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Minutes for 3/2/2010 SCES PTA Meeting

MSA Presentation (Ms. Linda Jones Coxson, C. Charmane Brown)

• PowerPoint presentation; available on Sligo Creek list-serv, circulated by

Yasmina Mudarres

Ms. Swift’s Q&A

• Ms. Swift noted the number of adjustments SCES staff were making due to the
February snow days. There have been some field trip cancellations and other
adjustments in order to make sure that the students stay on track, particularly in
time for MSA testing. As far as Ms. Swift knows, the snow days will not be made

• Ms. Swift and the teachers are focused on the MSA testing right now. MSA
results will not be available until after school lets out for the summer. Ms. Swift
noted that SCES does need parent assistance with providing snacks for students
taking the MSAs during March 2010.

• The SGA will be selling ribbons for 50 cents, with the proceeds to go to Haiti.
Students are permitted to wear these ribbons to school.

• Ms. Swift recently met with parents affected by boundary changes (65-70 parents
in attendance). The parents had a number of questions. Ms. Swift will be inviting
parents from East Silver Spring for a meeting later this year.

• Ms. Swift currently has no information on the staffing allocation at SCES for next
year. Much of that determination will depend on whether SCES remains a focus
school; she will not know that for at least another week.

• Teacher staffing decisions that will involve involuntary transfers must be

communicated by 4/1/2010.

• One parent asked about report cards for Ms. Kelly’s kindergarten class; Ms. Swift
indicated the entire kindergarten team is working on completing these report
cards comments, and they should be out soon.

Silent Auction – 4/23/2010

• Cori Vanchieri reported on the Silent Auction. Event is coming together. There
will be more details about the event at the next PTA meeting. The Auction team
needs parent help with for phone calls to follow-up on contributions, as well as
help with class baskets – Margaret Upton – basket for each grade.

World Culture Day – 6/2/2010

• Caroline Wilkins reported on World Culture Day, which is scheduled for Wed.,
June 2, 2010. Anyone interested in helping should contact Caroline. You just
need to want to spend a day at SCES – no need to have a country to present or
to staff a country booth all day.

Financial Decisions

• PTA voted to reserve $250 in PTA funds for MSA snacks to the extent the funds
are needed.

• PTA voted to provide Ms. Hockheppel with $300 in mini-grant funds for the 3rd
grade opera.

Other events

• Next PTA meeting is Wed., 4/7/2010 (moved from Tue, 4/6 because that is a
professional development day).

• Health educator sex ed talk will be rescheduled for later in the spring.

• PTA Nominating Committee is looking for help – this committee will search for
persons to serve on the executive board and PTA committees next year.
Contact Diane Kelleher or Alice Vorosmarti.

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