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Alhamdulillah. Praise and thanksgiving belongs only to Allah.

Hopefully Allah will always bestow His show on us,

that is, be the people who make the best work from us. Prayer and greetings may always be melted to the Prophet

Brother, Islam is very useful for us to think ahead or visionary. We are invited to think about death that we have
never lived, with a clear target that is Husnul Khotimah. Must be clear about the goal. If anyone asks whether that
success, real success cannot be realized before we die. Because the spirit of the human version is actually a test.

We have a classy office, not necessarily successful in the view of Allah SWT. We have a series of rows, an
abundance, a magnificent house, a luxurious car, all of which are a measure of true success. Real success is if we
accept the khotimah in the view of Allah.

We are also invited to think about the nature of Barzakh, which makes us have to count and determine how we are
there later. Whether during waiting for the Day of Judgment, we will be in a comfortable state or wretched by our
own actions.

We are also invited to count about Yaumul Hisab or a charitable figurative day, and we are invited to think about
heaven and hell, our last place of residence. The goal is heaven, with family, meet Allah Almighty, Meet Rosululloh
Saw. beloved. Subhanalloh!

We have not done all this, but it must be calculated and thought about since then so that we have arrangements to go
there. Alloh Swt. say, "O ye who believe, fear Allah and say every self what he has done for tomorrow (hereafter);
and fear Allah, for Allah is aware of what you do. "(Surat al-Hashr [59]: 18).

Not only the final business we need to think about, but also world affairs, namely how our children are going to die
if we die. Because Allah is swt. Wants Us to Not Let a Weak Rate (QS. An Nisaa [4]: 9). Do not let after death, our
children are in danger of losing to us. So, it is important for parents to prepare children well to be strong and
independent individuals.

Dear brothers and sisters, that's how Islam teaches us to think visionary. Believers are people who have far-sighted
thoughts. Hopefully Allah. Giving our heart and guidance to us, we become people who are able to think visionary.
Aamiin yaa Robbal 'aalamiin.

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