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Backward Design Template

Subject/Topic: History/ Causes of World War One

Designed by Paul Ho
Identify Desired Results
What overarching understandings are What are the overarching “essential”
desired? questions?

Students must understand: 1. Why did war break out in 1914?

 How war is a tool of diplomacy 2. How was the situation in Europe in the
 The socio-political and economic factors 1900s different from the 1800s?
within a country might cause an outbreak of

What will students understand as a result of What “essential” and “unit” questions will
this unit? focus this unit?

 Why did World War One break out in 1. What is the meaning of nationalism,
1914? militarism, imperialism in Europe during
 What were the main causes of World the 1900s.
War One? 2. Define the concept of “underlying
 Was there one country to blame for causes”.
World War One? 3. What is the Industrial Revolution? How
 Why were the leaders unable to prevent did it play a part in the causes of World
war from breaking out in 1914? War One?
4. What is the concept of Imperialism? How
did it play a part in the causes of World
War One?
Determine Acceptable Evidence

What evidence will show that students understand….

Performance Tasks, Projects

 IT project using to get students to role play different political leaders in
Europe during the 1900s, explaining and justifying the reasons why they went to war in
 How to logically sequence their ideas and supporting evidence to write a structured essay
that is analytical, objective and succinctly explains the interdependence of factors/causes
of war.
 Students are able to correctly identify the 4 major underlying causes and explain them in
the context of how it is related or connected to each of the major European powers.
 Students must be able to weigh the relative significance of each factor in consideration to
its contribution in causing the outbreak of war in 1914.

Quizzes, Tasks, Academic Prompts

 Worksheet – Short Answers and Structured paragraphs (Teaching on the differences

between events and underlying causes of World War One)

Other Evidence (eg observations, work Student Self-Assessment

samples, dialogues)

 KWL worksheet
 Use of  Personal Blog reflection.
discussion forum.
 JiTT Learning and class discussion on
the main theoretical/historiographical
points of view on who caused the war.
 Class practice worksheet on structured
essay questions.
Plan Learning Experience and Instruction

Given the targeted understandings, other unit goals, and the assessment evidence
identified, what knowledge and skills are needed?
Students will need to know….. Students will need to be able to….

1. Bismarck’s theory of defensive 1. have good recall skills of content

alliances. knowledge
2. The concept of the Balance of Power 2. make effective use of search engines
3. The “Scramble for Africa” – New 3. relate different historical events to the
Imperialism underlying causes.
4. The Boer War 4. plan and produce a script for the role
5. The Russo-Japanese War play on
6. The Franco-Prussian War 5. recognise the differences between a
7. Kaiser Wilhelm’s “Daily Telegraph” cause and an event.
interview 6. identify and explain the extent of
8. The Balkan Crises 1908, 1912-1913. causality.
9. The Moroccan Crises, 1905,1911 7. apply basic structured essay writing
10. The concept of “encirclement” skills
11. The Triple Entente and the Triple
12. The concept of “PanSlavism”

What teachings and learning experiences will equip students to demonstrate the targeted

1. Visual Documentary on Youtube or instructional DVDs. Eg. “All Quiet on the Western
2. Interactive simulation of the causes of World War One on a commercial education
3. Practice questions from previous years’ assessments and tests.

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