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Sections 1 2 3

NAME: ____________________________SURNAME:_____________________________
Time allowed: 1h.15 min.
SECTION A: Reading Comprehension.
Read the following passage and decide whether the sentences below it are true (T) or false (F).

Elsie Eiler is the mayor of Monowi, a especially farmers and their families. There
small town in the north of Nebraska, USA. was a railway too, but the farmers couldn’t
But that isn’t her only job. She is also the compete with the enormous industrialized
town treasurer, the librarian and she works farms. They left the town to look for other
in the bar. Why has she got a lot of jobs. In 1971, the railway closed and the
different jobs? Because Monowi has got a town began to die. Three years ago, the
population of one – Elsie. last inhabitant, apart from Elsie and her
Monowi is an incredible place. There husband, moved away. Then Elsie’s
are about twelve old empty houses and a husband died, and Elsie became the town’s
few trees, some old cars and lots of only inhabitant.
rubbish. The school closed 40 years ago. Now Elsie lives alone, but she isn’t
Opposite Elsie’s bar is an old building, filled lonely. Her food is good and farmers and
with rubbish. It was a shop but it closed in truck drivers travel a long way to eat at her
the 1950s and the church has been closed café. ‘I like it here, and if I can take care of
since 1960. myself, I’ll stay here.’
The busiest time for Monowi was in
the 1930s when the population was 150,
(Adapted from “Monowi. Population:1” in Solutions Pre-Intermediate, OUP, 2007)
Mayor: the main authority in a city, town.
Treasurer: someone who is responsible for the money of an institution.

1) Elsie has a lot of jobs in Monowi because there’s nobody to do them there. ___
2) The church closed after the shop. ___
3) It was never possible to go to Monowi by train. ___
4) Elsie’s husband moved away three years ago. ___
5) Elsie wants to move away from Monowi. ___

SECTION B: Language
I - Complete the dialogue. For some blanks, follow the instructions in brackets
Harry: Hey… What a beautiful brochure of White Hills!
Fred: ____________________________________________________________ ?
Harry: Yes, I have. I went there by plane a long time ago.
Fred: By plane? ___________________________________________________ ?
Harry: I don’t know, but I think it’s very expensive.
Fred: Then I’ll go by bus.
Harry: Yeah, but it’s still expensive.________________________________________. (Give advice)
Fred: The train is a good idea.
Harry: Travelling by train is ___________________________. (Compare the bus, the train and the plane)
Fred: And if you travel by train, ________________________________________________.
Harry: Oh, yes. It’s much more relaxing.
II - Choose the word that best fits the blank.
People 1)____ the United States eat a lot of fast food. The USA has not invented the hot-dog or the
hamburger, but it was responsible for selling them. It 2)____ that fast food is getting more popular, but
why is this? Is it 3)____ Americans are getting lazier? It is true that it’s 4)____ to have a pizza
delivered, or put a ready-cooked meal in the microwave than to spend hours in the kitchen to 5)____
dinner. And you 6) don’t have _____ the washing up… Also, Americans don’t have time to cook: there
are very few women 7)_____ work at home full-time. What’s more, people’s attitudes to food and
eating have changed 8)____ the 1970s. Eating is something you do while you do something else.
9)_____ stops for meals anymore; you see lots of people eating on the tube, in the street or at their
computer. And very often, dinner 10)_____ from a tray in front of the TV. It’s really sad, but that’s the
way it is.
(Adapted from “Lifestyles” in Landmark Intermediate, OUP, 2000)
1 a) at b) on c) in
2 a) is seeming b) seems c) seem
3 a) so b) because c) why
4 a) easier b) easy c) easiest
5 a) make b) do c) made
6 a) do b) doing c) to do
7 a) which b) who c) they
8 a) since b) for c) until
9 a) Nobody b) Everybody c) Somebody
10 a) was eaten b) eats c) is eaten

III - Read the passage below and put the verbs in brackets into the correct form.

Late one night, a doctor 1) (drive) _______home when she noticed something that looked like a little
child at the side of the road. “If someone’s badly hurt, I 2) (take) _______him to hospital,” she thought.
She stopped and got out of the car. When she got closer she saw that it was just a large doll, so she
went back to her car. When she got in, a dark car going slowly flashed its lights at her. She thought
she was in danger so she decided 3) (go) _______home immediately. The dark car stayed close
behind her. It flashed its lights repeatedly at her and the driver moved his hands around aggressively.
Finally, she stopped the car outside the police station and got out. The driver of the other car ran up to
her and said, ‘Wait. I 4) (try) _______to call your attention for twenty minutes! When you stopped, a
man got in the back of your car.’ Then they heard a noise and, as they looked round, they saw a thin
man running off down the road. He 5) (catch) _______ by three police officers a few blocks away.
(Adapted from “Time and place expressions” in Landmark Intermediate Workbook, OUP, 2000)

SECTION C: Writing.
Write about 70 words on ONE of the following:

a) Your best friend has decided to be an accountant. You think your friend is not very good at
Mathematics. Write an e-mail to your friend giving your opinion and giving him some advice.

b) Your son is working on a school project and he has asked you to write a short article about your job.
You have worked for the same company for thirty years.
Write your article and include some information about past, present and future of your job.


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