Wind of Change in Corridors of Power: Energy

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How will
affect the

Wind of change in corridors of power

Cutting emissions on the outcome of Copenhagen. use, or within a decade of com-
An agreement next month mercial deployment. By 2050, for
while meeting rising would accelerate some of the example, electricity production
demand is going to be trends, and a failure would hold could be largely carbon-free, by
them back. But even a complete using a combination of nuclear
a tough challenge, breakdown in the negotiations power, renewables such as wind
writes Ed Crooks will not stop the industry evolv- and solar, and fossil fuel power
ing. stations that can capture their
It will be an enormous chal- carbon dioxide emissions and

hen historians look lenge to keep emissions low store them underground.
back at 2009, they enough to give us a chance of Other forms of energy are
may judge the most restricting global warming to a more difficult, and transport
significant event of tolerable level of 2°C, while fuels present a particularly
the year to have been not the meeting the world’s growing knotty problem.
global recession, or the war in demand for energy. But if there is an agreement
Afghanistan, but the UN climate The baseline assumption of at Copenhagen, it will have at
talks in Copenhagen in Decem- its heart targets for emissions in
ber. the medium term – in other
At that meeting the world will Industry experts words, by 2020 – and they will
face a choice between agreeing a believe that delivering be achievable using technology
concerted effort to curb – and available today.
eventually reduce – greenhouse the required emissions Whether there will be an
gas emissions, and deciding that
the costs of doing so would be
reductions will be agreement is still hard to read.
It is in the nature of such nego-
too great, and the attempt will technically possible – tiations for the bargaining to
have to be put off for another drag on to the eleventh hour.
just about This week, officials from the
Whichever way the meeting 172 countries that are members
goes, it will have profound the International Energy of the UN Framework Conven-
implications for the energy Agency, the rich countries’ tion on Climate Change, the
industry worldwide. think-tank, is that on body that formally convened the
Energy use – specifically, unchanged policies, world Copenhagen conference, have
burning fossil fuels – creates energy consumption will rise by met for what was scheduled to
more than two-thirds of man- 45 per cent by 2030. be a final round of preparatory
made greenhouse gas emissions, Nevertheless, industry experts talks in Barcelona.
and a concerted plan to cut believe that delivering the emis- There have been widespread
them would mean a revolution sions reductions required will concerns that the UN process is
in energy production and use. be technically possible, just moving too slowly, and before
Yet in the industry there are about. the Barcelona meeting Connie
already huge changes under Many of the technologies that
way that do not depend solely will be required are already in Continued on Page 2

Inside this issue On

Iraq As the UK Andrew Bolger explores the future for the oil
troops withdraw, and gas industry in the North Sea as the region
energy groups passes peak production
are hoping to
move in, writes Libya Heba Saleh reports on the struggle between
Carola Hoyos conservatives and reformists over oil policy
Page 2
Transportation society
Emissions from air, land and sea travel are set to Lars Josefsson
more than double by 2050 unless something is (pictured)
done to stop them, writes Ed Crooks Page 3 explains the
importance of a
Guest column Michael Rothman says the global low carbon
economy is likely to be dependent on the oil price future for the
for many years to come Page 4 energy industry

Smoke bellows from the chimneys of Belchatów power station in Poland Reuters

Energy | Regional Focus

Competition for infrastructure resources Help needed

Peter Smith looks

to make
Richard Quin, a Perth-
based analyst at Wood Mac-
kenzie, the consultants,
hurdles in the current eco-
nomic climate, the greatest
of which is gaining market
secure off-take agreements
and contractor capacity to
build infrastructure.
“We believe that this bull-
ish longer-term pricing
environment reflects buyer
Problems also
because most of the big

individual LNG projects are

at the prospects for
Orinoco f low
says the scale of Gorgon share given the number of He predicts “big bottle- concerns over China’s owned by multiple parties.
will place heavy demands competing projects. That necks” in the LNG sector, determination to aggres- The Woodside-operated
the array of new on Australia, from labour question is particularly rel- and warns that contractors sively grow its LNG Browse gas fields, for exam-
natural gas projects and logistical support to
housing: “At every point,
evant for the four groups
trying to convert coal bed
seeking to build part of
their kit offshore will
imports,” he says.
China has a stated target
ple, have encountered diffi-
culties over what part of
Gorgon will put considera- methane reserves in the encounter limits in Asia’s to increase LNG imports to the Australian coast to
The world’s liquefied natu- ble pressure on the system eastern Australian state of steel fabrication factories. 60m tonnes per annum by locate the LNG processing VENEZUELA ners,” says Carlos Rossi, a
ral gas industry sat up and given how big it is.” Queensland into LNG. “There are likely to be 2020. facilities, while Sunrise, Caracas-based petroleum
paid attention in September On top of Gorgon, Aus- The CBM industry is still “On the supply side, the which straddles the mari- Benedict Mander economist, who highlights
when Chevron approved the
A$43bn Gorgon natural gas
tralia has two other signifi-
cant LNG projects in pro-
young but it has attracted
big names: the UK’s BG Few projects worry is that Australia will
struggle to deliver the huge
time borders between Aus-
tralia and East Timor, has
explains the their capital, technological
expertise and efficiency.
project off the coast of duction – Woodside Petro- Group; a joint venture seem to be having number of projects that the also been complicated by changing attitude If Venezuela is to boost
Western Australia.
With more than an esti-
leum’s North-West Shelf
venture and ConocoPhillips’
between ConocoPhillips and
Australia’s Origin Energy; problems finding
market expects in a timely
fashion,” says Mr Wood.
where to locate its process-
ing facilities.
in Caracas its oil production, that
boost is more likely to come
mated 40,000bn cu ft of nat-
ural gas in its fields, Gor-
Darwin LNG plant, and a
third in construction, Wood-
Australia’s Santos and Pet-
ronas of Malaysia and
customers He adds that of the 48
LNG processing trains
“These are quality fields
and they would be signifi- Sitting on top of what Presi-
from the Orinoco’s Cara-
bobo block, according to
gon is a significant resource side’s Pluto project. Royal Dutch Shell with and long­term being considered, 17 are cant developments if they dent Hugo Chavez assures Patrick Esteruelas, a Vene-
for fast-growing Asian econ- “As Pluto is still in the Arrow Energy. undergoing front-end engi- overcome the hurdles,” says everyone are the largest oil zuela specialist at Eurasia
omies. But Gorgon’s go- construction phase and Three of these are looking
contracts neering and design activi- one analyst. reserves in the world, Vene- Group in New York.
ahead will worry the devel- with the North-West Shelf to reach final investment ties (Feed). However, he In barely three years, zuela has attracted interest Originally assigned to
opers of the more than two gas project continuing to decision within about eight losers whose projects are believes Australia has the Australia has become one from foreign oil companies. Brazil’s Petrobras, which
dozen LNG projects in Aus- invest in new offshore infra- months, although some significantly delayed or resources to build only four of the world’s most attrac- Indeed, when he swept subsequently pulled out,
tralia and neighbouring structure development, analysts believe Conoco- worse still scrapped,” he to six simultaneously. tive LNG markets. Gorgon through 10 countries in Sep- the Carabobo block has
Papua New Guinea. capacity in Australia is Phillips/Origin Energy is says. “Developments need to be and the boom in Queens- tember on his latest world since attracted the interest
Analysts say less than already stretched,” Mr Quin lagging its rivals. However, he adds that synchronised which means land’s CBM industry have tour, Mr Chavez collected of 19 oil companies – includ-
half have a chance of reach- says. “Gorgon will, how- Adrian Wood, an analyst few projects to date seem to that many will be signifi- added to the country’s investment pledges worth ing BP, Chevron, ENI,
ing so-called “final invest- ever, take the challenge to a at Macquarie Group, says be having problems finding cantly delayed,” he says. allure but they will cause some $36bn from Russian Shell, Statoil and Total – in
ment decision”, and secur- whole new level.” the rising number of LNG customers, and long-term Delays of one, two or headaches for some of the and Chinese companies what is being billed as the
ing customers will be cru- As well as logistics, the projects in Australia will contracts have been signed three years could lead to developers hoping to get alone. largest oil auction ever.
cial for their survival. proposed LNG projects face intensify competition to at attractive prices. LNG shortages. their projects over the line. But despite being keen to The project is divided into
get a piece of the pie, tradi- three areas which could
tional oil majors have been produce up to 400,000 b/d
more cautious about com- each, and are each expected
mitting themselves to a to require investments of

country whose socialist gov- up to $60bn.
ernment has frequently “Carabobo has better
shown hostility towards pri- prospects of being devel-
vate investment. oped ahead of Junin, due to
Nevertheless, for the first the likely broader participa-
time in a decade, Venezuela tion of international oil

starts to
is trying to attract new companies with more expe-
investor interest. The presi- rience in heavy crude
dent of the state oil com- extraction and upgrading,
pany, PDVSA, says that and the fact that it’s geolog-
Venezuela plans to double ically a lot more attractive,”
production over the next says Mr Esteruelas.

rebuild its
decade from over 3m bar- RoseAnne Franco, lead
rels a day (b/d) currently Latin America analyst at
(although many independ- PFC Energy, points out that
ent analysts reckon Vene- some state oil companies,
zuela is producing as much such as China’s CNPC, do
as 1m b/d less than that) to have experience in the

oil industry
about 6m b/d. development of heavy oil.
The extra production
would come from the Ori-
noco Belt, one of the larg- The government
est, mostly untapped, oil may be willing to
reservoirs in the world.
Venezuela has 142.3bn bar- make concessions
IRAQ Hussain Shahristani, Iraq’s oil
minister, laid out his ambitious
rels of proven reserves,
although that figure could
to make private
Renewed confidence plans last month. rise to 316bn barrels once sector participation
in global demand is “What we expect from the first
bid round and what we hope for
the process of certifying the
Orinoco reserves is con-
more attractive
having a beneficial from the second round is that cluded – this would outstrip
effect, writes Iraqi production will be between
10m and 12m barrels a day,” he
even Saudi Arabia.
In September, a consor-
“That said, clearly more
state oil companies do not
Carola Hoyos said, “and this will make Iraq tium of Russian companies have this capacity and their
equal to the world’s biggest oil – Gazprom, Lukoil, Rosneft, projects will struggle to

arlier this year, industry producers.” Surgutneftegaz and TNK-BP move from certification to
executives flocked to The opportunity to help quadru- – agreed to invest $20bn development,” she says.
Baghdad for the chance ple Iraq’s total production of over three years to eventu- “Still, with PDVSA func-
to win the right to about 2.5m b/d is all the sweeter ally produce as much as tioning as operator, perhaps
develop the country’s vast fields. because almost every one of the 450,000 b/d from Orinoco’s a partner’s financial capital
But only BP, the UK energy world’s big international oil com- Junin block. A week later, will be sufficient.”
group and its partner, CNPC of panies is struggling to expand. Mr Chavez announced that Although the Carabobo
China, walked away with an In the past few years they have a group of Chinese compa- bidding round has stag-
agreement and the auction was been losing that battle as 80 per nies had signed an agree- nated over the past year,
branded a shocking failure by pol- cent of all oil fields remain out of ment to invest $16bn to pro- the government was
iticians and industry executives. their reach, guarded by the coun- duce a similar amount in recently reported to be will-
But as summer turned to tries that own them. the same area. ing to make concessions to
autumn, international energy For Iraq, the need to boost its Other national oil compa- make private sector partici-
companies and Iraq’s oil ministry most important revenue stream nies are studying projects pation more economically
made renewed attempts to find has become critical, especially in the Orinoco, with Mr attractive.
common ground. Last month since falling oil prices have Chavez handing out dozens With worries centring on
their bilateral discussions began burned a large and worrying hole of oil blocks since 2006 to profitability and the extent
to yield results. in the national budget. political allies including of operational control, as
Oil prices have now spent This is one important reason Rehabilitation of flagging sector: an engineer works at the Barjisiya oil fileds in Zubair One AFP Belarus, Cuba, Uruguay and well as the risk associated
enough time around the $70 a bar- Baghdad finally got its political Vietnam. Although they are with investing in Vene-
rel mark that few executives fear act together to auction off the was entirely sure who had been this investment will be compati- including Lukoil of Russia and not known for their exper- zuela, the government is
they will again fall back to the right to develop the fields, says more foolish: the companies that ble with other opportunities in ExxonMobil of the US, are now tise in extracting the tar- now believed to be willing
lows of $32 a barrel, which they one UK diplomat who has spent had walked away from the biggest our portfolio. That means a 15-20 also back at the negotiating table. like oil found in the area, to lower royalties and taxes
hit following the collapse of Leh- time corralling private invest- prize in decades, or the company per cent return.” It is critical that any agree- some have already started for the first time in 10
man Brothers and the onset of the ment for the country. that was willing to reduce its fees The details about each of the ments signed in the coming producing small amounts, years. But it remains
global economic downturn. But at its auction in June, Iraq by half to get a toe-hold in the contracts remain undisclosed, months remain in force, even if with India’s ONGC now unclear whether or not
The more certain investment insisted it would pay only $2 a most import oil patch to open up making any accurate comparison next year’s Iraqi elections mean a pumping some 30,000 b/d. companies will be able to
climate has prompted companies barrel to oil companies once they since the fall of the Soviet Union. between BP’s June agreement and change in power. But private companies – take any investment dis-
to return to deal-making, and had boosted a field’s production to Eni’s October accord impossible. Unfortunately, that is far from at least those not associated putes to international
mergers and acquisitions have its maximum plateau. One after Iraq says Eni agreed to accept assured because Iraq still lacks a with governments Vene- courts, for example.
again been popping up around the the other, Mr Shahristani sent oil For Iraq, the need $2 a barrel after Mr Shahristani hydrocarbon law, largely because zuela’s anti-capitalist presi- The latest terms for the
globe. executives back to reconsider to boost its clarified other parts of the taxa- it has failed to agree critical pay- dent considers allies – have Carabobo auction will be
The renewed confidence in the their bids. Only BP and CNPC, tion. Eni sees it differently. The ment issues with the Kurdistan been more circumspect. revealed on November 12,
global market for oil and financ- the Chinese state oil company, most important Italian oil company believes Bagh- regional government. Claims by PDVSA officials and companies will have
ing has also borne fruit in Iraq. In
October, Baghdad secured its sec-
proved willing to bend to Bagh-
dad’s wishes.
revenue stream has dad made concessions on taxes
that significantly improved the
But Mr Shahristani has driven a
hard bargain with the oil compa-
in September that France’s
Total was going to invest
until January 28, 2010 to
submit their bids. Whatever
ond big oil deal this year as Eni of Their prize was the right to become critical overall profitability of the nies and the next government will $25bn in a project in the happens, doubts remain
Italy, Korea’s Kogas and Occiden- develop Iraq’s biggest field. The projects, which it believes will hardly be able to argue credibly Junin block were played about how soon any of the
tal of the US agreed to develop giant Rumaila field is believed to require a total investment of that the country is being fleeced down. projects will actually begin
the Zubair field. hold 65bn barrels of oil, 20bn of Tony Hayward, BP’s chief exec- about $20bn. by foreigners. If it does derail the Nevertheless, there is no to start pumping oil. Mr
Once the companies gain cabi- which are thought to be recovera- utive, staunchly defends his deci- Either way, Eni has promised to process, BP, Eni and their peers doubt that for Venezuela’s Esteruelas reckons that, at
net approval, they will, for the ble. BP and CNPC pledged to sion to return to the Rumaila boost production at the Zubair will be bitterly disappointed, but production targets to be ful- best, it will take five years
first time since Iraq nationalised increase its production to 3m b/d field, which BP discovered in 1952. field from 200,000 to 1.1m b/d and the far greater loss, will be that of filled, international oil com- for production to start.
its oil industry 40 years ago, have from about 1m b/d. He told Petroleum Intelligence Iraq is now well on its way to the Iraqi people, who desperately panies must be involved. “I have serious doubts
the opportunity to work in the Executives working for BP’s Weekly, the industry newsletter: beginning the rehabilitation of its need the additional revenue so “Venezuela cannot do about either Carabobo or
country with the world’s third competitors scoffed at the com- “We understand the rocks. We are most important industry. they can begin to rebuild their without them. It needs pri- Junin being developed any-
largest oil reserves. pany’s brazenness, but no one confident that the returns from Meanwhile, other oil companies, country. vate companies as part- time soon,” he says.

Ed Crooks
Energy Editor
Wind of change blowing through corridors of power
Carola Hoyos Continued from Page 1 that it is prepared to do the sions reduction of that Alternatives to fossil ness as usual” baseline such as the European Nigeria to Russia, will
Chief Energy
Correspondent same, although it has not scale, and then hope that fuels, from nuclear power to growth in developing ones – Union’s promise to cut make it increasingly diffi-
Hedegaard, who as Den- yet made clear what figure the bill will be passed to biofuels, are almost invaria- will require sustained emissions by 20 per cent cult and expensive to meet
Sheila McNulty mark’s climate and energy it will be taking to Copen- fulfil that promise next bly dependent on govern- changes to energy produc- and derive 20 per cent of its that rising demand.
US Energy Correspondent minister is the host of the hagen. year. Officials involved in ment support to be commer- tion and use. There will energy from renewable The imperatives of energy
Copenhagen talks, warns: India has made a commit- the talks have been at pains cially viable, and a strong also be fresh impetus sources by 2020. security do not always
Bernard Simon “It will require real courage ment not to be a “deal- recently to define what suc- declaration from Copenha- behind financing mecha- Other countries, the US point in the same direction
Canada Correspondent from the negotiators to breaker” at the talks. cess at Copenhagen would gen would represent a com- nisms creating incentives to and China probably among as the fight against climate
solve some of the crunch Meanwhile, the US has an look like. It is extremely invest in low-carbon them, are likely to be change; coal, plentiful in
Peter Smith
issues this week.” administration under presi- unlikely that a new climate energy, such as the emis- increasingly preoccupied the US and China, is the
Australia Correspondent
On the other hand, the dent Barack Obama that is treaty will be signed. The imperatives of sions trading scheme for with energy security, as the worst fuel for carbon diox-
Benedict Mander distance that many coun- determined to do a deal, Instead, the hope is that energy security do the US envisaged by the pressure of rising demand ide emissions.
Venezuela Correspondent tries have moved over the and a Congress that could there will be a high-level Kerry-Boxer bill, and in developing countries Often, however, the two
past year towards reaching make it possible. political agreement, with not always point in schemes for investors in runs up against the con- forces push in the same
Tom Griggs
Commissioning Editor
an agreement has been very
The US negotiating posi-
tion is hampered by the fact
many of the key details
spelled out, that can be cod-
the same direction rich countries to finance
emissions reductions in
straint of limited supplies of
fossil fuels, especially oil.
direction. Support for both
renewables and nuclear
Steven Bird
In particular, the biggest that the Kerry-Boxer energy ified into a treaty to be as the fight against emerging economies. One does not have to be a power is likely to gain
obstructions – the US and bill now before the Senate, signed next year. Even if there is no clear paid-up believer in “peak strength in both China and
Andy Mears
key emerging economies which mandates a 20 per That prospect is what the
climate change resolution for Copenhagen, oil” theory – the idea that the US, for example.
Picture Editor
such as China and India – cent cut in US emissions, is senior Chinese climate however, many of the forces the world is now past or The world is on a long
For advertising, contact: have become much more highly unlikely to have negotiator meant, when he mitment that that support driving change in the close to the highest oil pro- slow journey away from fos-
Liam Sweeney willing to make a deal. passed by the time of said that Copenhagen is going to be sustained. energy industry will not duction it will ever reach – sil fuels, and while the out-
+44 020 7873 4148 Several leading emerging Copenhagen. would be the beginning, not Meeting the targets for disappear. Some countries to accept that the depletion come of Copenhagen will
Fax +44 020 7873 4006 economies, such as Indone- Nevertheless, the admin- the end, of a process. emissions expected to be will continue to push for of mature basins such as undoubtedly influence the, sia, have made commit- istration hopes that it will An agreement at the talks part of a deal – absolute emissions reductions the North Sea, combined speed of that transition, it
ments to emissions limits, be able to offer the world would galvanise low-carbon cuts in the developed coun- because of national or with political and security will not change the direc-
and China has indicated the prospect of an emis- industries everywhere. tries, cuts relative to “busi- regional commitments, problems in countries from tion of travel.

Energy | Emissions

Dirty fuel needs more than a bucket and spade

OIL SANDS Chanting demonstrators con- expects output from projects electricity than all of the homes geo-political benefits. Encapsu- which currently makes up about Meanwhile, some of Canada’s
fronted Stephen Harper, Can- already in operation or under in Alberta, and emit as much lating the industry’s point, the half of oil sands output, is being leading scientists are weighing
Bernard Simon on ada’s prime minister, when he construction to grow to 1.9m pollution as 10m motor vehicles. Consumer Energy Alliance, a overtaken by the less unsightly in on the oil sands in the hope
the objections to visited the White House in Sep-
tember, accusing him of “dirty-
barrels per day in 2015 from
1.2m b/d last year. More invest-
Syncrude, one of the biggest
producers, found itself in a pub-
US group lobbying against the
low-carbon fuel standard,
steam-assisted gravity drainage
(SAGD) recovery method.
of bringing a greater measure of
dispassionate analysis to the
Canada’s reserves oil salesmanship”. ment will be channelled into oil lic-relations nightmare earlier asserts on its website that Syncrude has taken a slew of debate.
In a potentially more damag- sands production if the oil price this year when 1,600 ducks died “without Canadian crude, US measures to avoid a repetition The Royal Society of Canada
ing threat, some members of climbs above $100 a barrel. after landing in one of its tail- consumers would be forced to of last spring’s duck deaths. set up an eight-member panel in
As the Copenhagen climate- Congress have proposed includ- Vast quantities of water are ings ponds and being coated find those supplies elsewhere, They include installing more October to assess the industry’s
change summit approaches, ing a low-carbon fuel standard needed to produce steam that is with bitumen residue. forced to pay more to get them, noise cannons – bringing the impact on the environment and
environmental activists are in pending climate-change legis- used to extract deep oil sands and forced to rely on people and total to 190 – and firing them public health. Led by Steve
stepping up their attacks on the lation. If adopted, such a stand- deposits. The landscape around places halfway across the world earlier in the year than before. Hrudey, professor emeritus of
vast Alberta oil sands as a ard would bar the US from Fort McMurray, the main town Producers are aware whose values and interests don’t A radar monitoring system, sim- environmental health sciences
prime example of the world’s importing crude produced from in the area, is dotted with the of the need to improve always align with our own”. ilar to those used at busy air- at the University of Alberta, its
dependence on “dirty” energy. the oil sands. huge, open-pit mines from But producers are increas- ports, is being installed to track members also include experts in
Greenpeace protestors have The critics have no shortage which shallower deposits are their environmental ingly aware of the need to bird flight patterns. air and water quality, land rec-
driven home their message in
recent weeks by disrupting oper-
of ammunition. Across an area
the size of Florida, the bitumen-
unearthed. The upgraders that
turn the oil sands into heavy
record improve their environmental
record and to communicate the
But the outcry over the ducks
has also elicited contrition sel-
lamation and public health,
among others.
ations at Royal Dutch Shell and like oil sands are estimated to crude spew greenhouse gases improvements to the public. dom seen in the past. Syncrude The panel promises that its
Suncor projects. Others entered contain reserves of 173bn bar- into the atmosphere. The producers and their sup- With financial support from ran full-page newspaper ads conclusions will be “balanced,
a Total refinery in Normandy, rels of oil, a figure exceeded The Pembina Institute, a local porters are scrambling to find the government, the industry is offering “a heartfelt and sincere thorough, independent [and]
France, to protest against that only by Saudi Arabia. environmental group, warned in an effective strategy to counter spending heavily on “carbon apology”. Even Mr Harper, free from conflict of interest”.
company’s investments in the The slump in the oil price in a report last year that nine the critics. Their response up to capture” technology that diverts whose environmental record is Its report, due in the spring of
oil sands, and defaced Total bill- late 2008 and early this year has upgraders planned at the time now has rested heavily on the carbon dioxide to underground one of his Conservative govern- 2011, is sure to be closely stud-
boards around Edmonton, the slowed work on many projects. would consume 10 times as argument that the oil sands’ storage reservoirs. ment’s weak spots, weighed in, ied by all sides. The question is
Alberta capital, accusing it of Even so, the Canadian Associa- much fresh water as Edmon- environmental costs are out- In addition, the producers describing the ducks’ fate as “a whether it will change any
"environmental destruction". tion of Petroleum Producers ton’s 750,000 residents, use more weighed by their economic and point out that open-pit mining, terrible tragedy”. minds.

Dash for gas

is a fast way
to cut carbon
UNITED STATES drop in costs across the sec-
Sheila McNulty Next year, however, fewer
explains why it is producers are hedged. Inde-
pendents, who account for
now regarded as a most of US onshore natural
viable alternative gas production, have only
30-35 per cent of natural gas
production hedged in 2010,
As Congress struggles to according to David Trice,
pass climate legislation, an chairman of the American
Plug power: automotive shows are full of demonstrator models such as this one in Munich but electric cars are still compromised by insufficient battery life and short ranges Getty increasing number of Natural Gas Alliance, an
energy analysts are offering advocacy organisation.
up a quick way to reduce Many are counting on an

Problems with the alternatives carbon emissions – use

more natural gas.
In the past three years,
estimates of natural gas
supplies in the US have
grown from 30 years supply
economic rebound
improve demand for natural
gas in the industrial and
power sectors in 2010. That
would empty from storage
the oversupply of natural

TRANSPORT FUEL emissions – petrol, diesel increases in biofuels pro- stimulus package, has Steven Chu, the US energy to be cost competitive with at current consumption lev- gas that is putting down-
and jet fuel – offer a duction has faltered, and developed a $109,000 all-elec- secretary, is a sceptic, conventional petrol. Others, els to 100 years supply, as ward pressure on prices.
Ed Crooks looks at uniquely attractive combi- governments have typically tric roadster. describing it as only a long- such as cellulosic ethanol, technology and experience But Jen Snyder, natural
the potential for nation of cost and energy
content relative to volume.
insisted that future growth
must be in second-genera-
However, none of these
companies has yet solved
term option, although the
Senate ignored his doubts
will require higher oil
prices and/or technological
have enabled producers to
extract economically large
gas analyst at Wood Mac-
kenzie, the energy research
new technologies The technologies that tion biofuels that do not the central problem of bat- and voted to continue fund- advances, the IEA believes. amounts of the fuel from firm, is forecasting a recov-
could deliver a low-carbon compete with food, such as tery-powered cars: short ing hydrogen research. One message from that previously inaccessible ery to only $4-$4.50 per
future for transport are cellulosic ethanol made range – 40 miles in the case Honda, the Japanese car assessment is that a higher shale rock. mBtu next year, as imports

n the worldwide push starting to emerge. But in from straw or wood chips. of GM’s Chevy Volt – and group and a strong support- rate of tax on oil-based fuels Natural gas has about of liquefied natural gas that
to cut greenhouse gas some cases full commercial Many companies are long recharging times. ers of hydrogen fuel cell is badly needed. half the carbon emissions of were delayed in 2009 begin
emissions, transport deployment could be dec- involved in developing sec- Hybrid vehicles with a bat- vehicles, has recently Taxing conventional pet- coal, which fuels 50 per cent to flow into the US.
fuels present one of ades away. The three most ond generation biofuels, admitted that introducing rol and diesel more heavily of US electricity production “It could leave some play-
the thorniest obstacles. promising technologies – some of them backed by them on a large scale could will encourage the develop- versus about 25 per cent for ers more exposed next
The International Energy biofuels, battery-powered grants from the US govern- ‘The first priority be slow and difficult. ment of low-carbon fuels, natural gas. year,” Ms Snyder says. “It
Agency, the rich countries’ electric vehicles, and hydro- ment and partnerships with should be to adopt Like electric vehicles, providing more reliable “Congress should make could be a more painful
think-tank, estimates that gen fuel cells – all have big oil companies including hydrogen cars would incentives for investment natural gas part of the pol- year to endure.”
almost a quarter of the their disadvantages. Royal Dutch Shell, BP and technologies that require a new refuelling without relying on the icy solution,” says Joe Stan- Particularly if producers
world’s energy-related car-
bon dioxide emissions are
Biofuels have already
established small but signif-
now even ExxonMobil.
However, production has
are cost­effective infrastructure. And for
now, the prices of hydrogen
vagaries of a volatile oil
market. It will also drive
islaw, independent senior
advisor to Deloitte, the con-
jump back into the field too
generated by transport. The icant shares of fuel markets until now been on a rela- today’ vehicles are stratospheric – improvements in fuel effi- sultancy. “It could take care Barclays Capital notes
global spread of personal in the US, Japan and tively small scale, and no $400,000-plus, says GM – so ciency. of energy security and cli- that while storage stands at
mobility – with the number Europe, helped by govern- one has yet demonstrated that unlike battery cars, it Nobuo Tanaka, the IEA’s mate change concerns at 3.32 tcf, 17 per cent above
of cars on the road expected ment mandates. But soar- that second generation bio- tery and a petrol engine, is hard to see them going secretary-general, argues: the same time.”
to triple to 2bn over the ing crop prices have raised fuels can be commercially such as the Toyota Prius on commercial sale soon. “The first priority should be The natural gas industry
next four decades – and the concerns about fuel versus viable on a large scale. and the Volt, get round At today’s oil price of to adopt technologies and has banded together to con- ‘This whole
rise in national and interna- food competition, and the Electric vehicles are also those problems, at the cost about $80 per barrel, all practices that are cost-effec- vince Congress to do just unconventional gas
tional travel and trade purported benefits of biofu- receiving huge investment, of continued – if reduced – three of those alternative tive today. This will lead to that, and it has gained some
means those emissions are els in terms of emissions with companies including dependence on oil. energy sources may have substantial gains in vehicle traction in the climate bill play is a game­
set to more than double by
2050, unless something is
reduction have been chal-
lenged in the case of US
Toyota, GM and Nissan sell-
ing or developing wholly or
The third leading technol-
ogy option is the hydrogen
trouble competing. The IEA
estimates that even at $120
fuel economy.”
While the world waits for
being pushed through the
changer in north
done to stop them. corn-based ethanol and partly battery-powered fuel cell. Still backed by per barrel, hydrogen made solutions to the problems of “We want them to under- American energy’
Reversing that trend will biodiesel from palm oil vehicles. Tesla Motors, a US many because of its high from natural gas – not the biofuels, batteries and fuel stand the game truly has
be difficult, because the oil- sourced in Indonesia. Politi- company recently backed energy content, hydrogen ideal method – may be one cells, that is surely the best changed in natural gas,”
based products that create cal support for further with federal funds in the has fallen out of fashion. of the few alternative fuels advice to follow. says Rod Lowman, presi- last year and 18 per cent
dent, America’s Natural above the five-year average,
Gas Alliance, the grouping natural gas production has
that has been attempting to been rising. Producers are
get the industry’s position starting to put more rigs

Advantages of frugal fuel Cost and effectiveness of green stimulus measures* heard in Washington. into the field.
Maximum cost/saving (€ per tonne CO2 equivalent) The problem is that the They do not want to risk
game has changed for pro- losing leases (which require
50 ducers, as well. they be drilled or let go,
The surfeit of US natural typically after three years
1st 2nd Biomass
Low co-firing gas led prices to fall this in the more popular fields)
Cost generation generation intensity
energy efficiency,” he building stock. The second It also has the great biofuels biofuels of existing year to a seven-year low, as amid a change in confi-
Guest Column announced on his first day argument concerns the political advantage of being Electricity
wind power demand has dropped with dence about the future of
0 High plants
ANDREW WARREN in the job. Doing more security of energy supply. a popular policy option from landfill
gas intensity the economic downturn. US natural gas.
with less has become his All the forecasts are that, with the public, as Geothermal wind Producers have continued The sector is optimistic
Invest €8bn. Get back leitmotif. within 15 years, Europe countless Eurobarometer to feed into this oversupply Congress will recognise nat-
Saving Residential insulation retrofits
€25bn. That is how much His arguments have been will move from importing opinion polls have shown. situation because the fields ural gas as a necessity to
the European economy threefold. The first is that half of its fuel, to about 75 Whereas every non-fossil the industry have tapped reaching its climate change
should benefit by the more money European per cent. fuel option carries with it Residential heating into are tremendous. goals.
Commercial and air conditioning
implementing a new businesses and households This carries political and strong opposition – insulation improvements Unlike in oil production, Natural gas is the lowest-
European Union directive, spend on fuel, the less they economic risks, with some whether of a localised saving bulbs retrofits which often yields dry carbon fossil fuel and pro-
according to its economic have to spend on other countries particularly Nimby (not-in-my-back- 100 holes, in these shale fields, vides back-up power to
impact assessment. goods and services. vulnerable to cuts in gas yard) basis as with wind 0 10 20 30 40 there is little risk of not renewables, when wind-
The initiative examines Being energy-efficient supplies. The less fuel is power, or of concerns Green effectiveness finding anything. mills do not turn and the
just how efficiently all makes industry more burnt, the less the risk of about waste, proliferation (reduction in GtCO2 equivalent per year) “It’s not a structure that sun does not shine.
energy produced is used – competitive and people supply failure. and safety as is the case you’re trying to hit that “This whole unconven-
Source: McKinsey & Co * Maximum global potential by 2030
in this case in Europe’s better off. He has also been And then there is the with nuclear fission. was created by a trap, as in tional gas play is a game
190m buildings, where very aware of the threat of uncontrolled After all, as Mr Piebalgs oil production,” says Raoul changer in north American
almost half of all fuel is enormous employment observes, “the most that it can deliver such very best components are LeBlanc, senior director, energy,” says Robin West,
consumed – and finds it potential of making ecologically friendly form enormous benefits, the always installed. PFC Energy, the consul- chairman of PFC Energy,
sadly wasteful. economies more fuel Saving energy is of energy is that which directive that promises Yet these kind of details tancy. “It’s like a big blan- the consultancy.
At current energy prices, frugal. the most readily you don’t use in the first these returns has this are surely becoming ket. You always hit gas.” Mr Trice says the natural
about one-third of all of Certainly a great number place”. autumn been subject to central to energy policy as But at a time when US gas advocacy group is mak-
the energy consumed in of jobs can be created by available and rapid The International Energy grindingly-detailed scrutiny we increasingly recognise natural gas storage is ing inroads in the Senate,
buildings could be saved,
with rates of return way
the refurbishment of the
existing building stock –
way to reduce Agency has consistently
pointed to the need for a
within the official
Triologue process.
it is not energy per se that
anybody wants but rather
reaching capacity, that is
not good news in terms of
where it hopes for better
treatment than it received
beyond any conventional insulating the fabric, greenhouse gases step change among its This arcane method of the services they provide; prices. in the House. Lobbying con-
investment scheme. installing low energy glass member governments in negotiation places and that these services can Producers have been able tinues in Washington.
Employ the best available and lighting, the policy resources European Commission be provided with a fraction to hang on this long “Natural gas can be a cor-
technology, and you are revolutionising control of climate change. This has committed to increasing officials, representatives of of the units of energy because 75 per cent of the nerstone of energy policy,”
talking about halving fuel the heating system. become one of the world’s energy efficiency. governments and senior currently used. sector is hedged at US natu- he says.
use while still enjoying the A draft action plan for most urgent political It warns that “only MEPs into the proverbial As Mr Piebalgs says: ral gas prices of $8 or $9 per While that might point to
same standards of comfort energy efficiency policy problems: hence the strong progress on energy darkened (if no longer “Energy efficiency is the million British thermal more favourable tax breaks
and efficiency. over the next decade, unprecedented gathering of efficiency now can make smoke-filled) rooms. For cheapest and most effective units (mBtu) this year. in the long run, it is not
The European under discussion by the world leaders next month further commitments on hours at a time, they try way to reduce energy While that is down from going to help producer pros-
Commissioner in charge of Commission, is entitled in Copenhagen to address greenhouse gas emission to reach agreement on the policy risks.” The last year’s record high of pects in the short term,
energy for the past five “Seven Measures for Two this single topic. reductions in the short to exact wording of what is arithmetic remains: invest $13.69 per mBtu, it is far when confronting the possi-
years is Andris Piebalgs. Million new EU Jobs”. It has long been clear medium term realistic”. required to ensure all new €8bn, get back €25 bn. higher than the prices of bility of natural gas prices
He has presided over a Of these, 1.7m would be that energy saving is the For those concerned, buildings become very low below $3 per mBtu hit in below $3 per mBtu.
revolution in thinking in created as a result of most readily available and progress can seem energy users, and that Andrew Warren is director recent months. “I don’t think anything is
his directorate in Brussels. seriously improving the rapid way to achieve agonisingly slow. whenever any existing of the UK Association for Companies are also bene- economic at $2.50,” Mr Trice
“My first priority is always energy efficiency of the greenhouse gas reductions. Even with the knowledge building is upgraded, the the Conservation of Energy fiting from a 30-35 per cent says.

Energy | Supply & Demand

Crisis or a rosy future?

OIL CRUNCH absorb the capacity for sev- and nothing has been found slashed its dividend to con- territories and encouraged
eral years.” to compare with them since tinue funding its opera- larger companies to make
Carola Hoyos asks Others take a different the 1970s, argues Matthew tions; oil projects in high- big bets on new technology.
whether the view, believing China’s oil
demand will bounce back
Simmons, a consultant and
former investment banker.
cost areas such as Canada’s
oil sands have been delayed
Anadarko of the US and
Tullow of the UK struck oil
industry is set for a and uncertainty in volatile One of the starkest and exploration licensing off the coast of Sierra
squeeze or a boom countries such as Vene-
zuela and Nigeria could
declines is that of the Can-
tarell field. A 25 per cent
rounds, such as in Algeria,
have yielded less interest
Leone, signalling that the
coastal waters from that
quickly drive up prices. annual drop in production than in the past. country to Ghana, site of

string of impres- “It does not take a lot to means Mexico, one of Latin Falling prices in the oil the large Jubilee field, may
sive discoveries take 2m barrels a day off America’s largest oil export- services sector, which pro- be rich in oil.
from America to the market,” counters ers, may become a net vides equipment such as BP crossed a new frontier
West Africa have Albert Helmig, president of importer by the end of the rigs and pipes, should have in the Gulf of Mexico, a
prompted optimism that a the Hong Kong Mercantile decade. eased cost pressures, but as well-known oil region, by
widely-touted supply Exchange. oil prices have settled at finding oil trapped in
crunch may not be as immi- Christophe de Margerie, around $70-$80 a barrel, so deeper rocks than ever pre-
nent as industry watchers chief executive of Total, Recent discoveries have the falling costs. This viously found.
have suggested. this month challenged signal that coastal makes it more difficult for But the area getting most
Some executives say that industry executives to companies to avoid delay- attention is Brazil. A recent
the drop in demand and the stand up and disprove his waters from Ghana ing marginal and more discovery by Petrobras, the
overhang in capacity will
delay an oil crunch for
theory that the world would
never be able to produce
to Sierra Leone expensive projects.
But all is not lost. The oil
state oil company, has
prompted upward revisions
some time to come. more than 100m b/d – about may be rich in oil industry has recently had of the country’s reserves.
Ian Taylor, head of 20 per cent more than more reason for optimism: These discoveries need
energy trader Vitol, notes present production rates – oil prices are up on signs of billions of dollars in invest-
that tanker rates are still because much of the Second, as oil prices have economies strengthening ment. It will be up to oil-
below marginal cost, US remaining oil lies in coun- fallen, companies have and Iraq appears serious rich governments to make
refineries are running at lit- tries either unable or trimmed budgets. Invest- about allowing oil compa- sure the investment climate
tle more than 80 per cent unwilling to tap it. ment cuts have led many in nies to develop its huge allows this to happen.
capacity and distillates are There are two main rea- the industry to worry that a fields – development deals But executives also warn
being stored in tankers sons many in the industry supply crunch risks push- under discussion could add that oil-consuming govern-
around the world because believe oil prices could ing oil prices back above 7m b/d to Iraq’s production. ments must also make sure
no one wants to buy them: spike. First, new discoveries $100 a barrel. Moreover, exciting discov- their policies to reduce car-
“We think there has been have struggled to outpace ConocoPhillips, the US eries around the world bon dioxide do not make oil
over-investment in the sup- the speed with which old group, plans to cut capital show that the seven years and gas exploration so unat-
ply chain,” he says. “Even fields are declining. The spending by $1.5bn and of oil price rises that ended tractive that investment
with strong [economic] world depends on a few shed $10bn in costs over in 2008 prompted smaller falls before greener alterna-
growth, oil demand will not giant, old, slowing fields two years; Eni of Italy, has companies to explore virgin tives become available. West African Jubilee: Tullow Oil’s Songa Saturn rig searches for oil off the coast of Ghana

Prosperity of
the world
hinges on oil
This lack of a supply
Guest Column response from outside the
MICHAEL ROTHMAN Opec cartel illustrates the
neglect of the oil industry
When the price of oil over the last two decades,
neared $150 a barrel last but, more importantly, it
year, blame was attributed represents the first time
to unusual trading patterns since the second world war
related to an explosion in that the industry has not
oil derivatives trading, “oil managed a meaningful
as an asset class” supply response to higher
transactions and an average oil prices.
unprecedented correlation The second option to
between crude prices and assuage the fear in the
the US dollar. market is to decrease
Lawmakers and the demand. Here again, it is
investment community helpful to examine the
have made Herculean 1973-1980 cycle: from 1979
efforts to root out to 1983, roughly 10 per cent
speculative influences but of global oil demand
the reasons for instability evaporated as oil used for
in the oil market are much heat and electricity
more fundamental. generation was displaced
The oil market cycle that by coal, natural gas and
began in 2003 is unlike any nuclear power. This
we have seen previously demand destruction
and suggests that the stemmed from the fact that
world economy may have roughly 30 per cent of the
become alarmingly world’s oil use during the
dependent on the price of 1970s was for heat and
oil. power.
The rally in oil prices Today, however, such a
that started the current dramatic shift away from
cycle stemmed from fears oil demand is highly
about availability after improbable: over 70 per
three supply shocks in a cent of global oil
five-month period took consumption is currently
about 8 per cent of global for transportation fuels,
oil supply out of the while a quarter is used for
market in 2003: the petrochemical feedstocks or
Venezuelan oil workers’ specialty materials –
strike cut the country’s oil neither of which can easily
output by 90 per cent, the be replaced by alternative
second Gulf War led to the fuels.
complete shut-down of
Iraq’s production and
rioting in Nigeria related Inelastic structural
to the presidential election demand means oil
interrupted 40 per cent of
its oil output. has become the
These outages may have
been transitory, but they
most significant
nevertheless generated influence on the
fears about oil availability
which were reinforced by
health of the global
other supply-side economy
considerations such as the
effective re-nationalisation
of Yukos in Russia and With structural demand
indications that Iran was for petroleum now so
developing nuclear inelastic, demand for oil
weapons. has become the most
In a market where fear significant influence on the
drives oil prices, there are health of the global
two possible solutions: a economy. But without a
supply response, which in meaningful non-Opec
terms of the global oil supply response, the only
market means an increase possible response to limits
in supply from non-Opec on availability are to
producers, or a decrease in change the level of
demand. consumption. However,
A similar fear-based high and rigid demand
market existed at the end characteristics mean it is
of the 1973-1980 cycle extremely difficult for the
which saw Iran’s oil output world economy to adapt its
shut down completely demand to the limits on
(taking 10 per cent of the supply.
world’s supply offline). But The result is that the
when that cycle came to price of oil has an ever
an end, non-Opec output greater interdependency
was in the midst of a 35 with the wider economy.
per cent rise. In the Or, put another way, the
current cycle, the non-Opec global economy is staring
supply response has been down the barrel of a series
very limited: since 2004, of boom-bust cycles that
when capital expenditures will be directly caused by
for oil exploration and the availability of oil.
production activity started
a major upswing, the Michael Rothman, is the
cumulative non-Opec president and founder of
supply growth has totalled Cornerstone Analytics, an
less than 2 per cent and it energy consultant to
is difficult to find any data government and
that suggests non-Opec quasi-government
growth will exceed 1 per organisations and a former
cent in any given year chief energy strategist at
over the next five years. Merrill Lynch

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