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Islamic Banks (Non-Banking Financing There are several Baitul Mals working in cities

Companies) in India and RBI Regulations as well as in villages. Only 10 to 15 Islamic

Islamic banks in India do not function under banks with deposits of about Rs. 75 crore
banking regulations. They are licenced under operating all over the country in various states.
Non-Banking Finance Companies Reserve They are actually Non-Banking Finance
Bank Directives 1997 RBI (Amendment) Act Companies which work on profits/ loss basis.
1997, and operates on profit and loss based Islamic banks by and large cater to the needs
on Islamic principles. RBI has introduced of local area except a few of them operating
compulsory registration system. Only those across districts or states. Their sources of
NBFCs which have net owned funds funds are limited and as a result these
equivalent to Rs.50 lakhs/ 5mill rupees and banks have to operate on small scale
above can be registered with the RBI with the missing the economies of scale. Islamic banks
minimum capital of Rs.25 lakhs. Subsequently, in India provide housing loan, on the basis of
in the Monetary and Credit Policy for the year co-ownership, venture finance on
1999-2000, it was proposed that in respect of Mudarabha basis as well as on Musharaka
new NBFCs, which seek registration with the basis and consumers loans. Some banks
Reserve Bank and commence the business on or finance transports also on the mark up basis
after April 21, 1999, the requirement of via hire purchase. Education finance and skill
minimum level of net owned funds (NOF) development finance is also provided by them.
will be Rs.2 crore./200 lakhs(20mill rupees) Investments are made in government
The RBI (Amendment) Act, 1997 has been the securities, small savings schemes or units of
most recent effort to address the issue of mutual funds. Investment in shares of
laying down a comprehensive framework for companies is also made by some Islamic
regulating the NBFCs. Exercising the banks. Hire purchase and lease finance are
powers derived under the amended Act, a set other source of investment.
of regulatory and supervisory measures was
announced by the Reserve Bank in January Islamic banks as referred to in the preceding
1998. The broad thrust of the new Act has been paragraph face resource constraints and have
to provide a greater degree of comfort and narrow financing avenues. Their capital base
safety to depositors, while, at the same time, is small and weak. In order to overcome these
fostering the development of a healthy and problems, Now Islamic banks can use two way
diversified financial sector. Accordingly, entry- route they can mobilise capital resources by
level norms for new and existing NBFCs have issuing equity shares and can invest in equities
been laid down. Among the various measures of corporates and financial institutions. The
introduced are compulsory registration of setting up of mutual funds is another important
NBFCs engaged in financial intermediation, route. Islamic banks can float mutual funds
prescription of minimum level of (NOF), schemes offering dividend on units and these
maintenance of certain percentage of liquid funds can be invested in corporate shares.
assets as percent of public deposits in They can diversify into equity based
government bonds, creation of reserve fund financing and resource raising can be done
and transfer thereto every year a certain through issue of equity shares. Islamic banks
percentage of profits to reserve fund. The in India can offer their assets portfolios of
regulations also provide for measures like credit primary securities in the form of open
rating for deposits, capital adequacy, income ended mutual funds units / shares for sale to
recognition, asset classification, compulsory investors. It is perhaps worth emphasizing that
credit rating provision for bad and doubtful for Islamic banks, resource mobilisation and
debts, exposure norms and other measures to investment through units or equity, need well-
keep a check on their financial solvency and functioning equity exchanges market without
financial reporting. the supervisory mechanism any tax or penalty on frequent trading. An
for NBFCs is based on three criteria viz. (a) the important development in Indian financial
size of the NBFC, (b) the type of activity market is the emerging and widening strong
performed, and (c) the acceptance or otherwise capital market with a broad based regulatory
of public deposits. system in favour of investors.
However, Islamic banks functioning on 1. Islamic banks should implement
profit-loss basis have developed knowingly prudential norms in order to strengthen
or unknowingly a number of deficiencies. their quality of functioning and capital
First, they have not developed adequate adequacy and asset up gradation should
internal control system, as a result their receive focused attention.
accounting systemise not very transparent. 2. They should mobilise resources on the basis
You may be aware that transparency is the of “Mutual Funds” model and investment
directive of Islam. A number of times they should be equity based and partnership -
are not able to follow the directives of contract based. They should promote inter-
regulatory authorities pertaining to deposit Islamic banks trading in “Contracts”.
acceptance from public. For instance, they If Islamic banks can make offer to public
hardly go for credit rating. They are not through capital issues and get listed on
submitting required information and data to stock exchanges then capital would become
Reserve Bank of India. Their monitoring marketable and liquid. Inter-bank lending
system warrants appointment of technical can be set up on the profit sharing basis.
people familiar with reporting system. It is 3. They should diversify instruments of
also observed that accounting practices investment on the lines done in some of the
needs to be learned by the officials of these countries.
banks Lack of skilled staff, professionals 4. Islamic banks should set up “Risk-Funds”
and infrastructure frustrate their effort to to compensate their shareholders or
expand and enlarge their operations. depositors during the period of losses. They
There has been very little effort to provide can declare special dividend.
training facilities. However, there is good 5. They have to enlarge their scale of
news that government would be permitting operation through mergers and should
NBFCs to accept foreign share holdings modernise themselves to compete with other
even on foreign partnership basis up to 100 institutions.
per cent. This relaxation will enable Islamic 6. They should set up training institutions on
banks to augment their resources through Islamic banking and should impart training
foreign holding by foreign investors, to borrowers and other public to increase
consolidate and formalise their operations. their clientele.
Foreign partners bring with them improved 7. They should earmark/reserve some funds
standard of disclosures and better to finance poor people and should provide
management practices. them job training so that they can create
employment for themselves. Such
experiments are already being done in Tamil
Nadu by English Missionaries. But assisting
poor people is not the only objective, this is
one of the objectives.

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