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Oracle Data Visualization

Workshop Handout

Oracle Digital Workshop

Oracle Data Visualization Workshop Handout 2

Oracle Data Visualization Desktop Hands-On Lab

(for Marketing, Sales and Finance)
Oracle Data Visualization Workshop Handout 3

Story Line: I am a Marketing Analyst, and I have been notified by my manager that there could be a
risk in missing the next quarter’s sales target and with that will have a reduction in cash-flow. So I have
been asked to come up with my recommendation to address this risk. To do that, I am going to pull
information from the Sales and Finance systems, blend that information and see if I can gain some
insight with the help of Oracle Data Visualization Tool.


1. Download and install Data Visualization 4.0

2. Save the following dataset in your laptop
 Vision - Cloud Sales Data.xlsx
 Vision - Cloud Finance Data.xlsx
 Vision - Cloud Survey Data.xlsx
3. Install the Machine Learning Framework on the Windows or Apple Mac machine on which
you’ve installed Data Visualization Desktop - Windows
 Click Install DVML from the Oracle Data Visualization Desktop Windows Start menu.
 Click Yes when you see the following message: ‘Do you want to allow the following
program to make changes to this computer?’ - A terminal window is displayed showing
the progress of the installation.
 Click Yes when you see the following message: Do you want to allow the following
program to make changes to this computer?
 The installer starts automatically on completion of the download. Follow the displayed
instructions to install Machine Learning to the selected install path
 Click Finish to close the installer.
 Click any key when you see the message: Press any key to continue to closes the
terminal window.
 If Data Visualization Desktop was running during Machine Learning installation, then you
must restart Data Visualization Desktop before you can use the Machine Learning
4. Follow these steps to install the required version of the Machine Learning Framework on Apple
 Double-click the application Oracle Data Visualization Desktop Configure Python in
Finder under Applications or in Launchpad.
 A terminal window indicates the download progress of the installer.
 The installer starts automatically on completion of the download. Follow the displayed
instructions to install Machine Learning to the selected install path.
o To run the installation, you must enter the user name and password for an
o Review the license terms and agree.
o Click Close, when the installation is completed.
o The Machine Learning Framework is installed in
Oracle Data Visualization Workshop Handout 4

o If Data Visualization Desktop was running during Machine Learning installation,

then you must restart Data Visualization Desktop before you can use the
Machine Learning functionality.

5. Open the Data Visualization desktop (downloaded on to your system)

6. Let’s get started by dragging and dropping the Vision Sales dataset.
 Open windows explorer and navigate to folder where the Vision Sales dataset is saved.
 Drag and Drop the Sales dataset as show in the screen shot – (minimize windows explorer
and DV screen to drag and drop)

7. Once the data is loaded maximize the DV screen to proceed

8. Scroll to the right – the following metrics should be displayed as Measures in Red font color
prefixed with # sign
 #Revenue Sum
 #Revenue Avg
 #Returns Sum
 #Returns Avg
Oracle Data Visualization Workshop Handout 5

Note: Execute step 9 if Step 8 is not true (i.e If measures are displayed as attribute prefixed with ‘A’)
9. If necessary you can change an Attribute to a Measure and vice-versa. For Measures, you can
also change the default aggregation rule.
 Click on the gear icon Revenue Sum column
Oracle Data Visualization Workshop Handout 6

10. Change the properties of the Revenue Sum, Returns Sum, Revenue Avg and Returns Avg as
mentioned in the table below:
Name Treat As Data Type Aggregation

Revenue Sum Measure Number Sum

Revenue Avg Measure Number Average

Returns Sum Measure Number Sum

Returns Avg Measure Number Average

Note: The metrics should be displayed as a Measure (prefixed with #symbol) –refer to below screen

 Click on Visualize button on the bottom - All the columns from the spreadsheet are available
for selection here. Attributes are prefixed with an “A”, and measures with “#”.

11. Save the Project -

 Click on the Save or Save As button on the top right corner
 Enter a Name and Description of your project
 Click Save
Oracle Data Visualization Workshop Handout 7

12. Let’s step back for a minute and take a look the user interface (UI) and other features.


Prepare Data

Build Visualizations

Record Insights



Data Elements – displays dimensions/attributes and measures defined within the dataset.

Visualizations – presents a list of charts and tables that can be leveraged to build reports.

Analytics – Analytics functions allow you to explore data using models such as trend line
and clusters.

Search - When you have a lot of columns in your data set, you can always use the Search feature
to search for the ones you are interested in
Add - dataset, calculation and scenarios
View Data Diagram

Properties – Project and Canvas

Undo/Redo Share – File, Email, Print, Publish (Cloud)

Oracle Data Visualization Workshop Handout 8

13. Let’s use Machine Learning feature to show patterns and uncover insights in the dataset and
add them to your visualizations
 Right click on the dimension ‘Industry’ and select option ‘Explain Industry’

 Scroll below and view the multiple charts that summarizes the value by Industry by the
measures in the dataset.
 Click on the checkmark above the visual ‘Revenue Sum by Industry’
 Click on the ‘Add Selected’ button on the top right of the screen - Selected Visualization is
added to the project
Oracle Data Visualization Workshop Handout 9

14. Create 1st Visualization - Let’s Start by understanding which Industry provides most revenue and
what’s the Avg deal Size?
 Add Revenue Avg measure to the existing visualization – double click on the measure – the
tool automatically puts in on to the color palette

 Click on the change visualization icon with the chart and select Tree Map visualization
Oracle Data Visualization Workshop Handout 10

 Hi-technology sector is the top earning industry but with low average, this sector makes
many purchases but with low value.
 Public sector- buys infrequently, but in large quantities followed by Industrial
Manufacturing and healthcare – both have larger deal

15. Let’s Add Finance Data Source to understand average number days taken to collect the invoices.
 Click on the ‘+’ sign on the left panel
 Select Add Data Set
Oracle Data Visualization Workshop Handout 11

 Click Create New Data Set in upper right corner

 Select File option

 Navigate to the location where Vision Cloud Finance Data.xlsx is saved
 Select Vision Cloud Finance Data
Oracle Data Visualization Workshop Handout 12

16. The system uploads the file

17. Scroll to the right – the following metrics should be displayed as Measures in Red font color
prefixed with # sign
 #DSO

Note: Execute step 18 if Step 17 is not true (i.e If measures are displayed as attribute prefixed with
‘A’). Refer to step 5 and 6 to change attributes to measures.
Oracle Data Visualization Workshop Handout 13

18. Click on DSO column

 Navigate to properties pane on the left bottom
 Name – DSO
 Treat As – Measure
 Aggregation Rule - Sum
 Click On ADD on the Top Right - Notice the data element panel

 The new dataset is added and is displayed in the left panel

Oracle Data Visualization Workshop Handout 14

19. Check for Automatic Joins by clicking on the Data Diagram at the bottom of the screen

 Notice that the tool has automatically created joins between the dataset
 Double click on the number 6 to view details on the column matches.

 Click OK
 Click on Visualize on the top ribbon
Oracle Data Visualization Workshop Handout 15

20. Create 2nd Visualization - Let’s analyze if there is any customer group that pays invoices faster
and how that relates to the size of their spend
 Select CUST_NAME
 Hold Control key and select Revenue Sum
 Hold Control key and select DSO
 Drag and drop the data elements on to the canvas blue line as show in the screen shot

 The Tool has automatically plotted a scatter plot based on the selected data elements
Oracle Data Visualization Workshop Handout 16

 I see that the clusters of DSO values are Independent of the revenue
 There is big cluster lower down in the chart which looks good for cash flow. Lets see if we
can correlate both these visualization
 For e.g. when I click on High Technology Industry in the tree map, I can see clusters of
bubbles highlighted in the scatter chart, thereby indicating High technology industry is
paying faster when compared to other Industry, say public sector though it has a larger
deal size, and the DSO seems to be larger.
 Let’s pull Industry into this view to confirm our analysis
o Select the scatter plot
o Double click on the Industry attribute from the Vision Sales Cloud dataset– the
tool automatically puts it on to the color pallet
o Notice that the bubbles are colored and each set of colors indicates an Industry
(the violet color bubbles indicate high technology industry)
Oracle Data Visualization Workshop Handout 17

21. Let’s Record the 1st and 2nd Insight

 Click on the Narrate button on the top right corner -

 Drag and Drop the Canvas in the left panel on the section at the bottom where it says ‘Drag
a Canvas Here to Begin’

 Click on the ‘Add Note’ icon in the top ribbon – This opens up a text box to enter
 Drag the note anywhere on the tree map and copy text from Insight1 - (refer to page 10)
and paste in the text box – The text box can be moved anywhere in the canvas.
 Similarly add another note and drag the note anywhere on the scatter plot and copy text
from Insight2 - (refer to page 16) and paste in the text box – The text box can be moved
anywhere in the canvas
 Click anywhere outside the Canvas –( this saves the description that you have entered)
 Click on the Visualize Menu to proceed.
Oracle Data Visualization Workshop Handout 18

22. Copy/Paste Visual on New Canvas

 Select the scatter plot and right click and select the option ‘Copy Visual’

 Click on the ‘+’ icon at the bottom of the screen to add a new canvas
Oracle Data Visualization Workshop Handout 19

 In Canvas2 - right click and select ‘Paste Visual’ – scatter plot visual is copied in canvas 2

23. Now let’s narrow or focus our Analysis by creating a filter for High Technology Industry and
customers within the Hi-tech industry
 Click on the High Technology legend in the scatterplot – clusters of purple bubbles are
 In the Scatter Plot – right click on the highlighted bubbles and select the option ‘Keep
Selected’ – Observe that the tool has automatically created a filter at the top for High
Technology Industry and customers within that Industry.
Oracle Data Visualization Workshop Handout 20

created for
within that

24. Create 2nd Visualization – Canvas2 - Geographical Analysis to know where these customers are
 Select State
 Hold on Control Key and Select Revenue Sum - Right Click and select the option Pick
Visualization and select the ‘Map’ Visualization

Insight3 - The vast majority of the revenue comes from California and small portion from Oregon and
Oracle Data Visualization Workshop Handout 21

25. Add 3rd data source – Survey data to understand how the products are ranked by the customers
within the High Technology industry.
 Click on the ‘+’ sign on the left panel
 Select Add Data Set

 Click Create New Data Set in upper right corner

 Select File option

 Navigate to the location where Vision Cloud Survey Data.xlsx is saved
 Select Vision Cloud Survey Data
Oracle Data Visualization Workshop Handout 22
Oracle Data Visualization Workshop Handout 23

26. The system uploads the file

27. Scroll to the right – the following metrics should be displayed as Measures in Red font color
prefixed with # sign
 #Survey Avg
Note: Execute step 28 if Step 27 is not true (i.e If measures are displayed as attribute prefixed with

28. Click on Survey Avg column

 Navigate to properties pane on the left bottom and make the following changes
o Name – Survey Avg
o Treat As – Measure
o Aggregation Rule – Avg
Oracle Data Visualization Workshop Handout 24

 Click On ADD on the Top Right - Notice the data element panel

 The new dataset is added and is displayed in the left panel

29. Check for Automatic Joins

 Click on the Data Diagram Link on the bottom left
Oracle Data Visualization Workshop Handout 25

 Double click on the number to view the column matches

 Click OK
 Click on Visualize on the top ribbon
Oracle Data Visualization Workshop Handout 26

30. Create 3rdth Visualization in Canvas 2

 Select PROD_LINE data element from Vision Cloud Sales dataset
 Hold the control key and select Survey Avg measure from Vision Cloud Survey dataset
 Right Click and select Pick Visualization Option
 Select Radar bar from the list of Visualizations. – the tool plots the radar chart

Double click on the Prod_LINE data element – the tool automatically puts it on to the color pallet

Insight4 - We can see all products have good responsed >4/5 score. High Technology Customers are
thinking good about these products
Oracle Data Visualization Workshop Handout 27

31. Record 3rd and 4th Insight

 Click on the Narrate button on the top right corner -

 Drag and Drop the Canvas in the left panel on the section at the bottom where it says
‘Drag a Canvas Here to Begin’

 Click on the ‘Add Note’ icon in the top ribbon – This opens up a text box to enter
 Drag the note anywhere on the Map and copy text from Insight3 - (refer to page 20) and
paste in the text box – The text box can be moved anywhere in the canvas.
 Similarly add another note and drag the note anywhere on the radar bar and copy text from
Insight4 - (refer to page 26) and paste in the text box – The text box can be moved
anywhere in the canvas
Oracle Data Visualization Workshop Handout 28

 Click anywhere outside the Canvas –( this saves the description that you have entered)
 Click on the Visualize Menu to proceed
32. Let’s compare the Revenue and Returns from the products to select and position the right
products for our campaign
 Click on the + sign at the bottom to create new Canvas 3
 Select PROD_LINE from Vision Cloud Sales dataset
 Hold control key and select Revenue Sum from Vision Cloud Sales dataset
 Drag and Drop to the canvas or right click and select Pick Visualization options and select the
horizontal stacked bar visualization.
Oracle Data Visualization Workshop Handout 29

 Color the visualization by Prod Line by double clicking on the Prod Line data element within the
Vision Cloud sales dataset – The tool automatically puts it on to the color pallet.

 Sort Visualizations
o Right click within the visualizations and select the sort option
o Sort Prod Line by Revenue Sum High to Low
Oracle Data Visualization Workshop Handout 30

 Select PROD_LINE from Vision Cloud Sales dataset

 Hold control key and select Return Sum from Vision Cloud Sales dataset
 Drag and Drop to the canvas or right click and select Pick Visualization options and select the
horizontal stacked bar visualization
Oracle Data Visualization Workshop Handout 31

 Color the visualization by Prod Line by double clicking on the Prod Line data element within the
Vision Cloud sales dataset – The tool automatically puts it on to the color pallet.

 Sort Visualizations
o Right click within the visualizations and select the sort option
o Sort Prod Line by Return Sum Low to High
Oracle Data Visualization Workshop Handout 32

 Compare both the bar charts
 Click on Product ‘Vision’ in the Revenue Chart , notice the that the same product is
highlighted in the returns chart as well, thereby indicating – Vision is highest earner , but
4thth largest in Return
 Simillarly HMO Select is 2nd highest earner, But also highest in Returns
 By comparing both the visulaizations we are be able to identify products for our campaingn
based on their revenue and return measures.(For example PPO, Vision and Wireless Option)
 Vision which is the highest earner is relatively low in rejection, HMO Select product is 2nd
in earning , but have high number of rejections, PPO is 3rd , but has few rejections,
Wireless Option is the 5th and but has medium rejections. - Focus on Vision, PPO and
Wireless Option.
Oracle Data Visualization Workshop Handout 33

33. Record Insight5

 Click on the Narrate button on the top right corner -

 Drag and Drop the Canvas in the left panel on the section at the bottom where it says
‘Drag a Canvas Here to Begin’

 Click on the ‘Add Note’ icon in the top ribbon – This opens up a text box to enter
 Copy the text from the Insight5 (refer to page 32) and paste in the text box – The text box
can be moved anywhere in the canvas
Oracle Data Visualization Workshop Handout 34

 Click anywhere outside the Canvas –( this saves the description that you have entered)
 Click Visualize menu in the top to proceed

34. Finally lets narrow our focus on our top 3 products (Vision, PPO and Wireless Option) and create
a final recommendation of our analysis.

 Click on the + icon on the bottom to create Canvas4

 From Vision Cloud Sales Select the following data elements
o Customer Name
o Hold control Key and select Prod Line
o Hold control Key and select Revenue Sum
o Hold control Key and select Returns Sum
o Hold control Key and select DSO –(from the finance dataset)
o Right Click and select Pick Visualization and select the Pivot Table view
o You can re-purpose the pivot view
 Drag Prod_LINE from Columns to Rows
o Drag and drop Revenue Avg to the color pallet – that would highlight which are the
biggest deals
o Click on the + icon on the top ribbon to create filter
o Select prod_line
o Select Wireless Option, PPO and Vision – as you make your selections the
visualizations get updated
Oracle Data Visualization Workshop Handout 35

35. Record Insight6

 Click on the Narrate button on the top right corner -

 Drag and Drop the Canvas in the left panel on the section at the bottom where it says
‘Drag a Canvas Here to Begin’

 Click on the ‘Add Note’ icon in the top ribbon – This opens up a text box to enter
details/comments - Focus on Vision, PPO and Wireless Option products and create
campaign personalized on Revenue, Returns and Days Sales Outstanding (DSO) metrics for
each customer in order to increase sales for the next quarter.

 Save Project - Click on Save button on the top ribbon

 Click on the Present button and navigate through the entire story you created
Oracle Data Visualization Workshop Handout 36

36. Click on ‘Home’ on the top right - Now that you have created a project, lets perform an
ad-hoc analysis with BI Ask feature
37. In the Search text box in the Home page type in the following
 Returns – select Returns_Sum from the drop down list
 Prod – select prod_line from the drop down list
 State – select State from the drop down list
38. The tool automatically builds multiple visualizations base on the criteria entered – Refer to the
screen shot below

 Select any Visualization

 Click on the ‘Open in Data Visualization’ icon
39. This will open up the report within the visualization canvas where you can further enhance the
existing report or build new reports.

Congratulations! You have completed the workshop.

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