.)
Exercise: 5
 A bar with a circular cross-sectional area is
made of SAE 1045 carbon steel having a
yield stress of 150 ksi. If the bar is subjected
to a torque of 30 and a bending
moment of 56 determine the required
diameter of the bar according to the
maximum-distortion-energy theory. Use a
factor of safety of 2 with respect to
Answers: d = 2.30 in
Exercise: 5 (contd.)
Exercise: 5 (contd.)
Exercise: 6
• Bolt tightened to tensile stress of 80 ksi,
and torsional shear stress of 50 ksi. Find
factor of safety using:
(a)the maximum-shear stress theory.
(b)Maximum distortion-energy theory
• Material: High carbon steel AISI1080 with
yield strength of 55 ksi. Will it fail?

(a)0.43 i.e. Less than 1, implying it will fail
(b)0.47 i.e. Less than 1, implying it will fail
Exercise: 6 (contd.)
Exercise: 7
• An aluminum alloy 6061-T6 with a yield strength
of 37ksi is to be used for a solid drive shaft such
that it transmits 40 hp at 2400 rev/min. Using a
factor of safety of 2 with respect to yielding,
determine the smallest-diameter shaft that can
be selected based on the maximum-shear-
stress theory.

Note: 1hp = 550 lb.ft

Answers: d = 0.833 in
Exercise: 7 (contd.)
Exercise: 7 (contd.)
Exercise: 8
• An aluminum alloy 6061-T6 with a yield strength
of 37ksi is to be used for a solid drive shaft such
that it transmits 40 hp at 2400 rev/min. Using a
factor of safety of 2 with respect to yielding,
determine the smallest-diameter shaft that can
be selected based on the maximum-distortion
energy theory.

Note: 1hp = 550 lb.ft

Answers: d = 0.794 in
e: 8
Exercise: 9
• A bar with a square cross-sectional area is
made of a material having a yield stress of
120 ksi. If the bar is subjected to a bending
moment of 75, determine the required
size of the bar according to the maximum
distortion-energy theory. Use a factor of
safety of 1.5 with respect to yielding

Answers: a = 1.78 in
Exercise: 9 (contd.)

Stress element
Exercise: 9 (contd.)
Exercise: 10
• A bar with a square cross-sectional area is
made of a material having a yield stress of
120 ksi. If the bar is subjected to a bending
moment of 75, determine the
required size of the bar according to the
maximum-shear stress theory. Use a factor
of safety of 1.5 with respect to yielding
Answers: a = 1.78 in
Exercise: 11
• The yield stress for heat-treated beryllium
copper is 130 ksi. If this material is
subjected to plane stress and elastic
failure occurs when one principal stress is
145 ksi, what is the smallest magnitude
of the other principal stress? Use the
maximum-distortion-energy theory.
Answers:  2 = 38.9 ksi
Exercise: 12
• The state of stress acting at a critical point
on the seat frame of an automobile during a
crash is shown in the figure. Determine the
smallest yield stress for a steel that can be
selected for the member, based on the (a)
maximum shear-stress theory & (b)
maximum-distortion energy theory.

(a)94.3 ksi
(b)91 ksi
Exercise: 13
 The shaft consists of
a solid segment AB
and a hollow segment
BC, which are rigidly
joined by the coupling
at B. If the shaft is
made from A-36 steel,
determine the
maximum torque T
that can be applied
according to the
stress theory. Use a
factor of safety of 1.5
against yielding.  y =
250 MPa
Answers:  8.38 KN. m
Exercise: 14
 The shaft consists of
a solid segment AB
and a hollow segment
BC, which are rigidly
joined by the coupling
at B. If the shaft is
made from A-36 steel,
determine the
maximum torque T
that can be applied
according to the
energy theory. Use a
factor of safety of 1.5
against yielding.  y =
250 MPa
Answers:  9.67 KN. m
Coulomb-Mohr Theory
 The MSS & DE theories assume the tensile and
compressive yield strength to be equal.
 However, some materials have compressive
strength different from tensile strength. Such as:

 The Mohr & Coulomb-Mohr theories are applicable

for such materials, i.e. when .
 Mohr theory is based on three simple tests:
tension, compression, and shear.
 The Mohr & Coulomb-Mohr theories predict
that failure will occur when the Mohr's
circle (for any state of stress) “touches” a
failure envelope (curve or line) which is
defined by Mohr's circle for simple tension,
shear and compression tests.
The strengths Sc
and St are the
compressive and
tensile strengths,
respectively; they
can be used for
yield or ultimate
Mohr Theory
 Plotting Mohr’s circle for three simple tension,
shear and compression tests, results in a bounding
curve that defines failure envelope.

 The failure envelope can be a straight-line or any

other type of curve. It is a graphical method.
Mohr Theory
• The argument amounted to the three Mohr
circles describing the stress state in a body
growing during loading until one of them
became tangent to the failure envelope,
thereby defining failure.
Coulomb-Mohr Theory
(Internal friction
• Coulomb-Mohr
theory simplifies
to linear failure
envelope using
only tension and
compression tests
(dashed circles),
thus shear test is
not needed

Fig. 5−13
Coulomb-Mohr Theory

From the geometry,
derive the failure

Fig. 5−13

Failure condition
In above equation either yield strength or ultimate strength can be used,
depending upon whether the material is ductile or brittle.
Coulomb-Mohr Theory
 Note that when (contd.)
the compressive and tensile
strengths are equal (St = Sc = Sy ), the Coulomb-
Mohr theory turns to be the MSS theory.
 Incorporating factor of safety

 For ductile material, use tensile and compressive

yield strengths
 For brittle material, use tensile and compressive
ultimate strengths
 For plane stress (A >B ) three cases can be observed:

• Case 1: A ≥ B ≥ 0 For this case, 1 = A and 3 = 0

– Eq. (5−22) reduces to

• Case 2: A ≥ 0 ≥ B For this case, 1 = A and 3 = B

– Eq. (5-22) reduces to

• Case 3: 0 ≥ A ≥ B For this case, 1 = 0 and 3 = B

– Eq. (5−22) reduces to
Coulomb-Mohr Theory
 Plot three
cases on
stress axes
 Similar to
MSS theory,
except with
strengths for
and tension
Coulomb-Mohr Theory
(contd.)theory we do not
 Since for the Coulomb-Mohr
need the torsional shear strength circle we
can deduce it from Eq. (5–22).
 For pure shear

 The torsional yield strength

occurs when τmax = Ssy.

 Substituting σ1 = −σ3 = Ssy into Eq. (5–22)

and simplifying gives
Example 5-2
Example 5-2 (contd.)
Exercise: 5-14
• This problem illustrates that the factor of
safety for a machine element depends on the
particular point selected for analysis.

• Here you are to compute factors of safety,

based upon the distortion-energy theory, for
stress elements at A and B of the member
shown in the figure.

• This bar is made of AISI 1006 cold-drawn steel

and is loaded by the forces F = 0.55 kN, P =
8.0 kN, and T = 30 N m. Yield strength is 331
Exercise: 5-14 (contd.)
• This bar is made of AISI 1006 cold-drawn steel
and is loaded by the forces F = 0.55 kN, P = 8.0
kN, and T = 30 N m. Yield strength is 331 MPa.
Exercise: 5-14 (contd.)

• Given:
– Bar is AISI 1020 hot-rolled
• A DUCTILE material
– F = 0.55 kN
– P = 8.0 kN
– T = 30 Nm
• Find:
– Factor of safety ()
• Two areas of interest:
– A
• Top – where max normal
stress is seen (bending!)
– B
• Side – where max shear
stress is seen
Element A
• Consider the types of loading we
• Axial?
– Yes – due to P
• Bending?
– Recall that bending produces 
and , depending on the
element of interest
– Yes – due to M ( at A,  at B)
– Since the maximum bending
moment is M = 100F
• Torsion?
– Yes – due to T
Element A (contd.)
• Calculate stresses due to each
load P P 4P
• Axial: x   
A  D 2  D 2
 
 4 

• Bending:
 FL   D

My  2   32 FL
x  
I  D 4  D 3
 
 64 

 xy  0
• Shear:

• Torsion:
 T   D

Tc  2   16T
 xz  
J  D 4  D 3
 
 32 
Element A (contd.)
F = 0.55 kN, P = 8.0 kN, and T = 30 N m.

• Look at a stress element

• Sum up stresses due to all the

4 P 32 FL
• x  
D 2
D 3

 
• xxz= 95.5
D 3 MPa
• xz = 19.1 MPa
Element A (contd.)
• Draw Mohr’s Circle with the
stresses that we calculated
– x = 95.5 MPa
– xz = 19.1 MPa
– x at (x, xz)
• (95.5, 19.1)
– y at (y, zx)
• (y, -xz)
• (0, -19.1)
– Find Centre

  x   y   95.5  0 
 ,0    ,0    47.8,0
 2   2 
– Find radius

R  x  C x  2   xz 2   95.5  47.8 2  19.12  51.4

Element A (contd.)
• Find principal stresses
– 1 = C + R
• 99.2 MPa
– 2 = C - R
• -3.63 MPa

– Think about 3-D Mohr’s Circle!

– This is Case #3…
– We want 1 > 2 > 3
– Assign 2 = 0 and 3 = -3.63
Element A (contd.)
• Find the von Mises stress (’)

 
' 1

 1   2    2   3    1   3 
2 2 2

 
' 1

 99.2  0 2   0  3.63 2   99.2  3.63 2 
 '  101MPa

• Sy for our material = 331

• Calculate the factor of
S y 331
– '   3.28 For yield
 101
Element B
• Consider the types of loading we
• Axial?
– Yes – due to P
• Bending?
– Recall that bending produces
 and , depending on the
element of interest
– Yes – due to M ( at A,  at B)
• Torsion?
– Yes – due to T
Element B (contd.)
• Calculate stresses due to each load
• Axial:
P P 4P
x   
A  D 2  D 2
 
 4 
• Bending:
– Use equation for round solid cross-section

 xy  
Ib 3 A
• Shear:   0

• Torsion:
 T   D

Tc  2   16T
 xy  
J  D 4  D 3
 
 32 
Element B (contd.)
F = 0.55 kN, P = 8.0 kN, and T = 30 N m.

• Look at a stress element

• Sum up stresses due to all the
• 4P
x 
D 2

16T 4V
 xy  3 
D 3 A
 19.1  .002  19.12 MPa
• x = 25.5 MPa
• xy = 19.1 MPa
– Note small contribution of shear
stress due to bending
Element B (contd.)
• Draw Mohr’s Circle with the
stresses that we calculated
– x = 25.5 MPa
– xy = 19.1 MPa
– x at (x, xy)
• (25.5, 19.1)
– y at (y, yx)
• (y, -xy)
• (0, -19.1)
– Find C

  x   y   25.5  0 
 ,0    ,0   12.8,0
 2   2 
– Find radius

R  x  Cx  2   xz 2   25.5  12.8 2  19.12  22.96

Element B (contd.)

• Find principal stresses

– 1 = C + R
• 35.8 MPa
– 2 = C - R
• -10.2 MPa
– Think about 3-D Mohr’s
– This is Case #3…
– We want 1 > 2 > 3
– Assign 2 = 0 and 3 = -10.2
Element B (contd.)
• Find the von Mises stress (’)

 '

 1   2  2   2   3  2   1   3  2 
 '

 35.8  0 2   0  10.2 2   35.8  10.2 2 
 '  41.8 MPa
• Sy for our material = 331 MPa
• Calculate the factor of safety

   7.91 For yield
 e 41.8
Exercise: 5-14 (contd.)
• We found the
factors of safety
relative to each
element, A and B
– A  3.28
– B  7.91
• A is the limiting
factor of safety
–  = 3.3
Failure Theories for Brittle
 Brittle materials are classified such that
(%Elogation < 5%) and they usually do not
have identifiable yield strength.
 Thus, they are usually classified by the
ultimate tensile ( Sut) and ultimate
compressive (Suc ) strengths, which are used
to define failure.
 It is typical for brittle materials to have the
compressive strength larger than the
tensile strength.
Maximum Normal Stress
(MNS) Theory
 The MNS theory predicts that failure will occur
when any of the three principal stresses
equals or exceeds the ultimate strength
obtained from tensile or compressive test.

 For general state of stress (σ1 ≥ σ2 ≥ σ3 ),

according to MNS theory ,failure occurs
Maximum Normal Stress
Theory (contd.)

• For plane stress, with σA ≥ σB, Eq. (5–28)

can be written as

• Incorporating design factor,

Maximum Normal Stress
Theory (contd.)
 Experimentally,
it was found to
be in close
agreement with
the behavior of
brittle materials
that have stress-
strain diagrams
similar in both
tension and
Maximum Normal Stress
Theory (contd.)
Plot on principal stress axes

It is typical for
brittle materials
to have the
strength larger
than the tensile
Mohr’s Failure Criterion
 Use for brittle materials where the
tension and compression properties
are different.
 Three tests need to be performed on
• Carry to determine
out a uniaxial the criterion.
tensile test to determine the
ultimate tensile stress (ult)t
• Carry out a uniaxial compressive test to determine the
ultimate compressive stress (ult)c
• Carry out a torsion test to determine the ultimate shear
stress ult.
• Results are plotted in Mohr circles
Mohr’s Failure Criterion
 Circle A represents the stress condition 1 =
2 = 0, 3 = –(ult)c

 Circle B represents the stress condition 1 =

(ult)t, 2 = 3 = 0

 Circle C represents the

pure-shear-stress condition
caused by ult.
Brittle Coulomb-Mohr (BCM)
 The same Coulomb-Mohr theory used for ductile materials is
also used for brittle materials but instead of using the yield
strength, the ultimate strength is used to define failure.
 For plane stress, failure occurs when
Brittle Failure
Experimental Data
• Maximum Normal
Stress Theory: Unsafe
in part of fourth
quadrant. Therefore,
not recommended for

• Coulomb-Mohr is
conservative in 4th

• Modified Mohr criteria

adjusts to better fit the •Mod II - Mohr is the most
data in the 4th accurate for loading in the fourth
quadrant quadrant
Modified Mohr - I
Quadrant condition Failure criteria

• However, it can be seen that experimental data are still outside this
extended region.
•The straight line introduced by the modified Mohr theory, for σA ≥ 0 ≥ σB
and |σB/σA| > 1, can be replaced by a parabolic relation
Modified Mohr- II
• Failure occurs when
Example: 1
• If the 2-in. diameter shaft is made from
brittle material having an ultimate
strength of for both tension and
compression, σult = 50 ksi. Determine if
the shaft fails according to the maximum-
normal-stress theory. Use a factor of
safety of 1.5 against rupture.
Example: 1 (contd.)

Remember, it is A ≥  ≥ B

Example: 2
• If the 2-in. diameter shaft is made from
cast iron having tensile and compressive
ultimate strengths of (σult)t = 50 ksi and
(σult)c = 75 ksi respectively, determine if
the shaft fails in accordance with Mohr’s
failure criterion.
Example: 3
• The short concrete
cylinder having a
diameter of 50 mm is
subjected to a torque of
500 N.m and an axial
compressive force of 2
kN. Determine if it fails
according to the
theory. The ultimate
stress of the concrete is
σult = 28 MPa.
Example: 3 (contd.)
Example: 3 (contd.)

Remember, it is A
≥  ≥ B
Theories of Failure:
 If material is ductile, failure is specified by the
initiation of yielding, whereas if it is brittle, it is
specified by fracture.
 Ductile failure can be defined when slipping
occurs between the crystals that compose the
 This slipping is due to shear stress and the
maximum-shear-stress theory is based on this
 Strain energy is stored in a material when
subjected to normal stress.
Theories of Failure: Summary
 The maximum-distortion-energy theory
depends on the strain energy that distorts the
material, and not the part that increases its
 The fracture of a brittle material is caused by
the maximum tensile stress in the material,
and not the compressive stress.
 This is the basis of the maximum-normal-stress
theory, and it is applicable if the stress-strain
diagram is similar in tension and compression.
Theories of Failure: Summary
 If a brittle material has a stress-strain
diagram that is different in tension and
compression, then Mohr’s failure criterion
may be used to predict failure.
 Provided the principal stresses for a
material are known, then a theory of
failure can be used as a basis for design.
Selection of Failure Criteria in
Flowchart Form

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